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brainwashing students

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posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:34 AM
You want to talk about the public school system pushing the wrong agenda and them you spout off about safe sex, homoesexuality, and atheism?
Seriously, you guys are bent waaaaay out of shape.
Ok, so the public school system IS teaching my child about safe sex. And this is disturbing to me how? Is it because I don't want someone other than myself to tell my child about the facts of life? Some people have to learn to let go. I mean, the school gives you a choice here. You sign a paper saying "heck no I don't want my kid to learn about safe sex in a school environment", or you let the kid get the facts the RIGHT way, and WORK with the teacher in reinforcing what they learn. Hmm...
My kids learning about homosexuality? In SCHOOL? Not where I live. Maybe in some backwoods, pig endowed county somewhere...but...LOL...not here, sweetie.
Taught atheism? Again-where??? I just don't get it. No they can't pray-but they get off for Christmas. No they can't form a religious based club. But they have off for Easter. C'mon-you only feel like you don't have a say because your tolerance for other religions is skewed and biased. You cry for attention, but neglect the fact that OTHER religions do in fact exist!
Who is going to teach your child tolerance? Homosexuality, while a sin to Christians, DOES EXIST. Are you going to shelter your child from everything? "No, sweetie, that man didn't kiss the other man. He was giving him CPR."
OBVIOUSLY you were taught not to respect other people's opinions. Why should your child have to endure the same awful lifestyle? Schools are not atheist based. In fact, a known atheist TRIED to ban "under God" in the pledge, but FAILED the first time. How can schools be atheist based if vacation is given for Easter, Rosh Hasanna, Christmas...? Are those not religious based holidays?? If anything, ATHEISM is neglected as a fact of life in these Christian run public schools.
Students-especially girls- are not animals. Birth control is the most intelligent thing a girl can do to protect this world from unwanted children. If she can't keep her legs together, at least she can't spawn, right? They SHOULD be teaching real-life in school. Bring on home-ec, baby-raising, etc. I applaud it wholeheartedly. If the PARENTS aren't going to take charge of their child's life, AT LEAST there is an outlet for them to become educated about the REAL life people have to live.

Not this June Cleaver, naive, ignorant world others play in.

And I agree with Jerimiah25. You HAVE to pay taxes to pay for school funding. If you don't like it (what? This is a suprise to Americans when??) move out of the country. I pay taxes too for things I don't approve, such as welfare, Social Security, etc. Everybody should have the same opportunities and access to education.
Take Jerimiah25's advice:
We don't "harmfully brainwash" kids, we just try to protect them in a world in which their parents increasingly refuse to do so. But hey, if you really want to see what public schools are like, go visit them. Ask the principal if you can sit in on some classes as a concerned parent.

But I doubt it. Just sit inside with the curtains pulled, and pretend that there are no homosexuals, atheists, or pregnant 12 year olds. It will allllll go away. I wouldn't want my child, upon entering the REAL world, to have to face these types of people without proper exposure and EDUCATION from yself and the school system. Good luck, sisters.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by sturod84
its why i stopped going to school their criteria is just too linear, even though its still great for excelling in different aspects of mathematical and scientific endevors!

I actually would have totally agreed with you (and I kind of still do) but for the fact that I have seen some exciting new developments in course and subject structure in state schools here in Australia. Yes, schools have traditionally been rather linear - you learn Math, History, Science and so on. But there is now discussion to have this changed, to make school subject paths more like university courses, where you can choose a speciality and pursue a series of subjects along a "branch" towards that speciality.

For example, at the school where I currently teach, students are not limited to studying "Information Technology" (I don't know what you call it in the States). Now, they can specialise in areas such as software development, video game design, computer graphics, web design and databse management, and there are specific classes for each area. Now, this has just begun and is very much in the trial stage, but seems to offer students a much broader range of options and a structure that is far less linear. Perhaps something similar will make its way to public schools in the US.

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
For example, at the school where I currently teach, students are not limited to studying "Information Technology" (I don't know what you call it in the States). Now, they can specialise in areas such as software development, video game design, computer graphics, web design and databse management, and there are specific classes for each area. Now, this has just begun and is very much in the trial stage, but seems to offer students a much broader range of options and a structure that is far less linear. Perhaps something similar will make its way to public schools in the US.

