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Too many Clouds

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posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 04:22 PM
Too many Clouds

I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all.

Ever notice how many clouds there are on TV these days? Who decided there weren't enough already in the sky? "Gosh, we can squeeze in even more if we show them in fast motion with time-lapse photography." How about some examples? Fine. Can you think of any reality TV shows that don't cut away every 5 minutes to a shot of the sky with clouds racing overhead? Those wacky clouds give me the urge to strike up a chorus of Benny Hill on my kazoo. And it's not just reality TV, but movies, nature specials, news, advertisements and sporting events. What's next, a 24-hour cloud channel? But wait a minute, aren't the Weather and Travel Channels already completely inundated with clips of fast-motion clouds? You know it's reached the big time when National Geographic and the National Football League participate. Of course this begs the question as to why, and I think I know the answer.

In the year 1999, western nations rolled out the most extensive surveillance program this planet has ever witnessed. As a clandestine "black program," its existence is officially denied even though it's one of the most poorly kept government secrets due to its size. The genius of the program is its absolute political correctness. In fact the subject is so taboo that even the mass media only dare to hint and then only to avoid biting through their tongues. The media may be cowed, but don't expect them to lie down, this story has legs.

So if wacky fast-motion clouds are Phase I of the media horseplay, Phase II is also well under way, which is any reference to "radar," particularly the idioms, "on the radar" or "under the radar." I'll leave the TV viewer to find his own examples.

Finally, I'll even go out on a limb to predict Phase III in which aircraft, particularly airliners, start popping up on TV and in the movies, completely unconnected to the plot line.

Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn;
The sheep's in the meadow,
The cow's in the corn.
Where's the little boy who looks
after the sheep?
He's under the haystack fast asleep,
Where a pilot found him with "stealth" radar.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 04:46 PM
The clouds on tv are nothing more than time lapse fast forward cinematography...

Is your point that they are something else?


posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 04:52 PM
Do you remember when every show had an "evil twin" plot twist?

Do remember when there weren't any reality shows on TV?

As far as time lapse photography goes, what about the movie "the TIme Machine?"

Is Dick Cheany a Morlock?

Actually I'm surprized, I thought that this was going to be a chemtrail thread.

posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
Actually I'm surprized, I thought that this was going to be a chemtrail thread.

Me too, I tried hard to connect the chemtrail mythology but just couldn't find the link so I reckoned the member was not "getting" time lapse.


posted on Dec, 27 2005 @ 06:01 PM
i think he's saying that there is a politically correct surveilance programme in operation and that the media are busting to tell us but they're too afraid, so their putting out alot of subliminal messaging to the effect of ''watch the sky'' or ''look out for aircraft'' or some such but he's being obscure because it makes him sound like he knows more than he does, i thought it was chemtrails too.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 05:26 PM
Said Simple Simon to the Pieman, Indeed I haven't any.

You've managed to hit the nail on the head.

Yes, the media are fairly busting at the seams to spill the beans, but they dare not, so they hint in an progressively heavy-handed manor.

You're partly right about the being obscure so I sound like I know more than I do. I have talked to insiders, and it's true I don't know a lot of specifics, but I'm not just guessing, either. The other reason I don't lay it all out is psychological: its extent is practically beyond belief. In fact it took me a year to swallow the scope of the program myself, a full 12 months. Psychologically, it's literally too big to wrap your mind around in one session. I'm reminded of descriptions I've heard of novices on safari encountering giraffes or elephants at close quarters and later being stunned when they were reminded they had encountered an entire herd when they could only recall a single animal due to their fixation. Historically, I've had a poor response when I tell too much at once, and then of course there's also the small matter that I don't have a single hard fact to hang my hat on.

A couple things I'd like to say about human nature. First, there's an almost orgasmic urge to put new technology into service, particularly surveillance technology that doesn't harm the target and may safeguard the public. Take the recent reports of NSA surveillance of telecommunications of U.S. citizens as an example. Can't you picture Dick Chaney absolutely beside himself trying to justify his plans to the Whitehouse lawyers? (Actually I don't fault the Whitehouse for safeguarding the American public in the way that's been alleged even if I disapprove of the end run around congressional oversight and the FISA court.) My second point is that if it's human nature to listen at keyholes, it's even more so to gossip about what you've just overheard. For example, almost nothing in congress doesn't eventually get leaked to the press, secret or otherwise, right? So my point is that if the technology exists for tracking individuals, the government WILL by the argument of human nature identify groups and individuals that need to be tracked for public safety in order to justify and authorize the program, the press will learn about it and the information will get out. Is there any doubt that technology exists for tracking individuals? And believe me, the crowd who are being tracked deserve it; therein lies the dilemma for the media. They want to gossip in the worst way, but they know they shouldn't, so they hint instead. There's one more aspect of human nature at play. The cloud imagery and radar references are like a secret handshake, it marks you as having an inside track--whether you approve or disapprove of the program, it's cool to be in-the-know.

Short of taking you up in a plane or helicopter outfitted with "stealth" radar, I'm not likely to make any converts here. Actually, I'm not trying to convince the uninitiated, but rather to encourage those who actually know to come out of the woodwork and say so in so many words. (I don't know why the classified surveillance radar is called "stealth radar" because it gets confused with the common usage of the term which describes an aircraft designed to avoid radar detection like the B-2 "stealth bomber" and the F-117 fighter. The overlap in terminology may be an intentional disguise.) If you start poking around on the Internet you'll find a lot of unusual and tongue-in-cheek references to "stealth," and "under the radar." For instance, there's a production studio called "BTR" which stands for "Beneath The Radar," an album by "Underground" called, "Under the Radar," and the magazine "Under the Radar." A Yahoo search on "stealth" pulls up 30,900,000 websites even though Wikipedia says, "'Stealth' is claimed as a trademark by Leo Stoller, who threatens to sue anybody who uses it in a product or company name, domain name, or even in the text of a Web site."

