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OP/ED: The Gonzales Effect: Dissolving Democracy in the USA

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 01:18 PM
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales made his name as a lawyer by twisting the law. His claim to fame lies in his ability to find obscure loopholes for corporations to slide through. Gonzales' first major task as America's AG was to argue for the use of torture by the US military and corporate mercenaries under contract to the US government - although such practises clearly contravene both the letter and spirit of national and international law, and the Geneva Conventions. Now, it will take an Act of Congress to undo the collateral damage he has inflicted upon the US Justice System. In his spare time, he crafted legal positions to defend dismantling American Constitutional and Civil Rights, and the continuation of the "Patriot" Act. Gonzales' next big job is to dissolve democracy in the USA. The legal argument, currently playing out in the court of public opinion, hinges on a) the fact that the USA is a republic; and b) the denial that a republic is a democracy. But the 1946 edition of the Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, for example, blows Gonzales' argument right out of the water: REPUBLIC noun A representative democracy: applied to almost every form of government except kingdoms, empires, and dictatorships.

It's the new rallying cry: "The USA is a republic, NOT a democracy." And a republic, according to the contorted disinformation now bandied about on the InterNet: cannot be a democracy; never was a democracy; never was intended to be a democracy; and therefor, never will be a democracy. Never mind linguistic or world history.

This "position" attempts to completely rewrite history, and denies America her place in history: along with France, America was the first modern democracy. For two hundred years, the United States of America was a shining light of freedom, and democracy, beckoning to the world's poor, downtrodden, and politically oppressed. No longer, if this campaign flies. And it might.

Most people don't have old dictionaries to set them straight; they use the InterNet. And information on the InterNet is revised, rewritten, censored, and edited daily. Anything that questions the current administration, or highlights its contradictions and disinformation campaigns, disappears down the memory hole.

The United States of America has a glorious and important history: it once was the world's greatest democracy. With just a little uncensored education, effort, and good old-fashioned participation, it will be again.

But if Americans do not stand up, fight back, write letters, make phone calls, and exercise their rights of citizenship while they still have them - to defend democracy - then this administration will dissolve US democracy, and establish a full legal corporatocracy under international law. The country soon will become a corporate state, not a nation state. And Americans will lose their democratic rights, along with their already lost civil and Constitutional Rights.


"Why is a man so unabashedly willing to "lean forward" on the boundaries of the law in the plushy comfort of his White House conference room, willing to be blown back into near-limbo position when it comes to articulating his legal views in public? Why was he unable to either disavow the extreme positions he's taken in the past or stand up and seriously defend them?"
Stand by Your Memos: Alberto Gonzales' refusal to defend even the defensible.

9/11 2002: "Something is missing from government Web sites these days. But no one is sure exactly what."
Source: PC World

The MemoryHole - specializes in preserving information the government deletes from its websites, and doesn't want you to see.

OMB Watch is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization committed to promoting government accountability.
OMB Watch: A list of instances in which the Bush administration has withheld information


"The Bush administration pledged yesterday to veto legislation banning the torture of prisoners by US troops after an overwhelming and almost unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen."
Bush hasn't Vetoed anything, But he will Veto this???

"...the University of Pennsylvania Alzheimer's Disease Center has established an arm for "Developing Practical Guidelines for Voting by Persons with Dementia." The guidelines look beyond dementia to other mental disorders and competencies (which now are epidemic in the USA)."
Fears of Terrorism Hide Real Biological Attack, Assault on Voting Rights

Specter Grills Gonzales on Patriot ACT

Open letters to Alberto Gonzales

Retired Military Leaders Slam Gonzales

Gonzales Discusses Justice Department Priorities

No, not Gonzales!

The Fascist State of America, War, Lies, USA going down wrong path


[edit on 12-10-2005 by soficrow]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 02:32 PM
So the USA will continue to wonder the globe spreading hypocrasy, oh wait, I mean democracy, despite the fact they may not be a democracy for much longer? Anyone else sensing irony?!?!

I wonder if Coke will run for the Democrats and Pepsi for the Repbulicans. Which would you vote for?

