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A Theoretical Future Decision: The Extermination fo Islam.

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posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:01 AM
I'd like to state firstly that the only time I condone an action as
horrendous as this is if it for the continued survival of the species,
and this can be seen as such.

I am in a very logical/neutral mood, and I have been thinking about
the problem we face with the middle-east, and what it could eventually
lead to.

Now, there are around 1billion individuals in the world who subscribe
to Islam, there are close to 7billion people in the world in total.

I do not pretend to know the nnumber or percents, the below is a
theortical, and based 5-10 years in the future.

Now, assume that the majority 70%+ of Muslims ar found to be extrem-
ist and wanted the Caliphate and to destroy anyone who was'nt there
religion or was different from them, and they became even more danger-
ous than they currently are.

In my opinion the logical thing to do would be to destroy Islam,
or in more commmon words, a genocide of Islam.

Now, I realise the majority of people would be vehemently against this,
but think of it this way, would you rather kill 1/7th of the population and
ensure freedom and democracy, or not kill any, and have 6/7ths killed,
and the world become a strict fundamentalist theology?

For is the saying not true that, "The lives of the many outweigh the lives
of the few"?

I of course do realise there are people who subscribe to Islam and are
good people, who love freedom and democracy, and dispise those extrem-
ists who kill in the name of Islam, and I do not know how many percent
wise there actually are, so please do not assume I'm saying the above
as fact.

What I'm most curious about is what peoples reaction to such a scenario
would be, if it came down to it, which side would you stand?

[edit on 9/17/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:33 AM
Hmm, the doctrine of pre-emptive genocide. Yea, I'm not on that side.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:53 AM
I'm not going to be very popular with some people here but here goes: this is an alternative view on the OP;

Islam and the Muslim people number in what hundreds of millions around the world..right?

Up to recent decades we haven't had much trouble with them here in the west right?

What if Israel didn't exist tomorrow... would that end a lot of the problems??

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:08 AM

What if Israel didn't exist tomorrow... would that end a lot of the problems??

Yep, it would, the hatred already taken root, getting rid of the first
infected cell is'nt gonna kill the virus.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:11 AM
Hmm....sure I'll support your arguement....with some minor modifications.....

Originally posted by iori_komei
I'd like to state firstly that the only time I condone an action as
horrendous as this is if it for the continued survival of the species,
and this can be seen as such.

I am in a very logical/neutral mood, and I have been thinking about
the problem we face with the west, and what it could eventually
lead to.

Now, there are around 600 million individuals in the world who subscribe
to the western/caucasion race, there are close to 6.5 billion people in the world in total.

I do not pretend to know the nnumber or percents, the below is a
theortical, and based 5-10 years in the future.

Now, assume that the majority 53%+ of caucasions are found to be extrem-
ist and wanted the Caliphate and to destroy anyone who was'nt of their belief/to their advantage or was different from them, and they became even more danger-
ous than they currently are.

In my opinion the logical thing to do would be to destroy the west/caucasion culture, or in more commmon words, a genocide of caucasions/western culture.

Now, I realise the majority of people would be vehemently against this,
but think of it this way, would you rather kill 1/10th of the population and
ensure freedom, justice, and peace; or not kill any, and have 9/10ths killed,
and the world become a strict western dominated theology like before?

For is the saying not true that, "The lives of the many outweigh the lives
of the few"?

I of course do realise there are people who subscribe to the west and are
good people, who love peace and justice, and dispise those extrem-
ists who kill in the name of the west, and I do not know how many percent
wise there actually are, so please do not assume I'm saying the above
as fact.

What I'm most curious about is what peoples reaction to such a scenario
would be, if it came down to it, which side would you stand?

[edit on 9/17/2006 by iori_komei]

The changes are subtle.....but I think I present a much better arguement.

I changed a few words around, but the basic arguement is still the same.

mmm....gotta satire. Besides, 1/10th of the population is smaller than 6/7th right?

