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North Pole Expedition/ Inner Earth

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posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 01:02 AM

Dr. Brooks Agnew will be the leader of the North Pole Expedition:Journey to the Center of the Earth.

This expedition is to find answers to the hollow earth 'theory' as well as searching for other life forms..plant, animal and human / non-human which may exist in the earth's core.

Dr. Agnew was on the Kevin Smith Radio Show ... ...
several weeks ago and was discussing in more detail how this idea of this journey manifested. It was quite an interesting story.

He will be joined by experts in several areas of science. This is suppose to take place next year. There is suppose to be an opening in the ice at the North Pole (not magnetic north) which has recently become thin enough to possibly enable the exploration of this enormous task in searching for a hollow earth. Now..there is much more to be said about this expedition which Dr. Agnew explained on Kevin's show, however it's to lenghty to post here.

I will say I was completly memerized by his revelation of several details which prompted him to undertake this expedition.

However this expedition turns any case it will be fascinating even if they can't gain access to the opening for whatever unpredictable circumstances.

The following areas of expertise will be needed:

Marine Biology
Polar Ice Analysis
Nuclear Chemistry
Exopolitics and inter-world ambassadors
CE5 Protocol Experts
Remote Viewers
Ancient Lore and History

[edit on 15-10-2006 by Southern Belle]

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 02:23 AM
I think he would have better luck going to Antartica.
That is actually a land mass, and I bet it has something going on there besides penguins and scientist.



posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Southern Belle

I was highly suspicious of the site after I saw the credentials, so I googled their names on a site that hunts through billions of scholarly papers.

There's one mention of him as a speaker at an astronomy club. Period.

On Google, there's 33 mentions of him (mostly linking to radio shows and at least one link describing him as a "hoaxmeister.")

Compare this to 53 mentions on and 735 on google for my advisor for my anthropology degree (Christina Wasson, PhD). Wasson is not a nationally known professor, so a "nationally known scholar" should have a lot more material out there than an advisor at a medium-sized university.

Others have also noted this discrepancy. So I doubt his credentials.

What about his expertise?

He identifies a gargoyle as a "Nephelim" based solely on the research method of "well, golly, that's what it looks like to me!!"

This expedition is to find answers to the hollow earth 'theory' as well as searching for other life forms..plant, animal and human / non-human which may exist in the earth's core.

Did he bother to explain why the oceans didn't simply get sucked into the hole? And why submarines sail that area daily and none of them find it or fall in?

He will be joined by experts in several areas of science. This is suppose to take place next year. There is suppose to be an opening in the ice at the North Pole (not magnetic north) which has recently become thin enough to possibly enable the exploration of this enormous task in searching for a hollow earth.

There's some expeditions for this that are going to cost $14k each for "tourists." I'm betting he's part of one of those. Russia's been doing a nice business for people willing to fork out this kind of money by renting them some retired ships.

For what it's worth, these expeditions have been going on for quite some time (with different people heading them up.) They find nothing because the Earth is quite solid (as has been proven many times)

The following areas of expertise will be needed:


Anybody notice that? C'mon... astrologers aren't scientists. This ought to hit your "Booooooooooooooooogus!" meter right there.

Marine Biology
Polar Ice Analysis

...y'know, if they don't know what scientists do (and who does polar ice analysis) there's probably not much chance that they'll have a real scientist along who knows how to analyze ice cores.

Nuclear Chemistry

...another clue that this is absurd. Nuclear chemists work with atom smashers (you need a tract of land about 1 mile long to make an atom smasher) None of the equipment they use can be outfitted on an expedition ship.

Exopolitics and inter-world ambassadors

Oh yeah. I can see top career diplomats rushing to join this expedition. Not.

CE5 Protocol Experts
Remote Viewers
Ancient Lore and History

It'll be amusing to follow. You can expect either some badly done hoaxes or "nothing at all."

Same as the Steve Curry expeditions (which, gee whiz, rescheduled and then hasn't been updated) :

A 2004 expedition (featuring inner Earth monorails)

...a little more googling and we find (surprise, surprise) Agnew and Curry hand-in-hand on a "hollow earth expedition" along with Robert Cluff:

So, this bunch has proposed the trip before and couldn't get enough takers at $14k per warm body. You'd think they'd just go (any scientist would) and invite colleagues and students (any scientist would) and get out the preliminary reports in science magazines (any scientist would just KILL for an opportunity like that!) and then worry about tourism.

Lots of scientists have gone to both the north geomagnetic pole and the north geographic pole already.

One scientist trekked it by himself in 2002:

There's an environmental observatory in the vicinity:

Oceanographers are there frequently:

NASA's been there a number of times and did live camcasts:

Russian pilots began landing there as early as the 1940's:

NASA scientists took Native American (Inuit and others) students there on an expedition in 2002:

There are regularly scheduled tourist expeditions there that are based in Russia and includes a balloon flight:

And that's just the expeditions mentioned in the English Language. There's Danish ones, Norweigian ones, Russian ones, Icelandic ones, etc, etc (and of course Canadians as well.)

So it's a busy ol' place. If there was something there, one of those other expeditions with good equipment and real scientists would have said something.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 05:46 PM
dAllen and Byrd...thank you for your opinions.

With the passing of Steve Currey, expedition members have regrouped and chosen new expedition leadership.


Our Expedition organizer is now Dr. Brooks Agnew, physicist.

If this expedition turns sour there will be many people who are following the outcome of this expedition who will expect reasonable answers to any statements made prior to this journey. Having listened to the interview with Dr. Agnew on the Kevin Smith
Show...I'm familiar with the statements Agnew made in the conversation.
This could make or break a career or reputation if the results aren't within believable or reasonable boundaries

[edit on 15-10-2006 by Southern Belle]

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