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Natural Prevention & Treatment For The Flu

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posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 10:59 AM
Natural Prevention & Treatment For The Flu: What Your Doctor May Not Know

I've found this interesting article with the help of google. I was looking for more information after reading this thread on GLP :

The informations in this thread are mostly the same as in the article, but it goes into more detail on some places. I advise everyone to read it (at least the article), it will be very helpfull if the worst case scenario really happens. I for one found it very interesting.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 11:19 AM
If people here want to merely be presented with info from another discussion board, they'd join it.

If you are going to link to another discussion board, at least discuss it like you would for any other page. Like, such:

Buy a few ounces of 73-78% Clavicol Pure Oil of Oregano. This can save your life all by itself

No, this will not save you from bird flu.

Will colloidal silver help?

Heck no, what'reya nuts?

See, easy.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 11:26 AM
You're kidding, right?

The signal-to-noise ratio on that board is VERY low and it's full of pranksters and hoaxers. I really don't think you should trust their advice.

While the first set of recommendations in the article you posted first are okay, the second ones are frankly, dangerous. Hydrogen peroxide can kill you and there have been a number of deaths from it, including a 4 year old boy recently. "Colloidial silver" is ineffective -- if you don't believe me, look at the number of deaths in the 1918 flu pandemic in areas where silver is found in the water. Silver didn't help those folks one bit.

The others aren't going to hurt, but they won't reduce the duration. You'll get well in 2 weeks and the "alternative" medicines are more expensive than goodole Nyquil. I tried 'em and I have a friend who swears by them, but I always seem to get well faster than he does.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 07:43 PM
Sorry, but half of these "suggestions" are flaky, if not dangerous:

I would also recommend a parasite cleanse especially if you consume a lot of non-organic meat.

There is no explaination on how to do this. Not that it sounds very pleasant.

One teaspoon of sugar can bring the immune system down for up to 6 hours.

Oh, so THAT explains why I am sick 24/7?
Believe me, I drink a lot of soda and eat a lot of processed foods. And I rarely get ill.

Drink half your body weight in pure, filtered water every day.

Holy cow! Half of my body weight? Isn't there something called "over-hydration"? Now I am going to have to look it up.

According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have believed.

Er, this is just strange to me. Wouldn't more people walk around with earplugs if this were true?

Oregano Oil can be as an effective pain reliever as morphine. For sinus congestion or stuffiness place 1 drop of oregano oil in 1 ounce of warm water. (more is not better) Make sure that the oil is dispersed. Place 1-2 drops of the mixture in each nostril and sniff. The mixture will burn for about 30 seconds

Sorry. I don't want anything that "burns" to make me better.

Naturally I would stop eating and drink only fruit juices raw. Yes, STOP eating...give your body a fighting chance to defend itself in times of crisis. Digesting takes energy away from the immune system, drink fruit juices or simply fast on squeezed oranges, you MUST make sure your bowels are working properly...

Make sure your bowels are open and flowing at least once per day!

LMAO. I'm hitting Burger King. Later.

[edit on 24-10-2005 by Rouschkateer]

posted on Oct, 25 2005 @ 05:28 AM
I think the author meant processed sugers?

All veggies and fruits have suger in them. Glucose for exp.

Irony. Chicken noodle soup will help "Heal" a Flu. And now the Chickens are fighting back with Avian Biological warfare.

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

Drink half your body weight in pure, filtered water every day.

Holy cow! Half of my body weight? Isn't there something called "over-hydration"? Now I am going to have to look it up.

My God! Damn right there's such a thing. The body's sodium levels become dangerously low as they get diluted. Sodium is one of the two main constituents of the hearts' conduction system, the other being potassium. Drink this much water and you'll give yourself a heart attack.

This is what happens to people who take too many 'e's and try to stop themselves from overheating and dehydrating by drinking shed-loads of water. Basically, you drink yourself to death.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:35 AM
Ground Olives and Oil of Oregano? How abouit Ground Oregano and Olive Oil?

It's all bogus. I suggest simply avoiding dead birds and ladle on the mosquito repellent. That's the official word from the City of Sacramento, to avoid West Nile Virus. Seems like it should also work, for avoiding Bird Flu.

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 12:42 AM
How about we just stockpile bare necessity foods, stay in the house, on the computer and on ATS to avoid becoming infected ... as well as avoiding any more "terrorist attacks"

sounds safe to me, no really.

I for one, at least, am avoiding any "shots" for any flu.

[edit on 1-11-2005 by ImJaded]

posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 05:46 PM
First Post

I would also recommend a parasite cleanse especially if you consume a lot of non-organic meat.

This is called leeching, and has been proven innefective for your stated use.

Drink half your body weight in pure, filtered water every day.

I weigh 205. That will not happen. 8 liters is recommended for the most physically active atheletes.

According to Dr. Simmons, contrary to what you may think or have been taught about how you catch the flu or the cold there is only one way that you can catch the two, and that's via the ear canal not through the eyes or nose or mouth as most have believed.

I call B.S on that.

"Viruses that cause flu spread primarily from person to person, especially by coughing and sneezing (via airborne droplets of respiratory fluids). Flu viruses can enter the body through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth. "

that's from web MD

"The virus attacks the respiratory tract, is transmitted from person to person by saliva droplets expelled by coughing, "

that's from wikipedia

Make sure your bowels are open and flowing at least once per day!

edit:sig test

[edit on 1-11-2005 by firstplacerifles]

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