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Who Hides The Merkabah?

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posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:06 PM
As many of you know there has been a rash of “Sightings” concerning ufos. There is even a man in Nevada that claims he uses a biblical passage to “call down” a certain type of UFO. You may know him as Prophet Yahweh . This has been video taped by a ABC crew . The Prophet even claims “They”, the UFO’s want to be seen.

This type of UFO has been known by many names in the past. Presently, they are known as White Light Orbs. But just a few short decades ago during one of the largest wars ever to rock this world, may have been called Foo Fighters. Pilots on all sides of the war recorded this phenomenon.

"A strange object was pacing us about 500 yards [475 m.] off the starboard wing. At that distance it appeared as a spherical object, probably five or six feet [1_ - 2 m.] in diameter, of a very bright and intense red or orange... it seemed to have a halo effect. My gunner reported it coming in from about a 5 o'clock position (right rear) at our level. It seemed to throb or vibrate constantly. Assuming it was some kind of radio-controlled object sent to pace us, I went into evasive action, changing direction constantly, as much as 90 degrees and altitude of about 2,000 feet [600 m.]. It followed our every maneuver for about eight minutes, always holding a position about 500 yards [475 m.] out and about 2 o'clock (right front) in relation to the plane. When it left, it made an abrupt 90 degree turn, accelerating rapidly, and disappeared into the overcast."
(Clark, Jerome, and Farish, Lucius, "The Mysterious 'Foo Fighters' of World War II," in '1977 UFO Annual'.

Too much material and photographic evidence exists to honestly dispel these reports. One can only look at the material with an open mind and wonderment. But what are these Foo Fighters?

Today the evidence of the existence of this phenomenon is growing as more people have the ability to record this event. And again, there is no honest reason to dispel the reality of this. Those who have seen it with there own eyes can give testament to its reality. But again, what is it.

Where they come from and what they are may be hinged in Jewish mysticism, which predates the Christian age and would be a better source for information concerning this material. One word in particular comes up in my research and that is “Merkaba” (Alt spelling, Merkabah). It is said to be a chariot of light that the Gods travel in. "Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body.

If they are real (and they are), then why haven’t we been educated in this? This is explained in the Jewish Encyclopedia.
The Merkabah mysteries, which remained the exclusive property of the initiated ones , the "Ẓenu'im" or "Ḥashsha'im" ( see Essenes ), have been preserved chiefly in the Enoch literature of the pre-Christian centuries, and in the "Hekalot" of the geonic time, known also as the "Merkabah" and "Enoch Books"

"The Ma'aseh Merkabah should not be taught to any one except he be wise and able to deduce knowledge through wisdom ('gnosis') of his own"

Who are the initiated ones? Are they still here? Is it still their exclusive property to know the truth? Do the initiated ones belong to some secret society? What would the name be of this group? Do they actively conceal the reality of this?

Are these “Orbs” benevolent, or malevolent? For my own research I would have to say both. The old saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together”, comes to mind. Most of the negative (malevolent) UFO reports I have read concerning this orb, no matter what color it is, are seen in ones, twos or threes. When the Multitudes (Many) orbs are seen it is an uplifting, positive, and rewarding experience.

So the question, who are the Initiated ones, are they in existence today, and what is their name?

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:14 PM
I doubt the Merkabah has to do much with UFOs.

As I said in that other thread:

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

The symbols you mention, were broken down to a degree in this thread:

Kemetic Symbolism of the Salt Lake Masonic Temple

According to my understanding, the Kemetic symbol of the All Encompassing Divinity or Winged Sun-Disk, is where the Kabbalistic idea of the Ain Soph Aur or Solar Absolute comes from.

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

And, what are your thoughts concerning the Jewish mystical "Merkabah"?

Gnostic Glossary

Mercabah (Hebrew) Literally, “chariot.” Refers to the Soul the Initiate must build.

“With patience ye will possess thy souls.” – Yeshua Hamashiah

Sahu (Egyptian) The Egyptian Sahu is the same as the Greek To Soma Heliakon, the Hebrew Merkabah; it is the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal Solar Bodies as a whole.

To Soma Heliakon (Greek) Literally, “The Golden Body of the Solar Man.”

This is the one who has raised the Five Kundalini Serpents(the other two are never fallen).

That is, one who has passed the Initiations of Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Netzach and Tiphereth.

