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Sightings in Sydney

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posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 04:50 AM
G'day everyone,

I'm new to this site, and this is my first cab off the rank so to speak.

I fell into this site by mistake researching ufo's. I've never really had an interest in ufo's up until about 4 weeks ago. I have seen approximately 10 ufo's and 2 'mother ships'. Mainly round silver orb like craft's ( similar to a star ), 1 black orb like craft chasing and gaing ground on a jumbo, and the 2 motherships, well what I gather are motherships. On both occassions the 'mothership' was flying north to south (looking east ) there was a big patch of cloud, with blue sky all around it. The ufo entered the cloud, I waited for about 10 minutes, and the craft DID NOT exit the cloud on the southern side. It should've exited the cloud after a matter of seconds. I have seen this happen twice. There was a big gap in the cloud and I also witnessed another sliver orb, but it too didappeared into the cloud. All of my sightings of late have had to do with sliver star-like orbs skimming the edge of clouds and diving into them and disappearing.

I told my wife about my sightings and she believed me, but like anyone, wouldn't 100% believe me until she started seeing something for herself. She now started to make a concerted effort to see something. And YES, she finally saw what I have been seeing. First by herself and now she has witnessed another 3 with me.

The ufos camouflage themselves in the clouds, they disappear in the clouds, clouds appear out of nowhere, then the orbs appear and vice versa, an orb flies into a cloud, the cloud evapourates and so too does the ufo. This has been witnessed by both my wife and I.

This too is strange. my kids ( 3 year old boy and a 19 month old daughter ) have never had nose bleeds, both within a few days had a bleedng nose ( both from the left nostril ) and flu-like symptons. My son told me that 4 'rhinos were floating on the ceiling' ( in our main bedroom ) 6 were on the verandah. He said he and sister walked up stairs which had blue and red lights on them, the stairs were hot and burning his feet, he was escorted by the 4 'rhinos' onto a 'plane which was triangular shaped and had blue lights on the wings. The 'plane' took off and flew over our neighbours house. My wife and I have NOT mentioned a thing about our sightings, but my 3 year old son was scared beyond belief the other night claiming there were animals on the ceiling. I have asked him countless times since without prompting and his story remains the same.

Something is going on up there.Anone else had a similar experience.



posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 05:00 AM
no, not personally, but are you saying that this has happened to you & you live in Sydney?

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 05:13 AM
Yes, the last sighting was yesterday. You really need to making a concerted effort to look for them, they seem to be a long way up. Plus it's quite difficult to see them without sunglasses purely because of the brightness. I was once a skeptic to all this, but the last month has changed my life. People just need to take some time out and study the sky. On a day when the conditions seem to be correct i.e patchy cloud cove etc.


posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 05:39 AM
Whereabouts in Sydney do you live ? I live here and haven't seen anything and nothing has been reported on the news.

posted on Dec, 5 2005 @ 05:47 AM
I've read abduction reports where the aliens supposedly hover near the ceiling. Sometimes in a horizontal orientation.

Very interesting case though. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind?

1) Can you describe the motherships?
2) Do the smaller metallic craft leave any noticable imprints/grooves in the clouds as they pass through? Ever see any spiral patterns or spiral motion?

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 04:03 PM
I live just north of Parramatta. We’re situated on a small hill and we have quite a good view of the skyline facing east. The Bureau of Meteorology has not seen an influx on sightings on their radar, but hey, as if they’re going to tell me if they did. Reports are being made about sightings and other experiences but not to the main media outlets. I don’t have any footage or proof, so there’s not much point for me to contact the media. All I have is the word of my wife and I.

I haven’t seen any for a few days but I put that down to the conditions not being correct. If there is too much cloud cover, obviously we won’t see one. If the sky has no clouds at all, we won’t see any either. The sightings occur on similar cloud patterns. I watched one hover directly above our house for about 15 minutes with my wife until cloud cover put an end to it. This was not a weather balloon, because one would expect that a balloon would blow in the direction of the wind? The light cloud cover was moving east. The ufo was standing firm and moving erratically in one spot. It was above the clouds. None I have seen have made streaking marks or indentations into the cloud. These objects are a long way up, and NO ONE will see them unless you’re making a concerted effort to find them.It’s time to buy a bloody good telescope.

By the way, after one sighting, I saw a few long strands of very fine spider web. I have since told this has something to do with ufo’s ( I don’t know ).

The ‘motherships’ I have seen on two separate occasions were like a jumbo without wings or a back tail. If I stretched my arm out, it was about as wide as my thumb nail. You know, they might have been a jumbo ( I don’t know ) but what I do know is that these objects flew into a patch of cloud surrounded by blue sky and DID NOT exit the other side. This has happened twice. And directly after witnessing this event, I watched a break in the cloud and spotted a silver orb flying inside the cloud. This all sounds far fetched I know, but I know what I saw. The object flew into the cloud, I waited for 10 minutes for it to exit ( it didn’t ) after about 1 minute I then saw the smaller object flying in the same cloud, just for a few seconds.

