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Why do they hide it?

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posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:07 AM
My number one question for those who beleive this is as follows...

WHAT makes you think the Government has anymore knowledge of or, even more incredible, contact and or agreements with aliens?!

This is simply kooky. The "Government" is made up of Human Beings just like the rest of society. I don't beleive they have ANY more contact with or intimate knowledge of aliens than anybody else does.

They may have "covered up" what little evidence they have acquired over the years, if they have acquired any, but to think that they have contact with, intimate knowledge of and the worst yet, any control over aliens is nutz.

Hell's bell's our government can't keep the easy stuff secret and you all expect me to beleive there is something THIS BIG that has been kept totally secret for over FIFTY YEARS?!

I am convinced several people would have sold out by now if there was anything to this. Once they went public they would safe because if anything happened to them the indeviduals in the government would be instantly brought up on charges for murder, etc...

This is the perfect situation for OCCAM'S Razor...

Bottom line, in my opinion is the government may have acquired some bizarre photos and witness accounts over the years of strange goings on that they simply CAN'T explain. Being an authoritative body it doesn't look good to come out and say "we don't know" so they cover it up.

Fantasies of contact and control have abounded and will continue to because that's Human Nature.

I actually like the theory that whole alien/ufo ideology was created by the military to cover up new weapons systems testing. (most recently...remember the stealth bomber incidents?)

This plan backfired on them because the Russian's figured out they could log jam our communication systems by flooding them with UFO sightings and generally encouraging the hysteria.

Afterwords the boys in the Pentagon dropped the plan but the public had bought the hoax hook, line and sinker and was clammoring for the evidence.

THere are so many more explanations for all of this that don't require the rewriting of physical laws, the beleif of the impossible or the improbable that it amazes me this is still such a widely held beleif today, some fifty years after the first primitive hoax.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
OR maybe, we are the aliens...

you jest, but what if we are?
Perhaps movies like Invasion of the body snatchers are hints as to our true nature.
Don't you ever get that feeling that even if your body died your consciousness/awareness would not die with it?
What if we are a parasite? Our essence... our mind... our soul.... is our true form and we simply inhabit these bodies as a means of intereaction on this planet.

Oh ya, Nephy is paranoid again.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 04:05 PM

WHAT makes you think the Government has anymore knowledge of or, even more incredible, contact and or agreements with aliens?!
Evidence of cover up such as the 1965 Edwards AFB and 1980 Rendlesham Forest incidents exists. Something was there that had no further public investigation given. There is something tangible to this subject.

I am convinced several people would have sold out by now if there was anything to this. Once they went public they would safe because if anything happened to them the indeviduals in the government would be instantly brought up on charges for murder, etc...
They have been attempting to blow the whistle for some time now.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 04:57 PM

They have been attempting to blow the whistle for some time now.

Yes, as well as make a profit from blowing the whistle. From now until they "blow the whistle" you can pay for a new video every month of testimonys. *sarcasm*

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by DerekpacIsAlive
Yes, as well as make a profit from blowing the whistle. From now until they "blow the whistle" you can pay for a new video every month of testimonys. *sarcasm*
Yes as we all know, gathering hundreds of people for something nobody will sponsor, making promotional materials to get the information out, and setting up press conferences is free. Get real. It takes money to make anything happen.

[Edited on 26-12-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:25 AM
Because Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and quite a few other idiots would be out of a job and then the govt wouldn't have anyone to control the peoples new fear. ~Mikey

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by JeanLucPicard
Is there truly a point for the Government to hide alien existance from us? I can't really think of a good reseaon.

I dont believe that the government is hiding anything. If they are, then they have a reason...wouldn't you say?

My question to you. Why can't you accept the evidence? If I showed you solid evidence right to your face that aliens did not exist, you wouldn't believe it anyway.

I believe the site motto is.....Deny Ignorance.

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:40 AM
It's pretty easy to say why they would want to hide it. Think about it, such advanced technology that they could be superior to anyone. If you and I knew things Alien/Advanced technology knew, WHY would we need a government?