Edit: I almost forgot to compliment you on another great OP/ED, almost!

[edit on 12-10-2005 by Ishes]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 02:34 PM
Outstanding post and references, thank you very much

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 02:49 PM
Semantics play a strong point here...
afterall... China is the biggest democratic country in the world...HAA
the USA is a republic... that is what the teacher said 20years ago in civic studies, and that is what the American politics teacher in college said also...

Now what does that mean?
it means that we vote for people that represent our views... not the actual problem being voted on(although that does happen often in smaller issues).

We have also blurred the lines of almost any type of government in the USA... we almost encompass them all
Socialism (welfare)
communism (censorship, control of media)
marxism (kidding... none here)
democracy (smaller community politics is democracy)
republic (method of choosing our reps, senators,leaders)
dictatorship (methods used to consolidate power and keep war powers active)
and finally anarchy (what happens when the government ignores natural emergencys)
did I miss one...

I totally see your point on this regarding our new AG... he is staining the law for years to come... especially regarding the justifications towards treatment of enemies.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong

Semantics play a strong point here...

Perhaps. That's what I first thought.

the USA is a republic... that is what the teacher said 20years ago in civic studies, and that is what the American politics teacher in college said also...

Which does not mean it is not a democracy. Democracy is the substance, the republic is the method, of 'delivery.'

See definition above.

Now what does that mean?
it means that we vote for people that represent our views... not the actual problem being voted on(although that does happen often in smaller issues).

Representative democracy is not "pure" democracy - but it still is democracy.

I totally see your point on this regarding our new AG... he is staining the law for years to come... especially regarding the justifications towards treatment of enemies.

Think dominoes.

THANK YOU - Ishes, Jaryn, and LtL.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 04:48 PM
Historically speaking there are four specific political phases that range from monarchy to republic, dictatorship and finally anarchy during which whole culture falls apart. I did not create this, Plato first traced this arch and it has been repeated in one way or another ever since. Rome is the classic example, as is Florence during the Renaissance and France, during its revolution. Oswald Spengler in his "Decline of The West" traced its arch as well and added a culture is living and vibrant, but of a limited lifespan, civilization on the otherhand is a culture that has osified and as such can last thousands of years before it falls. Also 300 years seems to be the upper lifespan of a republic or democracy before it slips into dictatorship. America is probably at its apex, or jut over it, we are already slipping educationally and in some ways technologically...the way the game is rigged this time seems to suggest that instead of a dictatorship of one person or family, we will fall to a corporate dictatorship, which El Duce defined as fascism, and he should know. What does all this have to do with this essay? Plenty. For decades now both parties, but especially the Republicans have become quislings for the corporations and have been selling our country up the river via privatization, outsourcing and out and out plunder to their corporate masters. And, Bush and his cronies ranging from the Cheney to Gonzales to Rumsfeld and Rice, and the rest of their stinking lot are the ring leaders of this treason.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:07 PM

we have various traitors and methods used against us for many many years.

ben franklins words still echo , " a republic, if we can keep it "

these words and the concerns of our forefathers have been lost/forgotten

why is it, these words aren't taught in schools ?

why aren't the kids taught , that the true enemy has and always will be , the state !


~~~Three Types Of Conquest

History reveals nations can be conquered by the use of one or more of three methods.

*The most common is conquest by war. In time, though, this method usually fails, because the captives hate the captors and rise-up and drive them out if they can. Much force is needed to maintain control, making it expensive for the conquering nation.
*A second method is by religion, where men are convinced they must give their captors part of their earnings as “obedience to God.” Such a captivity is vulnerable to philosophical exposure or by overthrow by armed force since religion, by its nature, lacks military force to regain control once its captives become disillusioned.

*The third method can be called economic conquest. It takes place when nations are placed under “tribute” without the use of visible force or coercion, so that the victims do not realize they have been conquered. “Tribute” is collected from them in the form of “legal” debts and taxes, and they believe they are paying it for their own good, for the good of others, or to protect all from some enemy. Their captors become their “benefactors” and “protectors.”
Although this is the slowest to impose, it is often quite long-lasting, as the captives do not see any military force arrayed against them, their religion is left more or less intact, they have freedom to speak and to travel, and they participate in “elections” for their rulers. Without realizing it, they are conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer its wealth to the captors and make the conquest complete.

~Pastor Sheldon Emry , Billions for the Bankers and Debts for the People

What is accomplished in open warfare, destroying a nation’s infrastructure, has been accomplished today in America, without firing a shot.

