If you are into Alex Jones at all, you may be interested to know that infowars.com has set up its own Podcasting stream. The first article was posted
about two weeks ago and I think that it's still the only one available as yet (although there may be more, as my computer has a habit of decieving
me). If you are running Winamp or WMP you can add the url to your subscriptions, which is www.prisonplanet.tv...
Or you can visit the page for more info and iTunes support at www.infowars.com...
The singular Podcast seems to be a lengthy collection of his radio shows.
I hope he updates his Casts, an Alex Jones-Podcast combo would be terrific.
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thats what I get : (
little question "If its audio clips why is it called PodCasting? Why not just say AudioClip or Soundbite why something so apple/mac ( nothing against
them since I have 2 imacs )