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Federal judge temporarily blocks Tennessee's anti-drag law

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posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Again, tell that to the felons who are barred by the state from owning a gun, the people in jail for illegally buying and selling guns and all the people who have to go through background checks before they can buy a gun.

Thats the Ive told you on many of occasions. Nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. Its bad law, like RvW.

This bill doesn't make that distinction and punishes them all.

You arent qualified to make that distinction. Even your interpretation is ill defined.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

She knows that. It just doesn't match with her argument today in favor of all things progressive.

Tomorrow she might think something different. Depends on her argument du'jour.


The reality of background checks is they are a requirement of a licensed dealer only. As part of being a licensed dealer they must prove that the person they are selling to is legal before they can sell a gun. This is also true to anyone selling a gun in they take full responsibility of selling their gun to a person who can legally buy one and should also ask for a background check if it is a person they are not 100% sure is legal.

edit on 3-4-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: JinMI

The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a Federal Act, enacted by Congress, is a "federal regulation" over firearm possession. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives operates under the Department of Justice. All this because the 2nd Amendment allow the GOVERNMENT to oversee a "well-regulated militia".

Keep telling yourself that background checks, felon restrictions and criminal gun sales have nothing do with the 2nd Amendment and a "well regulated militia".
edit on 3-4-2023 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

LOL Cute how you think that Hooters waitress don't flirt to get tips! Flirting is currency at a Hooters.

Don't really know; we don't have any Hooter's around here, so I've never been in one.

I was in a restaurant that featured pretty girls in skimpy uniforms once, just not a Hooter's. I imagine it would be similar. The girls were very nice, but they didn't do much flirting. They served food and were attentive... exactly what one wants in a waitress. I don't consider that "flirting."

Yes, I left a tip. A good one, if memory serves.

Nevertheless, the law as written doesn't require a trans person to flirt with anyone to be breaking it.

No, it doesn't. Flirting is legal as long as both participants are of age. When one is under age, we call it "pedophilia."

All the law does is prevent transsexuals from trying to promote their lifestyle to kids. They can perform for adults, they can live their lives while cross-dressing, they just can't try to talk kids into trying their perversion. That is, incidentally, also called "pedophilia."


posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

All the law does is prevent transsexuals from trying to promote their lifestyle to kids.

No it doesn't.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:07 PM
As to the Federal judge that temporarily blocked Tennessee's anti-drag law, he said it was too broad, and that may be true. As to drag queen shows they ARE a form of Cabaret or Burlesque by their very nature. To suggest they are not is like suggesting a stripper doing all stripper moves with a bikini on is no longer sexual in nature.

3. May Not Be Appropriate for All Viewers
Cabaret tends to carry more adult themes and messages. Thus, this is not a “musical” that sits well with every type of person and may not be appropriate for younger audiences. Cabaret will sometimes be described as an underground scene because of the inclusion of some more mature elements including drag, striptease, burlesque, and lounge-type performances. What makes a cabaret? Its ability and ultimate goal to provide its viewers with the most titillating and entertaining performance that is full of cheap thrills, many laughs, and gasps.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

The Gun Control Act of 1968 is a Federal Act, enacted by Congress, is a "federal regulation" over firearm possession. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives operates under the Department of Justice. All this because the 2nd Amendment allow the GOVERNMENT to oversee a "well-regulated militia".


The NFA predates the GCA.

Weve already been down this road and it resides with US v Miller as pecedent. Remember? That case where Miller died, his lawyer refused to pursue and the govt argued and this is precedent.

I can do this all day.

At least try to be a good hack please.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Yes, it does. Read the law.


posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

All the law does is prevent transsexuals from trying to promote their lifestyle to kids.

The left wants to make gender fluid the cool thing to do, and kids will jump on that bandwagon not really knowing anything but want to not be an average person in a sea of average. They go from being a typical nobody to a somebody just because a small group cheer them on. Then one day they grow up and say oops, kind of like the person who thought it was cool to get a face tat and now needs to get a career. This here below explains everything that no one even thinks about with this same situation of promoting adult themes with minors.

In the U.S., teens must be 18 years old to get a tattoo or body piercing.

edit on 3-4-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

That's it in a nutshell. No kid wants to be average; they want to stand out because that's how they get attention.

