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The Definition of Magic

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posted on May, 24 2006 @ 06:49 PM
There has been alot of talk about Magic and occultism in this forum, but unfortunately there are many things regarding it that many occultists and "Magicians" seem to ignore, such as:

From Occult Medicine and Practical Magic:

"The White Magician does not violate the Law. Whosoever performs magical works without permission of his Intimate and against the will of the Divine Hierarchies is a Black Magician who will pay his karma within the abyss."

"The Divine Rabbi from Galilee practiced the Gospel and healed the sick because he was a true Magician and Theurgist, a true God.

"Magic" comes from mag which means "priest". It signifies great power from the Divine Wisdom, the Ineffable Light, the Solar Substance which the Medic Magician manipulates in order to heal those who are ill.

When the human being fuses himself with his own Intimate, he converts himself into a God of Nature. This is why the Masters from the Mayan Ray are ineffable Gods of Nature."

So let's see if we can define just what Magic is, from the Gnostic Glossary:

Magic "Magic, according to Novalis, is the art of influencing the inner world consciously." - from The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

"When magic is explained as it really is, it seems to make no sense to fanatical people. They prefer to follow their world of illusions." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

White Magic: see Theurgy. Black Magic: see Goetia.

The main thing I'd like to stress, is Bodhicitta; the Buddhist version of the Commandment of Gomer Oz Dabar that Master Aberamentho(Yeshua) said was the most important in the Christian Gospels.

The true Magi ought to recognize and implement it, no?(see definition below)

Adytum (Greek) The Holy of Holies of any temple. A name for the secret and sacred precints or the inner chamber, into which no profane could enter; corresponds to the sanctuary of the altars of the Christian churches.

Alchemical Birth To be "born again" as explained by Jesus to Nicodemus (John 3) "of water and of the Spirit" through the science of Alchemy; this birth is realized through the creation and subsequent perfection of the Soul. See also Alchemy.

Alchemy Al (Arabic, as in Allah) means "God." Also El (Hebrew) for "God." Chem or Khem is from kimia (Greek) which means "to fuse or cast a metal." Also from Khem, the ancient name of Egypt. The synthesis is Al-Kimia: "to fuse with God."

Annihilation The destruction of the subjective psychic aggregates, required in the work to free the soul from suffering. "The annihilation of the psychic aggregates can be made possible only by radically comprehending our errors through meditation and by the evident Self-reflection of the Being." - The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Astral Light "The Astral Light is the deposit of all of great Nature's past, present and future forms. The Astral Light is the Azoth and Magnesia of the ancient Alchemists, Medea's Flying Dragon, the Christians' INRI, the Tarot of the Bohemians. The Astral Light is a terrific sexual fire springing from the Sun's nimbus and is fixed to the Earth by the force of gravity and the weight of the atmosphere. The Sun is the one that attracts and repels such an enchanting and delightful light. The Astral Light is Archimedes' lever. The old Sage said: "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the universe." The semen is the human being's Astral liquid. The semen is the Astral Light. The semen is the key to all powers and the key to all empires. The Astral Light has two poles, one positive and the other negative. The ascending serpent is positive. The descending serpent is negative." - The Perfect Matrimony

"The Astral Light is the battlefield between white and black magicians. The Astral Light is the clue of all empires and the key of all powers. It is the great universal agent of life. All the columns of angels and demons live within the Astral Light..." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

Baalim Baalim plural from Baal, Mister; Sir

"The schools of the Baalim were instituted in the abyss by humanity. These are all the pseudo-spiritual schools that actually exist in the world. All such external schools are from the abyss.

"If man wants to leave the abyss he must liberate his mind from all these cages.

"When we penetrate into the internal worlds we find all the students of the schools of Baalim submerged in the profound darkness of black magic. These poor beings are searching outwardly for what they already have inside.

"All such souls continue to rebel against the commands of the Lord Jehovah, eating the forbidden fruit, of which He said, “you shall not eat.”