And why do you think the 'important' people in government have places to run/hide where they can be safe in times of war/trouble? Simple, they don't care about US!'s kinda funny this is done for purposes of "Continuity of Government" well....if there's nobody topside left to 'govern' then what's the point?......I say it's a self-serving "save your own ass" attitude. I'm sure if we knew what they knew, those in government would be S.O.L.!

posted on Jan, 12 2004 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Frostmourne
Unfortunately, as long as we have several Governments, the chances of one using the knowledge against the other will prevent it.. the most funny tho is the greatest chance to be contacted by them would be by having a world government, which many visitors of this site fear.

HAH! This was my first thought when seeing this thread... that "hey, wouldn't ONE contact with the aliens - a world government - be ideal?" Then I slapped myself hard. I used to believe that alien contact would unify the world (a la Independence Day, the movie). However, we'll surely fight amongst ourselves...

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 10:05 AM
The government knows a great deal about UFO's and they are keeping the technology a secret for one reason:

To use it for their own personal benefits:

1. Greed
2. Money
3. Power

The aliens are not here to wipe us off the planet because they've shown no hostility towards us. They are visiting our planet to try and make peace with us but the government doesn't want peace. They want the alien technology for themselves.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 11:32 AM
I believe that "aliens" will be used by "the government" and NWO to scare us into accepting the ways of the NWO... probably in 2012 !

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 04:11 PM
If there are ET visitors, then they could have easily come in peace, and publicly set up mutually beneficial diplomatic relations.
E.g. ambassadors here, and our ambassadors going there.
We learn about their world and culture, and they learn about ours.

it would have been traumatic, but if humans are convinced---by words and actions---of their good intentions and friendliness then things would turn out OK.

That has not happened. Why?

Consider the reverse scenario, us going over to some new nearby star which had a technological-but not space-faring civilization. Would we behave as obnoxiously as those ETs have been rumored to? I doubt it. Notice what they haven't done. If we were able to go to another civilization, we would want to learn about its culture, its history, its art and its thoughts. We wouldn't be able to do that except by landing and talking to them. Similarly if we wanted to know about their biology, the ethical thing to do would be to land and go to their medical school and politely ask them.

I think it is a very bad mistake to assume that the governments are more evil than the aliens.

Thinking logically. If there are in fact ET's coming here (seriously under debate)

A) the aliens are principally responsible for the secrecy as they could make friendly contact any time they desired.
B) the aliens have no respect for our laws and make no apparent attempt to work within the legitimate bounds of society.
C) the governments do not acknowledge any presence.

It is possible the scenario is more like "We are here to do whatever the frack we want. Don't ever ask us about it, and make sure you don't let any of your ``cattle'' find out about us. If you get in the way, your ass is toast. We are making an offer that you can't refuse, capiche?"

if a government coverup is preventing a 100,000 megaton asteroid from 'accidentally' going off course, then I guess I gotta be for it.

posted on Jan, 13 2004 @ 09:24 PM
OK I'm don't beat me up too bad.
I believe that one of the main reasons our government as well as others would not want full disclosure of aliens is that it would result in a loss of control. A loss in control over the population. If tomorrow we were all told the truth that we are not alone and that the Earth is being visited by advanced beings or that they have "guided" our genetic and societal development.....what a revelation! Suddenly our petty differences could become trivial. Within time we may not think of ourselves as Americans, Russians, Germans, and what not. Maybe we would suddenly see ourselves as humans, Earthlings, or Terrans. Maybe we as a unified people of the planet Earth would now actively seek a relationship or membership in the galactic neighborhood. Earthly governments, power cartels, and military dictatorships would become a fleeing memory. How could governemnts possibly want to lose such control?Hopefully if and when disclosure comes it will be the aliens revealing themselves to the entire world and no government will be able to stop it.

---Matty (mattywhelz)

[Edited on 13-1-2004 by mattywhelz]

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by mattywhelz]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel
If there are ET visitors, then they could have easily come in peace, and publicly set up mutually beneficial diplomatic relations.
I'm sure that ET visitors could set up diplomatic relations, but I don't know about that "easily" part. Dealing with any of our governments, they're gonna have to get through our military first, and it could be that our governments have taken a hostile attitude to keep our status quo going as long as possible and delay such attempts. Nobody is going to be making diplomatic relations when guns are involved. We really don't know how this is being handled.