Its just for fun, don't take me seriously.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by xihaoli321456]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:11 AM

Your version actually sounds pretty close to what radical Islam states as their goal.

I think we can preclude a genocidal campaign from the US for the near future. The Bush administration has taken great pains to not brand Islam in a wholesale fashion, especially American Muslims.

There is simply no moral way to systematically eradicate every follower of Islam and the only methods that are moral seem to be woefully inadequate.

The truth is the West and Christendom are between a rock and hard place.

[edit on 2006/9/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:19 AM
You knwo I probably should have mentioned this, but when I
said genocide, I did'nt mean every last muslim on Earth,
I meant the key Islamic states, I.E. most of the middle-East,
nuclear weapons would most likely have to be deployed.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:42 AM
It was just a joke, no offence mean't.

GradyPhillpot, I am simply advocating my basic beliefs. Being a blood thristy, evil, sadistic, mao-warshipping, chinaman, I simply have developed over the years in my communist propaganda acadamy, a love for blood and the destruction of races/cultures. As you know, the chinese are known for their effency. I am simply suggesting that it would be more successful for the genocide of 600 million than for the genocide of 1000 million. After all, with western cristianity being the one true faith, would we not simply be releaving you of your earthly form in exchange so that you may enjoy enternity in heaven? Are we not condeming ourselves to earth and our firey hell in exchange for faster slavation for you?

Irori, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of the fine and delicate position of the superior white man in the modern world. I understand that the white man, being superior to all others, is perfectly justified in eliminating the lower races. For after all, did not god create your race and thus granting you and your race manifest destiny to spread justice upon all others?

Thank you Irori, for teaching me my first lesson in western customs. I take that it is common custom to kill and eliminate any person that disagrees with ones own opinions? and my 6 billion colored friends were just wondering....can you provide your home address so that we may take the first step in our integration into western society?

mmm....gotta love satire.

[edit on 17-9-2006 by xihaoli321456]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:10 PM
Sleeping With The Enemy

The stated goal of Al Qaeda is to foment a worldwide war between all Muslims and non-Muslims. They believe Muslims would win that war, and this is the means by which they hope to establish a worldwide Caliphate.

This "modest proposal" seems to agree with that goal, albeit from the side of non-Muslims versus Muslims.

So such thinking essentially supports the concept of worldwide jihad Al Qaeda is working to achieve, just from the other side of the fence.

I find it ironic when "patriotic Americans" say things like "Nuke Mecca!" and suggest wiping out all the "A-rabs", because -- unwittingly, I presume -- they are aligning themselves with Al Qaeda, who would love nothing more than for the U.S. to declare itself an enemy of Islam.

I understand that this is just a hypothetical exercise, but I don't think it's as "logical/neutral" as you might wish to represent.

Of course I could be wrong, and genocide is hardly anything new, but I don't think the future of the human race or Islam is going to require such absolutist thinking.

Meanwhile, I am forced to wonder how this sort of discussion would go if we were to substitute the word "Jews" for "Muslims" and "Judaism" for "Islam" in the original post.

Would that be okay?

[edit on 9/17/2006 by Majic]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 12:19 PM
I'm not sure I understand...
You think the problems of the modern world are caused by Islam?

I beg to differ. I believe the problems stemed from USA. Should we exterminate all Americans too? Maybe I'm wrong, not ALL Americans are at fault are they? Or maybe just the poor ones? How about the poor black ones?

Actually, I changed my mind. All Jewish people are the problem. You know they caused WWI don't you? They run the world and Finance the terrorists. Whe should put them all in a camp and gas em. What you say about that? You agree with that?

Screw you Iori.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Gear
I'm not sure I understand...
You think the problems of the modern world are caused by Islam?

yep, 80% of the problems we are facing today in the world come from Islam.

I beg to differ. I believe the problems stemed from USA.

Another American basher....
we shall see who your country comes running to when you need some help.