"It is painful to see these souls enslaved by the Baalim. The Baalim are black magicians. Igneous Rose by Samael Aun Weor

Black Lodge The diabolic intelligence which seeks to pull souls into attachment to desire-sensation and the awakening of the consciousness (negatively) that is trapped within the ego.

Excerpted from The Perfect Matrimony: "From the dawn of life, a great battle has raged between the powers of Light and the powers of Darkness. The secret root of that battle lies in sex. Gods and Demons live in eternal struggle. The Gods defend the doctrine of chastity. The Demons hate chastity. In sex is found the root of the conflict between Gods and Demons... There are Masters of the Great White Lodge. There are Masters of the Great Black Lodge. There are disciples of the Great White Lodge. There are disciples of the Great Black Lodge. The disciples of the Great White Lodge know how to move consciously and positively in the Astral Body. The disciples of the Great Black Lodge also know how to travel in the Astral Body... The White Magician worships the inner Christ. The Black Magician worships Satan. This is the “I,” the me, myself, the reincarnating ego. In fact, the “I” is the specter of the threshold itself. It continually reincarnates to satisfy desires. The “I” is memory. In the “I” are all the memories of our ancient personalities. The “I” is Ahriman, Lucifer, Satan."

Black Magic See also Goetia

"The black magicians have their mysticism, and they always firmly believe that they walk on the good path. No black magician believes that he walks on the evil path. The path of black magic is a broad way filled with vices and pleasures." - The Revolution of Beelzebub

"Multitudes of schools of black magic exist, many of them with very venerable traditions that teach Sexual Magic with the spilling of semen. They have very beautiful theories that attract and captivate, and if the student falls in that seductive and delicious deceit, he becomes a black magician. Those black schools affirm to the four winds that they are white and that is why ignorant ones fall. Moreover, those schools talk of beauty, love, charity, wisdom, etc., etc. Naturally, in those circumstances the ignorant disciple attains the belief with firmness that such institutions are not evil and perverse. Remember good disciple, that the Abyss is full of sincerely mistaken ones and people of very good intentions..." - The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

"The intellect as the negative function of the mind is demoniacal. Everyone that enters into these studies, the first thing that they want is to dominate the mind of others. This is pure and legitimate black magic. No one has the right to violate the free will of others. No one has the right to exercise coaction upon the mind of others because this is black magic. The ones that are guilty of this grave error are all of those mistaken authors that are everywhere. All of those books of hypnotism, magnetism and suggestion are books of black magic. Whosoever does not know how to respect the free will of others is a black magician; those who perform mental works in order to violently dominate the mind of others convert themselves into perverse demons. These people separate themselves from the Innermost and they crumble into the Abyss." - The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

Bodhicitta (Sanskrit) Literally, Bodhi means "enlightenment" or "wisdom." Citta means mind. The synthesis, bodhicitta means "the enlightened mind" or the "mind of wisdom." This term has many levels of application.

(1) In an introductory form, it is used to describe the altruistic intention to attain enlightenment for the benefit of suffering beings.

(2) In Mahayana teachings it is an elevated state of awareness (prajna) which directly perceives Emptiness.

(3) In Tantrism it refers to the seminal fluids of the body.

(4) Samael Aun Weor often expresses the synthesis of the term, which combines all these meanings.

"The Bodhicitta is the awakened and developed superlative Consciousness of the Being. The Bodhicitta emerges in the aspirant who sacrifices himself for his fellowmen, long before the Mercurial bodies have been created... It is necessary for the Bodhicitta, which means the auric embryo, the awakened Consciousness, to fall into the Illuminated Void." - The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

"Obviously, before the Bodhisattva is born, the Bodhicitta must be formed within ourselves. Furthermore, it is important to clarify the necessity of disintegrating the ego, the “I,” in order for the Bodhicitta to emerge. The Bodhicitta is formed with the merits of love and supreme sacrifice for our fellowmen. The Bodhisattva is formed within the environment and psychological atmosphere of the Bodhicitta." - The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Goetia Comes from an ancient word that means "howling and groaning." Goetia is the science of practical black magic. Magic is the science of influencing nature’s phenomena (internal and external). The practitioner of goetia uses magic to manipulate, harm, gain power, control, and feed desire/ego through consciously feeding the sensual mind.

