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Tantra, Pranayama and Kundalini

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posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:16 AM
Does anyone here practice or study Tantra?

I don't know much about it but Tantra pre-dates even Hinduism and Yoga. It incorporates the use of Mantras(Om for example), breathing techniques(Pranayama) and I think Mudras(hand positions), but I'm not sure.

I think that the main purpose of Tantra is to master the Kundalini(sexual energy) and channel it as opposed to suppressing or expending it. This would be a real empowering practice considering the fact that sex is our main driving force and that it can become a vice for many people. Ejaculation also weakens ones Chi which wouldn't be good for a martial artist let alone anyone else.

If you've seen the medical symbol of the two snakes rising and wrapping around the pole with wings; it symbolizes the raising of Kundalini. The Masonic apron supposedly has soemthing to do with this as well.

I've heard that there's different schools, all of which fit into three categories:

"Black Tantra" which allows frequent ejaculation; "Gray Tantra" which allows it sometimes; and "White Tantra" which is the culivation of Kundalini without EVER spilling the semen. This may all be according to Samael Aun Weor(more on him later) but I'm not sure.

I know that Tantra originated in India and was practiced by the ancient Dravidians or Eastern Kush-ites. It is/was widely practiced in Tibet too. It's Kinda of unrelated but I came across the following satement:

"The word Druid may indeed derive from an Indo-European root 'dreo-vid,' meaning 'one who knows the truth.' In practice it was probably understood to mean something like 'wise one,' or 'philosopher-priest.'" Maybe the Anacalypsis says something about this?

Anyway; here's some book titles and links. If anyone has some really good links or book titles, please; add on.


Ancient Texts:

Anyone know how/where to obtain the ancient texts?

Modern Works:

Has anyone ever read anything by Osho?

African Tantra?

Tantra Links:

I think someone here recommended this one, is it reliable?

I also want to talk about this cat Samael Aun Weor. He's written a few works on Tantra and Kundalini, and he's part of the Gnostic movement, a self proclaimed Rosicrucian initiate, Hermeticist, Theosophist and without much doubt a Mason. I want to see if anyone knows if his Tantra is authentic or not. Here's some info about him:

He says:

"Many books have been written about Oriental Yoga. Yoga means �union with God.� All the books that were written about Oriental Yoga before the New Era of Aquarius which began the 4thday of February, 1962 between the hours of two and three in the afternoon are antiquated. This book entitled Kundalini Yoga is for the New Aquarian Era."

He was born in Colombia, South America and his 'angelic' attribute Samael is equated with Mars. There seems to be disagreement between various theological and/or religious sects as to exactly who/what the Archangel 'Samael' is. Aun Weor says:

"I, Aun Weor, received my Resplendent Dragon of Wisdom, named Samael, Logos of the Planet Mars."

He gives big ups to Madame Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy who wrote "Isis Unveiled" and "The Secret Doctrine", which I think someone recommended in another post.

Samael says:

"The Master Helene Petrova Blavatsky was a great Yogi."

"The Yogi who does not have a spouse can activate the flames of his Kundalini with Pranayama and Meditation. However, the complete, total, and absolute development of the Seven Degrees of Power of the Fire are only possible when practicing Sexual Magic with our Priest/Priestess-Spouse. This is why the female Yogi Helena Petrova Blavatsky had to marry again in the last years of her life, long after her first husband Count Blavatsky died."

"We are approaching the Ethereal world. The human being has to conquer the fifth element of nature, the ether. This has to be the conquest of the Aryan Race. Gross materialism must fall wounded before the majesty of the ether. This book is for those who indeed want to convert themselves into Angels. Every planet gives birth to seven root races; thereafter it dies. Our planet Earth gave birth already to five root races; two more root races are needed. Seven elements of nature exist.