Actually, I changed my mind. All Jewish people are the problem. You know they caused WWI don't you? They run the world and Finance the terrorists. Whe should put them all in a camp and gas em.

Are you delusional are just mentally challenged? WW1 started with the asasination of archduke ferdinand by a serbian nationalist.
.... I dont think the jews had anything to do with that. Unless of course you are talking about the reichstag in the second world war and Hitler wanting to deport the jews.

I love how everyone whines about humanitarianism when it comes to these muslims who have no respect for anything but simulateousely calls for the extermination of the jews.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:21 PM
Hot And Heavy

Please, let's try to avoid the personal insults here (*Majic wags finger admonishingly*).

I know this is a flame-prone topic, and it may end up getting kicked to Slug-Fest (Grady, let me know if you don't want it), but I'm trying to shorten the list of Things We Don't Talk About on PTS.

So remember, even if you strongly disagree with someone...

Courtesy Is Mandatory

Thanks for understanding.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:23 PM
the OP has a point.

If this caliphate goes through - well a large part of the globe would roll on back into the stone age.

If the Islamic religion was out lawed in the west and all who wanted to be islamic were deported out to an islamic country of their choice, it would end a heck of a lot of internal strife around europe and the usa.

Draw a line in the sand so to speak.
"Islam to the left, the rest to the right. Then don't allow them in any way shape or form to cross it - ever". problem solved really. Let them have a stonge age caliphate in a high tech world, and when they get fed up of it, don't allow them into our part. They'll soon die off any way. And if they then wanted a war.... well it would be easy to target them wouldn't it?

well at least it would stop the problems with them not likeing non-muslims... and if they didn't like it...tough.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I'm not going to be very popular with some people here but here goes: this is an alternative view on the OP;

Islam and the Muslim people number in what hundreds of millions around the world..right?

Up to recent decades we haven't had much trouble with them here in the west right?

What if Israel didn't exist tomorrow... would that end a lot of the problems??

I hate to say it...and I know it's going to sound cold hearted. However,I feel like if that whole part of the world was non-existant we'd all be much better off. That's just my take on it..

[edit on 17-9-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:17 PM
Obviously no-one has ever told you about sacasm... or irony for that matter.

yep, 80% of the problems we are facing today in the world come from Islam.

Right... Have you got any sources that say that all of the 80% of the 23 (yes, 23) current wars are caused by Islam? Any sources that say that 80% of all disease is caused by Islam? 80% of World Hunger maybe? Is 80% of rape victims caused by Islamic followers? If I get fired from my job, should I bash a random, innocent and peace-loving Islamic follower, because it's only 20% my fault that I lost my job-Its 80% his?
Hell, are you saying that 80% of all non-naturally occuring deaths are caused by Islam?
Get real.

Another American basher....

I must be Islamic to say that, right? You're making an ASSUMPTION based on a sentence that YOU missinterpreted. Just as you made an ASSUMPTION that 80% of all problems are caused by Islam.

we shall see who your country comes running to when you need some help
Really? Is that so? And what country do I come from? You don't know? Let me tell you: The first country to agree, and the ONLY country that LOYALY agreed to help AMERICA'S sorry ass when they declared their "War on Terror." Still don't know? Learn what your talking about before talking to me.

Are you delusional are just mentally challenged? WW1 started with the asasination of archduke ferdinand by a serbian nationalist. .... I dont think the jews had anything to do with that. Unless of course you are talking about the reichstag in the second world war and Hitler wanting to deport the jews.

Tell me then...WHY Hitler "deported" the Jews.
You can't tell me? Maybe you should go to school or something.
Between WWI and WWII Jews were used as a scapegoat for causing WWI. Hence
why Hitler planned the Final Solution for them. The Final Solution being GENOCIDE, or as you dimwittedly put it, "deported."

This is irony that you failed to pick up on. Hitler commited Genocide because he believed what he was told- false assumptions.
Just as your proposing right now.
Genocide because of false assumption.

