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Oldest holy texts, stories etc that aren’t watered down

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posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:17 PM
I’ve recently became more closer to god. Although, I have some apprehensions about todays Bible and the versions through the years. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I want to be learning and understanding the right there. I want to be pursuing a higher power and increasing my vibrations. I am Scandinavian and traditionally paganism was a big part of our family. And to this day, I have ravens follow me constantly and even my friends notice.
I would like to learn and read the earliest texts about these subjects and learn the history of our creator in the most authentic way. I feel as if there are many very early stories that pre date Jesus and the so called biblical times. Hidden knowledge etc. if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. I am fighting some sort of spiritual battle currently and I am wanting to be closer to the light in these times.
edit on 26-4-2023 by Liquidiron because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 01:36 AM
The problem u are going to run into if you are trying to read source texts to the bible is not being able to read the languages of these priginal texts. If you cant trust modern translations than anything translated to english suspect in my oppinion. Youll need an aramaic or even cuneiform scholar or someone along those lines if u want direct knowledge from source material. reply to: Liquidiron

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Hi Son of Odin

The "spiritual battle" you are referring to, is a process called "Initiation". A word which means "to go into", as in, ones self

It is when certain people awaken to the inner or "hidden" aspects of themselves within this world

It commonly happens when someone is around 30 years of age. Sometimes older. Very rarely younger, due to the nature of the experience

There are many different paths of initiation you can choose and go through. All of them are based upon the exact same essence and creation, regardless of what those who follow certain versions may tell you about theirs being "the only way"

I've been through initiation, and I am currently overcoming the personal affliction/illness aspect within the second stage "ascension", which comes after "initiation". So I am happy to help you with a bit of clarity regarding the process and what you should be looking at

Initiation = To go into
Ascension = To go out from

In the Sumerian traditions, the initiates were depicted as fish people. Or as people with waters and fish, flowing into themselves. This meant that people were in the primary "Initiate" stage of self-reflection

Those who had completed their initiation, were depicted with wings and eagles heads, "holding a pale of water". This means that they are in the secondary "ascension" stage of self-realisation

Part of this stage is sharing the knowledge of the processes they had been through, with others within initiation, hence carrying the water of their initiation, whilst often being shown as "planting a seed" in the back of others heads

The most important thing you need to be aware of going through the spiritual battle you are referring to, is that a vast majority of people will only go through initiation. Very few ever go through the ascension process which follows

In fact, most modern version of the Initiate process (Freemasons, etc) do not even share (or possibly even know themselves) that the second part of the process exists

There are many that will spend their entire lives practicing the initiate, without ever knowing that the ascension part exists

Even more still, will try to avoid going through initiation altogether. Which is where modern religion comes in

Deities like Jesus Christ (the "Fisherman" of Pisces, hence "Jesus fish") represent the path of the initiate, in a way that people can avoid going through the process themselves

The reason is, that initiation and ascension are painful. Emotionally, mentally and physically

It has the potential to destroy, or even kill, those who go through it for the wrong reasons

So those who do not think they are ready for such things, are offered a "safe path", where they call to the name of someone who has been through the process, to "save them", or carry them through in this world

It does not quite work the way they think it does though

And concepts of entity such as God, Allah, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Mary, etc, are not quite what they believe them to be

A problem you will likely encounter, is that those who call upon things like religion, to avoid initiation, are often convinced that this is the only path possible

So we end up caught up in the noise and confusion of millions of sheep, believing themselves shepherd

If you are someone who is willing to "take up your own cross" (so to speak), who wishes to fight their own spiritual battle and earn their own understanding of source and essence of our creation and things like "God", then there is very little to be found within veil texts like the Bible

At least, not for any other reason, than correlating understanding (or the misunderstanding thereof) that you will learn from countless other sources

It is important to remember, if you go through within your initiation, that the purpose of what you are going through, is not to polarise or align yourself between light and dark

These concepts are illusions of perception

The idea is to explore and understand both polarities. Light and dark. In order to find balance

The greater your capacity for understanding darkness, he greater your capacity to bring light to it

Many people make the mistake of trying to block/cast out the "Demons" they encounter, thinking that they are only there to hurt them

The reality is, that they are there for the purposes of forcing you to confront all the deepest, darkest and most repressed fear and pain within you

The things you don't want to think about. The things you do not want to deal with

The key to "enlightening" yourself, through this battle, is not to ignore them. But to acknowledge the fears and pain that they attack and pick at like sores

When those such as Christians suggest you join their Church and ask Jesus Christ to cast out "demons", what they are essentially telling you, is that you should try bury the darkness within you and forget about it