That's awesome! It's actually what I have a degree in (oh, but it's only worth a high school education because colleges nowadays don't teach what they should. I have a question...WHEN was a degree in Specialized Computer Programming worth a high school education?) and I would love to see more computer related classes come into public schools. Nowadays, without basic computer skills, finding a job is becoming inherently more and more difficult.
Even where I work (a Senior Care Facility- nursing home for those who shun politically correct language), nurses are required to have basic computing skills, most administrators are expected to be proficient in them, and even the residents (average age is 85!) are finding the public computers new and exciting.
What a wonderful, new era to live in.

EDIT: By the way, it is called Information Technology, or IT, here in the States.

[edit on 6-10-2005 by Rouschkateer]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

Even where I work (a Senior Care Facility- nursing home for those who shun politically correct language), nurses are required to have basic computing skills, most administrators are expected to be proficient in them, and even the residents (average age is 85!) are finding the public computers new and exciting.
What a wonderful, new era to live in.

I know what you mean. My mum works in a senior care facility also (you guys do a great job by the way!
) and, until a few months ago, she was completely computer illiterate. Now she is sending me so many emails, I think I'm going to have to have them screened as spam.

As I said before, I stand in constant amazement at what students are capable of. Some of the time we fail with them, for any number of reasons, but when you see a kid succeed, it's a truly amazing feeling.

I have been struck throughout this thread by the way religion seems to sculpt schooling in the US. All these rules - no prayer, no religious "clubs", it all seems extremely strange to me. And is that not strange itself, given how similar our cultures are in most respects? In all honesty, nobody here cares one iota what religion you are. The fact that a student is Jewish or Christian or Muslim or Wiccan or Hindu or Buddhist just never comes up. Our attitude in schools is basically if kids want to pray, who does it hurt? Nobody has ever complained, because nobody really cares what you do in terms of your own, personal beliefs because, well, they're your own, personal beliefs. I mean, it's just religion, it's nothing to get all worked up over.

[edit on 6/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Oct, 6 2005 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
I have been struck throughout this thread by the way religion seems to sculpt schooling in the US. All these rules - no prayer, no religious "clubs", it all seems extremely strange to me. And is that not strange itself, given how similar our cultures are in most respects? In all honesty, nobody here cares one iota what religion you are. The fact that a student is Jewish or Christian or Muslim or Wiccan or Hindu or Buddhist just never comes up. Our attitude in schools is basically if kids want to pray, who does it hurt? Nobody has ever complained, because nobody really cares what you do in terms of your own, personal beliefs because, well, they're your own, personal beliefs. I mean, it's just religion, it's nothing to get all worked up over.


I am going to throw the board into disarray, and most will not take my arguments seriously anymore when I post this, but I should not be judged on my religious views anyway, right?

I am agnostic Look It Up. I don't care what you practice or preach, either. I'm trying to figure things out on my own. So if someone wants to change the Pledge of Allegiance, I just shrug. If someone wants to build a mosque instead of a school auditorium, I will do the same thing. Shrug. What right is it of mine to tell others that they may not pray, bless, meditate, or acknowledge their God/god/goddesses in a public forum? It isn't my right. I wouldn't want anyone to stand there, tapping their foot, telling me to make up my mind about God/god/goddesses already.

Let it go, people. Kids SHOULD be praying in school- for all of us. Who would it hurt?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 06:18 PM

Here is the problem. Teachers have to have a college and/or graduate degree before they can teach in a school. The teachers themselves get indocternated at the college/graduate level to the culture and beliefs of that particular school. Most of these schools are very liberal with very liberal ideals. I have went to school at one of these colleges, and for me it was like living on a different planet. These schools also teach the teachers how to teach and what is acceptable and what it not. Any one with an agenda can slip it in at this level and they have time to convince the potential teacher that their ideas are correct. They can do a very good job at trying to convince someone what they previously believed was totally wrong. A person really has to be grounded in what they believe before going to these instutions, or your beliefs will change. They will take those beliefs that they learned into the class rooms.

Most of the time, the teachers will not change their mind from comments the students make. They will at the very least indicate with subtal hints that the student is wrong. There are many times when the teacher is actually against the parent, and actually hates when they have to talk with that parent. As far as sex ed goes, many of us have a problem that they don't teach abstence as well. They teach every thing the kid needs to know on how to have safe sex, but there is nothing that is said about not having it. It really isn't even presented as an option, since they believe that they are going to do it anyhow. It is like the sex ed teachers don't even think that there may be some kids that would actually abstain from sex.