Nextime you think of a personal attack against me, remember to either Open your mind or shut your mouth.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:19 PM
Please see my previous post to this thread.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 02:28 PM

I kept it clean, and didn't make a personal attack, despite his failed insult toward me.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 03:53 PM
I see I failed to be as neutral and exact in what I was saying
as I intended to be, I suppose I should start doing some
clean-up of my reputation..

Iori, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of the fine and delicate position of the superior white man in the modern world. I understand that the white man, being superior to all others, is perfectly justified in eliminating the lower races. For after all, did not god create your race and thus granting you and your race manifest destiny to spread justice upon all others?

No person is superior because of the pigmentation of there epidermal cells.

I'm talking about a hypothetical situation in which extremeists from
a religion that exists primarily in one area (the extremeists do) are
wiped out, regardless of there color/ethnicality.

Thank you Iori, for teaching me my first lesson in western customs. I take that it is common custom to kill and eliminate any person that disagrees with ones own opinions?

I'll assume that was a flawed form of sarcasm.
As I said originally, there is only one reason I would
ever condone genocide.

I understand that this is just a hypothetical exercise, but I don't think it's as "logical/neutral" as you might wish to represent.

Of course I could be wrong, and genocide is hardly anything new, but I don't think the future of the human race or Islam is going to require such absolutist thinking.

It is logical, I am hyothecising based on a set of variables that are possible.

I find it ironic when "patriotic Americans" say things like "Nuke Mecca!"

Hahaha, since I assume that was meant towards me, I have to laugh,
I'm one of the farthest things from patriotic there is.

You think the problems of the modern world are caused by Islam?

I never said that, and no I don't.

I beg to differ. I believe the problems stemed from USA. Should we exterminate all Americans too? Maybe I'm wrong, not ALL Americans are at fault are they? Or maybe just the poor ones? How about the poor black ones?

The problems of the world do not stem from one source,
rather from many.

yep, 80% of the problems we are facing today in the world come from Islam.

Not really, if anything it's more around 20%.

And Majic, Gear is right, he did'nt insult Xphilephan
in his response post.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 04:54 PM
This thread brings me to another thread in ATS called IS AMERICA BABYLON? By ECK.

Many people think that the US is not talked about in the Bible end of times prophecies.

But perhaps the tittle of this thread brings to mind one prophecy.

GREATEST NATION IN THE WORLD, THE RICHEST NATION ON THE EARTH, Who may that be. . . the YOUNGEST OF ALL THE GREAT NATIONS AT THE END TIME will go into war with the oldest nation of the world.

It could be Christianity against Islam fought by our nation against the middle east been the oldest area of the cradle of civilized world.

Could it happen, well I think that is already happening. But I will never buy into Islam been the one that is at fault on the mess that our nation is creating in the middle east.

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 11:40 PM

Now, assume that the majority 70%+ of Muslims ar found to be extrem-
ist and wanted the Caliphate and to destroy anyone who was'nt there
religion or was different from them, and they became even more danger-
ous than they currently are.

In my opinion the logical thing to do would be to destroy Islam,
or in more commmon words, a genocide of Islam.



There is about a zero percent chance of islam conquering the world. Also, what the heck would it matter, in your calculation, if islam did infact conquer the world? I mean, unless you are saying that christianity is the one and only religion, what would it really matter if christianity was wiped out? Heck, in the most 'dispassionate' analysis, if muslims represent that much of a threat to non-muslims, then, rather that killing billions of people (to...prevent the killings of billions of other people??), everyone could just convert.

Indeed, conversion, even half-assed insincere conversions, work pretty well in islam. Christendom wiped out every non-christian religion within its territory, Islam certainly didn't, and permited Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, etc, to exist, AND the groups that were really concerned just pretended to have converted (the druze, the yezidi, etc), and are still around today.

So I am going to go with a big fat 'no' to genocide as being a 'rational' solution, and an equally adamant no on it being at all necessary in the first place.

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