So here comes this trans person, wanting to read a story book to the little kids. What's wrong with that? They're reading the kids a story; good people who love kids do that all the time. But while reading the story, they are parading who and what they are, and answering questions the kids have about their perversion. Those answers are always worded to present their fetish in the best light possible. They're different, they're unique, they're special. The kids want to be different, unique, and special too. So the bolder ones decide to cross-dress.

And now they are different, unique, and special. They start to hang out with others who are different, unique, and special, and who is there to hang out with? The ones who gave them the idea in the first place. Now they start talking about sex and how much better it is to "be themselves" and "explore their sexuality"... to kids who don't yet know who they are and who don't even know what sexuality entails. All they know is girls wear dresses and play with dolls while boys wear pants and play with toy trucks. Maybe a few know there's an anatomical difference, but they don't know why yet.

Next thing you know, some are petitioning their parents to get on puberty blockers so they can have surgery. The parents are shocked; where did little Johnny get this crazy idea to become little Jenny? They don't know, because the school is there to protect their kids from things like this. But the school didn't tell them about what was happening because that would violate the rights of the cross-dressers, don't ya know.

So at some point, Johnny becomes Jenny. All that attention turns out to be negative as puberty approaches, and now their life is all screwed up. What fixed it last time? Being different, unique, and special... so they become more different, unique, and special. They have the operation. Now they are again different unique, and special. But they have missed out on puberty and now they have no idea how to have a relationship. Many will realize they had the right equipment all along and that it is gone... never to return. A few years later, they've sunk into a depression that is destroying their ability to live. Soon they commit suicide.

All because some transsexual wanted others to share their fetish.

Back when Roe v. Wade was finally struck down, I realized something quite interesting. All of the arguments used to try and support that bad law, when pushed, revealed that it wasn't abortion that people wanted... it was sexual relations without consequences. As long as they got to screw someone, they were fine with whatever it took, even killing helpless babies. This issue, too, is about nothing more than sex free from consequences... just this time, it is fetish-based, fringe sex. No consequences, and if that means screwing up a dozen children to feed their despicable appetites, so be it.

I have a long history of saying, with the one exception of pedophilia, that if two consenting adults want to do something weird together in their bedroom, go for it. Whatever cranks your tractor; no skin off my hide. The only thing I ask is that they leave me out of it unless I say I am interested. Apparently, that is too much to ask. Today, it seems people think that to fully enjoy their perversions, they have to expose them to the world. Now they're again targeting children.


The Tennessee law is written clearly enough to be easily understood by anyone with a shred of morality. It only includes cross-dressers with other categories of performances and restricts their venues accordingly, and drops the requirement that one must receive something of value for their performance. Both of these changes directly relate to the phenomenon of cross-dressers promoting transsexuality in public schools just to validate their fetish.


posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
A few years later, they've sunk into a depression that is destroying their ability to live. Soon they commit suicide.
We know there is a true condition called Gender Dysphoria that is actually rare in its true form. What we are seeing today is a fad that effects people with long lasting issues. The left is pushing a very dangerous fad that will have more than not kids that one day grow up and find they F'ed themselves up good.

I game with a trans female and we talked about getting the final thing of below the bet surgery. They are close to 30 and super depressed that all men do not want them as they are. I told her don't do the surgery... I said do not ruin your sexual capacities for a dream that isn't there. I explained that I know that only a small percentage of men would want a sexual relationship with them, but doing surgery will not increase that percentage very much to justify it in what you lose for it. The reality is that the same men who would accept you now as you are will be the same after the surgery, so there will not be no explosion of new possible partners. In the end these issues they have do not have a magic bullet to fix it, sorry to say.

it is fetish-based, fringe sex.

This is the reality of what they are grooming. I have said a number of times that one of my main goals as a dad was to have my boys grow into their sexuality within their own personal timeline. I do not need adults pushing adult situations on to kids, it is that damn simple.

In the end...all these adults doing this I honestly feel they are sexually aroused by it all in some sick fetish way. We just had one teacher that had their class write an essay as to who in the class by initials they would like to kiss, touch their private parts and even suggested anal sex with. The papers were never graded or returned and only when a couple of kids in the class went to their parents about feeling uncomfortable did anyone find out, so it is a much bigger picture than just drag queens.

edit on 3-4-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

genuine, sincere question here; do you think that, as a child, you would have started cross dressing if someone told you it was cool? Do you think you would have pursued the years-long path to hormone therapies and eventually surgery in a bid for attention? I'm honestly curious - i know my own feelings about it, but the strong implication from your post is that it would happen to any child, and must therefore include you, am i correct?

