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Beware Of The Agent Provocateur

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posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 10:15 AM
**This is an article that was e-mailed to me today from someone I know. Its regarding something called "the agent provocateur" a tool that was apart of COINTELRPO. He went on to say that some forums were discussing COINTELPRO like ATS and we experiencing problems of so called "inflitration". I have put this in RATS due to its subject matter**

Beware Of The Agent Provocateur
By Unknown

The agent provocateur may be a paid, or unpaid agent enlisted by the enemies of our folk. His function is to infiltrate, disrupt, and/or destroy.

Like a Trojan Horse, the agent provocateur works to destroy our folkish communities from within. He does this by first winning the trust and confidence of those he has targeted.

There are two kinds of provocateurs: the soft provocateur, and the hard provocateur. Both are dangerous to the kindred, so be on guard.

The soft provocateur is an expert at the three D’s of destruction: Dissension, distraction, and disruption. His arsenal includes fabrications, distortions, misrepresentations, and misinformation. He spreads slander systematically and craftily; seeking to undermine the kindred leadership, and thus deny it of it’s driving force. He plants seeds of doubt with the object of turning the kindreds attentions away from folkish activity, and instead diverting it and it’s resources against itself. His modus operandi is: divide and conquer!

The hard provocateur is a more direct animal, and therefore a bit easier to detect and contain. He presents himself as a man of action, and is consistently trying to lure others into illegal actions. It is implied that if you don’t follow his plans of illegality, then you are somehow lacking in spirit or dedication. He thus uses intimidation and peer pressure to entrap otherwise intelligent folk into participating in illegal schemes that are both doomed to fail, and designed to place the kindred in a poor public light.

It’s imperative for kindred leadership to take decisive action against suspected agent provocateurs. Whether a person is just plain gossipy or an actual provocateur is immaterial if, after repeated warnings the gossiper persists, and the damage is real.

As for suspected hard agent provocateurs, conspiracy laws demand quick and decisive action. Consequently, the folk should be alert to the signs described, and report them to the kindred leadership.

Quick expulsion should follow if accusations are verified as to wrongful conduct, and net proof of whether one actually is an agent provocateur should be the standard. And if so proven, that person must be avoided by all, with even friendship taking a back seat to kindred security.

The folk communities must establish guidelines both within their own kindreds, and between each other. Intra-organizatonal cooperation is absolutely required to prevent "floaters" from traveling from one group to another.

· Beware of all strangers. Historically, resistance to tyrants has taken the form of small autonomous groups whose members know and trust one another from long experience. These groups are then united by common interest, common goals, and common literature. But, a strict hierarchy will soon be broken by the tyrants’ agents.

· Beware of the man who is "too perfect." He says all the right things, he needs little persuasion, and he supplies money. The wealthy are usually in bed with the tyrant, and they are the last to oppose despotism.

· Be doubly aware of a stranger who proposes illegal activities. You will soon find him testifying against you in Federal court.

· Beware of those who draw checks from the enemy. They are very likely to have divided loyalties. It is difficult for a man to destroy the beast from whose teats he sucks.

· Avoid drunks, drug users, and anyone of unstable character. Always chose quality over quantity.

· Recognize the media tactics, and don’t react to buzz words. Religious separatists, White separatists, tax resistors, and other groups are called cultists, bigots, Nazis, and other words which the masses are conditioned to hate. After the media have demonized the target, as in Waco, Texas, the Government is free to murder at will. Ask yourself, "Is it wrong for people to preserve their religion, their race, or to resist oppressive taxation?"

· Beware of someone whose intellect, education, and background appear different from those with whom he attempts to associate. Most people inter-relate with others of the same interests and backgrounds.

· Investigate. Do a little investigation. To be sure, the Federals can create good cover. But, they seldom bother because up to now resistance groups have almost never checked their associates’ backgrounds.

· Recognize the ruthlessness of the tyrants, and act accordingly. A government which will mass murder innocent women and children is not going to play "Fair" with you.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 02:51 PM
Okay, thanks for posting this.

But unfortunately, I'm going to say something you may not like... I believe it's highly likely this is from an "Agent Provocateur", rather than a "concerned party."

It's the worst kind of "COINTELPRO Fear-Mongering". Encouraging us to become skeptical of our fellows and report suspicious activity! My God man... that asks us to become that which we deplore!

I am more and more concerned that any resurgence of "Counter Intelligence Programs" insurgency into groups like us, is very likely taking this precise form... inspiring fear and concern over those who think a little differently.

I mean... really...

"Consequently, the folk should be alert to the signs described, and report them to the kindred leadership."

