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Is the UK our enemy?

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posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:25 AM
I have noticed many brits seem to be sympathetic to muslim terrorists or at least sympathetic to muslims in general. I also noticed from my time in London that thgere are a great many muslims living withing the UK. The recent incident with the flights is suspicuous as well.

My question is they knowingly harbor terrorists? or have they been unwittingly subjugated by terrorists?

Should we Americans consider the UK compromised?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:30 AM
While our government may be a bit soft on terrorism,it is because the liberal agenda are always pressing home "the terrorists have human rights too".

Yes there are a great many muslims in the UK and (although i'll get slated for this)
their agenda is sharia law by anymeans possible.
This is what they believe and so they hate the U.K. the very country that protects them,wrongly.

If we're your enemy why the hell do we support you in everything?

Mod Edit: Quoting Etiquette – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:32 AM
what should be of more concern is who is running some of these "terrorist" groups.
Our own Intel agencies always seem to have someone on the inside who is always the one that seems to instigate events and supply any materials... and disappears after the arrests are made.

Surely our own guys are not running events for political agendas? That just would not do at all
Just can't trust anyone these days

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:36 AM
perhaps I chose my words incorrectly.....I am not an expert in the internals of the UK...

I was expressing my concerns maybe there is a new internal threat brewing in the UK.... maybe a radical group of terrorists from there.

UK would be a perfect base to launch attacks on the US.

the true UK citizens (the english, scots and welsh) of course we are friends....but this new group of immigrants in England im not sure about.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
perhaps I chose my words incorrectly.....I am not an expert in the internals of the UK...

I was expressing my concerns maybe there is a new internal threat brewing in the UK.... maybe a radical group of terrorists from there.

UK would be a perfect base to launch attacks on the US.

the true UK citizens (the english, scots and welsh) of course we are friends....but this new group of immigrants in England im not sure about.

I agree the U.K. has a lot of home grown muslim terrorists and this is very worrying.
Here in the U.K. if you speak out about this you are branded a rascist.
It's a sad state of affairs.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 11:59 AM
First of all; a person's religion doesn't dictate their character. It may etch their personality. However, you have Christians, Jews and Muslims who live strict secular lives. It doesn't mean that are intent on evil.

Just because a few people of one sect of the population from one cultural background does evil against other people doesn't make the rest of them evil.

I have friends from all secular sects. They are part of the human race. I feel for my Muslim brothers and sisters the same way I do Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters.

Why create animosity over somebody's cultural differences? That is where hatred begins which then breeds violence. I am not in that game.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Isn't the USA "at least sympathetic to muslims in general"?
And only "the true UK citizens" are white?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 12:27 PM

Have you ever heard of the IRA?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by rachel07
First of all; a person's religion doesn't dictate their character. It may etch their personality. However, you have Christians, Jews and Muslims who live strict secular lives. It doesn't mean that are intent on evil.

Just because a few people of one sect of the population from one cultural background does evil against other people doesn't make the rest of them evil.

I have friends from all secular sects. They are part of the human race. I feel for my Muslim brothers and sisters the same way I do Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters.

Why create animosity over somebody's cultural differences? That is where hatred begins which then breeds violence. I am not in that game.

Keep wearing those blinkers

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by kuhl
Keep wearing those blinkers

Whats your opinion on the IRA or the UVF then?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 12:54 PM
My opinion is that the IRA wanted a united Ireland and were mainly in the south ,while the UDF wanted the north to remain British.

What has that to do with blowing up jets?The IRA IMO were terrorists but at least they used to call in warnings.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:20 PM
this is the most stupidest post i have ever seen on this forum how meany terror groups has the us funnded over the years thay funded the IRA when the uk put them on the terror list. .this post should be locked

[edit on 10-8-2006 by leejones]

[edit on 10-8-2006 by leejones]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:25 PM
Please lets not confuse EXTREMISTS with MUSLIMS

please lets use our terms in the right way, many muslims walk and protest along side everyother Religion in the UK for peace,

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 01:29 PM
As an American living in the UK, I must say, this is the most ridiculous topic today.

So anyone who doesn't have their tounge firmly inserted in Bush and Co's colelctive rumps and who think exterminating Muslims indiscriminately is now an enemy of the US?

