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Another Indigo Child

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posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 05:52 PM

You seem to wear your vulnerablitly on your sleeve.
Remember everyone you meet on the web won't be your friend.
You have generated some positive responses here on ATS and I think you will find us to be a generally caring bunch of people, but remember that some folks are predatory and I do hope you take Nygdan's advise and report what happened to you.

You aren't responsible for other people's feelings (family, friends) so it would help you to grow into a healthy person if you show yourself that you are important by going to the authorities on this one. Do what you must, but do what you would want your own child to do for herself in such a case.

Meanwhile, Indigo or whatever you choose to label yourself, you are valuable and I'm glad you are here.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 05:53 PM

Speaker of Truth said:

Actually, it is a physical representation of what exists in the spiritual.


I've been lurking on this thread since it's inception and I feel that it has evolved enough to make a comment or 2.

For Speaker, let's just shorten your statement (true as it is) by dropping the "in the spiritual" part, such that it reads more or less, "Actually, it is a physical representation of what exists."

That said, here is a little more. This writer is one who likes to "cut the fluff and Hype" out of the stupidity and ignorance that the "nuage" seems to be so replete with. Much of what you see and hear and read about, expecially on the 'Net, leaves much to be desired. Oh, much of it contains a grain of Truth, but there is so much assumptive and misinterpreted BS associalted with it that it is difficult to seperate, and see, just what that Grain of Truth looks like in Reality. In the Metaphysical (nuage) school of thought, about 80% of the people involved obviously have little understanding of Real concepts, and become very inventive; "going on" with themselves and everybody else to the extent of confusion and the passage of "miss" and "Dis" information.

Are there actually what has come to be called "Indigo People"? Yes, there are. The best way to understand this absolutely Natural phenominon is to understand that Evolution is not just a property of material matter. The process is NOT "supernatiral" nor it is "paranormal"--it is absolutely Natural Reality. It should be understood that there is not, and cannot be, any seperation in Reality--it is all one thing, and, so, all inclusive. What has been refered to as "paranormal". isn't. It IS a componant of Reality--no more and no less. That much of the occurrances refered to as "supernatural" and "paranormal" cannot be measured means only that such things are not accepted by Science---yet---as the necesary technology and instrumentation is not yet available.

My suggestion here is that anyone who thinks he/she is an Indigo needs to stay off the Hype websites with their stupid, Socratic, questionaires, and seek Proper Teaching. It IS available, but not from the "thinkers"---just from the experienced "do-ers" who have a handle on the Truth of it. The First Understanding is to accept the fact that Reality is, at the very least, 50% invisible. That just means that it isn't normally "seen" and not that it doesn't exist. (We can't "see" infra-red either, but we have instruments that allow us to.) The Second Understanding is to accept that
that certain aspects of Invisible Reality can be "sensed" if not seen. The entitre concept of RV/RI is based on that. There are other, and very much older, names for RV and RI--trust me.

For the several skeptics up here, oh, well, I'm sorry that you have developed the "crab bucket mentality" along with most of society--just another symptom of mass Illusion and the artificial constructs they are built on.

Blue--for you--seek Proper Teaching.

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways

You seem to wear your vulnerablitly on your sleeve.
Remember everyone you meet on the web won't be your friend.
You have generated some positive responses here on ATS and I think you will find us to be a generally caring bunch of people, but remember that some folks are predatory and I do hope you take Nygdan's advise and report what happened to you.

You aren't responsible for other people's feelings (family, friends) so it would help you to grow into a healthy person if you show yourself that you are important by going to the authorities on this one. Do what you must, but do what you would want your own child to do for herself in such a case.

Meanwhile, Indigo or whatever you choose to label yourself, you are valuable and I'm glad you are here.

I'm not exactly here for pity or anything--just advice, but thanks for the support anyway. . .I guess. . .

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Sorry if I projected pity. Not my intent. I see you as a strong, intellegent young lady and I admire your thinking at such a young age.

Just trying to help out a sister who has a lot on her plate!

When I mention Indigo as a label it is because there are so many things that your situation could be about I would like to see you explore further before locking into a certain phenomena!

Take care and keep seeking

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by steelblue71

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Indigo Child: How is it different then every generation of self important, self absorbed, self infatuated, better then everything else, the world hates me, the world doesn't understand me, I am in some way unique, snot nosed little teens? .. oh.. nothing.

Sorry for not drenching you in compliments for your oh-so sensitive post, but I think that's about one of the most ignorant things I've heard. No need to flame anybody (me) for wondering about something. Okay? You don't like, you don't read.

And I was asking, what is the difference except maybe another way of acting out because kids like to feel as if they are special in some way - Indigo Child describes every child. IMO

Just like to add that I am in no way a sensitive person at all, I give no pity and I feel for no body, so if you expected only sensitive careing people to respond to you post then I am sorry that I am not sorry because I do not hold my tounge, and never will.

Welcome to ATS, we like our opinions. And the right to share them.

[edit on 10/11/2006 by Rockpuck]

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:46 PM
This while thing sounds a bit like some new age fantacy mixed with '___' and cheap wine.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:19 AM

Originally postet by RockPuck: "Just like to add that I am in no way a sensitive person at all, I give no pity and I feel for no body-------. "

Might I suggest some professional Counciling, then?

