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The Time Has Arrived to Practice Quantum Physics, My Friends...

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posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:00 AM
you WERE nice about it, until your last few posts... then you started coming off as a real arrogant Knowitall... (not saying you do, but that is how you came across)

In that same context... your statement that serious scientific researchers are not taking any of the THEORIZED connections of positive thinking to the effects of QP seriously is totally bunk...
we have shown many!

It all breaks down to what you consider "serious researchers"
which is very relative measurement...

we have shown that a great number of respected scientists of all fields are studing the possible connection and interaction of the "human consciousness" to these QP principles...

You didn't want to give any credit at all to the volume of researchers (because in yours and others words, they are not credible), even though many of these "disreputable sources" have much more experience and study into the deep understanding of QP than you even have been exposed to

is it too much to imagine that these "noncredible" but reputable guys might turn out to be right, afterall... (after more research and understanding of QP)

Remember my string theory analogy...
what was the "factual science" of the day often becomes the laughing stock of tommorow...
and what once was fancy and folly, sometimes becomes understood to be the true state of something... (who would have predicted the surprise of the two slit experiment with the previous "proven science" of QP, or that M theory would win out)

It is our OPINION that some of these theorized connections will be proven out... and we are taking that and running with it...

So all the "you are wrong" statements mean as much as the flatearthers statements of "the world is flat".

At this point, since science and the understanding of all the dimensions of QP is still growing, I think we can both hold our opinions as to what the final truth will be...

I would hate to turn out to be a fervent superstringer in a M theory universe...
wouldn't you?

You haven't watched WTBDWK or you would have to accept that there is no scientific reason YET to show why water would freeze with different crystal patterns based upon the "mood in the air"
but there must be a scientific reason... yes?

the best evidence shows that the mood of the person(s) focusing on the water, can actually affect the "state" (forgive if I misnomered that statement) of the waters atoms... and the formation of crystal is more uniform with what humans would consider to be "peaceful loving" thoughts focused on it...

that to me, that speaks volumes of what QP might reveal about the complex interactions of the observer and the observed...

So, yes, it is a theory, and yes, it is probably erking some that a group of scientists are actually trying to connect the element of human consciousness to QP in some way... (i.e. noetic sciences institute)

But let them test their theory, before you bag it, because it might just turn out to bring more understanding to the quantum realm than the closed box theory that you promote (which is as correct as we have proof of SO FAR)

But that says nothing about the future understandings of QP

for now, I hope you accept that this is a difference of opinion, more than an expression of ignorance...
if it were one uneducated persons view, then it would be ignorance...

a whole scientific movement that is trying to study these interactions is proof that it is NOT ignorance, but bold forward steps of study regarding one of the most debated bases of science
As others of better scientific background have said there is enough evidence to study...
it might turn out to be folly... but it is not ignorant folly... anymore than the first person to test the flat earth theorys... and it may turn out to be incorrect... but much will be learned in the process...

and forgive the slightly misleading title... as this is not an exercise in QP as much as using QP to back the idea of proof of positive thinking...

we know that positive thinking works, yes?
so it has to have a scientific reason... (probably deriving from many scientific and physical reasons combined)
and so the research begins...

and BTW, thank you all for taking part in this experiment...
because even the debaters (kudos to the nonoffensive ones) contributed to preventing negative thoughts as much as the posters that contributed to the positive...

while we were argueing, we weren't being worried about the end of the world as we know it...
so in the end, it at least kept everyone from focusing on doomsday thoughts...
HOORAY... everyone give themselves a pat on the back...

anyone feel like starting a thread on the evidence or lack thereof of a connection or affect of human consciousness on QP actions/reactions?
anyone, anyone?

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:04 AM
DG big
for starting the thread.

thelibra & lazarus the long (and others) big
for participating.

See, this is how we learn. And I did. Where else can we go and get this kind of quality participation? Big
to ATS for the venue.

>>positive thinking and good vibes happy dance

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:09 AM
..back the idea of proof...Well said, Laz.

thank you for helping dissect this.

[edit on 23-8-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

No problem. I was also over reacting and i am sorry for that.

Let today be a good day. My intentions were well meaning. Sorry.

Absolutely, let today be a great day. And your intentions were definitely well meaning. I have zero qualms with someone who wants to spread a bit of positive energy in a world of fear-based culture.

Thanks again, I'm really glad we were able to make nicenice.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 01:04 PM
As I was searching for arguments against Masaru Emoto and his water crystals (and I found some very valid concerns), I came upon this interesting piece:

Hackery/Quackery in Scientific American

I recall someone else suggesting their homepage earlier in this thread, but I wanted to post something more relevant to the argument. By the way, the website should be fun to explore, particularly the e-mail Archives of discussions on the theory.
This is one paragraph from Stuart Hameroff's response to one of the critics.

