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Hi Son of Odin
The "spiritual battle" you are referring to, is a process called "Initiation". A word which means "to go into", as in, ones self
It is when certain people awaken to the inner or "hidden" aspects of themselves within this world
It commonly happens when someone is around 30 years of age. Sometimes older. Very rarely younger, due to the nature of the experience
There are many different paths of initiation you can choose and go through. All of them are based upon the exact same essence and creation, regardless
of what those who follow certain versions may tell you about theirs being "the only way"
I've been through initiation, and I am currently overcoming the personal affliction/illness aspect within the second stage "ascension", which comes
after "initiation". So I am happy to help you with a bit of clarity regarding the process and what you should be looking at
Initiation = To go into
Ascension = To go out from
In the Sumerian traditions, the initiates were depicted as fish people. Or as people with waters and fish, flowing into themselves. This meant that
people were in the primary "Initiate" stage of self-reflection
Those who had completed their initiation, were depicted with wings and eagles heads, "holding a pale of water". This means that they are in the
secondary "ascension" stage of self-realisation
Part of this stage is sharing the knowledge of the processes they had been through, with others within initiation, hence carrying the water of their
initiation, whilst often being shown as "planting a seed" in the back of others heads
The most important thing you need to be aware of going through the spiritual battle you are referring to, is that a vast majority of people will only
go through initiation. Very few ever go through the ascension process which follows
In fact, most modern version of the Initiate process (Freemasons, etc) do not even share (or possibly even know themselves) that the second part of
the process exists
There are many that will spend their entire lives practicing the initiate, without ever knowing that the ascension part exists
Even more still, will try to avoid going through initiation altogether. Which is where modern religion comes in
Deities like Jesus Christ (the "Fisherman" of Pisces, hence "Jesus fish") represent the path of the initiate, in a way that people can avoid going
through the process themselves
The reason is, that initiation and ascension are painful. Emotionally, mentally and physically
It has the potential to destroy, or even kill, those who go through it for the wrong reasons
So those who do not think they are ready for such things, are offered a "safe path", where they call to the name of someone who has been through the
process, to "save them", or carry them through in this world
It does not quite work the way they think it does though
And concepts of entity such as God, Allah, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Mary, etc, are not quite what they believe them to be
A problem you will likely encounter, is that those who call upon things like religion, to avoid initiation, are often convinced that this is the only
path possible
So we end up caught up in the noise and confusion of millions of sheep, believing themselves shepherd
If you are someone who is willing to "take up your own cross" (so to speak), who wishes to fight their own spiritual battle and earn their own
understanding of source and essence of our creation and things like "God", then there is very little to be found within veil texts like the Bible
At least, not for any other reason, than correlating understanding (or the misunderstanding thereof) that you will learn from countless other
It is important to remember, if you go through within your initiation, that the purpose of what you are going through, is not to polarise or align
yourself between light and dark
These concepts are illusions of perception
The idea is to explore and understand both polarities. Light and dark. In order to find balance
The greater your capacity for understanding darkness, he greater your capacity to bring light to it
Many people make the mistake of trying to block/cast out the "Demons" they encounter, thinking that they are only there to hurt them
The reality is, that they are there for the purposes of forcing you to confront all the deepest, darkest and most repressed fear and pain within
The things you don't want to think about. The things you do not want to deal with
The key to "enlightening" yourself, through this battle, is not to ignore them. But to acknowledge the fears and pain that they attack and pick at
like sores
When those such as Christians suggest you join their Church and ask Jesus Christ to cast out "demons", what they are essentially telling you, is that
you should try bury the darkness within you and forget about it
They practice repression of fear, pain, negativity and darkness. By painting it in love and idealism
The problem with this, is that it is like treating an illness with a medication you will need more of over time, that will become less and less
The initiate, instead, seeks to cure themselves of the things which can be used to pain them, within this process
If you are locked in a spiritual battle, pay attention to the pains and negativity that these things are drawing your attention to
These things are like blockages, which need to be removed in order to move forward
If you are constantly drawn to a pain that you do not want to think about. Deal with that pain
That way, it cannot be used to hurt you any more
Over years, of Catharsis, Purification and Cleansing, you will come to the point, where no "Demon" or spiritual battle can hurt you
Because you no longer feel guilt, pain or fear. Of even the deepest parts of your mind and psyche
Once you let go of all these things, you will go from initiate to ascension
This is shown in the Egyptian tradition, as a heart being weighed on scales against a feather
Though there is a misconception in translation, that this process was carried out in death or in the afterlife, when the Egyptians did not even have a
word for "death"
This process is carried out in the living world
You lighten your heart, until you are pain-free, pure and blameless
Till you fear no God, nor man. Which is also why institutions who teach avoiding these things, see initiation as being so dangerous
They are so afraid of their own fears and judgement, that they fear the effect others who are not afraid of these things, can have upon them
To the point where they believe that they only ones capable of going through the ascension process, are some type of divinity, Angel or God
And any who are seen trying, must be some type of evil, or under the influence of demons
But these "Demons" are no different to the very same things they call God, Jesus or Angels. They are the exact same thing across all religions and
The reality is, that all you need do is be willing to go carry and go through, whatever burdens and pain are yours to carry. Without asking someone
else to do it for you
The definition between spiritual children or sheep, and spiritual adults or shepherds
My suggestion, is to go through initiation
If you seek to come out the other end, through pain, with good heart and intent, you will
It can take many, many years. But it is worth it
edit on 27 4 23 by Compendium because: Corrections