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

genuine, sincere question here; do you think that, as a child, you would have started cross dressing if someone told you it was cool? Do you think you would have pursued the years-long path to hormone therapies and eventually surgery in a bid for attention? I'm honestly curious - i know my own feelings about it, but the strong implication from your post is that it would happen to any child, and must therefore include you, am i correct?

Jumping in on this one...

Is there a small percentage that would be OK? Seems adults is well under .5% trans that has also been a very steady number overtime, but kids are pushing 1.5% to 2% now and places like CA are even much higher. It's like 1 in 5 trans today are between the ages of 13 and 17. These are HUGE increases in just a few short years. One could argue its only because people today have less fear to be who they really are, but I don't buy it since the percentage have been rather stable for many decades with just a recent explosion. Why is that?

maybe this...

“It’s developmentally appropriate for teenagers to explore all facets of their identity — that is what teenagers do,” said Dr. Angela Goepferd, medical director of the Gender Health Program

That there is a self-fulfilling prophecy that is also called the interpersonal expectancy effect.

She is seen as a leader in the LGBT community, is driving equitable care for LGBT youth, particularly transgender and gender diverse youth and she is a sought-after speaker and trainer on these topics. She was a member of the LGBT Standards of Care Advisory board, developing the first healthcare standards for LGBT people in the state of Minnesota.

Not hard to guess that before I looked her up....

edit on 3-4-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: JinMI

The NFA predates the GCA

Made possible by 2A.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Does stop Drag Queen hour at a public library? No?
Does it stop trans people from giving make-up lessons to kids? No?

There is nothing in this bill that prohibits trans people "promoting" their life style to children.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

Jumping in on this one...

you say you're jumping in on my post, but then you didn't answer or even acknowledge the single, simple question i asked. Would you care to? DO you think that you yourself would have been trans'd if someone had told you as a child that drag was cool?

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:43 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: JinMI

The NFA predates the GCA

Made possible by 2A.

Absolutely false.

Made possible by racism.

posted on Apr, 3 2023 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

you say you're jumping in on my post, but then you didn't answer or even acknowledge the single, simple question i asked. Would you care to? DO you think that you yourself would have been trans'd if someone had told you as a child that drag was cool?

Maybe, at least until I found out I really wasn't... How do you think peds operate? Do you think they find gay kids, or do you think they convince the kids that is what is normal for them. Then one day we all grow up and see the true evil in those actions...

Ask this young man that same question as his parents just knew he was a girl...

posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

We know there is a true condition called Gender Dysphoria that is actually rare in its true form.

Oh, absolutely! It's classified as a birth defect, and it can be a hellish defect for one to have. I have a lot of sympathy for those afflicted, but they are not what we are really discussing here. The people doing this to kids are just fetishists who want to recruit more to validate their own insecurity about their fetish.

The thing is, a fetish shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of... as long as one realizes it is a fetish. But these child molesters (and yes, that is how I view them) can't seem to grasp that. They expect others to be excited as they are... and that just isn't going to happen.

This is the reality of what they are grooming. I have said a number of times that one of my main goals as a dad was to have my boys grow into their sexuality within their own personal timeline. I do not need adults pushing adult situations on to kids, it is that damn simple.

All I can say to that is, "Amen, brother!"

it is a much bigger picture than just drag queens.

It really is. Teachers teaching masturbation techniques... assigning sexually-themed homework... openly promoting homosexuality (while we are told it cannot be taught)... transsexuals and cross-dressers holding special story-time readings for children... it's a much bigger issue. This is just the low-hanging fruit.


posted on Apr, 4 2023 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

I think it was possible. Children are naive... I now I was. I mean, it's nice to think I wouldn't have been enticed, and once puberty kicked in I doubt I could have been, but before that? Honestly, that's a maybe. I can remember thinking the girls had things so much easier than the boys... which I later found out was completely untrue.

Thank God these child molesters weren't allowed near a school back then.

In the end, do any of us really know that we would or wouldn't have succumbed to the temptation? I know I can't recall my thinking process at age 7 or 8 that well... can you? It's not like we can go back and find out.


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