Theurgy From the Greek theos, "god," and ergon, "work" The action of Theos (God, the Monad). This is white magic, the influence and power that the Monad has over nature and its phenomena. This power and intelligence is exercised in many ways and can be exercised through the Bodhisattva or any particular solar body.

White Brotherhood That ancient collection of pure souls who maintain the highest and most sacred of sciences: White Magic or White Tantrism. It is called White due to its purity and cleanliness. This “Brotherhood” or “Lodge” includes human beings of the highest order from every race, culture, creed and religion, and of both sexes.

Witchcraft "Witchcraft is behind thirty percent of common crimes." - Endocrinology and Criminology

Witches "All of us as children listened to many stories of witches and fairies. Our grandmothers always used to tell us stories of witches that at midnight rode on their brooms and travelled through the clouds. Although it will seem incredible to many students of occultism, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, etc., those witches really exist. They do not ride brooms as grandmothers believe, but they do know how to travel through the air. The so-called “witches” travel with their body of flesh and bone through space. They know how to make use of hyperspace and travel from one place to another with the physical body. Soon astrophysics will discover the existence of hyperspace." - The Perfect Matrimony

"Much is said about "vampirism;" it is said that "many women are vampirized." I don't deny that there are sexual vampires (yes, they exist); "Draculas" have existed and continue existing; further, it is normal today that they abound everywhere (presently, they exist and are everywhere), they are commonly called “warlocks." It is good to remember the adventure of the Trojans with the famous "Hags (witches; sorceresses)" of whom Virgil the Poet of Mantua spoke, in The Aeneid. There is no doubt that when those "Black Sorceresses," those Hags, put their bodies in a Jinn state, they are able to transport themselves to different locations of the Earth. If they have enemies, they approach them and they bite them. The wound appears, later, like a black mark in this or that part of the body. So then, indeed, they are not exactly vampires, but Hags and warlocks. That is all. They are called "Witches." They are something very common, and you know that." - From the lecture Questions of Importance to Women

Said glossary has many terms related to Magic that I hope will clarify the positive use of Magic, and be useful for the sincere seeker.

Thoughts, questions, comments?



posted on May, 24 2006 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
There has been alot of talk about Magic and occultism in this forum, but unfortunately there are many things regarding it that many occultists and "Magicians" seem to ignore, such as:

Gee, I bet you would of never guessed I was going to respond to this

Anyway, my main disagreement with this post is the implied absoluteness this type of post projects. It's a my way or the highway type of thing. IMHO it would be more polite to preface comments with something like "According to the Gnosticism of Samael Aun Weor." (as a side.. Do you folks consider yourselves occultists?) Humm come to think of it, I don't recall you mentioning Samael Aun Weor that much, if at all. Is there a reason for this? I assume your are as proud as your faith as I am of mine yet you seem not to want to talk about it.

Anyway the correct
definition of magick is "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."

posted on May, 25 2006 @ 06:36 PM
"the first thing that they want is to dominate the mind of others"

I wonder how many people on earth are familar on how to do some of these things and my next question how many people are that wicked?

Also my next question is if one was to dominate the mind of another is would be in a form of possession?

What is the gain of fear a impure soul over a pure soul? Maybe just energy/power?

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 05:27 PM
Is this the magic that the government uses and masons and illuminatis everybody uses that 1

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 06:20 PM
Greetings Cug

I'm about halfway through typing my response, but do not have time to finish it right now.

Just to let you know that I've acknolwedged your reply and am I'm saving mine, and will try to post it in the near future.

And will also reply to 32genroman's response.