To debunk our theory Shermer cites an assertion in a book by Victor Stenger that the product of mass, velocity and distance of a quantum system cannot exceed Planck’s constant. I’ve not seen this proposal in a peer reviewed journal, nor listed anywhere as a serious interpretation of quantum mechanics. But in any case Stenger’s assertion is disproven by Anton Zeilinger’s experimental demonstration of quantum wave behavior in fullerenes and biological porphyrin proteins. (Skepticism should cut both ways, Mr. Shermer.) Nonetheless I agree with Stenger that synaptic chemical transmission between neurons is completely classical. The quantum computations we propose are isolated in microtubules within neurons. Classical neurotransmission provides inputs to, and outputs from, microtubule quantum computations mediating consciousness in neuronal dendrites.

It seems to me that we are stuck watching these cat fights for years to come.

I picture two people staring at a rock, arguing over it's color. One says its blue, the other says its green, and I'm colorblind.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 03:02 PM
Since Ive been studying Quantum Physics:

- I never get depressed anymore, I locate problem and fix it.

- I see a lot of signs now. Signs from Universe...lets me know im on right track.

- I feel Im part of something now. A puzzle piece that is needed.

- I do not have social anxiety anymore...I can speak in front of crowds

- I have a huge boost of confidence when talking to women.

- I strive to deny Ignorance baby ! Boost my self awareness...thats all I care about.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 04:06 PM
@ StreetCorner Philosopher

I thought the posters in this thread clearly established that "Quantum Physics" isn't a field of study which would teach you to do any of these things you listed, though MAYBE in some way it might someday explain the process of how a person can convince him/herself to feel this way, and experience physical benefits.

Studying to learn how to think positively (which is effective) does not equal to studying Quantum Physics. It would be like saying you're studying Biology, when in fact you're studying Art. I understand that a few New Age Mystics and healers try to insert the words "Quantum Physics" into their teachings in order to convince more people to listen to them,.... because, after all, a branch of Science supports their theories (which at this point is denied by the majority of Quantum Physicists).

QP has nothing to do with spirituality or self-improvement at this point. Self improvement cannot be called QP, no matter how effective this self-improvement technique is. It would be the same as calling land "water", and water "land".

So in short, the serious study of Quantum Physics has nothing to do with Self-improvement or spirituality at this point.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 05:08 PM

so lets call the whole thing off...

I also have gained a deeper understanding of QP, and the questions still being asked regarding the priciples of it from this thread...

even though it was actually supposed to be a test of positive thinking and its non localized effect...
which I still think needs to be done...

and yes, QP and all other Scientific lingo terms have oft been missapplied by scam artists and streetcorner mind readers....

but this is not quite the case here...
unless these (ramtha) charlitans have hoodwinked an entire population of true scientists into studying the possible connections...
(from my lengthy experience in the New Age field as owner of a New Age book store, I can tell you that their is a BIG difference of credibility here...)

rarely can you find more than a handful of semi reputable scientists to even consider analyzing a "gonzo theory" such as "reiki" or "astrology"... so lending a scientific front to them, really serves no purpose...

but this QP consciousness connection theory has drawn an international scientific interest... maybe for good reason...
but truly, these possible connections are far from proof... hence it is a theory...
but so are other aspects of QP... (not QM)
otherwise there would be none of the surprises that scientists have encountered since delving into the QP realm...
so as said before...

take the good points from this thread please, and allow them to possibly open your mind to a more complete and whole understanding of QP, and where EVERYTHING fits in.
I am hoping for better and more full understanding myself, and have heard theories from the greatest minds... and when they agree, I will know more...

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 06:34 PM
Its helped me in ways i cant even explain. I can have things i want, even at my primitive level, and that is something- Its ok to be skeptic, Its ok to not believe, but i'm here to tell you, applying Quantum Conciousness daily has changed my life.
NOT every area...but i'm getting everything i putting some of these resources to use.

Beleive it or not. I love being a Bleephead.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
..back the idea of proof...Well said, Laz.
thank you for helping dissect this.

DG, if you want to change the title, just say the word.
Easy to do

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
@ StreetCorner Philosopher

I thought the posters in this thread clearly established that "Quantum Physics" isn't a field of study which would teach you to do any of these things you listed, though MAYBE in some way it might someday explain the process of how a person can convince him/herself to feel this way, and experience physical benefits.

Studying to learn how to think positively (which is effective) does not equal to studying Quantum Physics. It would be like saying you're studying Biology, when in fact you're studying Art. I understand that a few New Age Mystics and healers try to insert the words "Quantum Physics" into their teachings in order to convince more people to listen to them,.... because, after all, a branch of Science supports their theories (which at this point is denied by the majority of Quantum Physicists).

