--the number of animals larger than about 45kg alive today represents the number of species of animals in the americas that were extinct'd. (that's
sounds like a catastrophic result). Chimpanzees are about 45kg. thewebsiteofeverything.com...
Nebrask Carolina bays, this is what actually physically happened
.. this has might have nothing to do with the dinosaurs extict'd impacts, they reckon because that might of happened in spring
'Death Came in Spring': New Evidence Shows When The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Struck www.sciencealert.com...
taurid shower from 2015. Theres a timestamp as they arrive because of the security camera machine used. Every seven years theres a a bit more of a
flurry in numbers, 2022 being the last one and 2029 being the next one. www.youtube.com...
...just thought you lot would find this intersting too.
edit on 25-3-2023 by MCurns because: stuff
edit on Sat Mar 25 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: attempt to embed
So every species we see on earth today even the ones that have become extinct like the dodo bird, every species from elephants to ants and including
all the giant mammals lived on earth during the last ice age.
living among the Carolina bays makes this an interesting topic for me. Bladen county is the next county over from me and has many "bay" lakes. But
when you travel around the area and think of it with the impact perspective in mind, you have to wonder where the material that would have to be
ejected went to. The area is really flat. I will say that the area is really sandy, and the sand is very white. So I suppose it could be the source
of all the ejected material, but some of the lakes are quite large and that would be a LOT of dirt.
The lakes are quite beautiful and crystal clear. White Lake is a popular vacation spot around here. it's very built up with vacay trailers. Jones
lake has a state park around it, which makes it much less developed and enjoyable to visit. There isn't much out there as far as amenities, but if
you are staying at the beach, it's a short drive to check out some of the cool spots.
The meteorite(s) that fell on earth seems to have impacted the ice cap that was over Canada 14,000 years ago (the Ice Age). So, the material that fell
on the Carolina Bays would have been massive pieces of ICE (water).