In the US, anyone who owns property has to pay for the school in the district they live in through taxes. Private schools receive no government funding. The funding comes from the parents paying for that school.


Go ahead and let the schools teach your kids how to have "safe sex" without any reference to abstence. Yep, the kids are going to do it anyhow, so the schools practically gave a big green light to them. You mean you haven't heard about certain schools having safe zones for homosexuals? Eventhough it may not be in your school yet, it eventually arrive. As parents we have a duty to protect our children against certain things in this world until they are mature enough to understand them and be able to make a moral decesion about them.

The problem with tolerance is that no one actually practices it as it should be practice. Instead it is used as a pollitically correct stick to beat the other person over the head with. You seem to have many of the views liberals have, and anyone who goes against those views are intolerant. You feel that homosexuality is fine, and call everyone else intolerant. I'll turn this around and call you intolerant, because you can't accept my view that it is a sin. It is a double edged sword any way you look at it.


Exactly how do the schools teach the children about real life? They go to school to be herded around like cattle. I don't see that happening in the real world. They are forced to follow all rules or get an earful from the teachers. Where in the real world is someone forced to comply with all the rules without an outlet to complain, leave, or change jobs? A child can not change schools or teachers unless the parents move into a different district. Where in the real world are people allowed to bully others without getting punished when everyone witnessed the event including the authorities? In the real world, someone hitting another in front of others especially an officer will get into trouble very quickly. Where in the real world are people forced to work with only the people of the same age group? Can you tell me how schools prepare students for the real world?

I don't care what you practice or preach, either. What right is it of mine to tell others that they may not pray, bless, meditate, or acknowledge their God/god/goddesses in a public forum?

But you already proved that you do care. Do you remember when you said:

C'mon-you only feel like you don't have a say because your tolerance for other religions is skewed and biased. You cry for attention, but neglect the fact that OTHER religions do in fact exist! Who is going to teach your child tolerance? Homosexuality, while a sin to Christians, DOES EXIST....OBVIOUSLY you were taught not to respect other people's opinions. Why should your child have to endure the same awful lifestyle?

If you didn't care, then you would have never said this. You care about people practicing the Christian religion. Actually you are intolerant against the Christian religion and the fact that they say homosexuals are sinning. If you want tolerance practiced by Christians, then you better start tolerating the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin, and say nothing about it or against it. That what you expect Christians to do with all the ideas that you believe in, but they are against.

[edit on 8-10-2005 by Mystery_Lady]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady

Go ahead and let the schools teach your kids how to have "safe sex" without any reference to abstence. Yep, the kids are going to do it anyhow, so the schools practically gave a big green light to them.

I will let the school teach them whatever they have planned for their "agenda". I have said it more than once, and I will say it again:
"Parents must work with the school." It may be a green light from the teacher, but it sure as heck isn't at home with me. They will get the facts, and I will back them up at home with proper morals (based on our family values), love, and education of my own.

You mean you haven't heard about certain schools having safe zones for homosexuals? Eventhough it may not be in your school yet, it eventually arrive. As parents we have a duty to protect our children against certain things in this world until they are mature enough to understand them and be able to make a moral decesion about them.

No, I haven't. Do you have a source? I'm not calling you a liar, I have an open mind (really-later in this post you will see), I just have never heard of such a thing. You mean to say that homosexuals are segregated from other students?? I do want to know, and I do want to understand.

The problem with tolerance is that no one actually practices it as it should be practice. Instead it is used as a pollitically correct stick to beat the other person over the head with. You seem to have many of the views liberals have, and anyone who goes against those views are intolerant. You feel that homosexuality is fine, and call everyone else intolerant. I'll turn this around and call you intolerant, because you can't accept my view that it is a sin. It is a double edged sword any way you look at it.

I try to be as tolerant as most. Some things, of course, really get to me. For example, I live in a very urban area. I have to "tolerate" rap music (without any censorship, and loud enough to rattle windows), screaming children in the street at 11PM, double-parking, litter...the list goes on. Tolerance and acceptance are two totally different things. I do not accept this urban trash. I never said I accept homosexuality, I simply tolerate it. I tolerate the fact that homosexuality is a sin to Christians. I don't have to accept it due to my own moral and religious standing.