Consider the reverse scenario, us going over to some new nearby star which had a technological-but not space-faring civilization. Would we behave as obnoxiously as those ETs have been rumored to? I doubt it.
Going over our history, pretty much every time an advanced civilization here meets up with a more primitive one, the more advanced one takes advantage and eventually destroys or subjugates the primitive civilization. Ever since the earth has switched over to our contemporary politically correct ways, we haven't had a chance to find a new primitive civilization, they were all found beforehand. Some of these civilizations still exist, but they are far fewer in number today. So we really can't make a guess as to how we would react if we stumbled onto a civilization outside our planet with our current mindset. I still think we'd do similarly to what we did in the past. Consider if we found a planet made of gold with a bunch of yokels on it. I'm sure we'd put them on reservations and turn their planet into mine-littered swiss cheese.

I think it is a very bad mistake to assume that the governments are more evil than the aliens.
Quite right. Nobody should assume anything about this subject. Too many unknowns to really place definitive answers (other than UFO cover up, IMO).

A) the aliens are principally responsible for the secrecy as they could make friendly contact any time they desired.
B) the aliens have no respect for our laws and make no apparent attempt to work within the legitimate bounds of society.
C) the governments do not acknowledge any presence.
A. Possibly. It depends on how willing our governments are, as noted above.
B. I'm not so sure we know that. They do violate our air space, but beyond that, all form of contact is very subjective regarding evidence.
C. Absolutely correct.

It is possible the scenario is more like "We are here to do whatever the frack we want. Don't ever ask us about it, and make sure you don't let any of your ``cattle'' find out about us. If you get in the way, your ass is toast. We are making an offer that you can't refuse, capiche?"
Very possible.

if a government coverup is preventing a 100,000 megaton asteroid from 'accidentally' going off course, then I guess I gotta be for it.
If that is the case, then I'm all for it as well. I just don't think that this is the case. These objects are seen way too frequently for them to really be hiding themselves.

[Edited on 14-1-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 02:24 AM
actually, in Earth history, diplomatic relations were established more often when guns were involved.

when it was guns versus spear, on the other hand......

As far as feeling a loss of control? No way. When there is a potential external threat, people will rally around their existing leaders. It would certainly benefit the status quo and it would bring some stupid human differences together.

If you were a bad alien and wanted us fractured, then you do what you're doing.

if you were a good alien, you would come and knock politely and ask, and in a way that would bypass the supposedly evil militaries.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel
As far as feeling a loss of control? No way. When there is a potential external threat, people will rally around their existing leaders. It would certainly benefit the status quo and it would bring some stupid human differences together.
I'm not so sure about that. Any kind of government admission will change the world to some degree with many unforseen effects. Now there would certainly be a rallying around our existing leaders, but it will create a destabilizing effect upon the economy. Possibly even destroying it with such a heavy revelation. Nobody wants that.

If you were a bad alien and wanted us fractured, then you do what you're doing.

if you were a good alien, you would come and knock politely and ask, and in a way that would bypass the supposedly evil militaries.
I will say that I do not think ETs have our best intentions with all this stupid secrecy. I just don't think its going to be something so horrible that the government has to keep it a secret lest our world be destroyed by alien forces.

As for good aliens/alien diplomacy, we certainly haven't seen it, but then, if a UFO would land in a civilian area, would anybody ever hear about it? That could certainly be the issue. If you have a government that is so desperate to keep this thing quiet, there could have been tons of failed attempts at public outings by ETs. If they're the type that refuse to use force, then of course they will have a hard time getting seen by the public at large.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 02:10 PM
Assuming the ETs are not stupid, they could easily figure out

A) average public does not know for sure they are there

B) how to change that in a very short while. Say, how about landing and going onto Larry King Live?

Obviously the ET's agree with the coverup.

It's also possible that if the government did reveal ET contacts as they were now they would be under excessive public pressure to militarize against a threat they cannot counter successfully.

Imagine the scenario. Government says "ET's are real, and powerful, and not entirely nice. Oh by the way we have been trying to get good diplomatic relations with them for 40 years but they've been flipping us the clawed finger, going off and anal probing bubbas in the woods. We can't do anything about it. Sorry. But hey, how about Saddam?"

