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Tell others what you have seen this day

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posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 02:44 AM
Mods, I know that it might seem like this isn't conspiracy related however, any undermining of Faith is a conspiracy of evil perpetrated by the anti-God and as such I'd hope you see where this is coming from.

"Tell others what you have seen this day"

I'm reminded of a class project once where a sentence was whispered into the first students ear and they in turn whispered it to the next person and so on until the last person stated what they had heard and it was nothing like the original sentence began as.

Had you been instructed by Christ to tell of what you had seen and in turn passed the testimony on, it would no doubt get changed as it got further from its origin, hence the recording of testimony in the Bible. When was the Bible written, and by whom? Since we have the disciples recorded as the origin of the various scriptures it would be reasonable to assume the accuracy of the words contained within it. However, translations would dilute the pristine words of the authors.

Muhammad had written the Quran some 600 years after Christ had instructed his disciples and as such the true biblical meanings or truth would get diluted in a way to be identified with the people of the era, and the political environment in which it was written and in this deception (whether in whole or in part) created the atmosphere of two Religions, Christianity and Islam. Similarly Christianity had its own separations into off-shoot Religious doctrine further clouding the Truth behind the origins and the roots of Faith. (I merely state these two since these are at the heart of it all)

Since Islam has been a religion of intolerance towards all other religions, contrary to Christ's teachings of loving all, the deception had been recorded into historical significance. This twisting of words has not only set Religions apart, but had eventually over the passage of time (since words are nowhere near as weighty as seeing with one's own eyes) eroded the very foundation of belief... at least on the moral grounds of compassion and further on the higher grounds of the separation of all humanity.

The devil plays the deception game all too well, he invented it. We are all human but now we are divided in our beliefs and after a further 1400 years the logic of many is one of entire disbelief.

Here on these forums there are many who don't believe in a God, any God, and in the same token, there are many who believe themselves to be as Gods and engage in unholy acts of worship. It is far more gratifying to them to practice spell casting or other similar unholy rites that are an abomination unto the Lord as is homosexuality, abortions, selfishness on all levels of hedonistic lifestyles etc. rather than being humble unto the Lord.

The conspiracy here is one of the devils making and the fact that so many will take offense at my voicing this only strengthens the fact that there is in fact a war of wills going on between God and the devil. Perhaps the misconception is that of what God or the devil actually is.

Just as there is only one God (and that God is within us ALL) there is also a devil (within you if you don't accept Christ as your savior) To look for physical proof of either is like looking at an iceberg, the majority is hidden underneath and yet there are tangible proofs of the existence of both.

Witches believe that they have "powers" and this is in fact a possibility, one which I not only can't confirm but won't. The power if there is one (which I believe there could be) is granted by the alliance of the individuals will with the devil's.
Similarly, God grants us "powers" through prayer and it is our obedience to his will that grants us these human requests on an earthly or physical level.
"If you had the Faith of a mustard seed..."

The problem with prayer is that they are not always granted in the way we expect, nor even hope for at times, yet to understand the granting of a prayer, or to put it in terms of Faith, a "miracle", sometimes consequences occur in God's manifestation of your Faith.

In other words, God has the overall picture to consider and not just the individual. Everyone prays for world peace (at least I'd like to think everyone wants peace although looking at the world its doubtful) and due to the political climate, world peace won't be granted without a world war to eliminate the evil that doesn't want peace. So although war is contrary to a prayer for peace, the war is what would bring peace to all and hence the rapid advancement towards war since the more people pray for peace the closer the reality for war becomes and it accelerates the outcome.