Exactly how do the schools teach the children about real life? They go to school to be herded around like cattle.

This is where the home-ec, cooking, wood-work, computer, and family classes come into play. Basic social skills, following directions...everything that you teach at home, they teach in public schools. The flair of homeschooling is that the parent can teach their agenda. And truth be told, we are herded like cattle in many ways, too. At the library, banks, grocery stores...go here, line up here, do this, don't act like that. It's all over in real life.

I don't see that happening in the real world. They are forced to follow all rules or get an earful from the teachers.

As we all had to at one point. And we still have to when we drive, shop, or play games.

Where in the real world is someone forced to comply with all the rules without an outlet to complain, leave, or change jobs? A child can not change schools or teachers unless the parents move into a different district.

If the lines of communication between mother/father and child are really open, the child will tell the parents they are uncomfortable, and the parents will do something about it. I don't know of anywhere in real life where that happens, honestly. Prison, maybe? Everywhere in the USA is an outlet to complain, even in school.

Where in the real world are people allowed to bully others without getting punished when everyone witnessed the event including the authorities? In the real world, someone hitting another in front of others especially an officer will get into trouble very quickly.

Schools in this area have a "No Tolerance" or "Zero Tolerance" policy. Name calling, physical intmidation, or any sort of confrontations are punished depending on the severity of the incident. This is, admittedly, one flaw in the system with schools. I have a very unique name due to my loving hippie parents. I above others, know how intolerant kids can be, and how cruel. I think it taught me to stand up for myself, no matter what the cost. I certainly didn't change my name.

Where in the real world are people forced to work with only the people of the same age group?

This one I can't answer. Mostly, it is because of the EOE policies many companies adopt.

If you didn't care, then you would have never said this. You care about people practicing the Christian religion. Actually you are intolerant against the Christian religion and the fact that they say homosexuals are sinning. If you want tolerance practiced by Christians, then you better start tolerating the Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin, and say nothing about it or against it. That what you expect Christians to do with all the ideas that you believe in, but they are against.

I would never ask anyone to go against thier own religious beliefs, and if I came across that way, I am truley sorry. I tolerate that belief, but again, I do not accept it.

All in all, it is still the parents and the teachers working together to make the child's school experience as good as it can be. I still don't think schools brainwash the children.

[edit on 8-10-2005 by Rouschkateer]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 07:39 PM
Rear Rouchkateer --

I would never ask anyone to go against thier own religious beliefs, and if I came across that way, I am truley sorry. I tolerate that belief, but again, I do not accept it.

Then does that mean you agree that I should not have to pay for my neighbors' kids to be taught stuff in the schools which I believe are evil and corrupting and will send a person to Hell? Does that not make me an accomplice to the corruption of my neighbors' kids?

If you don't mind your kids being taught Safe Sex and handed out condoms and patches, that's between you and God. I think it's wicked and corrupting of a parent to teach their children it's okay to throw their body around like that as long as they don't get pregnant. This is not a healthy way to approach life or to prepare to someday be married. It's plain evil.

I also don't see why I should have to pay for my neighbors' kids to be taught that evolution is the "scientific" explanation for how we all got here, when it's nothing of the kind. All it is is somebody's lame, extremely lame, reasoning to explain things by leaving the Creator out of the Creation. So why do I have to participate in this charade of lies? Some day I will be standing before God and I will have to explain to God why I just meekly handed over my money to pay for my neighbors' kids to go to school to learn this dung.

Same with the appreciation of homos propaganda, and the "everything is relative, so let's just get along, and let's all just respect each other's beliefs" stuff. What kind of a worldview is this? You aren't allowed to believe your views are really true and worth defending and trying to propagate? You're supposed to be just a little lemming, all nice and friendly and compliant to whoever's in charge at the moment?

If people really want their kids taught this way, let them pay for this kind of indoctrination with their own money. After all, I am going to have to answer to God. Why am I to be put in the position of having to lose my home or lose my soul? Either pay for your neighbor kids ungodly and wicked corrupting education in the government schools, or we will take your house away from you.