Yes, that would be pretty dangerous to society I guess.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 08:28 PM
He was the original "Communion" guy, welcome our friendly space brothers.

No longer. Basically, he says all the reports of nice encounters have stopped and the malevolent ones have increased.

He also believes the coverup is the aliens' fault, and the government is squashing information because of alien influence.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 08:38 PM
And a reason for the coverup?


-A Personal Breakthrough: A Huge Question Answered
Thursday October 16th, 2003
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Ever since I realized that something strange had happened to me on December 26, 1985, I have held the question open of what that might have been. In Communion, I was careful to preserve this question throughout the book, and I have always stayed loyal to this question, no matter how much pressure I have been under to resolve it in one way or another.

However, I have also always believed that it is essential not to cling to questions after they have been answered, and this one has been answered. I know what happened to me on that night, and I know, if not who did it, then certainly who did not. I also know that the United States government is actively engaged in a process of debunking the truth about the situation, and the �why� of that.

It has taken me nearly twenty years to reach these conclusions. Oddly, the change in my position has not been a slow process but a relatively quick one. Let me tell you how it came about.

In 1989, I was in anguish. I knew that something truly extraordinary was happening to me, and also that our degenerate culture was laughing it off with rectal probe jokes. I am a very private man, and on a personal, sexual level very conservative, and I found this not only humiliating but depressing. It was depressing to see that the amazingly rich and complex experience that I was having was being rejected. But I also knew that there was no historical record of anything similar. I had made a very special sort of a breakthrough that could have been a rich source of new scientific knowledge, but it was being treated as a joke.

In those days, radio and television shows, eager to be as cruel to me as possible for the entertainment of their audiences, used to try to obtain copies of my second hypnosis tape. They wanted to get a laugh out of a man describing how he had felt while being raped.

I would sometimes send them copies, if they were especially vicious in their threats of how they would treat me on the air if I didn�t, but I would remove from the copies everything about the �rectal probe.�

Then I stopped altogether even taking calls from the media. I confined my media appearances to book tours only. But then, as I was publishing Confirmation, Parade Magazine suddenly published a false article stating that I had admitted that I had temporal lobe epilepsy and had become a celebrity supporter of the Epilepsy Foundation.

This was completely false, literally made up out of whole cloth, and I was able to force Parade to print a retraction as prominent as the original article. The editor confidentially told me that the source of the story had been Parade�s publisher. I soon discovered that he was a prominent U.S. Air Force personality, a general in the reserves, and an Air Force loyalist.

I have always believed that this story was concocted as part of a debunking effort being carried out by the Air Force. Also as part of this effort, the U.S. intimidated agents, film studios and television outlets into not doing anything with Communion, even though it was a tremendous bestseller and would obviously make a highly successful movie. As a result, no studio would touch the book, and the film was made independently on a tiny budget and was hardly distributed at all.

Finally, I quit writing about my experiences so that I wouldn�t have to go on book tours. Art Bell took me in like a orphan in a storm, giving me a frequent voice as a guest on Coast-to- Coast AM, and eventually giving me Dreamland. So I still had an ability to tell people what I was doing, but without exposing myself to the humiliation, willful ignorance and rabid lying of the general media.

Long before the publication of Confirmation, I had become unable to listen to the second hypnosis tape. In fact, I lost it. All I had were a couple of copies of the edited version. The last time I listened to the whole tape was in late 1986, to transcribe it for Communion. I all but sweated blood during that process.

Until about two weeks ago, I thought that the tape was gone forever. Then I had the experience that I described in my last journal entry, �The Capture House.� The tape reappeared. It showed up in the drawer of my bedside table. I am too careful to claim outright that it hadn�t been there all along, because I cannot prove that, but frankly, I have looked in that drawer hundreds of times in the years it has been beside my bed, and I never saw the tape.

A few days after I found the tape, I received an e-mail from a reader of this website that proved to be of tremendous, even epochal, importance in my life. The reader theorized that I had been the victim of something called electroejaculation. This involves the insertion of a probe into the rectum, and the application of an electrical current that stimulates muscles to erect the penis and cause an ejaculation. It is used in animal husbandry and in sex clinics.