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:23 AM
You most certainly could friend, you could advise anyting your ltitle heart desires, or any personal antidote that may pop into your skull.

Why re-arange my thoughts, my opinions and how I think based on the mind set of girl.. why hide my feelings with mock compasion for someone who only wants to hear an opinion that goes along with the mind set she came here with.

Why should I go out of my way to care for the feelings and opinions of someone who will not consider another line of thought then that of which she came here with to engage in a discussion.

Shall I leave ATS, because my opinions do not go along with the popular thought of the thread or the poster?

Please, advise all you want, it would be your right to advise to me because I posted publicly, that does not mean however I will have to heed your advise.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
You most certainly could friend, you could advise anyting your ltitle heart desires, or any personal antidote that may pop into your skull.

Why re-arange my thoughts, my opinions and how I think based on the mind set of girl.. why hide my feelings with mock compasion for someone who only wants to hear an opinion that goes along with the mind set she came here with.

Why should I go out of my way to care for the feelings and opinions of someone who will not consider another line of thought then that of which she came here with to engage in a discussion......

But then you must also ask yourself why go out of your way to not care for somebody's feelings and possinly even hurt them. We are all most definately entitled to our own opinions, but when we go out of our way to say something that could hurt somebody, is that not attacking them? You say why should you go out of your way to care for someone's feelings, well i wouldn't expect you to do that, but at the same time it would be unexpected of you to take the time to post something that you most likely knew would be at least somewhat offensive. By all means keep doing what you are doing, but reconsider your logic as to why you do it.



posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox

[That said, here is a little more. This writer is one who likes to "cut the fluff and Hype" out of the stupidity and ignorance that the "nuage" seems to be so replete with. Much of what you see and hear and read about, expecially on the 'Net, leaves much to be desired. Oh, much of it contains a grain of Truth, but there is so much assumptive and misinterpreted BS associalted with it that it is difficult to seperate, and see, just what that Grain of Truth looks like in Reality. In the Metaphysical (nuage) school of thought, about 80% of the people involved obviously have little understanding of Real concepts, and become very inventive; "going on" with themselves and everybody else to the extent of confusion and the passage of "miss" and "Dis" information.


That is quite a generalization,my friend. While indeed there are some "new agers" who present "fluff," as you so eloquently termed it. However, when one examines the point that they are trying to get across to a world that has,at least in my opinion, gone mad, you soon see how correct they are.

For instance, "new agers" put much emphasis on a person's outlook influencing the world around them. Doesn't it? Even the bible states that a person's attitudes are important. In a world where there is mass confusion, I would suggest that "new age" levity is exactly what this troubled world needs. Be it as it may, God bless.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

Originally posted by Ed Littlefox

[That said, here is a little more. This writer is one who likes to "cut the fluff and Hype" out of the stupidity and ignorance that the "nuage" seems to be so replete with. Much of what you see and hear and read about, expecially on the 'Net, leaves much to be desired. Oh, much of it contains a grain of Truth, but there is so much assumptive and misinterpreted BS associalted with it that it is difficult to seperate, and see, just what that Grain of Truth looks like in Reality. In the Metaphysical (nuage) school of thought, about 80% of the people involved obviously have little understanding of Real concepts, and become very inventive; "going on" with themselves and everybody else to the extent of confusion and the passage of "miss" and "Dis" information.


That is quite a generalization,my friend. While indeed there are some "new agers" who present "fluff," as you so eloquently termed it. However, when one examines the point that they are trying to get across to a world that has,at least in my opinion, gone mad, you soon see how correct they are.

For instance, "new agers" put much emphasis on a person's outlook influencing the world around them. Doesn't it? Even the bible states that a person's attitudes are important. In a world where there is mass confusion, I would suggest that "new age" levity is exactly what this troubled world needs. Be it as it may, God bless.


Yes, it is a "generalization", but a quite well founded one. I do not disagree with you as to the validity of much of it, or in the Principal you speak to, and I speak to that which I, myself, have been exposed over a number of years regards the "nuage" movement in my own area of the world. Here, thereis a great deal of confusion, and that, itself, stems from a phenominon of Modernism-- the seeming need for "instant gratification"--and the Mind-set of Western Society. As it were, I was not raised in Western (European/American) Culture, but that of Native America, and thus an Oral Tradition knowledge-base that began with the dawn of Human Spiritual Consciousness. That fact doesn't mean that I know anything, but it does mean that my World View is quite different, as is my Mind-set regards spiritual matters.

The case in point, "Indigo" Children, (and Adults), is a phenominon that is increasing in numbers. The fact is that certain children are born to the world not with "more spiritual knowledge"--as is the popular thought on it--but with a greater propensity to seek such knowledge and possessive of a natural bent bent to pursue such. Properly taught, such Children and adults can become very adept at "spiritual mechanics", such as the Healing Arts and Altered States. The keyword is "proper teaching" and that leads to the idea and necessity of "proper teachers". In my own Culture, Proper Teaching is always at the hands of a Proper Teacher with Proper Knowledge to pass, and that is not just anybody.

That, I think, is enough for one post. I may, at some point in the future, submit an article to the appropriate venue up here regards these matters. But, regardless, my advice to SteelBlue, and any other gifted child, is to seek proper teaching.

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