We all remember the hype in the late Spring, early Summer this year of the hoax of Mars being as large as the Full Moon in the sky. Well, if you
don't, do a quick
ATS Search and you'll find a plethera of information on that
Anyway, if you don't know much about Mars, but want to know some more, you could read through
Astronomy: The Solar System.
So Mars
is coming closer, making its closest approach on October 29th, but it won't appear the size of the Full Moon. At best, it should be
about as bright as the planet Venus, which is one of the brightest objects in the sky. It's approaching at about 23,000 mph, if you're interested in
the speed.
Right now the Red Planet is can be found in the eastern night sky, rising within a couple hours of sunset. As the month goes on, it'll be rising more
and more in time with sunset.
Through a decent telescope you should be able to see many surface features: the polar ice caps, the Solar System's largest volcano Olympus Mons, a
myriad of other surface details, and even dust storms! To the naked eye Mars will look like a bright, red-orange star.
If you don't own a telescope, you can ALWAYS find an astronomy club nearby. There are astronomy clubs all over the world.
Good luck seeing this beautiful planet!
Threads related to this topic
Mars, Earth encounter coming soon. (Asking about and debunking the Mars hoax)
Orange Star (An early sighting)
Mars Will Appear As A Bright Red Star! (Mocking and disproving the Mars hoax)
EDIT: Please use this thread to show off your photos as Mars approaches, passes, and falls behind. If you don't have a way to host them,
message me and we'll talk.
[edit on 10/31/2005 by cmdrkeenkid]