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The Growing White House Email Conspiracy

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posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 10:37 PM
This report really does lay out EXACTLY what happened and how it is illegal...very informative.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:20 PM
Thank you SaucyRossy...........all of you have been so helpful and supportive in my quest to find the truth. I wouldn't have gone to the extremes I have if these guys would have done the right thing.

Our guberment really sucks anymore. I don't know why they just can't suck it up, admit their mistakes, pay their dues, serve their prison sentences, then change their lives.

Try to make the world a better place. Instead........they try to ruin innocent peoples lives.

On a different note, I think the feds are onto this place because a NARC over at Trollkingdom posted I was here. I just wanted you guys/gals to be aware in case they try some kind of attack. They try to take websites is some kind of sick game to them. My nic is rov_is_a_fag on the board and they keep me locked down in DayCare. They have kept me there for the last three is the website whereby I had a false criminal charge and a forged criminal record created on me via fraud by wire. The IRS runs the site, don't let them kid you. There are military people there and the FBI has been monitoring the place.

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 11:53 AM
There is nothing like being set up by the IRS and high-ranking military officials........they are people the citizens of the U.S. pay to protect us from terrorists yet they themselves have started terrorizing the American people. I am not saying all of them, just the people who are in high enough positions to ruin us.

The website was registered to an IRS agent, since this was discovered you now have to have a court order to find out who owns the website. One of the people who run it...........Bob.............484-686-8302 has been one of the most duplicitous people. He squashed every attempt I made to have a trial in my case, he helped with the cover-up, he aided/abetted in criminal acts committed against me all the while acting like he was on my side. I lost everything I had in the process, he benefited from information I gave him, the feds raked in millions, I tried to do the right thing, I was so desperate to trust anyone I gave him a lot of information March 2007 that lead to quite a triumph and cash cow for the feds not that they haven't already PROFITED enough. In turn, they have ruined me personally, professionally and financially and to this day have done NOTHING to help me. I have the names of several federal agents I uncovered when doing my own online investigation. When I am evicted from my home next week I am going to publish EVERYTHING here, I am going to send it to the link you provided above..........the link that asks citizens to submit crime stories.

It is one thing to have crimes committed against you by others, it is quite another story when federal agencies commit crimes against its own citizens. They aren't going to SQUASH me any longer. This is the reason people no longer trust our government to do the right thing.

I would also warn anyone who reads this to NEVER submit information to any federal agency or federal agent if you have information about criminal activity. You will NOT be protected, quite the contrary..........they will set you up worse than any criminal ever would. I hope the bas*ards in the federal agencies involved in the cover-up in my case choke and are exposed for what they really are.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by Jillian_Bacardi]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 12:03 PM
He is the person who gave me the nic to post under, I was IP banned today after publishing the phone number and this...........
TX 379 HNR.............I told him this person was stalking me, I asked him to please find out who it is. He cut off all communication after that.

If any of you have resources, I think you will find the information I am getting ready to throw out to you very interesting. I also think you will see how corrupt our guberment has been in my case.

I had the good sense to arrange to have this board "hacked" on 8/5/05, the person is a private citizen but he used the D.A.'s office to help with the hack after I told him federal agents were involved. I also knew if they discovered something they probably would help with the cover-up so I enlisted another private citizen I knew I could trust. We were in constant communication as I set this up, he is a cracker/hacker...........he told me he had already probed for vulnerabilities and once the board was taken down it would give him the opportunity to do his own work. I now have more than 2 private citizens with the record. Since they are forcing me into a corner, I am now going to FORCE thier ruination. I have private citizens with records, knowledge, who have witnessed this for years. They won't be able to hide like the COWARDS they are anymore. I hope the whole bunch of them ROT. I hope they go to prison.

On a side note...........the D.A. I mentioned above..........has been thrown out of office (10/06) and is under investigation by the FBI/TBI/Board of Professional Responsibility whom I have also provided a lot of records in my case. Not all records.................a lot. This Bob guy...........wanted to know how much I knew, it is why he has acted in the criminal manner he has. He got what I wanted him to have. What he doesn't know is how much information I have about him.

I have recently contacted exacta since all of the agencies involved fall under their jurisdiction and more than one of their people are involved. We shall see how honorable they are especially in light of the fact Ft. Hood sent someone to do my initial cable is more than an hour drive from Austin. I had to have another technician from this area come to undo their work. When I tried to find a job here they tried to starve me out with constant attacks on my computer. These guys have gone beyond INSANE.

Examples of Computer Intrusions:


Instrusion: NMap Xmas Scan
Risk level: medium
Protocol: TCP
Attached Toshiba User:

My Findings:
Ft.Huachuca Military Reservation
Sierra Vista Headquarters USSAAISC
Geographic: Ft. Belvoir, VA


Intrusion: Portscan
Risk level: medium
Intruder: Domain (53)
Protocol: UDP
Attached Toshiba User:
Port: 2175

TCA Cable of Russellville
Russellville, AR
Geographic: Tyler, TX


Instrusion: Deep Throat Trojan Horse
Risk level: high
Inbound: UDP
Attach Toshiba User:, 6670
Remote address service is: (
Process name: n/a

2/8/07; 3:12 pm

Instrusion: Master Paradise Trojan Horse
Path: n/a
File name: n/a
Direction: Inbound
Local Address:
Local Port: 3129
Remote Address:
Remote Port: 3129
Protocol: UDP

The system DLL user32.dll was relocated in memory. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL C:\windows\system32\HHCTRL.OCX occupied an address range reserved for Windows system DLLs. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.

[edit on 21-6-2007 by Jillian_Bacardi]

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Your posts have nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Please stop.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 05:48 AM
Wow, no encouragement to start a new thread? This is as suss as a bum full of needle marks. Let the poster post SOMEWHERE!

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 11:20 AM
You know about how they listen your phone calls? It is true. They pay close attention to the mid-west area of the U.S. because they beleive most terrorists might blend into small, rural towns. There was this one guy who we listened to for at least thirty minutes talking to his freaking wife on what to do for dinner. Do not trust your goverment.

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by unknown_user
They pay close attention to the mid-west area of the U.S. because they beleive most terrorists might blend into small, rural towns.

That's one of the dumber things I've ever seen. If anyone wants to "blend in" anywhere, a small town's the absolute last place to do it.

I guess "They" never lived in a small town.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by DuncanIdahoGholem
Wow, no encouragement to start a new thread? This is as suss as a bum full of needle marks. Let the poster post SOMEWHERE!

Emerald Point Marine~~Y64 DPP

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Your posts have nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Please stop.

please forgive me if you think I have derailed or my information has no relation to the topic. Sometimes the connections you find in a case would not be obvious to everyone. feel free to delete my posts.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Jillian_Bacardi
please forgive me if you think I have derailed or my information has no relation to the topic. Sometimes the connections you find in a case would not be obvious to everyone. feel free to delete my posts.

How about just opening a thread specifically for your topic?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 05:59 AM
Yep, that would be best. If people wanted medicare fraud they would be more likely to click on a thread named medicare fraud.

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