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Students Facing Charges of 'Desecration of Allah'

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posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Students Facing Charges of 'Desecration of Allah'

College Republicans at San Francisco State University desecrated the name of Allah by stepping on makeshift Hezbollah and Hamas flags, charged school officials who brought the students before a hearing yesterday.

The trouble began at an Oct. 17 anti-terrorism rally in which the students stepped on butcher paper painted to resemble the flags of the Middle East terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah. The College Republicans say they simply copied the script from an image on the Internet and didn't know it bore the name of Allah in Arabic script.

University spokeswoman Ellen Griffin, however, told San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders the university "stands behind this process" of investigating the students for possible punishment.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 08:36 AM
Is this yet another school that does not have its head on right? This is unbelievable, it is a flag for crying out loud. I never saw anyone cry foul when Danish Flags were stepped on, did you?

The cross design symbolises Christianity and is depicted extending to the edges of the flag with the vertical part of the cross shifted to the hoist side.

Wow imagine that the cross represents Christianity, like I said unbelievable.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 3/10/2007 by shots]

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 09:05 AM
Oh. So it's OK when the American flag is burned and urinated on, but it's wrong when a picture of Allah is stepped upon?

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Where is the ACLU in this instance? They should be defending the First Amendment rights of the students.

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 09:20 AM
As if they were being taught to make terrorist bombs or some such as they are in many islamis"universities".good grief!what has happened to freedom of speech??

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 09:36 AM
Why can't the people of different faiths or beliefs just realize that these are just material things. Their faith/religion is still there. They did not harm anything or anybody by doing this.

It shouldn't harm their beliefs or their faith in what they believe in.

[edit on 10/3/07 by Keyhole]

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Xfile
As if they were being taught to make terrorist bombs or some such as they are in many islamis"universities".good grief!what has happened to freedom of speech??:

Unfortunately it would appear that the politically correct Police, do not want us to have any freedom of speech. They are leaving it up to themselves to determine what we can or cannot say.

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 12:46 PM
Is the college the one taking the matters into their own interpretation of what is right and wrong.

First of all they are using the freedom of religion to base their assumptions of the desecration.

Because the issue of a make believe flag on paper is hardly a religious symbol and Hamas have no official national flag either, plus is not public description or pictures of Allah, this probably will stay at the discretion of the politically correct college officials.

At the end this can not stand on any court of law and if the officials decided to use this as an excuse to charges the students and ban them from the college, it probably be law sues filled against the school.

So it probably ends on nothing.


posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by shots
Unfortunately it would appear that the politically correct Police, do not want us to have any freedom of speech. They are leaving it up to themselves to determine what we can or cannot say.

Consistent with my support of the US Constitution I support the freedom of speech of these students, however I must question the sincerity of your support. It seems that you pick and choose the parts of the constitution which you support based on whether it fits your partisan ideology or it does not. I'd bet money that we would not hear a peep out of you if these were democrats being persecuted.

IMHO it is partisans such as yourself that are causing our constitutional rights to be eroded a bit a time by this selective self serving support of the US Constitution. The left nibbles away a little in one direction, while the right chews some bit away in another. You assault the constitution in one thread because it's application is contrary to your ideology, then you show up hear whining about the lack of constitutional protections. Which is it? Either you support constitutional rights or you do not. You can't have it both ways.

posted on Mar, 10 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by df1
It seems that you pick and choose the parts of the constitution which you support based on whether it fits your partisan ideology or it does not. I'd bet money that we would not hear a peep out of you if these were democrats being persecuted.

Frankly in this case I could care less about what party they might or might not be affilated with. It is wrong to supress anyones free speech.

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