They practice repression of fear, pain, negativity and darkness. By painting it in love and idealism

The problem with this, is that it is like treating an illness with a medication you will need more of over time, that will become less and less effective

The initiate, instead, seeks to cure themselves of the things which can be used to pain them, within this process

If you are locked in a spiritual battle, pay attention to the pains and negativity that these things are drawing your attention to

These things are like blockages, which need to be removed in order to move forward

If you are constantly drawn to a pain that you do not want to think about. Deal with that pain

That way, it cannot be used to hurt you any more

Over years, of Catharsis, Purification and Cleansing, you will come to the point, where no "Demon" or spiritual battle can hurt you

Because you no longer feel guilt, pain or fear. Of even the deepest parts of your mind and psyche

Once you let go of all these things, you will go from initiate to ascension

This is shown in the Egyptian tradition, as a heart being weighed on scales against a feather

Though there is a misconception in translation, that this process was carried out in death or in the afterlife, when the Egyptians did not even have a word for "death"

This process is carried out in the living world

You lighten your heart, until you are pain-free, pure and blameless

Till you fear no God, nor man. Which is also why institutions who teach avoiding these things, see initiation as being so dangerous

They are so afraid of their own fears and judgement, that they fear the effect others who are not afraid of these things, can have upon them

To the point where they believe that they only ones capable of going through the ascension process, are some type of divinity, Angel or God

And any who are seen trying, must be some type of evil, or under the influence of demons

But these "Demons" are no different to the very same things they call God, Jesus or Angels. They are the exact same thing across all religions and beliefs

The reality is, that all you need do is be willing to go carry and go through, whatever burdens and pain are yours to carry. Without asking someone else to do it for you

The definition between spiritual children or sheep, and spiritual adults or shepherds

My suggestion, is to go through initiation

If you seek to come out the other end, through pain, with good heart and intent, you will

It can take many, many years. But it is worth it
edit on 27 4 23 by Compendium because: Corrections

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

If you are someone who is followed by birds, I would suggest that you are someone who is destined for, or at least capable of, reaching the ascension process

We are similar in this respect. Which is the reason I decided to post this reply, when I have been intentionally keeping silent on this forum for some time

I sit on the grass outside and eagles will end up circling around my head

Owls and bats are also drawn to me

In time you will come to realise that it goes far deeper than this

Within ascension processes you will learn that these animals are not so separate from yourself

All animals will behave like this with you

A piece of advice on this, is to start acknowledging even the smallest and most insignificant creatures, as if they were as majestic in nature as the ravens you encounter

You will understand in time why, even if it seems pointless or strange to do at first

Honoring them, is like honoring the beauty within yourself, even when you are at your worst


a reply to: Txbuffalo18

Yes Txbuffalo18,

But you are only half correct

The reality is that experts in those languages, would only give you the same incorrect and corrupt understanding of the translations

Because it is not just the translations of the ancient texts that are corrupt, but the languages themselves, as they have been adapted to our modern languages

If you want to understand texts like the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, you actually have to correct the accepted translations for most the language itself

An example would be the use of the Greek word "κακός / Kakos", which is said to mean "Evil"

The correct translation of this world as it is used in the Bible is actually "Conclude". Nothing like what they claim it to be

In the Old Testament, the word "El'ohim" which is said to mean "God", actually means "Equilibrium"

It is better to completely disregard all translations of texts such as the Bible, and look into the common founding understandings of creation and this world, in order to see where they fit in, backwards

Like reverse-engineering something, to find out why it fails at a particular point

The reality is, that none of the ancient schools of wisdom and the mysteries, made any reference to any "Gods" what-so-ever

The original texts that the Bible were incorrectly translated from, would have had no reference to any God whatsoever. None

There was also no reference to individuals by name

The use of names in the Bible, is a trick of algorithm that can be used to translate key important words in texts, when you do not know what the words mean

Instead of translating these key words, to work out what they are referring to, you simply treat them as being a name for something

In the case of the Bible, they treat them as being the names of people. When they are not

The word Philip for instance, which is translated as being a persons name, should instead be read as the meaning of the word itself

Philip means "Purpose". So every time you read his name in the Bible, you should read it as the word "Purpose"

It was not a person

Every name they use is like this

It is lazy translation by people who did not understand the things that were being taught to them within the texts. So they applied names to everything they could not understand, to try make the texts make some type of sense

Theos = Thought. The same as Thor and Thoth

It does not refer to someone named "God" as they claim

Lord means "Body"

edit on 27 4 23 by Compendium because: Added something

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:29 AM
Are you calling the Bible antiquated and outdated??!?!? You must not understand the general perameters of just who we are, who “they are,” and the truly Star Wars level saga which took place a long time ago in a galaxy well, right here. And how it is playing out today can’t even be matched with the most innovative sci-fi books out there. As the saying goes, “Asimov ain’t got NUTTIN on Moses or E-Money, yo!” (E-Money of course being Enoch) Th….they…they do say that, don’t they?