[edit on 27-5-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Hawaii_boy
Is this the magic that the government uses and masons and illuminatis everybody uses that 1

Okay, I'll take you seriously one more time.

Since most governments these days are mostly controlled by what would be called the Illuminati of the 'Black Lodge', they use black magic(see above definition) to control people.

The Illuminati of the 'White Lodge'(like H.H. the Dalai Lama) are said to be here to liberate mankind from suffering, and are therefore White Magicians(again, see above definitions).

[edit on 27-5-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by Hawaii_boy
Is this the magic that the government uses and masons and illuminatis everybody uses that 1

Okay, I'll take you seriously one more time.

Since most governments these days are mostly controlled by what would be called the Illuminati of the 'Black Lodge', they use black magic(see above definition) to control people.

The Illuminati of the 'White Lodge'(like H.H. the Dalai Lama) are said to be here to liberate mankind from suffering, and are therefore White Magicians(again, see above definitions).

[edit on 27-5-2006 by Tamahu]
Wow that is interesting how do they use the black magic isn't black magick used for harmful reasons?

What's the name of the magic they use or it's just the same magic as everyone even egyptian women.

[edit on 27-5-2006 by Hawaii_boy]

[edit on 27-5-2006 by Hawaii_boy]

posted on May, 27 2006 @ 08:43 PM
I am curious about any real accounts any of you may have seen in regards to experience of someone using a real form of magic or whever some may call it on others.

If any of you recall the interview with Ingo Snow he had mentioned how there was experiements beyond remote viewing to try to cause brain damage etc on people. I think he was correct but I think that is just a touch of what has been tested by people in the know of things. However I think like everything it comes down to belief and fear. If one is a target he or she must know what is possible or believe that such an action is possible to cause "x" action to them. Or be tricked if a person not versed in any related knowledge could be fooled into thinking they are having a different experience.

One thought I had was what if the 9-11 fellows were practicing deep meditation and "x" person picked up on how far they were going in the mediatative state, over time "x" could penetrate if it seemed "X" was posing as someone within the religion. However the person would I imagine have to feel a sense of darkness or negative state and than proceed further to allow "x" to penetrate. I am looking at this in a form of possession by earthly person. However even if the person allowed such actions to happen to them it is the actions of "x" that are guilty after for what they make the person/s do. Now this may sound crazy for anyone far from research into such actions but giving enough experience one may be able to do many things. Now once "x" has one person down the others are easy to fall to the main "x" emboding the person and tricking the others on what to do so they may be controlled or just follow the leader. Now the leader would be "x" and if "x" is within a group or government a large scale operation like 9-11 could happen. Than again maybe it was just crazy terrorists. I guess if something like this was to ever happen it would be in difficult reach without using similar tactics to find out. And I can only imagine only a few have. I imagine a person of white magic or pure thoughts versed in such mysteries wouldn't take such a leap due to risks but I guess some feel the need to learn a little more and fight fire with fire if you will. Again I am just speculating and it was a thought while mediatating that came over me. Imagantive or truth I may never know but if you trust your gut it seems plausable to me at least. However even if true and I found proof of this it maybe a mistake to prove it for obvious reasons. If some practices were ever proved real on a public scale people would not know what to do and I imagine serious havoc would come forth. So a secret fight would be needed. Sorry I am writting a book but knowledgable depth is hard to find as whimsical as it may sound at times.

Anyone feel free to comment back.

And Tam hope to hear all your replies soon. There is no more interesting topic than this.

posted on May, 28 2006 @ 02:00 AM
Thank you for all the information Tamahu.


posted on May, 28 2006 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by 32genroman
I am curious about any real accounts any of you may have seen in regards to experience of someone using a real form of magic or whever some may call it on others.

I can't answer for Tamahu as we don't share the same viewpoints about magick (to say the least
) But to take a quote form a popular modern author of magical books Lon Milo DuQuette "I can change only one thing with Magick -- myself."