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. Choose between your soul or your home. I'll tell you, I am at the point where I would just as soon forfeit my home over this issue, because that's how much it means to me.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Rear Rouchkateer --

Then does that mean you agree that I should not have to pay for my neighbors' kids to be taught stuff in the schools which I believe are evil and corrupting and will send a person to Hell? Does that not make me an accomplice to the corruption of my neighbors' kids?

I can't possibly be sorry for the action of a government that long ago voted that all land owner's must pay school taxes. You have a problem with the wrong person. If you feel as if you shouldn't pay for public schools, then more power to you.

If you don't mind your kids being taught Safe Sex and handed out condoms and patches, that's between you and God. I think it's wicked and corrupting of a parent to teach their children it's okay to throw their body around like that as long as they don't get pregnant. This is not a healthy way to approach life or to prepare to someday be married. It's plain evil.

No, it's between me and your God. What if I don't believe I am going to Hell? I never ever said it is okay to throw her body around. I SAID I would work with the school to educate my children in a matter-of-fact way. My goodness. I would never wish a teen pregnancy on my own child. Want to know why? Because it happened to me.. And no, it isn't a matter of "see?! Told ya so!" My school, in my day and age, did NOT support pregnant teens. I would never condone sexual activity to my child.

I also don't see why I should have to pay for my neighbors' kids to be taught that evolution is the "scientific" explanation for how we all got here, when it's nothing of the kind. All it is is somebody's lame, extremely lame, reasoning to explain things by leaving the Creator out of the Creation. So why do I have to participate in this charade of lies? Some day I will be standing before God and I will have to explain to God why I just meekly handed over my money to pay for my neighbors' kids to go to school to learn this dung.

No, what will happen is your very bright child (I hope) would come home, laughing, saying, "Hey Mom! Get a load of this that they tried to teach me! They said I evolved from a ball of goo into who I am now! HAHAHAHA!" At least, that's what MINE do (oh, by the way. I may be agnostic, but I raised my children as Lutherans, so that they may make their choices as they seem fit. I will not deny my children God for the sake of being selfish.)

Same with the appreciation of homos propaganda, and the "everything is relative, so let's just get along, and let's all just respect each other's beliefs" stuff. What kind of a worldview is this? You aren't allowed to believe your views are really true and worth defending and trying to propagate? You're supposed to be just a little lemming, all nice and friendly and compliant to whoever's in charge at the moment?

Well, I don't really know what to say to that. I may put on that face in public, but when I go home it's different. But no, I don't propagate it. Do you like Jehovah Witnesses coming to your door? All they are doing is propagating.

If people really want their kids taught this way, let them pay for this kind of indoctrination with their own money. After all, I am going to have to answer to God. Why am I to be put in the position of having to lose my home or lose my soul? Either pay for your neighbor kids ungodly and wicked corrupting education in the government schools, or we will take your house away from you.

This is wrong, wrong, wrong. Choose between your soul or your home. I'll tell you, I am at the point where I would just as soon forfeit my home over this issue, because that's how much it means to me.

I must say, I have to agree with this even if it is based a religious point of view. I have my own financial hardship, and losing my house bacause I don't pay my taxes reeks. But that's for a different thread.

And you are right. You have to answer to your God. I can't make you keep your kids out of public school. That's your choice. I would never keep someone from doing something they truley believe in.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 08:58 PM
I find it funny everybody is talking about all these things public schools are doing, but my question is: Have you actually been to a public high school recently?

I just graduated from a public Technical High School over in Pennsylvania. It never tried to promote any type of atheist agenda, all it did was approach its teachings with a purely academic and technical formula for learning: Teach the facts. We really didnt even go over any type of evolution talk in any of our biology classes. People were allowed to pray if they wanted to (aslong as it didnt disrupt the class, obviously) there was nothing holding them back. As for clubs, We had a large group of religious clubs, including a Bible Study Club, Christian Forum club, and even a Wiccan club. At the same type, it also had a "Gay Straight Alliance" club, and an ethnic gathering club.

So what I'd like to know, is where you guys are from, where your getting these bizarre thoughts about what public school is like, because I can tell you, for the 4 years I was there, I never experienced any of it.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:03 PM
Wolf of War -- You say everything was peachy at your school but there was a Gay Straight Alliance Club? Why is the school promoting fornication? And why is it promoting perverted fornication at that? And why is it bringing in adult homo activists to mess with the minds of the kids and proselytize this stuff? What parent wants their kid to be lured into that kind of a lifestyle? I call that child abuse, corrupting the morals of a minor, and I think that shool should be shut down. The very idea of taxpayer money going to support such an outrage!