~~~Walls In Our Minds

Mankind was created with a capacity to learn, think, reason and create. We are born with a brain which begins to accumulate information within a few weeks after birth. From age five, most children are exposed to a politician-controlled government school system that continues for 13 years. The child’s brain is a captive of mankind’s worst enemy on planet earth. Governments have destroyed more property, confiscated more wealth and ordered the murder of more men, woman and children than any other enemy. Government cannot be trusted with the minds of our children.

When we consider how the mind of a five year-old is so vulnerable to manipulation, it should cause parents and grandparents great concern. Some third world countries still hear the chant of the witch doctor as he manipulates the minds of his fellow tribesmen. We think we are too intelligent to be manipulated. Mind manipulation is alive and well in educated America. At no time in our government schools or government churches do we find lessons being taught on the difference between knowing and believing. Our teachers teach what they believed when they went to school.

We have thousands of religious creeds, cults and denominations, all competing for believers. Preachers have become salesmen of religion. The quality of the product is not as important as the dollars collected and the number of followers. Our churches should recognize the danger of being manipulated by believing false information. When government began its takeover of the education system, the church should have opposed the idea. The church has not been a separate power acting as a check against evil government.
If someone complains about how our government is conducting its business, most Americans will agree that something must be done. However, if you refuse to pay federal income tax, you will be accused of being unpatriotic. People will complain about government, but they don’t want anyone to cut off government’s income. The basic reason for this is mind control. Walls have been built in the minds of the American people that limits the ability to think and reason. The government school did not teach that government is mans worst enemy. That is a fact that any free mind can comprehend.

During World War II, we were taught how our government was better than the German or Japanese governments. After the war, we were taught how our government was better than what the Russians had. The Russian government controls the schools in Russia. The teachers in Russian schools are teaching children that the Russian government is better than the United States government. It would appear that teachers in the USSR and teachers in the USA have a real problem. Somebody is teaching false information and that somebody is teachers on both sides. Government schools in the USSR and in the USA are both in error. An argument as to which government is the best is like comparing AIDS and cancer. You might prefer cancer over AIDS, but you really don’t want either one. If you have two rotten oranges, you will throw both of them into the garbage. Logic tells us not to trust government with the education of our children.

We have been going to the polls on election day as good little brainwashed Americans and usually voted against someone, rather than for someone. You tried to decide which one was AIDS and which one was cancer. You tried to determine which orange was more rotten than the other. You went away from the polls frustrated. The lesser of two evils may be elected, but the changes you would like to see are not going to happen. Every law that is created will be designed to give politicians and government more of your money, power, liberty and freedom.

~M.J. ‘Red’ Beckman , Walls In Our Minds

A lie and the liar are not dangerous
until the lie is believed.

The walls in our minds and a nation of government regulators “just doing their job,” are powerful forces that have allowed tyrants to conquer this great nation. "


Those words struck a chord within me , I hope those words will make some people think about what we are facing.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:38 PM
Toasted, those are some outstanding quotes! I will definitely have to track down those sources and read them carefully, thank you very much!

If you have any more of the same, please post them or U2U me with them.

I think it's vitally important for our society's future that all people be made aware of these concepts and carefully consider the facts that support the possibility that we have been (and continue to be) lied to and manipulated to turn (what I feel to be) the greatest nation on earth into something that we are increasingly uncomfortable with and ashamed of.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by Jaryn]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 05:43 PM

We have been going to the polls on election day as good little brainwashed Americans and usually voted against someone, rather than for someone. You tried to decide which one was AIDS and which one was cancer. You tried to determine which orange was more rotten than the other. You went away from the polls frustrated. The lesser of two evils may be elected, but the changes you would like to see are not going to happen. Every law that is created will be designed to give politicians and government more of your money, power, liberty and freedom.