It is written with burning coals in the Book of Life that during the Golden Age of Lacio and Liguria, the Divine King Janus or Saturn (I.A.O., BACCHUS, JEHOVAH IOD-HEVE) ruled wisely over those holy people, all the Aryan tribes, although they were of very diverse origins and eras. And so, my God!... How happily Jinas and men lived together in such periods of Ancient Arcadia. From within the ineffable mystic idyll, commonly called "THE ENCHANTMENT OF GOOD FRIDAY", we feel from the bottom of our hearts that in our sexual organs there exists a terribly Divine power which can either liberate or enslave man. Sexual energy contains within itself the living archetype of authentic Solar Man which must take shape within us. Many suffering souls wish to enter transcendental Monsalvat but unfortunately this is more than impossible due to the Veil of ISIS or adamic sexual Veil."

He also talks about some N.W.O. sounding type stuff by mentioning the 'New Age' of Aquarius and MAITREYA; who 'conspiracy theorists' claim will be the head of the 'One World Religion'.

"The Yogis of the New Aquarian Era are self-realized through the sexual act. The times in which Yogis needed to withdraw into the jungle to practice their esoteric exercises are gone. Now Yogis self-realize though the sexual act. The soul of the New Aquarian Era is human cooperation. Yogis must live within society, se their brothers and sisters and living with happiness and optimism. The New Aquarian Era does not admit Hermit-Yogis. The Age of MAITREYA is the Age of association and co-fraternity among all human beings."

All the speculation and symbolism aside; if anyone's knowledgable of the Tantric way, please read the techniques given for raising the Kundalini in the following links and let us know if they'll work or not:


[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 04:26 PM

[Edited on 3-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 10:18 PM

The Cosmos is not just in contact with us, we are also in contact with the Cosmos. The fact is that not only does our signal find its way into all the universe but all the universe finds its way into our signal. Open up to those signals and all the universe is available to each of us.

What I know of this subject is in respect to the ancient forms of healing and medical techniques applied by the culture. A modern interpretation is that sexual acts release endorphins which not only make a person feel better but act in assisting the body to heal itself.

The Hindu originated the technology of ACU-pressure from which acupuncture is alleged to have been derived from. The principle is very similar but in this case pressure points related to the entire body are applied for the desired effect.

With respect to raising kundalini energy the techniques offered in your second to the last link (last one is not working) can be viewed as a rose by another name in respect to such practices as the Qabalah and Chakra meditation.

This one in particular (kundalini) is a very ancient form, from what I understand there are techniques which were in the past alleged, to allow an adept. The ability to in essence raise the level of consciousness through the application of ACU-pressure.

But that knowledge as far as I know no longer exist.

With respect to this matter a consideration to applying this specific methodology, is with regard to what in fact may be a missing element. For the record that the knowledge no longer exist does not mean the technuiqe no longer exist.

Any thoughts?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 10:38 AM
The quote that you posted DIRECTLY relates to a response to this same topic that I posted on another forum! It shouldn't be surprising though. Is this where that quote came from?

Anyway; this is what was said on the other forum; notice the "*":

["Can't say I've read works by those authors but I do practice what is called "WHITE TANTRA". Semen contains a man's chi (male-chi-seed-dick/melchisedek)or what is known as light energy. A man's seed should only be spilled to pro-create, and not for WRECK'CREATIONAL (recreational) purposes. I have been doin the semen retention for appx. 10 yrs. now and it has enabled me to astral plane.

There is a scripture that shows christ as a yogi. Here it is... Matthew 11.29, Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Yoke stems from the word Yogi.

And he also practiced the art of white tantra. Here is the vrs. Matt 25.8, And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

The oil is the sperm which fuels the heat of the kundalini (lamps).

let me explain something to you. You get to a pt. where you don't need a book to learn. Why do I say that ? Because you are a living book. I know, I know, easier said then understood. Watch how I will explain this and maybe you will get my drift.

*The universe has programmed into you the natural/supernatureal way of acquiring knowledge. Your semen can store knowledge. They are your memory cells. The more you store semen, the more you have memory capacity to store more knowledge. Works on the same premise as the computer chip. As you seek to attain higher access to universal knowledge, you are required to have a higher level of memory capacity.