QP has nothing to do with spirituality or self-improvement at this point. Self improvement cannot be called QP, no matter how effective this self-improvement technique is. It would be the same as calling land "water", and water "land".

So in short, the serious study of Quantum Physics has nothing to do with Self-improvement or spirituality at this point.

Mod Note: Big Quote – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

Quantum Physics is more than what you percieve my friend. Listen...

It made me much more self aware. QP helps determine whats real, and what is not. Whats important...and what is not. QP helps you understand nature...and now the sun and a few birds chirping can make me smile. Not in the past...all that made me happy was material things.

The biggest thing about QP is that it is a way of life. It relates to truth seeking like no other topic can. I only attract what I like now. Positive thinking makes you attract what you like, not what you dont like. Most people have problems because they put the problems upon themselves. Good vibrations and positive thinking helps a person create his own reality. Thats whats important. Customizing your life according to your standards, hobbies and boosting self awareness to the point where you will never ever sell your soul.

Most of all, it helps keep your mind open. Your third eye. Or your sixth sense. It makes you think holistically . We all share the consciousness of the universe. Thinking is powerful . Let go of your distractions and think about you . Not about others.

[edit on 8/23/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:07 PM
Quantum Physics has been perverted by a lot of people. Most people who say they like Quantum Physics, probably don't know the first thing about REAL Quantum Physics, and probably have just watched What the Bleep Do We Know way too many times...

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:20 PM
yea..if that is what you think. All I know is what I know. I have more books on the topic alone than most do period. We need to change...because Human integrity is declining and Im not sure we have much peace left. But it's all our fault. And people would rather assume others have no clue what they are talking about just because they are ignorant to the topic...instead of assuming...go out and look into QP if you spend all this time on this thread worryin if people actually know the subject.

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
...go out and look into QP if you spend all this time on this thread worryin if people actually know the subject.

I have looked into what Quantum Physics is, I have even taken Physical Chemistry courses (which if you didn't know runs along the same line). People pervet the science and make it seem metaphysical, when in reality it is more than some fluffy bunny New Age things like "think only positive thoughts and the Universe will change".

It has more to do with how and where electrons travel in the atom's orbitals than what I stated above and what the original poster wrote!

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 11:47 PM
I dont understand. You say people pervert science and make it seem metaphysical. You dont see the logic regarding the two.

Science Fiction. It's important. Now what science does is explain the physical and strive for showing and proving the metaphysical. A PC or any computer was considered to me metaphysical and impossible if you asked anyone only 60 years ago.

Einstein despised Quantum Physics. Becuase he said it was too involved with the possibilities. He was just too stubborn to realize that it was very new and a purest like him wouldnt agree with something so radical at the time. “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
~ Albert Einstein

Bottom line. The physical process can never catch up with the thougt process. Yes we invented the PC in the seventies and eighties for civilian use but the concept was thought up way before that. We are about to prove things that will make the priests and bishops in the Vatican observatories run to thier telescopes.

[edit on 8/24/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 12:41 AM

“If you can generate the same emotions that you will have when your desire is fulfilled, you align vibrationally with the reality of the desire fulfilled, and thus become a magnet to it.” ~Bob Doyle

this should help clarify things.

This quote from Bob Doyle is what visualizing is all about. In order to get in sync with what we desire, we have to become a match to it, in a vibrational/feeling sense. We have to “become it” energetically. Energy is what creates, it is the mechanism behind the Law of Attraction. It is the magnetic field that attracts those filings to us. And the way we do it is by utilizing our feeling nature, or our emotions.

[edit on 8/24/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 06:00 AM

Its ok to leave it as it is. QP does change your life as its being told here by STreetCornerPhilosopher and Lazarusthelong.

There are different areas to QP as we can now see. Thanks.

STREETCORNERPHILOSOPHER- Your quotes show that this tittle of the thread has validity, and that you and i have the same sources. Thanks for posting.

[edit on 24-8-2006 by dgtempe]

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe

Its ok to leave it as it is. [edit on 24-8-2006 by dgtempe]

OK, you call positive thinking quantum physics, we'll leave it at that - just be aware that anyone who has had a scientific education will laugh at you when you use the term in that context.

I am going to refer to houses as cars and cats as tables from now on too.

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
A PC or any computer was considered to me metaphysical and impossible if you asked anyone only 60 years ago.
[edit on 8/24/2006 by StreetCorner Philosopher]

Computers weren't considered "metaphysical" 60 years ago. You obviously don't know what the term means - you might want to look it up before you go chucking it into sentences.

Computers certainly weren't considered impossible either - "computing engines" had been around since the 17th century and 65 years ago they were building computers at Blexley Park to crack Nazi encryption.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 07:59 AM
I am not concerned at people laughing at me.

I know what i know and it helps me and that's that.

who cares.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 08:26 AM
A little QP ESP experiment just for ya'll


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