I had never heard of such a thing, but a little research quickly revealed that the machines exist and have been around for years. In listening to the tape again, it became obvious that I was describing being electroejaculated. First, I describe the insertion of the probe into my body. A moment later, I express surprise that I have suddenly gotten an erection, then react as I am aware of my ejaculation. I remember one of the creatures who were doing this to me running off with it in a little container.

The innocent confusion on that tape is eloquent. I was being subjected, back in December of 1986, to a clinical procedure that I did not even known existed until October of 2003. My description of what was happening to me is an exact description of the procedure.

To me, this has closed the door on any possibility that what happened to me that night was in any way imaginary or illusory. It was a real event, and I do not believe that it was done by people in disguise, but by nonhuman creatures of unknown origin. The reason that I am so firm about this second part is that I believe not only my own eyes, but the testimony of hundreds of thousands of people, and most especially, the recent British Columbia abduction case of �Cynthia,� which is the best documented case of this kind in history.

Cynthia was not alone when she entered the initial phase of the encounter. She was with another witness who shared her perceptions and her experience, exactly as people do in normal life. Not only that, both women suffered physical after- effects, and the other witness experienced a mysterious burn above her coccyx that was severe enough to require medical attention. In addition, researcher Brian Vike has identified witnesses who observed unusual lights in the sky in the area where Cynthia and the other witness were having their encounter, at the time that it was taking place.

Even if I did not have thousands of other abduction cases to point to, I would have to be very thick-headed indeed to continue to entertain the idea that there was anything imaginary or false about this. It is real experience. It involves abduction by creatures that do not walk the streets here on earth, and it is concerned with the taking of tissue and/or sexual material from the victims.

Not only that, the United States government is engaged in a ferocious coverup of this activity. I say ferocious because I believe that a lot of the debunking that goes on is carefully designed by professional sociologists. What was done to me in Parade Magazine showed sophistication and skill, and did immense damage to me. If I could ever obtain proof, I would certainly sue the United States, although I have no doubt that they would claim that it had been done legally, in the name of national security.

And they would be quite right to make this claim. The Air Force doesn�t have a vendetta against me. It is evidently charged with controlling public acceptance of the UFO phenomenon, and is simply carrying out orders.

But why? Why not warn us that somebody might enter our bedrooms in the night and steal our most precious contents from us? Why not attempt to protect us instead of seek to make it easier for them to do this?

The conclusion is inescapable that the government is making sure that the public remains passive and thus vulnerable. The U.S. government is proactively assisting the creatures that are attacking us. If there was general public knowledge, people would take steps to protect themselves. Ways and means could and would be found. If this was not true, if we were indeed helpless, then there would be no reason for the secrecy. The creatures would simply come and do their will in an open and obvious way and that would be that.

Government secrecy is a weapon. It is being used against us. When the Air Force debunks and lies about UFOs and close encounters, it is attacking the American people with a powerful and brutal weapon. When the CIA lies and says it knows nothing about this, it is striking a blow against the country it is supposed to serve.

They aren�t doing this out of hatred of the American people or the people of the world. They are doing it out of fear that, if they don�t do it, we will suffer even worse consequences.

What might they be? What danger would be great enough to turn a government against its own people�indeed, its own species and its world? My uncle, Col. E. M. Strieber, told me that he was aware of the arrival of materials from the Roswell crash at Wright Field in the summer of 1947. He also told me that he�d understood that the secrecy initially came from concern that they might represent a new type of Soviet craft, but later that there was a threat, if the secret of the presence of these intruders was not kept, to destroy the earth in an instant.

General Arthur Exon, who was for many years my uncle�s commanding officer, told me that he had been a member for the Air Force of a committee that studied this situation for many years, and indeed, as late as 1988, was still attending meetings at Wright-Patterson. He said that his belief was that the secrecy was for a more positive reason, which was that we would be culturally destroyed if we were exposed to much higher visitor knowledge, much as primitive civilizations have been destroyed on earth when exposed to scientifically advanced cultures.

As I have written in these columns before, I also believe that there is another possible reason for the secrecy, which is that official admission of the reality of the visitors might be a sort of trigger that enables them to come swarming into our world�to actually make our world part of theirs.

posted on Jan, 14 2004 @ 08:38 PM
Well we cant even get along with the people on our own planet...what makes you think we will get along with aliens!?!?!?

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