You can influence other people.. but in general you can't influence them any more than you could by using something more mundane.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:11 PM
I think Cug's quote is exactly right, and a definition most magickians or occultists would agree with. Speaking of which glad to see some occult people on here.
One thing I disagree with though is the false dichotomy between white and black magick. There is no such thing. Everybody does magick for some reason involving themselves, that is to say self improvement, influencing the external world in their favor. By definition, it is to nudge things in conformity with one's will. That definition cannot be divided into black or white. If anything it would make most magickians sound like black magickians which isn't necesarily bad but probably one most people wouldn't like to be labeled. To me its not even a distinction worth making. In my opinion, people who use the term white magick are trying to hard to prove themselves benevolent, and those using black magick, trying to hard to prove themselves malevolent.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 12:52 PM
I have to agree with rotgeist. "Black Magic" and "White Magic" have always been terms more in vogue with the profane, not with occultists themselves, and it tends to show a misunderstanding about what Magick actually is.

If we say something like "governments practice black magic", we really need to qualify that statement. Governments, with the exception of one party dictatorships, are not single entities. They are conglomerates of politicians who disagree with each other all the time, and because of this can rarely get anything done. They do practice self-interest in the economic sector, and if this is what is meant by "black magic", fine, but obviously this is different from the Science of the Magi, which we call "Magick" for convenience.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 08:13 PM
Cug, Masonic Light, 32genroman

I was working on a response for this thread but have decided not to post it.

Thanks for your patience though Cug.

And I'm sorry for coming off as condescending.

That's what happens when you let a negative mood get the best of you.

But this is usually bound to happen, when we don't eliminate through Comprehension, Meditation and Sexual Super Dynamics, the "Legion" of egos or "Red Demons of Set" that we carry within.

Anyway, I've provided much research material in these forums for a not so commonly known perspective on esoteric matters, for all who may be interested.

This may be one of my last posts here...

So, Best Regards

[edit on 8-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 08:25 PM
One more thing.

Originally posted by Cug
Anyway the correct
definition of magick is "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."

Will and Consciousness can actually be used interchangeably in Occultism, when we consider the close relationship between Geburah and Tiphereth, or Buddhi-Manas.

Imagination and Will-Power are often spoken of as the main ingredients for a successful Magical or Theurgistic operation, which would of course involve Netzach as well.

(Well ultimately, all the Spheres and Paths have to be Intelligently utilized in Harmony)

"Imagination and willpower united in harmony takes us to the Divine." - Samael Aun Weor

[edit on 8-8-2006 by Tamahu]


posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
This may be one of my last posts here...

That's too bad Tamahu, I hope you reconsider. It's always good to have more than one viewpoint. If for nothing else to show that the occult/esotericism/etc.. is a wildly diverse area and not something that can be pigeonholed

[edit on 8/8/2006 by Cug]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:03 PM
Thank you for your concern.

Since I'm still on right now...

We must remember that the Path of Self-Realization is an Exact Science.

It is the Path of the Razor's Edge.

This Exact Science is outlined in all the Great Works of Occult Science(Religious Scriptures, Sutras, Tantras and so forth) by the Prophets, Magi, Mahatmas, etc.

However, I don't want to say that we don't walk the Path according to our own particular Karma and not in accordance with our own particular Ray.

Considering that it is an Exact Science, the only difference is that we walk it according to our own Karma, and this is what makes it unique for each one of us.

But if we try to skip any of the 'steps', we are only setting ourselves up for disappointment and for the suffering of 'ourselves' and 'others'; considering the Immutable Cosmic Laws that govern how things manifest, interact with each other, and disintigrate(all is Emptiness).

And we have the free-will to do whatever we want, but we can't escape The Great Law.

It is not mechanical either.

It is a Conscious Work, and this requires deep and intense(remember to relax though
) meditation in order to comprehend.

[edit on 8-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 09:03 PM
I may drop in occasionally though.


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