We have been drilled for months before elections of who is the worst of the two evils so you are right we vote against not in favor.

Every government comes into power with a set agenda, already prepared and ready to be executed to favor the groups involved in the pre election.

Meanwhile we the People just sit and watch what we think is done in good will and for the great of the nation.

We cherish our constitution but do we still fall under the guidelines of that important more than life document anymore.

How many governments has come and go and they had left their trademark as the way the constitution is to be interpreted?

Our constitution has become a historical document to be studied and for public displace to make the people happy that we still have it.

Actually to the elected government of our nation and the real people in charge it means nothing anymore.

Its very sad but also very true.

Good nice eye opening thread sofi.

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 09:04 PM
Thanks marg.
And everyone for all their great comments, quotes, and info.

...Has anyone else noticed the InterNet campaign that now is insisteing, more and more emphatically, that the US is NOT a democracy?

And if so, what's your reading on that?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 04:39 AM
Very interesting topic, sofi.
There are some good points raised here. I esp. like LazarusTheLongs' input, except for the last paragraph.

We talk about the evolution of government. And flags are ultimately raised about the dangers of corporate takeover of our society. But what do we propose is the proper role of government? grover offers this:

For decades now both parties, but especially the Republicans have become quislings for the corporations and have been selling our country up the river via privatization, outsourcing and out and out plunder to their corporate masters. And, Bush and his cronies ranging from the Cheney to Gonzales to Rumsfeld and Rice, and the rest of their stinking lot are the ring leaders of this treason.

Privatization is seen here as "selling our country out". But isn't privatization one of the ultimate pillars of capitalism? How can you separate the economic and the political here? Taken to the other extreme, we would have government ownership of all elements of production and distribution. Heavy taxes, cronyism, and enslavement of the populace would follow.

Government's primary and almost sole responsibility is to defend our borders and our people. When we start blurring that line with economic policy we inevitably get into trouble. Global markets demand that companies capable of global competition be free to compete. Who can compete better with the Chinese, a Ma and Pa shop or a GE?

One more comment on grover's post (and I'm not singling him out). He says

And, Bush and his cronies ranging from the Cheney to Gonzales to Rumsfeld and Rice, and the rest of their stinking lot are the ring leaders of this treason.

Amend that to read current ring leaders, and you will get closer to the truth. They weren't the first, nor will they be the last.

Sorry for the rambling, and if you read the whole reply, thanks. I'm leaning more and more towards a Libertarian view of politics these days, since I agree with probably about 75% of what their party stands for.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Privatitization is a scam. It is the job of capitalists to make money, and from what we have seen in this age of corportism is they have no problem doing it legally or illegally and have no problem cutting corners everywhere they can. To claim that the public benefits from privatizing is BS. Look at the excess charges Halliburton has taken in Iraq. Do you really think with this group of theives in office we will ever get it back? A classic example of privatization at its worst is the water co. in atlanta...the city privatized its water supply (and yes some things should be held for the public good and water is one of them) and before atlanta fired the company they hired and took control back over its water system, prices had skyrocketed through the roof, the waste treatment plants were understaffed and underfunded and they actually had boil water days because of shoddy mismanagement and cutting corners. As I understand it the company has been trying to sue the city to get its contract back. There are things the government should do and only do...things like basic resources are one...prisons are another, no one should make a profit off of punishment....I could go on. In the government the foxes have been let into the chickencoop to the point where the oversight and regulation of privatization has itself been privatized. When do we stop being citizens of a country governed by a duely elected government, and instead become serfs to some corporations looking out, not for our interests, but their profits?

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 11:18 AM
jsobecky, grover - this has to be quick as I'm working on a submission for the podcast contest. But...

IMO - there is NO difference between big government and big business. Both have the same abilities and power under the current system - and big business has more power, in many ways and places.

The book "1984" predicted that "big brother" would be "watching" - and he is. But "big brother" is corporate, not national.

I maintain that corporate states are more dangerous than big government in nation states - if only because they do not need to maintain even the pretense of 'caring' about ordinary people.