And you don't see anything wrong with this. Shows they did a good job on you.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by resistance
Wolf of War -- You say everything was peachy at your school but there was a Gay Straight Alliance Club? Why is the school promoting fornication? And why is it promoting perverted fornication at that? And why is it bringing in adult homo activists to mess with the minds of the kids and proselytize this stuff? What parent wants their kid to be lured into that kind of a lifestyle? I call that child abuse, corrupting the morals of a minor, and I think that shool should be shut down. The very idea of taxpayer money going to support such an outrage!

And you don't see anything wrong with this. Shows they did a good job on you.

But WolfofWar ALSO said that had various religious clubs. You're paying for those as well, remember?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:11 PM
Actually, I was just showing the wide variety of clubs they have there. You know, because in the real world, people all have different thoughts, ideas, religions, cultures, and orientation. And I thought it was nice to know that they aren't kicking anybody out and telling them that they cant practice what they believe there.

But hey, thats a double edged sword. Because if you allow people to worship theyre lord, then others have to too, right?

also, it wasnt about fornication, the gay straight alliance. it was a club for those of all sexual orientations to get together, and realize that they are all people, deep down, and they could get together to fight against hatred, bigotry, and meet new friends to build up theyre esteem.

[edit on 10-8-2005 by WolfofWar]

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:27 PM
Wolf -- You make my point. Do the kids who fornicate in the normal way get to have a club? Do they get to have adults come in and talk to them about cool ways to "do it?" And how to hold their heads up tall and live in a world that disapproves of what they do? This is wicked, and it has the school's imprimatur, which means other impressionable and trusting kids will want to experiment, at least check it out, where normally they would run like the wind.

But they've convinced you, got you into this mind-set of super-tolerance, tolerance of every awful and crazy thing, just go whistling along.

With a world of people who don't believe anything, don't care about anything except "getting along," what hope do any of us have?

All I can say is you need to escape from the Lemming parade, and you need to do it fast. The best way to do that is to find a good church that believes in and teaches the Bible, a good Christian church, like a Baptist church, or a community church, where the people love and care about each other and they love God's Word. Go for it. Jesus tells us that the truth will set you free, and that he IS the Truth. He's the way, the truth and the life. Go and do this.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:35 PM
Ever thought that maybe your part of your so called "lemmings" parade, that your so caught up in what your religious teachings have brought you up to believe, that you see anything thats contradictory to your religion as wrong?

It works both ways.

After all, everybody is inclined to be conditioned and believe the things that theyre local society forms them to. Its a sortof mold that they, unknowningly, or sometimes knowingly, follow. Its that sortof subconscious thought process thats instilled upon it. But guess what, it works both ways.

And as I said before, its not a Gay alliance, its a Gay and Straight Alliance. Its for both homo and hetero. Its basically a place where people can learn more about eachother, and see past what some people (I'll give you a hint, it was the person that posted above this post) deem wrong. Theres no parading from outside adults, its just a group of people getting together, on both sides, to learn about eachother WITHOUT outside stimuli.

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Was it ok that Matthew Wayne Shepard got beaten to death because he was prominantly gay in school?

And just for some very interesting statistics on Sex Ed In School: (Feb 2004)
Sex Education In America

And what happened to respect, anyway? I tolerate that urban person blasting awful swear-filled music across the street, while he is yelling some cryptic lingo into an overpriced cell phone, with his pants down to his knees so I see his boxers, but I sure as heck don't respect someone like that.
So should I tolerate Christians, and gays, but not respect them?

posted on Oct, 8 2005 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer
Was it ok that Matthew Wayne Shepard got beaten to death because he was prominantly gay in school?

And just for some very interesting statistics on Sex Ed In School: (Feb 2004)
Sex Education In America

And what happened to respect, anyway? I tolerate that urban person blasting awful swear-filled music across the street, while he is yelling some cryptic lingo into an overpriced cell phone, with his pants down to his knees so I see his boxers, but I sure as heck don't respect someone like that.
So should I tolerate Christians, and gays, but not respect them?

Prostitutes and drug addicts get beaten up and murdered too. Does that mean we should have clubs for them in school so they can be made to feel more accepted and loved, bring in some drug addicts and adult prostitutes to coach them in their chosen lifestyle?