The black orb we saw chasing the jumbo was freaky. I said to my wife ‘check this out…can you see it?” and we both watched it fly across a patchy cloudy sky and it was under cloud cover. It was round, small and moving faster than the jumbo, well it seemed to be gaining ground on the jumbo. And no, it was NOT a bird.

My son still has the same story about the visit from the ‘rhinos’ he keeps talking about his feet and how they were burnt when he and his sister were walking up the stairs to the triangular ‘plane’. This is too is weird, but when he first told me, I said can I have a look at your feet? I looked at his feet and one foot had a small red horse shoe shape marking on in about 1cm in size, I turned his foot around and had a look at his other foot…nothing there. I went back to his foot where I found the marking and low and behold, the marking had completely vanished. I swear there was a red horseshoe shape marking on his foot that disappeared. It just keeps getting stranger. To top it off, my wife has woken up with bruises over her body, she didn’t even know she had them let alone how she got them? The night prior, she dreamt that she and our two kids were taken in a ufo. The same night I dreamt I saw ufo’s in the sky. My wife’s period has been very heavy and won’t seem to slow down, she’s feeling very lethargic, she went to the doctor and has been told she has a sinus infection on one side. It’s all a bit weidr considering the timing of our sightings, her dreams, my dreams, my sons story of the ‘rhino’s’ floating on the ceiling and boarding a triangular shaped plane with is little sister ( by the way, my son said that the ‘rhinos’ tickled his sister ).

If I read back my own words I can’t believe I’m writing them. If I was reading this in a post for the first time and I hadn’t had any ufo experiences before, I would come to the conclusion that the person posting is stark raving mad. I swear to God that what I’m posting is real. I have no reason in the world to make all this. I’m ridiculously busy with my company, but I am compelled to mention it on a site that has people like you guys out there that have an interest in this stuff and might be able to shed some light on things too.

The weather today looks good for a sighting, I’m going to go and have a look, if I see something I’ll let you know.



posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 05:16 PM
Question in what do you plan on doing about it? Can't see them? Try to communicate? Leave a msg on your body with black marker? some crazy Idea's yes but it might work. Aliens are not stupid. I'm not sure I have not even seen a ufo but have seen 1 ghost. I would begin to take action if it were things taking me and my loved ones for there own scientific interests. Have some blood work done on your wife and you. knowing what is being done too your body is the 1st step. BLood work(the works) element levels, Hormone, Estrogen levels ect.... So knowing the facts you can speak with a open minded professonal on blood work and explain your situation. I hope that helps.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 05:27 PM
I appreciate the advice. My wife had a blood test yesterday, so we await the results. Hopefully everything is ok. I have just noticed to brown spots ( about 1cm in width ) similar to sun spots on my shin and the side of my leg. Strange because they werent there a week ago. Just another thing to check out.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 05:36 PM
This is crazy i have seen a white orb near the mascot airport in the past few days. I will be driving on the express way trying to follow it almost killing myself. Then it will fly behind a cloud then gone ?? Now i live near a airport and watch planes all the time fly overhead EVERYDAY, for exsample you can watch a 747 fly into clouds and like clockwork fly out the other end. Can you take pics of these strange spots ?

[edit on 6-12-2005 by helium3]

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:03 PM
Yep...Amazing ay? You're seeing what I'm seeing. There are heaps of them around, either that or just a couple that are getting around the Sydney region. My guess is they use the clouds similar to a base or to camouflage themselves. Or perhaps they draw on the cloud to re-fuel.?A cloud is made of water obviuosly, so perhaps the ufo's draw water from the clouds for fuel if they run on hydrogen?? These are just my thoughts, but maybe it's possible. After what I've seen over the past month, nothing surprises me anymore.

Seeing the black one blew me away. Keep you eyes on the skies, but don't crash your car!!!!

The 'motherships' were real big, I can't believe anyone else didn't see these things. But then again, I don't think many people stare up the sky for long periods of time in the middle of the day with sunnies on?? Maybe they do?They had the shape of a jumbo, perhaps thats deliberate so they aren't so conspicuous??

I have a digital camera, but the zoom is quite pathetic, so there's no point taking a photo of it. I don't know about you mate, but I have never seen so many helicopters getting about it all my life. There's definitely something going on up there. I am convinced of it, and this is is coming from someone who didn't even watch the X Files!!!

It's nice to read that someone else in Sydney is seeing these things too. I don't feel so crazy now. Then again, my wife is seeing them and pointing them out to me too.