I DO offer an opinion on aliens here but take away the alien part and everything I say is the agreed upon plot of the Bible and how the war in heaven has seen both sides manifest via à vis man’s place in it all. Read my post here.

edit on 4/27/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:35 AM
And if you want a general look at just who the people are in all of those secret societies and brotherhoods, they have varied core beliefs but they are all something akin to this. Here is the absolute mandatory information for understanding the so called elite slash ruling class and just who they say they are. Let’s just say there are two species on earth calling themselves human, while only one truly is. The other is just what genesis tells us they are. Watch the first 23 minutes or so and you will understand.
edit on 4/27/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Yeah, the synagogue of Satan is not at war with Woden.

PS: I am enjoying the Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision, 1752. Pray for God's direct guidance, and expect Him to respond on your sacred journey You will know Divine guidance for certain.
edit on 4272323 by BeNotAfraid because: trying to be less word salad

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

You'd be better off meditating than reading old texts that were translated by people who never spoke the language.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 08:15 AM
You should research Mauro Biglino he is/was an official translater for the Vatican, translating the old texts from Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. The translation of the Old Testament is not as religious believers would have you believe.

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 11:36 AM
Stick men on stone.

a reply to: Liquidiron

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I have some very strange happenings with birds and animals alike. Wild animals, seem to trust me and have no fear of me. I can walk up to them without them running. Flocks of ravens will show up out of nowhere. For instance I was driving through a mountain pass recently dead of winter, middle of nowhere and no one insight and driving down the road there’s a huge flock of ravens sitting in the road. They always seem to stare at me and I will just stare back.
My family history has been traced back to the 1200s in Norway. My great great great great grandfather was the king at one point in time. For some reason the old gods and teachings have always had things that echoed inside of me and made me feel like something was right in those beliefs. I guess to clarify my question from the start is, how do I ascend into a higher self? I’m 31 and I’ve been through it all. There’s nothing that phases me anymore. I am a very very strong individual with immense will power. I guess I am above average looking and people always tend to follow me in regards to leading.
I am just curious to know the true mean to ascend into the next dimension of one’s self and graduate onto the next level. I know that evil is necessary and it was a big part of me for a long time but I used it to help people. Now I have recently transformed and come into the lighter side of myself and I just want to learn the knowledge to move forward. All the stuff in the Bible just seems so vague

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:46 PM
Have you considered hanging upside down in the world tree?

a reply to: Liquidiron

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 10:47 PM
The first chapter of the very succinct Tao Te Ching describes what is necessary to enter the next realm. To ascend all one has to do is to let go of all our attachments to this realm. Letting go of all our material desires. Every single last one of them. However, life itself and desires in themselves, have great purpose. Without which, we could never experience enlightenment though our sensations. So its only when we feel a great emptiness in all our remaining desires does the escape hatch open.

The tao (aka truth) that can be described is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be spoken is not the eternal Name.
The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of creation.
Freed from desire, you can see the hidden mystery.
By having desire, you can only see what is visibly real.
Yet mystery and reality emerge from the same source.
This source is called darkness. Darkness born from darkness.
The beginning of all understanding

edit on 27-4-2023 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

I understand what you mean. We have birds here named Plovers, who will swoop and attack anyone who gets anywhere even close to their nests or babies. Whereas I can walk within a meter of them with their babies, without being attacked

The affinity you are talking about is much deeper than you probably realise

Some people have it naturally. For others, it takes many years of practice

Have you tried calling the elements? It is another aspect of the extended self that works in almost the same way as the phenomena you are referring to

Try sitting and meditating somewhere, and try to call a breeze to blow through the trees around you, exactly when you mean it to

If you can, try opening your mind to feel the flow of that breeze, fluidly, as if it were flowing through you like thought

Don't seek to control it, more, ask where it seeks to flow, and see if you can feel where and how it is going to flow, in real time

The aim is to feel the fluid nature of its passing, moving through you, as if it were a thought within your own mind. But not one you have thought. One you have merely shared, within the flow of its passing. If that makes sense

Those who can attune in such a way, can extend this to the point of becoming consciously aware of where and how, things like the wind are going to flow, momentarily before they happen. As if thought is preempting flow