Respect? I have absolutely no respect for ANYBODY encouraging or condoning any young person to be fornicating, period. And I have even less respect for anyone encouraging or condoning the kind of fornication we're talking about here -- homosexual fornication, S&M, all that evil stuff. You gotta be crazy.

posted on Oct, 9 2005 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Rouschkateer

No, I haven't. Do you have a source? I'm not calling you a liar, I have an open mind (really-later in this post you will see), I just have never heard of such a thing. You mean to say that homosexuals are segregated from other students?? I do want to know, and I do want to understand.

The safe zones are not for segeration, but to teach about the homosexual lifestyle. These zones are places where homosexual students can come out of the closet and not be ashamed of their sexual identity so to speak without being harrassed. The teachers confront homophobia, which basically means they tell the students it is wrong to think of homosexuality as anything but normal. There is no room for tolerance for Christian beliefs.

Creating Safe Schools for Lesbian and Gay Students:
A resource guide for school staff

This is an interesting read, and lets you know some of the ways teachers are introducing homosexuality to students and termonology that students may not even be aware of. This assumption made in the literature sets me on edge. I question where their research is coming from. "Researchers and social scientists suggest that 1 to 3 of every 10 students is either gay or lesbian, or has an immediate family member who is." The safe zone explaination is near the end.

Massachusetts schools using "safe zones" to counsel children who feel different - maybe they should "come out" as gay!

Public schools: The next battleground over homosexuality?

Teachers friendly to the homosexual movement often place inverted pink triangles in their classroom, identifying their room as a "safe zone" for homosexuals.


You can do more research by typing the key words in Google: schools safe zones homosexuals

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 01:04 AM
Mystery Lady -- Thanks for the links. They have these homo clubs in the so-called "wonderful schools" in my area also. The fact that they have non-homos in the clubs also is not a good thing. It just means they're spreading their corruption into the rest of the school.

The teachers are not allowed to do anything but steer the kids (aka "facilitate") into accepting a perverted and wicked behavior and lifestyle as fine and dandy. The result? The guys are wearing earrings and makeup and the girls are dressing up in combat boots and fatigues and pairing up with punkers with dog collars and pink hair.

If anybody knows of a county that exists anyplace in the country where there are NO PUBLIC SCHOOLS, please let me know. I'll sell my house and move there tomorrow!

posted on Oct, 10 2005 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by resistance

The teachers are not allowed to do anything but steer the kids (aka "facilitate") into accepting a perverted and wicked behavior and lifestyle as fine and dandy.

Teachers are not, for the most part, forced to do anything. Do we choose to teach our students to be tolerant of issues such as homosexuality? Of course we do, because we feel that it is the right thing to do. I personally do not feel that homosexuality is wrong in the slightest and if my students ask me what my opinion is on this matter, that is exactly what I will tell them. But far from promoting fornication, we are simply promoting the idea that it is not okay to physically or emotionally attack somebody because they are homosexual, and it's not.

I also must take issue with Mystery_Lady's statement that

There is no room for tolerance for Christian beliefs.

This is a generalisation. I teach my students that Christian beliefs are every bit as valid as non-Christian beliefs. From WolfOfWar's statements, you can see that a similar attitude exists in American schools. To imply that a tolerance of homosexuality leaves no room for tolerance of Christian ideals is simply incorrect. Tolerance is tolerance. We teach students to be tolerant of people from different religious backgrounds (including Christianity). WolfOfWar is right - you cannot have it both ways. If you wish for your religion to be tolerated, then you must tolerate others expressing their religious views as well.

The result? The guys are wearing earrings and makeup and the girls are dressing up in combat boots and fatigues and pairing up with punkers with dog collars and pink hair.

How does the fact that guys wear earrings or girls wear dog collars make them bad people? The way a person dresses has nothing to do with their morality. Forgive me, but who are you to pass judgement on these people based on the way they dress? Wasn't there something in the Bible to the effect "Judge not lest ye be judged?" But failing that, how about "You can't judge a book by its cover".

If anybody knows of a county that exists anyplace in the country where there are NO PUBLIC SCHOOLS, please let me know. I'll sell my house and move there tomorrow!

The Vatican City. Have a nice trip.

[edit on 10/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

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