Interesting misinterpretation of the data by the person that authored this document.
A. # of "gun deaths" does NOT = # of murders or violent criminality associated with the gun death. That number includes suicides along with murders.
And according do that document suicide by gun 1are like 3x the # of murders with a gun. So that statistics is very much misleading and its no wonder
that Stat had been constantly regurgitated by everyone Dem lawmaker this week on hearing about atf usurping power and creating laws that make innocent
civilians instantly felons facing 10yrs prison time.
B. I'll agree that according to the doc there are more gun deaths in Red states. But that's a very shallow argument to try to use as proof that less
restrictions to the 2nd amendment = more danger, higher crime rate and more likelihood of being a victim to violence with a gun. But let's dive one
layer deeper into this main point and we see that the gun murders and almost exclusively occurring in cities and big cities at that. And who are the
mayor's of all of the violent cities??... anyone? Anyone? Democrats are the Mayor's incharge of the cities in red states with highest gun violence.
Not only are they mayors not Red but then let's go even deeper and see that many of the DA in these same cities were financed by opensociety
foundation and are directly funded by George Soros. So these same cities have been letting everyone outta the jails for "equity" and racial justice.
Letting convicted violent felons out on PR bonds that are already on bond for previous violent crime that have a past with felony convictions. So many
of these people are looking at 40yrs or basically life I'm prison whenever they go to court since they have prior and on bond and pick up another
case. They know they will be gone forever so many of the figure may as well finish any loose ends now so they do whatever crimes they want cause it
won't add anything more really when ur already getting 40yrs prison. The scariest people in this situation are the ones that decided "I ain't going
back" so knowing they are facing basically a life sent they've made up their mind that they are surrendering no matter what and are gonna make the
cops impose capital punishment unfortunately these psychos like to take others with them...
Anyways i went off on a tangent a little bit. But this article is a great piece of propaganda to through out points to people that aren't able to
research it at the time so they will accept these points because they logically are true but once analyzed do not hold up to scrutiny.
C. This article doesn't take into account if the shooting death was a victim or if it was a criminal being neutralized by a victim with their own gun
to defend themselves.
The gun control fiasco is solely to start the March towards disarming law abiding Americans plain and simple. Weak evidence presented as facts in the
media is the biggest driver. The constant appeals toward emotion and the guilt tripping tactic are the most ingenious and flat out disgusting. The
house cmt on atf overstepping its bounds meeting this week was full of these tasteless attempts at winning this debate just made me sick to hear dems
accusing 2A supporters and being inflator of murdering children because they aren't willing to cave to allowing atf to bypass constitution and begin
the unprecedented creation of legislation by faceless unelected beaurocrats of the atf. Only congress makes laws and can make people felons not the
executive branch where the atf is located. Legislature writes legislations executive branch department execute the legislations when violated or not
complied with they don't get to write the laws and execute the laws that's antithetical to checks and balances of our republic.
If anyone want to read a nonpartisan legitimate research document peer reviewed and published about gun crime in America check out "more guns less
crime" by John Lott Jr. He used fbi and other fed databases, state databases in person interviews with criminals im prison. I'll quickly summarize the
main point of the book.
The more likely it is that any one person out In public is carrying a gun the less of a chance that a criminal will try to rob, assault etc any
single person because of the increased likelihood that victim will be able to fight back with equal strength. If there are 10 people in a gun freezone
a criminal can choose any 1 of them to violate and not really have to worry about resistance so they will be brazen and just rob people or open fire
in public killing multiple people. But if there are 10 people and its a constitutional carry state any one or hopefully everyone of those 10 people do
have a firearm on them. A criminal Is Most likely not gonna mess with around when chances are each person has a gun to fight back with. Criminals prey
on weak vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. Anyone with a gun has equalized the playing field and are no longer vulnerable and unable to
defend against even a much stronger person because gun level it out so a small female can defend herself from a 6ft 5 monster dude trying to violate
The capitol building is full of guns. Is that because they are dangerous and might decide on their own to jump up on a table and start shooting people
all by itself? Or is it because guns in the hands of law abiding citizens are able to protect from and better yet prevent dangerous criminal
I'm also curious as to how the hell Appalachia extends all the way go northeast Texas. St Louis is not a Appalachian city at all but this article
incorporates it into appallachia skewing the statistics In that region propelling it into the red violent murder region.
Raise your children around guns so they know the power and danger they have. Teach them proper gun safety and etiquette at an early age so they will
respect firearms and will be 2nd nature how to safely handle a gun which reduces the chances of accidents exponentially. Proper safety procedures and
correct safe storage of guns is rhe most important lessons to be learned. Correct trigger finger discipline in paramount to prevent accidents. Guns
shouldn't be feared or seen as scary and dangerous they are not. They are a tool. Just like a chainsaw is a tool. Yeah u can commit suicide, murder or
have accident that kills someone just the same way a gun can. But it's not t he tool at fault its human operating the tool that's at fault.
We need to address the mental health sue in our society and especially the medical protocol being utilized. Seems all the mass shooters have something
incommon.. all been diagnosed with depression or bipolar or schizophrenia etc so what meds have they all been taking? Why is that info never released?
Shooter toxicology are never published why is that? Is it just coincidence that SSRI side effects are "thoughts or acts of suicide/homicide"?
The answer is not the begin disarming law abiding Americans. Because a few psychos spun out on psychotropics fell victim to side effects of meds and
decide to take innocent people out with them on thier suicide mission.
reply to: [post=26973992]Mahogany