We are under the new covenant. The old one is obsolete to Christians, the Jews and the 7 day Adventists still follow it, as do many Messianic Jews.
Old Covenant: Neverending list of rules and practices and mess up on any one and you’re soiled with sin needing atonement. It is a list of rules
that is impossible and no human could ever follow and never achieve salvation through. Only one person ever succeeded in doing it 100%.
New Covenant: Christ had the power of grace, something impossible for us humans. Grace is Christ’s supernatural power of unconditional love. All
humans have their limits to be crossed and there is a point at which all of us would stop loving someone. Not Christ though. He had the power to know,
see, and witness anything, no matter how terrible, and still not lose the deep love he feels for any person. Yes, even Hitler, if he were to accept
Christ’s sacrifice sincerely, would be forgiven immediately, no questions asked, by Christ and welcome to be forever next to him in heaven.
Christ died to cancel out death itself by dying as a sacrifice while being totally innocent and have no sin to atone for, thus the whole system, like
a neo/agent smith kinda deal, collapsed and we are all covered not by our perfect performance, but by his paying off all our debts.
There is still a filter though, the one rule a Christian must follow. “For it is by grace through faith that you have been saved, and THAT, not of
yourself, is the gift of God. NOT OF WORKS, lest anyone should boast.” Basically we’re all paid for and covered karmactically. Your only
requirement to enter heaven under that cover charge is to acknowledge that it was Christ who paid it and be thankful for that.
We should love our neighbor like we love our brother. We should help others. Feed the homeless. Nurse the sick. These are all WORKS though and none of
them will save you. Salvation comes only with GRACE THROUGH FAITH, believing that he loved us all enough to suffer horribly and die for our cover
charge to be paid.
It’s a shame that people like…I don’t know for example Muslims don’t accept Christianity and most often it is because of a confusing error in
language. Muslims call Christians deceived because Christians supposedly believe that Jesus is God. Christians do not believe that Jesus is God
though. This is where the confusion lies.
Christians believe that when God reached the point in his plan in which he needed to incarnate into the dimension of matter to do work his essence
came down and entered a human vessel which was that of a Semite male whose mother gave the name Jesus/Joshua. So waaa waaa Christians believe Joshua
is God! Well yes, but it’s better said that God came down and lived a human life in the body of a man named Joshua. Jesus/Joshua is God. But God is
not simply Joshua. (Or Jesus/Joshua is God, but God is not solely Jesus/Joshua, though Jesus/Joshua is an integral PART of who God is. Jesus/Joshua
didn’t get born, live a life, float up to heaven, and become God. Instead, YHWH, the eternal one God of all Abrahamic believers, came to live
amongst us for a short while to do major cosmic work and while YHVH was here, he was contained within the body of a Jewish man named Joshua. So
Jesus/Joshua/The Word was with God since the beginning because the spirit operating inside the body named Jesus was a part of the God who has been
there since forever and before forever. Not that Josh P. Christ with his Semitic dark hair, olive skin, and piercing eyes was there from before the
beginning and then he was born and grew up to look just like the piece of God that was sent to earth way later after creation in 1AD. It is all a
really easy concept if it will just click, but a difficult one to really detailedly qualify.
It’s because of the soul that was inside of the avatar named Joshua being that of God Himself that his death given as a sacrifice and his absence of
sin and crime still being avenged with so much blood for which there was no bill, that is how eternal death and damnation was short circuited and the
entire system now able to return to the originally intended eternal perfect beings which is our true intended form.
It is likely too that Jesus did indeed father a child with Mary Magdalene and his line is guarded secretly. We know that he is supposed to restore us
to physical perfection as we were in Eden and common sense tells us that to do that, it would require introducing something to the human genome to fix
and/or replace that which is not right. How could that happen? Well, it would require introduction of genetic material and that material would need to
come from a man. Why? Because we would require the introduction of both an X and a Y chromosome with the software repair written into it.
Well, everyone already holds all the genetic codes that there are. So how could new code come into humanity from the outside? Well, only one human who
ever lived would have the ability to introduce a patch or a fix into the human genome (because we will not be fixed by artificial genetic tampering).
The one person in history who ever lived and could introduce new genetic material into humanity is Joshua, the Christ. How? Because he is the only
human who ever lived who has a male relative able to furnish both new x and new y coding. How so? Because he is the only person who will ever live
whose father is not human.
Christ has half the human genome, he has an X human side but his other half is God, is Elohim, is an entity of a much higher dimension.
edit on
4/9/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)
edit on 4/9/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)