i got "bruise" thingys like that a few years ago
And they Never have gone away
Still here right now
But mines a little different
Mine are on the inside of my thighs...
about 3 inches down from my crotch area
the red dots are about 1.5 inches wide and are in the EXACT SAME POSITION on both legs!!! Exact! Exact size and dimensions everything its Freakin
Wierd lol
ill try 2 get photos of them but will embarass the hell outta me in the process
but i suppose an investigation is worth it...
heres how i got the marks....i woke up one morning a few years ago and boom they were there
Have no CLUE how they got there
i dont get drunk or anything and i believe i remember every waking moment since then and before then so i couldnt make a guess as to what the heck it
well; what makes it even stranger; is that along with these 2 big red dots on my inner thighs,
i had something on my tummy and my back
on my stomach *lower left side closer 2 kidney area*
it was exactly like this 4 dots ok? they were like needle sized dots
heres their formation
and on my lower left side of my back *kidney area on back*
was the exact same mark
4 little dots 3 in a row and one directly above the middle one
now; i DID notice these little pinprick dots right away because it HURT LIKE HELL for a few days!
i mean i couldnt barely move around without the really really sore feelings
i immediantly showed my roommate the marks and he first said "a spider bit you while you were asleep?" and of course that was my initial thought
also but i debunked it right away
how many spiders have 4 fangs like that
3 ina row and one directly above the middle one?
None that i know of; Definatly none from my location
Not to mention that but How on earth could the 4 fang'd spider Bite me in my sleep? i didnt notice it but i Rolled Over and it somehow avoided being
crushed and bit me in the exact same geometric position on the other side of my body???
this caused me 2 do a full inspection of my body and thus i found the 2 large red dots in geometrically coressponding areas on my inside upper thigh
now this is a mystery
the little dots on tummy and back were actual wounds however
They hurt; they formed Scar tissue over them within a few days
after i pulled the scars tissue off i could barely see it
Now, years later i cannot see it at all
But, i still have the 2 red marks on my legs
Still to this day
So i can actually photograph those but it will take some time 2 get them on the website if i ever actually do photograph them
due to the fact im poor and dont have a digital camera anymore*it broke* and i cannot afford a new one
So if i make pics / with old fashion camera i gtg 2 kinkos 2 get it scanned and put on a disk
keep in mind
1) I have never felt as if i were abducted
2) I have no clue as to how i could have been abducted if thats the case
3) The only explanation i can conjure that is logical is that "i suppose they abducted me "
4) I dont have any idea WTF really happened cuz i slept fairly well that night + my roommate did not report any strange activity that night
5) i live in the middle of a city of 250,000 people
6) i have witnessed dozens of UFO sightings with my own eyeballs
7) one was up close and it was a flying metallic disk spinning *ive gone over this multiple times on this forum*
ok so from my perspective
--- I have seen events that would indicate that aliens are the reality we face
---- I had marks on my body that were unexplainable *even doc couldnt*
----all these markings appeared over night
---- the small ones caused pain , the big ones never caused pain
----the small ones healed ; the big ones*legs* have never gone away
What to make of this information?
I would like 2 know...
Or Do I?