I too am attracted to anarchy - but I sure as heck don't think that road goes thru big corporate government and corporate states. The biggest governments in the world right now definitely are corporate. Just look at the numbers. And don't forget that we only see annual reports from publicly traded corporations, not privately held ones, and that we only see what they want us to see....


posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:44 PM

Well, it is often said that the business of America is business.


The role of government extends past just protecting our borders. I only mentioned that because some political philosophies espouse that idea. But there are other vital services that the feds provide, which I would be very hesitant to privatize, such as food inspection. Given the size of our country, we have a very good food inspection system; people aren't routinely dying of food poisoning.

As for corporations having a social conscience, well I have worked for some very good, world-leading corporations, and they were very aware of a social debt. They provided many things, from free employee health programs, to lactation rooms for new mothers, to subsidizing the cost of bus fares (to encourage mass transit), to many other benefits. I have never worked for a company that exploits the worker or the environment, but, sadly, many others here seem to have had that experience.

As you mentioned, there are cases where oversight has been privatized. Bad idea. It's ironic that you mentioned the Atlanta water system; the city I live in is currently having a battle with the private owners in an attempt to take over the water system.
Spot polls show the citizenry pretty much against the water system being owned by the city.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Well, it is often said that the business of America is business.

Some people think the business of America should be small business.

...Do you see that we are about to swap big federal government for big corporate government, to handle our national affairs?

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by soficrow

Originally posted by jsobecky

Well, it is often said that the business of America is business.

Some people think the business of America should be small business.

...Do you see that we are about to swap big federal government for big corporate government, to handle our national affairs?

I see that big corporations have far too much influence on our gov't, and for all intents and purposes is the gov't. The spending power of their lobbyists is a barrier the small business owner can never compete with.

Small businesses make up a large part of our economy, yet they don't enjoy the tax and financial benefits that the mega corps do. Some mega corps end up paying zero taxes. I actually have no problem with that when they end up benefitting the country, but when they outsource their jobs then it is hard to understand.

...Has anyone else noticed the InterNet campaign that now is insisteing, more and more emphatically, that the US is NOT a democracy?

And if so, what's your reading on that?

Yes, I've noticed that. What's uip with that? What possible gain can someone get by proving we are not a pure democracy? We're not; we are a republic, but so what?

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 01:06 AM
First thing you need to do is forget about a representative democracy, regardless of what the 1946 definition of it is, as it plays no part in how things ought to be in this country.
Another thing you should forget about is "civil" rights, as they are man (congress) made, and, as they are man-made, they can be taken away from you at any time.

Assuming you are interested in this topic because you plan on moving back to the U.S., you should concentrate on how it was supposed to be, ratehr than continuing the attempt at convincing people this is supposed to be a democracy of any kind.

Attempting to solve problems with erroneous solutions does not work.

How are things in Canada? I'm really curious as you seem to be very preoccupied with the States. Is everything perfect in the country in which you reside? Is it supposed to be a democracy, a republic or your hybrid, and is it going as it is supposed to be going? Somehow, I doubt it, since, if you look at the current list of Trilateral members that is pinned to the top of the NWO forum, you'll find many, many Tri-lats at work in Canada.

You have your work cut out for you in Canada. Those of us in the U.S. might look at concentrate on our issues as we live here, and y'all might want to look at what is going on there. I know, it's more fun to point at us, but there are plenty of planks to go around for everyone's eyes.

posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

How are things in Canada? I'm really curious as you seem to be very preoccupied with the States.

Begs the issue, TC.

The world is a "global marketplace" - and international corporate law is being revised, modified, and tweaked to: first, give corporations more power than national governments; and second, position international corporations to take over nations, as government. Hence my concern about nation-states versus corporate-states.

Current "free trade" agreements:

1. Ensure and decree that international laws established under such free trade agreements supercede national laws; and

2. Provide corporate entities the status and rights of nations under international law, with none of the responsibilities.

