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Practice nutrition.. Not pharmaceutical addiction

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posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 09:19 AM
Hello everyone!! I am creating this thread to hear peoples thoughts on the pharmaceutical industry as a whole and the blood sucking corporations that control it. I am fed up, thoroughly disgusted with these companies such as Glaxo Smith & Klein and Pfizer who are two of the worlds largest distrubuters. I went to the doctor not too long ago and its like they are programed to hand you pills of some sort. No thinking anymore of natural remedies or alternative medicine. These companies are destroying the health of america and creating addictions and dependencies that control our lives. I know some people who cant even go a day without taking their Zoloft because "they wont feel right". What happened to America's health care system? When has corporate interest become more important than human life and well being? Why is it that health care is a privledge in America and not a necessity.. Well after getting about 30 different prescriptions thrown at me and the doctor making me feel like I had problems that only these little white pills could solve the best part comes. I had a conversation with ol' doc about my theory on health care and how bad the pharmaceutical companies are making things, He blew it off in a odd kind of way. Well about a month later I get a call telling me that I was discharged from his practice for missing an appointment!! I told the lady she was out of her mind and that I called and told you that this week was finals for school. She said there was no excuse. Anyway what kind of # is that? Ok now I am rambling, but anyway post what you think and your opinions..

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:41 AM
There are about 500 threads on this already.

Take it to one of those.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 12:27 PM
Well its not like I am posting the same article or same link to a story.. Calm down man.. No #in respect around here.. Its just some food for thought man, do you do that in real life? Shoot everyones thoughts down? Of course people are going to have similar thoughts. I dont make threads for you, someone else might find it interesting... Asshole

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by BORNLEADER
Well its not like I am posting the same article or same link to a story.. Calm down man.. No #in respect around here.. Its just some food for thought man, do you do that in real life? Shoot everyones thoughts down? Of course people are going to have similar thoughts. I dont make threads for you, someone else might find it interesting... Asshole

Well, considering your entire post was basically just an opinion, not any real substance, I don't see why it should be considered any different than the other threads started on this exact same topic and based on conjecture and opinion. As for your language in this thread, I can see why your doctor would discharge you, and if you came to my clinic, I would discharge you, as well.

Grow up.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:14 PM
Ok, lets discuss the topic with a little civility please.

doc, please let the staff determine what should be closed. If you feel strongly that something should we ask that you use the complaint function.

Thank You

[edit on 20-9-2006 by kinglizard]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:16 PM
I think that one of the problems is that most people want that quik fix. They don't want to be bothered with changing their life style in order to exercise and eat right.
The pharm. Companies are pushing pills to doctors but the people are also demanding them. Now, that may be due to advertising but if those companies couldn't sell thier product then they would start making something else. Besides most of these drugs do good things for people,and most people don't have the bad side effects. Also in many cases the problems people have, have to be treated sooner rather than later and drugs are good for that.
I'm surprised your doctor didn't try to charge you for the appointment you missed, I have heard of that happening.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:47 PM
I bet your life is really, really boring
Do you even have a clinic to discharge me from? Being that you just finished med school. You people crack me up.

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:56 PM
Last warning to the thread:

Please abide by the terms and conditions of use by refraining from insulting other members. I know we as a community can do better. We can't learn anything or get anywhere by attacking other members.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:57 PM
Come on now BORN I replied to you and you say nothing , but the doc pisses you off and you can't let it go, whats up with that? And then you insult my level of maturity? Maybe you are right.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 01:59 PM
Exactly. People are too lazy to change their lifestyle, they dont realize that it is a way of life. Granted doctors are only requesting these medications because people are requesting them! Those commercials make you feel like you can take on the world! And yeah that would of been fine if they charged me for the missed appointment, but I think discharging me as a patient is a little over the top, unless of course I used foul language directly in front of the doctor, now thats grounds for dismissal

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by BORNLEADER
unless of course I used foul language directly in front of the doctor, now thats grounds for dismissal

Yes, it is, actually. Most doctors treat patients with the same respect they are given by those patients. Swearing just because you can't get your way shows great disrespect.


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Great topic for a thread and I fully concur with the subject and opinion provided. Western medicine is a shock treatment process that also deals well with trauma. It is not a wholeness nor wellness medical system. It deserves to be called out and its vampiric relations with legalized and organized drug dealing needs to also be called out.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 04:45 PM
Well said. I also wanted to touch on that aspect as well. These corporations are modern day drug pushers and traffikers. Think about it for a second, get a substance that everyone wants or needs and create it (Glaxo Smith& Klein for example), get a major company with their hand in the cookie jar of government regulations and approval (FDA) and get a whole nation of doctors and shrinks to support and approve this substance to prescibe in their practice. So you got the manufacturers ,the distributors and the pushers.. Wow it is exactly like the drug business
Thanks for the thought Stat Quo

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by BORNLEADER
Think about it for a second, get a substance that everyone wants or needs and create it (Glaxo Smith& Klein for example), get a major company with their hand in the cookie jar of government regualations and approval (FDA) and get a whole nation of doctors and shrinks to support and approve this substance to prescibe in their practice. So you got the manufacturers ,the distributors and the pushers.. Wow it is exactly like the drug business
Thanks for the thought Stat Quo

Yep, my particular drug dealer is Novo Nordisk Inc from Princeton, NJ.

Those darn INSULIN pushers!


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:33 PM
I havent meet them. Do they have good stuff?
But seriously dont you agree?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:44 PM
Strongly disagree.

