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What are Palpitations of the Heart?

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posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 12:41 PM
I smoke about a pack a day and drink at least a pot of coffee every day but my chest pains and iregular rhythms completely disappeared when i started eating right for my blood type. I'm also AB negative and Peter D'Adamos blood type diet is very restrictive for AB types. Took about 2 weeks to get used to shopping differently for the foods I am allowed to have and going out to eat is problematic but there's always at least one thing on the menu I can have. I don't eat junk food or go to fast food places. Things that may be healthy for other people are not necessarily healthy for AB blood types. I ate chicken for years thinking it was healthier for me than beef but AB types aren't allowed to have chicken either. The blood type diet has made a world of difference for me. The only time I have chest pains or dysrhythmias is when I cheat on the diet (holidays). I know giving up coffee and quitting smoking would help but you gotta die of something and it might as well be something you enjoy.
Also, I work with cardiologists and thoracic surgeons and I can tell you that even with all the tests they will put you through, if you ask 10 different cardiologists what's wrong you'll get 10 different answers. I could tell you horror stories (some my own personal experiences) but the bottom line is that if you change your eating to what's appropriate for AB blood types you should see dramatic improvement. The amount of training that doctors get in nutritional medicine is approximately equal to what you could get from watching a public broadcast message on the food groups. Most are not even aware of the 30 plus years of research done on blood types and food. I often wondered why 2 people could start on a weight loss diet, religiously follow it, neither of them cheat on it and why one would lose weight and the other would not. A typical, low fat, low cholesterol diet would naturally be more beneficial for blood type A but not so much so for blood type O. The thing that scares me about my blood type is that most AB (and A) develop lethal heart problems in their 40's and 50's so if you're in that age group it would be wise to check out the diet quickly. I know it's added years to my life. Best of luck. And health.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 06:42 PM
Go here for a real answer, just search the forum and they also have a real doctor answering questions:
Good luck

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 01:29 PM
I want to thank all of you for your help.
I went to the site that the last person posted and it actually helped me to decide about a medication that my dr wanted me to take.
Thanks so much!

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