To make your head really swim, poke around on the site:
Here's an excerpt:
"Surveillance Cloud

We offer three different options.

Detective Cloud. Our oldest design but still the most popular. Hire rates have been pegged for 1,000 years. Basic surveillance techniques. Floats over expected position (your co-ordinates). maintains position + or - 1/2 mile. Observes terrestrial activity then reports back to base for de-briefing. Full report forwarded to client. Illicit picnic liaisons a specialty.

Undercover Cloud. Fulfills all of the above parameters but with an added twist. Whilst Detective Cloud is capable of carrying out 75% of requested surveillance without detection we have recently had complaints that our clouds are being spotted. To counteract these complaints our Research and Development Department has designed Undercover Cloud. After 100 years of ongoing development we have the perfect solution. We will position a decoy cloud at your co-ordinates and (here's the twist in the tail!) we will also position an Undercover Cloud behind the decoy cloud which will peep around the decoy and make observations. Obviously slightly more expensive than Detective Cloud due to the ongoing costs of 2 clouds but still very cost effective.

Stealth Cloud. Straight out of our R & D department and top secret (well not any more. Damn!) The ultimate surveillance cloud. N.A.S.A. tried but failed. Real beaut this one. We have established that the major drawback with our other Surveillance Clouds is that they are static for a long period of time over the subject and therefore tend to be spotted by them - mainly the (bored) females. We have also noted that our other Surveillance Clouds seem to be detected more readily when static outside bedroom windows. Not anymore. Our Stealth Cloud is totally invisible! Observations are now absolutely undetectable. You can't see it. Nobody can. But it's there. Honest. Trust us. Dead expensive." [End of quoted excerpt from]

Disclaimer: I'm making no claims of references to government surveillance or to classified government programs for any of the companies, individuals or websites either directly mentioned or otherwise inferred, just curious observations.

Yes, I did in fact post this same message on Carnicom's chemtrail message board, to which I've been a contributor since 1999 going back to his original message board. Along the way, I got tired of fighting with the entrenched "chemtrail" mentality. No the government's not trying to poison us, guys, it's merely spying on us. I've been consistent with my message of aerial surveillance overseen by the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) since 1999.

Again, if there're any inductees out there with a spine, "Above Top Secret" is the place to show it.

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 05:48 PM
My good friend you have forgotten the other clouds out there, not as famous I grant you but still they get a bit testy lest you forget:

1. Postsy Weber Cloud - Not good at much, but always around.

2. Oprah Winfery Cloud - Starts out small in the midwest sky, partakes in snow making for a while, then grows to fill the entire sky only to shrink again and become the darling of the sky.

3. Tom Cruise Cloud - When it is there no one cares, but as soon as it is gone, no one cares!

So, if you have any questions just ask me, as I have inside information as to what makes these couds tick. And after I belittle you a bit in a thread by telling you how all knowing I am, I may tell you the information I have and you need so badly, or something like that!

(Anyone else sick of "I KNOW, BECAUSE I AM ON THE INSIDE" threads that just peter out after a few posts?)

- One Man Short

[edit on 28-12-2005 by One Man Short of Manhood]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 06:43 PM
mabey your tv is like my grand paws just too much snow in it.....

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by ElliottWilson
mabey your tv is like my grand paws just too much snow in it.....

Hey my grandpa loved TV also, except he had a wooden leg and drooled alot from the US government radiation tests from the 1940's.

But he was one hell of a grandpa!

- One Man Short

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 09:05 PM
grand paws are the best tho.....

mod edit to remove unnecessary quote of previous post

[edit on 28-12-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 10:46 PM
On The Radar: You confused me so much, no, this whole thread is confusing me, partially because I have no clue what you guys are talking about

Ok so here are my questions,
1) What exactly is this thread about?

2)what is about? it seemed like...a weird game, or like, a fantasy, cloud, pet website thing

3) can clouds really hold survailence equipment? like a camera and stuff? I thought clouds were mostly made of water, so everything that had a mass would fall through?

thanks in advance

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 10:14 AM
I think we are all a bit confused. I didn't get it either.

1) What exactly is this thread about?

You got me.

2)what is about? it seemed like...a weird game, or like, a fantasy, cloud, pet website thing

I think you have to be under the influence of SOMETHING to understand it.

3) can clouds really hold survailence equipment?

UMMM no! You are correct, water vapor can not hold a solid object..unless your the POTSY WEBER cloud!

- One Man Short

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 11:56 AM
ha i didnt think so either, so will somebody, who knows what this thread is talking about, please tell us?

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:53 PM
i feel like my head is going to implode and cause a black hole stop confusing meeee

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:54 PM
i feel like my head is going to implode and cause a black hole stop confusing meeee

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:54 PM
i feel like my head is going to implode and cause a black hole, stop confusing meeee please

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:54 PM
i feel like my head is going to implode and cause a black hole stop confusing meeee

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 12:55 PM
i feel like my head is going to implode and cause a black hole, stop confusing meeee please

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:07 PM
you only needed to say that once.

posted on Dec, 29 2005 @ 01:20 PM
Ok, besides the fact that these clouds are remnants of chemtrails (which are really angel farts) and considering the level at which the surveliance domestically has increased, there is only one logical explanation.

These farting angels are actually human/alien hybrid illuminati agents using nanocameras hidden within thier bowel gases, to distribute megaloads of low level surveillance cameras as they do their globally warming flatulence deliverys.

and what is more PC, than alien hybrid butt fired nanocameras?

seriously though: in this day and age, we can all assume that anyone official, that wants to know about us, can... and the resolution on military sat cameras is much better than what you see on google earth...

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