It is taught that this one has the choice to enter Nirvana.

To incarnate The Christ however, one has to renounce Nirvana and keep working as a Boddhisattva, by taking the vow to liberate all Sentient Beings from the Wheel of Suffering(Samsara) until there are none left to Liberate.

I would suggest studying Kabbalah if you really want to know about it.

It's not as "tenebrous" or "Satanic" as you think it may be(or at all for that matter).

You'll see that if everyone studied the Tree of Life, of which life itself is based on; the World would obviously be a much better place.

Gnostic Kabbalah

I'd like to add-on more to this thread.

Later though.....


posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:22 PM
I think your right about little to do with UFOs, and more to do with the human spirit. Oh, and thanks for signing in.

Do you have any thoughts as to who the initiated ones are?

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:25 PM
Well, you are looking for signs of ancient astronauts in holy text. Which is sort of like trying to push string.

The "Maaseh Merkabah" means the "workings of the chariot" and refers to the complicated blueprint of divine order unfolded in Ezekiel's vision in the eponymous work.

Those who know, the initiates, are persons who have studied Torah, the Prophets, and Writings, and are ready to explore the inner, spiritual meaning of the text.

The technical aspects of Ezekiel's direct perception of the Deity are so loaded with power that they may not be published or spoken of to persons having no spiritual training.

Anyone who knew the working of the chariots would probably think alien life is irrelevant in comparison to the gift of learning the essential truth about God's nature.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Well, you are looking for signs of ancient astronauts in holy text. Which is sort of like trying to push string.

The "Maaseh Merkabah" means the "workings of the chariot" and refers to the complicated blueprint of divine order unfolded in Ezekiel's vision in the eponymous work.

Those who know, the initiates, are persons who have studied Torah, the Prophets, and Writings, and are ready to explore the inner, spiritual meaning of the text.

The technical aspects of Ezekiel's direct perception of the Deity are so loaded with power that they may not be published or spoken of to persons having no spiritual training.

Anyone who knew the working of the chariots would probably think alien life is irrelevant in comparison to the gift of learning the essential truth about God's nature.

I think your talking about this

According to one mystical text, the rewards of contemplating the Merkabah (which Nathan says are also the rewards of "busying oneself with matters pertaining to AMIRAH") are the following:
"1. Said R. Ishamel: [What are the rewards to] one who desires to contemplate the mysteries of the chariot, to enter upon it in peace and return in peace?
"2. The greatest of his rewards is that it brings him into the celestial chambers and places him before the divine throne and he becomes knowledgable of all future events in the world: who will be thrust down and who will be raised up, who will be weakened and who will be strengthened, who will be impoverished and who will be made affluent, on whom will be decreed death and on whom life, from whom will be taken away an inheritance and to whom will be given an inheritance, who will be endowed with Torah and who with wisdom.

"3. Greater than this is that he becomes knowledgeable of human behavior. If a person commits adultery he knows it; if a person commits murder he knows it; if he is suspected of having relations with a woman during her menstrual period, he knows it. Greater than these is the fact that he becomes a savant in the arts of magic.

"Greater than this is that whoever should raise his fist at him and hit him would be covered with leprosy. Greater than this is the fact that whoever should slander him would be smitten with wounds and growths which produce festering boils on the skin.

"Greater than this is that he becomes distinguished among all people in his behavior and is honored among higher and lower beings. Whoever should inadvertently injure him will suffer injury; and misfortunes will descend on him by heavenly decree, and whoever should raise his hand against him will suffer retribution from the heavenly tribunal." (Pirkei Hekhalot Rabbati 1:2-5)

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 06:26 PM
I wonder... Are the the symbol of the Fleur-de-lis and the Caduceus related symbols?

Is there a reason that heavenly bodies have increased significance, other than the obvious reasons of the Sun and Moon?

Just a thought.

This may have to do with more than just human energy bodies.

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 08:38 PM
The Fleur-de-lis you see has more meaning to me than some fancy drawing. It appears those "Fleur-de-lis " are legs on that snake. Imagin, an snake with legs. The symbology of the serpents next to the orb (Merkabah?) may have to do with creation itself. Same thing with the Caduceus

posted on Jun, 9 2005 @ 10:52 PM

Geez, thats all I'm asking.

#, you know, there is some concern to do with cycles on this planet, and one of them happens to be mass destruction.

#, sorry for mentioning it.

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