Similarly, evil grants "spells", but the law of Faith and Spirituality dictates that there will be consequences and in the case of evil, this manifestation might not become evident until it is too late for the individual to be redeemed. Evil might not rear its ugly head and take its toll until the end time because to do otherwise, all would know it for what it is, the downfall of man.
The end time as foretold in the Book Of Revelations draws near. Christ will draw his believers to him and away from the pitfall that those who are deceived will fall into, the eternal damnation of their souls. This taking of the righteous or the "Rapture" will leave evil with a free reign for a short time. Demonic possessions will be common, evil will be everywhere and those who come to see the light yet hadn't accepted the salvation that Christ offers will have one final chance to be saved.
The consequence of being "left behind" is one of extreme persecution on a level of life and death. If you believe and show it, you will be made an example of since there will be a rampant hatred of anything holy since the evil (who might not realize they are evil until the very end) will have the perception that God isn't the power otherwise why would the devil be allowed to have his reign? And yet, during the Second Coming, heaven will pour out its vengeance on an unbelieving world.

Why does God grant evil any power? In order to know without a doubt where your heart truly is. Even Satan believes in God. He is a fallen angel and as such has powers that seduce the hearts and minds of men.

God tolerates evil so that man will know the difference between good and evil. (light and dark, positive and negative, the one defines the other) Christ gave his life for us, all of us, so that we would know the moral ground to stand on, he gave us a moral conscience in the hopes that we would come to the Lord of our own free-will. It is the only way God would know without a doubt that we wouldn't become another Lucifer to be cast down.

The conspiracy is within us all. It isn't God who deceives. It was Christ who died on the cross for us all and it is the anti-Christ who will take no greater pleasure than dragging as many down to the pits of hell with him as will follow. ... note that word, WILL... God given free-WILL
I pray you find the Faith in Christ that I have.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:07 AM
For what it's worth, I think the "anti-christ" is pretty convenient for christians. It's like, whoever they declare is the anti-christ will totally not have a very pleasant time at Kanakuk Kamps. The thing is though, there can be only one. It's not like you can turn around and say it was all a mistake if an even nastier piece of work comes along.

And no, I don't think they will look ANYTHING like Christopher Lambert.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by cargo
For what it's worth, I think the "anti-christ" is pretty convenient for christians. It's like, whoever they declare is the anti-christ will totally not have a very pleasant time at Kanakuk Kamps. The thing is though, there can be only one. It's not like you can turn around and say it was all a mistake if an even nastier piece of work comes along.

And no, I don't think they will look ANYTHING like Christopher Lambert.

Cargo, I think the misperception here is the "who" and not what. Anti-Christ (or anti-Christian) denotes thoughts and actions contrary to the teachings of Christ. There are many against Christ, the Bible, and God himself. They are all anti-Christ. If in ones soul you dabble in the occult you are anti-Christian as it goes against the moral fiber of Christianity.
You in effect taint your soul.
When you pray you give credit to the Lord, if you cast spells you give credit to yourself. Without the divine representation of God, without the acceptance of Christ's salvation, you are a lost soul. Many don't know the Holy Spirit since God gives us free will to choose whom we will follow. Salvation is available to all and yet to humble oneself before the Lord is a taste of humble pie that ego won't tolerate.

God is above us in that He already knows the folly of choosing the wrong path. His commandments are to be adhered to on ALL levels and not merely on a pick and choose basis. He grants us the choice to decide which force our spirit will follow.
It is a simple choice and yet to deny that there is a God is the universal copout. If you don't believe then it just ain't so is the delusion or deception the devil has many believing instead of realizing the wonders of God's grace.
I posted this not for debate, but for enlightenment since the coming times will bring the harsh reality of what a lack of Faith brings in terms of ones destiny. The strength of my Faith remains unwavering.

I pray that all who read my words will seek the Lord and reject the grand illusion the anti-Christian movement is bent on... a path of ultimate remorse that all will come to realize in the coming times.

I say these things out of not only my love of God and my acceptance of Christ, but my love for all. And it is so simple, yet sadly many won't heed the warning. All you have to do is accept Christ as your savior.

It costs nothing here and now, but the net yield is your immortal soul.
Christians are persecuted for their beliefs and trying to get others to believe, however, it is out of our love and devotion to God that we try to bring as many of His children to come to Christ and His Love for all.