I actually consider people who support this war on terror to be anti-American and hostile towards the Constitution and liberties that make America special.

So i could consider war on terror supporters to be enemies of America.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by rachel07
First of all; a person's religion doesn't dictate their character. It may etch their personality. However, you have Christians, Jews and Muslims who live strict secular lives. It doesn't mean that are intent on evil.

thank you

me as a muslim, my faith doesnt dictate who i am.

and so?
i support hazbullah and hamas and so forth who are fighting israeli occupation and collective punisment, seems to me its ok for only israel to deffend its self and not others.

also hazbullah is only classed as a terrorist group by israel and the US and a few other countries.

kuhl if you had read about the terrorists that attacked in the UK you will see they that they had first been to pakistan and where screwed up in the head (since almost 1/5 islamic schools are run by extremists there)

so they may be home grown but they were screwed up abroad by the US's chum

Yes there are a great many muslims in the UK and (although i'll get slated for this)
their agenda is sharia law by anymeans possible.
This is what they believe and so they hate the U.K. the very country that protects them,wrongly.

that just made me laugh

no offenc this is truely a joke

how many muslims have you spoken to (i bet not that many)
maybe a few want this and this is truely the ones that are either hard core religous or extreme, so only a small fraction want this (which doesnt even represent a fraction of all us muslims)

it sucks always having to deffend my self and faith to people who cant take the time to actuily do the research and talk to the people they accuse

this is a question to the americans how come when it comes to the most terrorists on the face of the globe they always trace back to the US

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 02:45 PM
The problem with the UK is its guilt and rightfully so in many cases. Subjugating half the world, the whole sun never sets thing may have been "glorious" but the latter generations saw it for what it was, enslavement and oppression. So they did an even stupider thing and created something called the commonwealth immigration act, a stupid peice of legislation that allowed every chad, mohammad and ali (somehow couldnt get to rhyme! ) to walk into Britain and set up camp there. As a result there was an exodus from nations like Pakistan and anybody with enough money to buy a plane ticket landed up on British shores. Obviously the British realized their mistake when they were awash with rabble from all parts of the world. Unfortuanately this led to the formation of ghettos, (like Wembley in london! ) where these pakistanis thrived and in numbers they were strong. Mosques, madrassas, imams, etc follow and so does Bin-Laden and company who sponsor tour packages to pakistan where these pseudo-english( they claim that they're british!) hand over what little cranial capacity they have to the mullahs! Here the British mujahideen/fidayeen are born and go back to their ghettos and conscript more of their kind.

I have always found the terrorist/Islamist ideology funny, I mean how do these terrorist think they will intimidate/scare/deter America/American policy ? Kill a few thousand civilians?? Has the whole cold war MAD thing escaped the Islamist mind ??
America was prepared to literally irradiate the world and so was USSR, what a few thousand civilians ?

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 02:54 PM
mods close this thread its getting dam right stupid

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
it sucks always having to deffend my self and faith to people who cant take the time to actuily do the research and talk to the people they accuse

this is a question to the americans how come when it comes to the most terrorists on the face of the globe they always trace back to the US

Oh, so it "sucks" to have to try and defend your groups that are actually the source of most, not all (clear on that?) of the world's terrorists. But there you are trying to blame it all on the U.S. instead of where we all know the blame actually belongs.

C'mon, learn to be responsible and own up for what is yours and stop blaming others. That's the first step in solving the problem. When all the peace-loving muslims of the world we keep hearing about (but rarely seeing) finally stand up and put a stop to what their own brothers are doing, then this sad chapter in human history will finally be at an end.

[edit on 8/10/2006 by centurion1211]

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 03:07 PM
War on terror is against "Extreme" muslims, not muslims in general.

The UK is a great ally in nearly all issued of the USA. No need to damn an entire country for a few radicals, nor damn an entire religion because of those same radicals.

If you do, you're just as bad as the radicals. You are the same to us as radicals are to regular muslims.

posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Britain is not our enemy.

But what concerns me the most is that these terrorists caught today were British born citizens of Pakistani decent; the terrorists behind 7/7 were also British born. In other words, home grown. What in the UK is causing these people to turn against their country like this?

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