Originally posted by BORNLEADER
I went to the doctor not too long ago and its like they are programed to hand you pills of some sort. No thinking anymore of natural remedies or alternative medicine.

Because in general they aren't as effective. You're welcome to try them for yourself, and many people do. When doctors and hospitals prescribe drugs or treatment, it's with the full knowledge that if the patient dies in an untimely way, they are likely to get sued.

So, when given a choice of prescribing Ayuvedic remedies or homeopathic remedies for pneumonia OR the current drug of choice, they're going to prescribe the drug.

I know some people who cant even go a day without taking their Zoloft because "they wont feel right".

My husband is one of those. He lived for most of his life without antidepressants, and it was a struggle. He'd get anxious, he'd get angry over little things, he would oversleep and in spite of a wonderful home life, he didn't enjoy life. Our daughter has the same problem (only worse). It's genetic... they don't have the same kind of body chemistry as the non-depressives.

Zoloft made a HUGE difference. Diet, etc, did not. My daughter tried the St. Johns Wort and other remedies before going to a doc and getting Zoloft. Unlike most of us, a depressive can't "cheer up and get over it" or "let it go" because the root of the problem is a chemical imbalance.

In any case, there's nothing that stops you from reading up on and trying out other remedies. If you prefer those, go for it.

But I don't recommend it to anyone with a serious condition.

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 05:56 PM
Only moderately do I agree.

I have weeded my doctors over the last 6 years of my declining health. Those that liked to try to hand me an Rx every time I saw them are no longer my doctors.

If the med is medically justified I still research it before filling the Rx and starting the med if I haven't already done some reading on it beforehand.

I have questioned my doctors over the years about why a particular prescription is being offered to me especially if it is a "me too" drug that is an update to an "oldie-goldie" med that does the same thing for a far more expensive price compared to the older med. The doctors that answered my questions openly I gave more credence to and those that didn't... well, they aren't my doctors anymore either.

I guess I do my part in cutting out any possible corruption in my healthcare by finding good doctors that are intelligent in their field of practice and by doing my own research about meds, treatments and testing so that I can anticipate what he or she is going to propose and try to be as knowledgeable about it as they are.

My doctors and I are still unsure of what is causing my health problems so we are in the obscure part of practicing medicine where the standard tests and treatments have failed to show what is wrong. That makes it more difficult for me to "keep up" with my docs because I don't have medical school behind me, but I do my best to "stay with them".

Is there corruption?


Can it be stopped?



posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:12 PM

My husband is one of those. He lived for most of his life without antidepressants, and it was a struggle. He'd get anxious, he'd get angry over little things, he would oversleep and in spite of a wonderful home life, he didn't enjoy life. Our daughter has the same problem (only worse). It's genetic... they don't have the same kind of body chemistry as the non-depressives.

Zoloft made a HUGE difference. Diet, etc, did not. My daughter tried the St. Johns Wort and other remedies before going to a doc and getting Zoloft. Unlike most of us, a depressive can't "cheer up and get over it" or "let it go" because the root of the problem is a chemical imbalance.

In any case, there's nothing that stops you from reading up on and trying out other remedies. If you prefer those, go for it.

But I don't recommend it to anyone with a serious condition.

Yeah well I experienced a similar situation. I had and still have severe anxiety which is also genetic. I mean attacks so bad that it would keep me up for 2 days sometimes. I felt so strongly against prescribed medication like Zoloft that I tried an alternative natural medicine called "Valerian Root" I am sure it is quite common. They did not work at all so I was forced into going to my doctor and asking for something. I had no choice these attacks were controlling my life, I could not even go out to eat without "freakin out"So I was prescribed "Celexa" I believe that is the correct spelling and it worked like a charm. NO attacks for the last 6 months. I just winged myself off the pills last month and everything is going okay for now. You see thats what I was afraid of, becoming dependent on them.. You do make a valid point Byrd..

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

[edit on 20-9-2006 by BORNLEADER]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by bsl4doc
Most doctors treat patients with the same respect they are given by those patients.

Maybe where you live.
The perspective of too many Drs. in the US is you respect me, I have little regard for you - it's not a mutual thing, not even for the fact that you are paying them. Do as I say and do not question my authority is the general approach where I live. A simple inquiry about your condition or a medication they want you to take results in abuse, not answers. I can't even count anymore the medications I have been prescribed that I have pretended to take because the Dr. doesn't take the time to discuss it first to determine if it might be contradicted in my case. Meanwhile, things I know work for me, I don't seem to be able to get. They don't want to hear it.

Sadly, the only way to even have a primary care physician in a lot of places is to go in, keep your mouth shut and pay your bill. I am the most docile creature (totally not me) in a Drs. office at this point,it's pathetic, yet I am still having incidents where I am paying someone to be abusive with me (oh he's having a bad day, take it out on me).

As for things like Zoloft, I know plenty of people that do need it and it has given them back their lives. However, there is no way PC's should be prescribing them most of the time. Anything that messes with your brain chemicals should be referred to a specialist for initial prescribing and monitoring. Not all people respond to these types of drugs the same, and some need something different. I think most bad experiences with these brain chemical drugs are from improper prescribing without monitoring by PC's instead of specialists, unless you have one of the rare PC's that do really keep an eye on the situation.

Bornleader, I think you just proved that point, after attacking Zoloft, then admitting another drug did work for you.

[edit on 9/21/2006 by Relentless]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:25 AM
Stay away from my Xanax, man. You can't fight crazy.

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