A single lost soul is a tragedy, all a Christian tries to do is avert that loss.
Having said that the end times wouldn't be the end times if all believed so since it had been written its obvious that many will succumb. I'm sorry for any and all who don't/won't believe, but in the end, we all do.

[edit on 8/13/2005 by keybored]

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 12:02 PM
What if I give the rest of my lunch to a homeless person? Or hold the train doors open for a senior citizen whose legs may not carry them fast enough to catch the train? How is my soul tainted if I have come to the conclusion that I am not capable of knowing that there is a God? Why is it important for me to believe in a God while I am alive in the physical realm? So that I can live my life in a morally acceptable manner? What if I am doing this now?

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 08:49 PM
Cargo, the question you ask is a difficult one to answer. I know what God has to say about it in the Bible:
John 14:6 “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and life; no man comes to the Father, but by me.”
Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”
Romans 5:1 Being justified (set right with God) by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It would be presumptuous of me to answer on God’s behalf. I know when we are called before the Lord we are judged by our deeds. All will be called before him, both the living and the dead and your deeds determine your destiny. The issue is one of acknowledging that Christ died for our sins and all God asks is that you give credit where it is due.

I again recommend the book Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East crisis by John F. Walvoord ISBN 0-310-53921-8 in that it has interpreted events that lead up to the fulfillment of the Book of Revelations, the political climate of today that indicates that the Second Coming of Christ can occur at any time (my particular copy was re-printed in 1990, first printing was in 1974) and also outlines what has taken place, is about to take place, and remains to take place. It asserts that Christ’s return is within this generation, Looking at the events unfold, the “rapture” in my eyes is imminent.

A few notes worth mention…

Liberalism undermining the spiritual vitality of the church in Europe and America (quoted as “eventually America” but this has been happening already)

Apostasy and open denial of biblical truth is evident in the church.

Moral chaos becomes more and more evident because of the complete departure of Christian morality.

The sweep of spiritism, the occult, and belief in demons begin to prepare the world for Satan’s final hour.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted
Why does God grant evil any power? In order to know without a doubt where your heart truly is. Even Satan believes in God. He is a fallen angel and as such has powers that seduce the hearts and minds of men.

God dosen't need to play silly games like this. You are anthropomorphising God. IMO you are streaching Bibical interpretation pretty far. It's very dangerous to do Gods' thinking for him!!

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:00 PM
Without satan and evil in this world what would we need to choose Christ's salvation from? The answer friend is so that we see the difference. I'm sure God considers this "sillyness" too.
I don't "do God's thinking" for Him, I did my own and if I am wrong in my statements, "I" will be held responsible... just as you will be responsible for your actions.

During the end times, (after the rapture of: first the dead in Christ, then of the living believers) God will allow the devil a free reign for a time. Ask yourself why and why not just eliminate evil on the spot?

It's because non-believers will have one last chance to redeem themselves by accepting Christ's salvation even though at that time they will pay the price for not "knowing Christ" sooner.
The price is extreme persecution and probably death. There will be some saved through divine providence in order to keep spreading the word to any remaining fence sitters but at that time there will be many deaths. In fact, the only reason Jesus even intervenes is otherwise, mankind will totally be wiped out without him. (Armageddon)

You might think I am stretching biblical interpretation, thats your opinion. I don't profess to be a biblical scholar, I merely speak of what I feel I am being led to speak of. I made the statement in order to answer the unasked question of why would God even allow evil in the first place. If you have a better answer I for one would like to hear it.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 11:41 PM
Is it not impossible that God does not "allow" evil, but that we, with our free will, perpetuate evil and often choose evil? In essence we are evil, we are sinners, thus the need for redemption. I think that saying God allows evil to exist as a sort of contrasting example is a missinterpretation. The Bible says he has a plan to rid the world of evil, Armageddon.
And to constantly worry about "end times" is of no consequence. If you believe you should try to save others then you should do so regardless if it is 10000 years or 5 minutes until the end of the world. The events spoken of in Revelations should not effect your beliefs. If you only believe because of fear of damnation is that truly loving God?
Please do not feel as though I am attacking you, but the things you speak of...why does God allow evil....Armageddon...are irrelevant as to the condition of your faith, although they are always hot topics.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 12:43 AM
The snake at the garden of Eden. Man didn't create the snake.
And as a believer I don't worry about me and Armageddon. It is for others.
The only thing I point out is that there is a choice to be made, and in the end we are all believers.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 01:07 AM
I have seen troubled minds and hearts of late and it has not been in my power to soothe and heal them.