When you store your semen, you raise the innerCHI/innerG/energy and as you raise your energy your consciousness raises in proportion. Your consciousness is dependent on WHAT YOU KNOW and what you know is dependent on what knowledge you have. Picture stacking one chip on top of another. The more chips the more knowledge stored and the chip, stakcing on top of each other is your kundalin snake raising itself. This kundalin; the chi gives you sentience.

What does this mean ? Well if you store enough to astral plane, when you project your conscious into a higher level of divinity or level/plane of existence, your consciousness will automatically attune and plug into the collective conscious pool of the particular reality/matrix. Basically your conscious witnesses the new reality and everything that is part and parcel of that reality is stored in your semen/sperm cell. When you wake up, providing you did not spill your sperm, the knowledge of the reality is in your subconscious. Once it is in your subsconscious it intergrates with your mind and will eventually trickle down into your mind's R.A.M called memory.

Semen is the highest type of blood created by humans. Semen contains light particles expressed by its colour (white).

I just realized this unspelling... CHIP -> CHI...p See how the universe leaves hints and clues ."]

I'm not sure how Tantra relates to the science of the meridians of the body(acupuncture/pressure) but I'm still learning.

The Mystery of the Golden Blossom(link that doesn't work) was taken off the web overnight, last night to be exact. Wonder why? Here's another link by the same author:< br />


[Edited on 3-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:30 PM
To be clear Tamahu what you are reading seems the oposite of what the true intent of how the kundalini is supose to be understood.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 10:23 PM
Then what is the true intent of understanding Kundalini then?

I'm new to this so the only actual conclusion I've come to is that Tantra is for the channeling of sexual energy(Kundalini) instead of letting it channel you; or rather, harmonizing with Aiki(Universal chi). Even what's called "White Tantra" does not condemn sex. You see, if the average person has intimate relations with someone; they'll eventually become frustrated if they don't complete the sexual act. The Tantric master can have intercourse without even spilling a drop of actual sperm. It's not that they resist the sexual spasm, because that could be damaging; but that they don't need to. If most anyone else did that they would be mad frustrated because they didn't "finish".
One who has truly cultivated the Kundalini doesn't release their seed unless they want to procreate. I guess you could say that this is from a "White Tantra" perspective.

I said earlier:

[""Black Tantra" which allows frequent ejaculation; "Gray Tantra" which allows it sometimes; and "White Tantra" which is the culivation of Kundalini without EVER spilling the semen. "]

Do you think that the original people of the Indus Kush who developed Tantra, had terms like the ones I just described?


[Edited on 4-9-2003 by Tamahu]

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 10:42 PM
Doubtfull and to be specific the orientation was towards appling sexuality and sexual acts as the means to an end.

It may be that you are looking at a version of the tantra whose origins is related to western influence.

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by Toltec]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 09:13 PM
To understand anything we must go to its core source, original conceptualization, historical origins and causes, and such. Consequently there may be variations or diversions away from a concept or term that take one away from the original concept, may even contradict it in its original form, yet apply the term to it despite meaning as much as the opposite of what the term or concept properly means.

I will start an answer to this thread in this spirit of identifying the concept and its origins, occassionally adding to it in small segments.

First off, let's define Tantra in its true meaning.

The Sanskrit root verb tan literally means "to expand". The word tantra is derived as: tan + trae + d'a. Tra [trae + d'a] means "that which liberates." So Tantra means the science which shows the path for the emancipation of the human entity through psycho-spiritual expansion. In other words, the spirit of Tantra is ever to continue expanding, or vistara in Sanskrit, from which we get the word "vista" in most Western languages.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 05:10 PM
to focus all the energy of kundalini in a sexual way, to me, seems both limiting and a less-than-complete utilization of what i think of as

creative energy

sure, creative energy is related to sexual experience for both procreation as well as a more ethereal type of personal creationism, but creative means so much more!

all that is in our world is created!
that which we see and also that which we do not.

in fact, before something created is seen, it is in existence in the aether.

thoughts are things!

the rainbow serpent has the power to liberate the mind in order to conceptualize without restraint - true freedom!

and the things that come from such thoughts.....well that is the stuff from which paradise is made!

in the works, as we speak!!

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