Stay in touch..


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:26 PM
I don't mean to sound too skeptical, but Sydney is a major population center. If there was something going on then the chances are fairly large, that someone would have taken some footage or a picture of it. Not least you'd think the 000 number would be inundated. I live on the North Shore in Wahroonga with a decent view looking south over the city and I haven't seen anything.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:29 PM

the above thread's pics were taken in Cairns. I find it strange that everyones mentioning silver orbs which is what came out in these photos. Not that I saw it.

I have had experiences similiar to your children and so have my children, especially my oldest 18 year old.

These silver orbs are being sighted almost daily now and many of them over Australia. I know everyone wrote off the West Australian UFO as a meteor but it was described to me (as found on atsnn news network) as a silver orb...

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:38 PM
Hey man it sounds like you and your whole family have been abducted. I wonder if they left any implants in you? Don't want to scare you but it sounds like you have some of the signs. Seems like your kids can remember more than you. Maybe hypnosis could help you remember?
I think we are being watched by many different races. In some ways they seem OK, well you are alive :-), but your personal space has been violated, and for what reason?
Good luck mate and keep us posted on your sightings.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:46 PM
Rogue One, As mentioned, some are star-like sitting next to clouds then diving in, some are the size of pin pricks in the blue sky. They ARE NOT easy to see. You have to be actively looking at the sky ( in perfect conditions ) in order to see some. You have a right to be skeptical, even I was, but I'm not mad and neither is my wife. I have now seen many of these things in broad day light.

Mayet...very interesting information thank you. Yep, that comet the other night was bizarre. You've had the same symptoms, could go into a bit more details regards the symptoms of you and you children? No worries if you'd prefer not to.

Just to top off the strangeness, my nose start bleeding as I was posting my last message. It just keeps getting stranger.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Mayet
These silver orbs are being sighted almost daily now and many of them over Australia. I know everyone wrote off the West Australian UFO as a meteor but it was described to me (as found on atsnn news network) as a silver orb...

You did see the footage of the Perth meteor on the news, it didn't look like a silver orb to me.

lookup Clarify something for me please. Do you think that these UFO's are targetting you, as you seem to think you vae symptoms related to your sightings.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:53 PM
I have been taking some psychology courses lately, and I learned some things about child psychology. If my memory serves me correct lol, well it goes somethin like this...

Young children tend to use names of known concepts to identify unknown concepts.
A good example would be if you have housepets, a cat and a dog, lets say.
When your child begins to speak, you tell him that the cat is a "cat", and thats what it the child will associate the concept of 'animal' with "cat".
If the child is not properly introduced to the dog, he will begin calling the dog "cat", and just about every other animal.
Hopefully thats clear enough for you to get the jist what im saying...
So when your son saw creatures that were unknown to him, he called them by a name which IS known to him, "rhinos".

Neat stuff huh...

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 06:59 PM
Dr X,

I don't know the symptoms of an abduction, but I'm not ruling anything out. Anything's possible. It's alll scaring my wife a bit mainly for the sake of our kids. I'm trying to keep a level head about it all, but all these things happening at pretty much the same time, it's strange.

My wife and I have been scanned for implants, but nothing showed up. This was a few weeks ago, before my wife had found markings and bruising on her skin, feeling sick and lathargic etc. Even our house was scanned for any abnormalies. The kids weren't scanned because they were asleep at the time. We had some researches come over and interview us and do tests. One of them set up equipment in our backyard and sat there for a few hours. Hows this, their brand new camera equipment malfunctions and didn't record a thing the whole time they were here. But when they went to another location to do some filming later in the night, their camera worked. perfectly. Why didn't it work when they were filming the sky at our place?

When I think of all the little things we've been experiencing and witnessing over the weeks it's all starting to ad up to one big thing.

I'll keep you posted. Thank you to everyone for your post's, it's actually helping me through this strange time.


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 07:05 PM
Rogue, Maybe they are targetting us, it does feel like that. We are seeing these orbs above and near our house.

Unplugged....That's exactly what's happening.

The sky has no clouds in it today, I doubt I'll see anything.


posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by rogue1
I don't mean to sound too skeptical, but Sydney is a major population center. If there was something going on then the chances are fairly large, that someone would have taken some footage or a picture of it.

Cause i live near a airport everyone just thinks there airplanes and nothing out of the status quo. Then again i have just seen 1 sliver orb unlike lookup.

posted on Dec, 6 2005 @ 07:22 PM
If anything, I am seeing these orbs also near plane contrails, planes flying past etc. maybe they deliberately are situated near planes because people will think at first glance that they are exactly that....Planes. Patchy cloud cover is moving in from the west, perfect for a sighting. i'll post later



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