I accept God's will in the matter and ask for the strength to carry on in my purpose, both that known and communicated to me, and in the purpose I have not yet attained.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 01:28 AM
Perhaps then I am having trouble figuring out the point of this thread. You began your original post talking of how Christ's original message may have been distorted through the ages. Hey, that's interesing, go with that. Nope, now you are talking about Islam and Christianity, why not go with that. No, now we must discuss witchcraft and Christianity.

All of your post have Apacolytptic overtones. I would just like you to clarify what it is you are trying to convey. Narrow it down a little so there is something to focus on.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 03:42 AM
You're right, I got sidetracked with answering, sorry... and thank you for getting me back on track.
The point is that there is an evil conspiracy being perpetrated upon mankind and the goal is to make unbelievers of us all. Its a scorecard of sorts as to the gathering of souls and the apocalypse will be the end of the game.

My aim is to show the deception for what it is and in doing so will hopefully get those who are deceived to come over to the winning side. The problem as stated is that many don't want to admit that they are even in the game.

In explaining the rules of the game, one side plays by the rules, the other has no rules. The side with no rules appeals to the non-believers, and the side with all the rules is accused of forcing the rules on those who don't want to play, through harsh penalties. The purpose of this thread is to open eyes to the nature of the game.
All are playing.
Jesus is the coach and by accepting Him and His teachings, by using His guidance, by admitting He paid our salaries, we win. God is the scorekeeper and referee. When He puts anyone in the penalty box (sin bin) they/it are out of the game. (I was going to say for good but that would be misleading, forever is more apt)
The game is called life and the trophy is the immortal soul. The Book of Life contains all who prayed for the winning team. (we're called Christians)
At the end of the game, ALL will look upon the Book of Life and know the score. There is no rematch.
Is that so hard to understand? And I don't direct this at you ID, I just can't cheerlead loud enough.
Now I say this tongue in cheek but make no mistake, this game we play has grave consequences. We all know that. Deny if you will, it's your will to decide... but decide you will.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

I have seen troubled minds and hearts of late and it has not been in my power to soothe and heal them.

I accept God's will in the matter and ask for the strength to carry on in my purpose, both that known and communicated to me, and in the purpose I have not yet attained.

You have not "seen" anything that YOU have not "caused". You reap what you sow. You need to ACCEPT GOD and His only begotten son before you can accept His will. THAT IS YOUR PURPOSE!

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Christians are persecuted for their beliefs and trying to get others to believe,

Entirely, completely, wrong. I know of no one that persecutes true Christians. DO NOT FALL PREY to the teachings of man.

One should not be attempting to get people to "believe'. They should be working on the knowing part.

If one feels their religion is a "believe" than how can one get another to follow it? Speak on what you "know" which are the words of Christ and no other. Don't make it any harder than it is.

Which Christianity should be followed? The one taught by Christ or the one taught by man? There is a tremendous difference in many cases.

Scaring others with "grave consequences" is one of the reasons people don't want to play the game. How about this? Scare them with LOVE!!

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater

Christians are persecuted for their beliefs and trying to get others to believe,

Entirely, completely, wrong. I know of no one that persecutes true Christians. DO NOT FALL PREY to the teachings of man.

One should not be attempting to get people to "believe'. They should be working on the knowing part.

If one feels their religion is a "believe" than how can one get another to follow it? Speak on what you "know" which are the words of Christ and no other. Don't make it any harder than it is.