The same with sounds and animals that surround you. Your ears will be drawn to a particular direction, the moment before birds tweet, as if you expected it, or knew it was going to happen

Meditate and give it a try. If you can get some success in what I am talking about, let me know, and I can go into much more detail about things that are possible beyond this

Norse have a very strong link to nature within the mysteries, so I would not be surprised if you find this fairly easy. Whilst finding some other parts of the mysteries a little harder to grasp

As for the ascension process, you need to walk before you run

glend gave you some very good information that can help in this regard, but it seems from what you have posted, that you are only at the start of your awakening to the process of initiation

30 - 33 years old is when most people awaken in spiritual turmoil, towards understanding who they are, both within this world, and within the grander scheme

You need to go through a process of catharsis, purification and cleansing, which can take many years, in order to attune your inner self, to your greater external self

Think of it like carefully tuning a musical instrument, before you are able to play beautiful music

Without taking the time necessary to properly tune the instrument, the song has no chance of being properly appreciated

You are on the right path. All you need do is follow your instinct, from what you've told me

To understand the source of creation and your connection to it, you need first understand the creation itself

You need understand self, before trying to understand God

I hope this make sense

Don't be discouraged or disheartened by this, only recognise that there is no easy or short path

To gain the understanding, you need go through the experience

Start with focusing on:

1) Catharsis
Mind (What they call "Father") - Though

Deal with all the pain of your past. Apologise to those you can. Make amends for the things you can. Forgive yourself for all the things you cannot, so you cannot be hurt by your past

2) Purification
Heart (What they call "Son") - Emotion

Deal with the desires, habits and things which bring you pain. Open yourself to all the darkest aspects of yourself, so you can understand where and why you feel such things. Find a way to move past them, or have them run their course within your heart, so that they cannot hurt you in future

3) Cleansing
Body (Holy Spirit) - Intent/Action

Deal with your health. The things you put into your body. Pull yourself away from anything which can act as blockages within your physical body, because these likewise, act as blockages to your spiritual ability. Ween yourself off all drugs, alcohol, stimulants and if possible, even things like preservatives and chemically treated foods. The cleaner the fuel you put into the cell, the clean the transmission through the cells and what you get out of it

These are the same 3 considerations that need be met and understood, that you will find throughout all the various forms of initiation and the mysteries

Though most do not transmit the information about what you need do, as clearly as I have given it to you here

In the Freemasons, they have:

1) The Entered Apprentice
2) Fellowcraft
3) The Master Mason

These are "Mind, Heart and Body". In exactly the context I have just explained them. Though most Freemasons have no idea how these processes relate to cleansing of self

The problem is that most initiate practices today, have tried to replace the "Self" within the process, with their organisation, society or group

They have also tried using outward expression, and interaction with the world through these things, as a form of pseudo-ascension, which is formed into the initiation process

This does not work. At least, not the in the sense that they sell it to work. Because it is based upon limitation of/within the structure

The Freemasons have a prerequisite, that you must have a belief in a God

Whereas true "illuminated" initiates understand, that God is an unknowable concept within the limitations of this world, and has very little to do with coming to understand the source of our creation

Not to say that there is, or is not a creator, merely that the question is irrelevant

It is designed to keep you chasing your tail, seeking understanding from those, who by their own named belief, know as little as those they are trying to teach

In most ancient schools of the mysteries, God was not a concept taught

In reality, if you had determined will as such, that you would name your belief and God, then you were considered unfit to become an initiate

Because the initiate understands that identity is an illusion. A constraint which only exists within the mind of the perceiver, and the perception of the realm

A name does not define the individual

I am, who I am
I will be, as I need be

In much the same way, that God is, as god is

To think you can define and "own" such things, means you are actually as far from understanding creation, as one can possibly be

People do not even understand themselves. They need to belong to systems which tell them how to think, or what to do

So how can they possibly understand creation, or any concept like "God"

The Rosicrucian teachings are reasonably faithful to the teachings of the ancient schools of the mysteries, but unfortunately, they have also been corrupted with limiting understanding of concepts like "God", being unnecessarily integrated into the teachings

The person who honours the source of creation, knowing that they can never know such things, in a way that they should ever dare to name, or presume to know them, is the only one who truly respects the source

Everyone else, seeks to own, or possess such things

Not understand them

"Let God be as God is
Unto you, as to your divinity"

Start by opening your understanding, towards self

To start, meditate on the nature of your own being. The processes by which you formed from the source. The processes from which the Earth formed from the source

posted on Apr, 29 2023 @ 02:06 AM
Within your meditations, specifically, as someone attuned with aspects of nature ...