"Quick expulsion should follow if accusations are verified as to wrongful conduct "

"friendship taking a back seat to kindred security "

"Intra-organizatonal cooperation is absolutely required to prevent "floaters" from traveling from one group to another "

"Beware of all strangers "

"Recognize the media tactics "

"Beware of someone whose intellect, education, and background appear different from those with whom he attempts to associate "

"Investigate. Do a little investigation "


Seriously, this is a "communique'" to like-minded groups to inspire them to constantly question and doubt the people within their groups... the precise technique used by the original FBI CoIntelPro to begin the animosity that created the adversarial gangs in L.A.

We cannot, must not, go here... ever.

We cannot toss about claims of shill or provocateurs at members who disagree with us.

We must not banish contrary thinkers

We dare not fear new contributors with strong ideas.

We are ATS. We arrived at our size, importance, and popularity because of a staunch and steady adherence to clear principals of civility and ethics. We will continue to grow because we continue to hold dear such principals.

Thinking this way will tear us apart.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 04:48 PM
i have notice that we are not the only conspiracy forum/website becoming paranoid of eachother. some sites are becoming paranoid of us and the conspiracy group no longer trust eachother.

FBI state COINTELPRO is dead, but its methods are still being used

[edit on 23-2-2007 by infinite]

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 05:58 PM
This thread was originally posted in "Really Above Top Secret", and Infinite gave me permission to bring this into the public.

We are not the only target of communications such as this message. I'm on several "9/11 Truth Movement" e-mail lists, and the nature and tone of this message (even some specific wording) is being distributed far and wide by "someone."

I feel very strongly about my response to this type of "warning".

We must not doubt each other.

We should not report each other.

We can't give in to divisive fear mongering.

We are ATS. We are better... no... we're The Standard, and we stand strong.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:01 PM
I'm going to agree with SO here. The tactic of counter intelligence programs is to stir dissent and fracture an organization from within. Its usually the very people leveling the charge of 'agent provacateur' that are infact the infiltrator.

"I saw Goody Osbourne with the Devil!"

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by infiniteFBI state COINTELPRO is dead, but its methods are still being used

And not even necessarily by the FBI, or anyone in the government, just by people within the community, acting on their own, even without malicious intent.

Think about it, is there any difference, in terms of effect, between an FBI agent posing as a member, stiring up internal dissent with salicious accusations and witch hunts, or an actual member doing so?

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:14 PM

And not even necessarily by the FBI, or anyone in the government, just by people within the community, acting on their own, even without malicious intent.

Think about it, is there any difference, in terms of effect, between an FBI agent posing as a member, stiring up internal dissent with salicious accusations and witch hunts, or an actual member doing so?

there is really no difference between an FBI agent and a paid political poster trying to break a group.

as SO said to me, this should not break us. i have been here for 4 years and we've dealt with a lot worse.

We are not the only target of communications such as this message. I'm on several "9/11 Truth Movement" e-mail lists, and the nature and tone of this message (even some specific wording) is being distributed far and wide by "someone."

i've done work with The July 7th Truth movment and even that is now being linked to targets by some forums.

so, as SO said we are not the only ones.

but what makes ATS different is trust. we are like a family, a unit and a team that is strong and united. remember that

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:17 PM

Avoid drunks, drug users, and anyone of unstable character

Doesn't that rule out me and a bunch of others from go?

This doesn't seem like a very helpful memo at all. Didn't anybody else get that cointelpro casual friday memo that I got? The one with the ziggy cartoon? That was a nice one.

As mentioned before, if the job of the agent provocateur is to spread distrust a paranoia inducing memo would certainly help.

I know opinions vary but as far as a cointelpro type situation here, I've said it before and I'll say it again, not likely.

As for reporting on a each other...just reading that gives me the willies.

On another note, would it be innapropriate to remind members to come on out this weekend to the COINTELPRO OPEN at the Regents Country Club? Kids get in free. Free t-shirt and neural implantation for the first fifty families.

If it's not cool I wont mention it.


Oh and there's gonna be a buffet!

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 06:57 PM

Way to hold the "grounding here" that is "EXACTLY RIGHT".See how you infiltrate any union or political structure is through its "belief system".You make its ethics and morals your own.This is how one creates double agents, moles, secret operatives, you reach them through the very thing that holds their reality into place the "BELIEF SYSTEM".

A Belief System can infiltrate anywhere at anytime through the mind and hearts of its followers.Why do you think our army is "An army of One".A common bond creates a common goal.And thats why Ats in number one because of our Logistics.

Way to go guys.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by infinite
there is really no difference between an FBI agent and a paid political poster trying to break a group.