Which Christianity should be followed? The one taught by Christ or the one taught by man? There is a tremendous difference in many cases.

Scaring others with "grave consequences" is one of the reasons people don't want to play the game. How about this? Scare them with LOVE!!

A true Christian is one who stands up for their blief. If you doubt the persecution I suggest you check any of the numerous threads here. I'd also suggest you look at the AlQuada training video and take note that those target dummy's are wearing crosses.

I don't need to work on my belief, I already know which led me to tell everyone everywhere that there is only one God, that God is within, within us ALL, and that He never left, He's always been here just you don't know it until you accept Jesus as your saviour and grow in your walk with the Lord. I have grown in my walk to the point that I have NO doubt whatsoever as to Him always being with me. I struggle at times just like everyone else but the Lord corrects me and I see the WWJD as soon as I stumble. Any of my arguments here at ATS will evidence this. I make a statement I later apologize for since I see the wrong words too late. I get caught up in myself too often just like everyone else but I am Christian enough to swallow my pride and accept that I could be wrong even though I don't feel like I am.

Yes, there is a big difference as to following Christ or following the church's teachings. In fact just last night at church (We are studying a book called God's politics) this very issue arose and that Jesus stated that we should follow his commandments and yet at that time he had only given us one commandment, Love.
The church had written the bible either 100 years after Jesus or 300 years, can't recall at the moment. It was then that things had been added and IMHO it was in order to apply to the people of the era to whom it was aimed at. This isn't to say we should dismiss the Bible nor follow what is taught, but that if we held to Jesus's basic commandment to Love one another, we wouldn't go wrong.
All things contained in the Bible and everything Jesus said had reason. Does anyone know why some things written seem so contradictory, no, we weren't there and we also weren't the authors, yet for the era it was written it all applied.

If I scare people with reality, they have need to be afraid. I have no fears, that is the point. Having Faith in Him and abiding by His laws which are really just tenets of humanity and compassionate understanding to one another, of haveg a moral conscience, of taking care of the children, the infirm, and the elderly, we walk the walk. Had all people walked thus, we wouldn't have fear of anything nor anyone. How can this philosphy be wrong? It had been passed down and been written to be our guide.

Scare is a tactic I don't mean to impose. It might turn people off, yet the Revelations are quite clear. I can't milk toast or white wash reality. I don't "force" my will in presenting God's will to others. I state what had been revealed to me through my Faith and as such leave the final decision of the road to salvation to them.
I always tell people it is their choice whether to believe and have Faith or not. I do my obligation to Christ in spreading the word of His coming and of the benefits of living with Faith and accepting His Grace. I can't thank Jesus enough. As much as I have this love for Jesus I will weep that day we meet, it brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. This is the strength of my Faith and the depth of my belief.
To do any less would be shallow and unappreciative of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us all. Denying Him in all his Glory is nothing but evil plain and simple. How could you face someone who lay down there life for you and not feel anything? How could you deny Him his one request of us, that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us? Love is the answer alright, we agree on that.

Yeah, there are hypocrites within church, not even realizing it. Like how many Christians that are racially biased? Or how many are pro choice? Or how many condone war, any war. It comes down to a moral issue. Wrong thing for the right reason? No such creature. Wrong isn't a two way street.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by keybored
Mods, I know that it might seem like this isn't conspiracy related however, any undermining of Faith is a conspiracy of evil perpetrated by the anti-God and as such I'd hope you see where this is coming from.

2700 years ago a group of men conspired to put themselves in a position of power and wrote a book to promote their conspiracy. Others also conspired later on to add to this book to shift the balance of power toward themselves. This continued up until about 1600 years ago when a group of conspirators gathered together and voted on which which conspiracy books to include in their collection.

There is indeed a conspiracy, but failure to accept what the conspirators say does not count as a conspiracy.

For a brief period, reason has come to the forefront, even though it is still rejected by the masses. The conspirators are trying their hardest to shut off that light that threatens to release men from mind control.

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