At the same time, (some) nations are being re-defined as corporate entities:

3. The USA was incorporated as a religious non-profit entity in Delaware during Bush senior's tenure as president. (The link is here at ATS: search United States of America, Incorporated)

...I have searched for a similar action in Canada, but haven't found one. Doesn't mean it didn't happen - just that I can't find it.

NAFTA, CAFTA, and the planned Northern Hemisphere "free trade" agreements are extremely relevant to Canada and Mexico, as well as the USA. And they are NOT what we are told they are.

...For example, the Northern Command (NorthCom) is the US military arm responsible for ALL of North America - including Canada and Mexico. And NorthCom is positioned to provide military support for the corporate takeover of government. Whether or not this action is triggered by a bird flu epidemic or something else is irrelevant to the underlying objective.

In short, the corporate takeover of government already is proceeding as a legal strategy, and is underway in international law courts, camouflaged as "free trade" agreements. It's almost a done deal. All it will take for the final move is a major catastrophe - and that's on the way.

First thing you need to do is forget about a representative democracy, regardless of what the 1946 definition of it is, as it plays no part in how things ought to be in this country.

Your opinion, and I respect it. However, IMO, it's a question of strategy. If we try to defend what we already have, we are coming from a position of strength, at least. If we try to change horses mid-stream - we lose everything in the confusion and transition. Looks to me like you're getting sucked into the old "divide and conquer" routine.

I may be wrong - but that's my take.

Another thing you should forget about is "civil" rights, as they are man (congress) made, and, as they are man-made, they can be taken away from you at any time.

Are you telling me to lie back, relax, and trust in God? Or that the American Constitution is NOT man-made?

Attempting to solve problems with erroneous solutions does not work.

No kidding.

You have your work cut out for you in Canada.

Trying to get rid of me, are you? Won't work you know. Even if I wasn't American, I would defend my right to speak out on whatever interested me.

Those of us in the U.S. might look at concentrate on our issues ...there are plenty of planks to go around for everyone's eyes.

And the same issues - and international laws - affect all of us. Time to work together because we're defending our borders against the same wolves - and they ain't Islamic terrorists.


posted on Oct, 14 2005 @ 02:27 PM
the platitudes here, serve no useful purpose, other than to help keep blinders on a serious situation that our country and the planet faces .

those of you serving up those platitudes would do well to further investigate the NWO and what it about. we are being attacked, on many fronts. and without replacing the current corrupt folks in power our future is bleak.

I believe we are seeing the end of another era, not so much unlike civilizations previously uncovered that "mysteriously" disappeared. their demise undoubtedly brought about by the same afflictions we see today. greed and power and control. to simply pass it off [ the current state of the state ] as being just the way it is, is to dismiss our ability to regain the power we once had, back from those who are abusing it. which is to say, you give up ! how dare you give up ? have you no idea what it was our forefathers so dearly fought for ? don't you dare give up ! don't ever give up , ever, ever, ever !

I will continue to try to raise awareness , whenever I can. I could not live with myself if I did nothing at all.

[edit on 14-10-2005 by toasted]

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 11:24 AM
No, Crow I'm telling you that you are in error. It is not my "opinion" you are to resp[ect, but the facts, which you prefer to simply ignore or twist.

Thne U.S. doesn't interest you, you live in Canada. What I suggest you do is worry about your own back yard as this yard obviously does not interest you at all. All you want to do is throw trash over the fence and tell the owners it is gold. Won't work. I know the truth and therefore can spot a lie a mile away.

By the way, what I said did not beg any question, it was asking a question. I notice you did not answer it. Wouldn't it have been much simpler to not respond at all than do an obvious tap dance? During the tap dance, you tried to call historical fact my "opinion", and that was the most glaring trip-up.

I am no longer thinking you are merely misguided; I am really beginning to think you are trying to misguide.

I'll ask again, how is everything going in your country? This one is not yours, unless you are there because that is where the military sent you. We have bases in Canada? Is everything perfect in Canada? Have you done as I suggested and looked at all the Trilarteral Canadians? Surely, you know what that means, right?

Stop throwing trash in my yard, you won't get me to believe it is gold.

[edit on 15-10-2005 by Thomas Crowne]

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