No, I am saying, between someone trying to break the group, and a well meaning individual who wants to help the group, but levels these kinds of accusations too.

YOu don't actually need to have government infiltration, or any infiltration, to have some of the effects of what you'd get from COINTELPRO. Indeed, especially in a conspiracy theory group, with many paranoid types, it'd just naturally promote its own disintegration.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 12:58 AM
I'm afraid you don't know the half of it. I've been on message boards of all kinds, in different languages. The infiltration of forums is simply *massive*. In fact, it can no longer be called that way -- absorption would be a more proper term.

I suspect the number of agents/posters, on any board, is at least 50%. Your article gives a good description of their behaviour, btw.

The 'enthusiastic' replies to the thread's topic provide a first example of how the truth gets suffocated by typical semi-authoritarian, aren't-I-being-rational-and-neutral type of skepticism.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 01:59 AM
How does you discern between a disinformationist and someone who truly is at odds with your own train of thought? The variance of topics on ATS draws a wide demographic and it's obvious that many of these people who are more learned towards the sciences may not perhaps be kind to the theological discussions and so forth. ATS is a reflection of society but in a cyber interactive forum.


posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:49 AM
The cold war has nothing going as strong as the UFO info war.
The dsinfo is as predictable as rain on a cloudy day.
Every new and reasonably decent sighting and report is immediately obfuscated with myriad bits of chat, and extraneous details which have no real bearing on the subject at hand.
Even in ATS the reports come in and get buried after a few pages as the posts start on topic and rapidly wander off into personal messages and unrelated ramblings and rants.
Personal arguments take up half the space at times obscuring the thread for pages of monkey gibberish about pet personal theories and off the wall surmises etc.
It would be hard following a thread just keeping to the varous facets of the subject, but the side crap that gets slipped in just makes the majority of the important stuff barely discoverable in the clutter.
I realize many do not take a serious attitude about UFos, but the confusion of following three pages of a thread turns to absolute bewilderment after twenty more.
In truth agents provocateur must find their jobs easier now than in the early days......between the inanity of honest but ignorant posters and the deliberate obfuscation by disinfo agents, very little of rational and constructive material can be identified....though this is not always the case it is predominant in the current and promising threads.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:49 AM
The cold war has nothing going as strong as the UFO info war.
The dsinfo is as predictable as rain on a cloudy day.
Every new and reasonably decent sighting and report is immediately obfuscated with myriad bits of chat, and extraneous details which have no real bearing on the subject at hand.
Even in ATS the reports come in and get buried after a few pages as the posts start on topic and rapidly wander off into personal messages and unrelated ramblings and rants.
Personal arguments take up half the space at times obscuring the thread for pages of monkey gibberish about pet personal theories and off the wall surmises etc.
It would be hard following a thread just keeping to the varous facets of the subject, but the side crap that gets slipped in just makes the majority of the important stuff barely discoverable in the clutter.
I realize many do not take a serious attitude about UFos, but the confusion of following three pages of a thread turns to absolute bewilderment after twenty more.
In truth agents provocateur must find their jobs easier now than in the early days......between the inanity of honest but ignorant posters and the deliberate obfuscation by disinfo agents, very little of rational and constructive material can be identified....though this is not always the case it is predominant in the current and promising threads.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 03:49 AM
[edit on 24-2-2007 by bergle]

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
No, I am saying, between someone trying to break the group, and a well meaning individual who wants to help the group, but levels these kinds of accusations too.

Oh i see,
sorry for the misunderstanding.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 06:49 AM
double post...sorry...

[edit on 24-2-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 06:52 AM
please delete...

[edit on 24-2-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 07:01 AM
I agree with SO here. This letter probably id the cointelpro. The best way to destroy a community without getting your hands dirty is to plant the bug of distrust and watch the members tear themselves apart. We here on ATS need to stay focused on what we do here, not get into the frame of mind that we need to be paranoid of everyone. That would get ugly. Glad this is in the public forums though, it gives people an idea of the type of crap to look out for.

posted on Feb, 24 2007 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by infinite

· Recognize the media tactics, and don’t react to buzz words. Religious separatists, White separatists, tax resistors, and other groups are called cultists, bigots, Nazis, and other words which the masses are conditioned to hate. After the media have demonized the target, as in Waco, Texas, the Government is free to murder at will. Ask yourself, "Is it wrong for people to preserve their religion, their race, or to resist oppressive taxation?"

This reads like a rallying cry to the KKK.

This documents only value would be to expose the sick people associated with it. This community would be best served by its quick demise in the trash-bin.

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