Consider the world around you, as being an outwards projected version of the body within you

Your eyes being a gateway between your two bodies. The outwards and inwards

The flow of nature around you, being like the flow of blood within your body

People, and animals moving like blood cells. Highways, like veins

Think of the planet, very literally being a massive, expanded, inside-out version of your body

So that when you seek to connect with it (or it seeks to connect with you, like with the birds) ... You understand how that connection is possible

So you can start visualising it in such a way ...

That you realise ... You are not actually "Connecting" to anything

Rather ... You are trying to remove blockages in perception and how you see the world ... To a connection that was always there

That always was there ... From long before you were born ...

And will be there ... Long after you are gone

If you can do this ....

Think of this connection as friend

One in the same as you ... Within all your beauty ... All your darkness ....

Keeping in mind ... That it cannot be abused

Not "should not "be abused ... "CAN NOT"

Be careful ... Because when you attune like this ... Every small push, can have a very large push back

As in ... If you try hurt someone ... You will likely be hurt yourself

If you try push against nature or control it, it usually bites back, violently

But likewise ... If you bring love into the world through this ... The world will find ways to love you back (usually unexpected and strange)

Which is why ongoing processes of catharsis, purification and cleansing are so important

Opening yourself in this way is actually fairly easy

Coming to understand how and why it is possible (and how to effectively use it for the greater good) is the hard part

Let me know what success you have, if any, and I can elaborate on whatever questions you have from there
edit on 29 4 23 by Compendium because: Added something and made edits

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Compendium

I greatly appreciate your response and it has given me plenty of things to think about as well as coming to an understanding of why certain things happen with me within nature. It’s all starting to make a bit more sense now. As I have spent a great amount of time out in the woods alone growing up. I’ve traveled the states far and wide since I was 19 and I am 31 now. I am an ironworker by trade and as far as life happenings and instances there isn’t too much that hasn’t happened to me. Death, birth, hard lessons and painful heartbreaks you name it. I have a fair amount of wisdom but a long way to go. I am still ignorant of many things.
I strange thing I have happen with me as well is, my dreams. They are very strange. I become awake in my dreams and I realize I am dreaming. My dreams are so real that often times I have a hard differentiating between this life and my dreams. I recent dream I had, was I was sitting down with some friends having coffee and something came up and I said “you guys do realize that this is a dream and we are all dreaming” and they all looked at me and laughed and said I was crazy and joking. My dreams are in color and just as real as everyday life.
I am not sure if it’s because of my ancestry but, nature seems to be a very well connected thing with me. Ravens following me, wildlife being un afraid of me etc. I feel as if I can feel trees being alive so to say, if I walk up to very big, old trees or a old growth forest I feel as if I can feel the trees energy and life around it. It just seems like I have all these strange things that I have not been able to explain for sometime and it’s recently led me down this spiritual hunt for texts and old books in hopes of learning something. I have had this burning feeling inside of me since I was a kid that I have been here for something more. Something more than the rest of the majority of the population. I see things differently.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron


Walter Russell - The Universal One

It is a good bridge text for opening your mind, towards understand the link between the physical and spiritual

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Compendium

So, last night I had this dream. When I was dreaming I was in this like stone very old church. I can’t remember the name I saw it was triut or triump or traitus was the beginning of the name. Anyways, in this dream I was listening to this what looked like a holy saint with bright light around his head behind a cross and he was preaching I can’t remember the exact words but, I remember when he was saying these words somewhere along the lines “the one true god” and other words my stomach began to hurt and feel like something was being pulled out of my stomach. And as these words went on the pulling on my stomach began to hurt more and more in my dream. And it got so violent and lasted so long my vision began to fade in my dream and I woke up. And my stomach had this feeling that I cannot explain. It felt like something had been pulled and evacuated from my stomach. It wasn’t painful so to say but it felt evacuated and I had this massive vibration feeling in it. And about a week before that I was sleeping and as I was falling asleep I could feel this very pronounced feeling of vibration as I fell asleep. It was very low.
When these things happened it’s all been when I’ve been falling asleep listening to the emerald tablets of Thoth

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

We are considered evil for every person we hate.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:21 PM
The Truth is hidden amongst lies.

But no darkness may cover the Light.

With an open heart, One can discern the Truth.

Align your heart and mind with One.

In this state, you can communicate with Yourself.

I advise you review the available religious texts in this state.

You'd be surprised at what you may discover.

Pay attention to what words resonate with you.

In time, you will obtain that which you seek.

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