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Kids that have been Reincarnated

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posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: amicusbrief
I have no qualms regarding claims or theories about reincarnation but please be consistent with supporting information.
Spiritualism is one thing but Christian beliefs and reincarnation are not consistent with one another.

Hebrews: 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment,

James 4: 13-14 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.” Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away.

Gen. 6:3 Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”

Job 14:14“If a man dies, shall he live again?
All the days of my service I would wait,
till my renewal should come.”

And don't overlook:
1 Corinthians 15:51–53 “Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.”

a reply to: Halfswede

Still don't see any conflict.

Aside from the Hebrews verse saying a translated word of "once" , the idea that you are judged "once" you die is also part of reincarnation and the next round is adjusted accordingly until the final time. The idea that your soul is but a vapor in a flesh body is also consistent. The idea that there is a final judgement is also consistent.

Westerners (and easterners for that matter) are quite attached to the surface form of their religion, but often treat it like a field of academic study rather than a practice. If you practice diligently in any upright system, the ability to see past lives directly can manifest plainly. A human flesh body of molecules is just a surface skin-vessel that can be worn by many things (human souls, demons, divine beings) while they spend a stint here.

Today's human "skins" are occupied by mostly those from the heavens. Hopefully they wake up and remember their own homes. It is indeed a special time.
edit on 3-3-2023 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: amicusbrief

I guess in simplest terms, what would be the purpose of a once-around where you needed to become a Christian to go to heaven, but God put a bunch of you in remote India or somewhere else. What would possibly be the reason if you intend to take them to heaven after? Some kind of strange experiment?

If they were created once and pure, why not just take them right up to heaven?

Original sin couldn't exist if they were created as pure souls and only had a single round.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: amicusbrief

However remember Malachi 4.
5 “See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.

And this guy makes the case that there is reincarnation in the Bible. And Hebrews 9-27 is being misunderstood by those that quote it attacking reincarnation.

And a Jewish opinion on reincarnation.

And another.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Halfswede
Your arguments are very intuitive and seem well thought out but I need to clarify that Christianity is both a practice and an academic study if you have any desire to grow in the faith.
At its core it is very simplistic...hear the message....accept the message....develop a person relationship with the source of the message = salvation!
That's why YESHU said that we must accept the message as children would through their simplistic faith and trust.
But just as children mature and grow up so should Christians (although many never do).
As for "going to Heaven" most of us never will (with the exception of a few: Moses,Enoch and Elijah are the only men documented to be in Heaven).
The realm that יחוט resides in can only be glanced at through visions from this dimension (not accounting for NDEs). But it will be delivered to us upon the end of days.
Also if we could get unlimited or at least a couple of do-overs how would that be beneficial?
That would be like us as parents turning our children out into the back yard to fend for themselves without any parental guidance, protection or educational resources but to learn all things and disseminate life through their own failures. Even if they could be instantly reincarnated should some action they took kill them what a cruel situation to be placed in!
Also the original sin thing: no matter what any theologian tells you' babies as born sinless but with the capacity for self determination and potential for sin so it is inevitable that eventually they will at some point act in total self interest.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 09:50 AM
Sorry but the prophet Elijah as physically taken into Heaven, as were Enoch and Moses....not reincarnated.
Also please go back and re-read Hebrews in the language it was written in and you will find it crystal clear as to its meaning.
a reply to: ntech

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: amicusbrief

But John the Baptist was born as a child and grew into a man. And Jesus Christ called him Elijah. Therefore he was Elijah reincarnated.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 01:05 PM
Once again an understanding of the language and inflection needs to be made.
At that time the people of the faith expected Elijah to be returned in the flesh since they believed that he was taken alive into Heaven. And to still others it was believed that he would have been resurrected bodily from the dead.
Sorry still not any kind of a verification for reincarnation.

a reply to: ntech

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: amicusbrief

NB - note to OP, thanks for the thread, like you, this is amongst my favourite subjects to think upon..


Like you, I'm a Christian, and so it wouldn't ordinarily be considered 'typical' for you & I to believe in reincarnation. However, based on the evidence of sworn testimony from thousands of people across different cultures & times, and my interpretation of certain portions of scripture (& some personal experiences which I believe point to myself having had at least one or two former lives), I believe that although not guaranteed to occur, reincarnation is at least possible, and in accordance with divine will it does indeed happen to a percentage of the people born into this world, and there may in fact be a general spiritual rule/dynamic by which we all participate in some manner with this idea of coing back for more than one attempt at the life which God gives to us, with which we are to do our best to live according to His will for our soul's journey to our ultimate salvation through Christ.

I've seen particularly interesting testimony from a lady who experienced life as the child of a Christian mother, a daughter who lived alone with her in a house situated along the shoreline of a Scottish island in the mid 20th century. She recalled her mother reading to her from the Bible, with herself loving the stories & developing a childlike faith in God as a result, though she died before she had come of age & therefore never developed her faith as an adult. Due to the incredible amount of detail which she was able to recall about the house, which was located on the shore, next to a beach which was used as a landing strip for supply planes bringing goods over from the Scottish mainland, the researcher was able to locate the property, and checked back through details of the owners of that property to locate a mother & daughter who lived there at the approximate time which the lady recalled living there, with records showing that the child had indeed died young. The details of the case, and the interesting facts regarding her Christian faith, made this a very memorable case study, though I don't have the source link to hand as I read it in a book quite some years ago now & can't recall the title of that volume.

Of course there are a multitude of stories such as this, some with more or less detail, but often very convincing, and it has caused me to pontificate at length on the theological rhyme & reason behind the possibility of reincarnation, seeing our lives here on Earth as stages in a long journey from the creation of the soul up until final ascension into Heaven, or the final 'great white throne' day of judgment. I agree that it is quite possible that there is a finite limit on the number of souls born, and I believe that indeed there are some very old souls here as a result, though also many younger (I am reminded of the parable of the vineyard owner who hires day labourers at different times during the day, ultimately paying them all the same wage despite different lengths of time that they had each worked).

I am of the mind that God's creativity & compassion have no conceivable limits, He is able to cast our sins as far as the East is from the West, and so I see the possibility that if there is a spark of the hope of redemption for a soul who has lived out a life here on Earth, yet has not found faith in Christ, then God very well could decide in His sovereignty, to permit the soul to return to Earth in another family, in other circumstances, to seek again for that final redemption which we all crave (for "God has sowed eternity in the heart of Man"). I'm of the mind that the last & best possibility of our living here on Earth, is to find that grace & form a bond with God through the Lord Jesus, after the gospel has been preached throughout the whole Earth, which will provide that ultimate salvation.

This is why I also believe that the final time of testing on the Earth, the tribulation, will be the testing of souls who "belong to this world" through repeated lives (or one single life of terrible sin) in which they have clung to the base aspects of their nature & sinned steadfastly rather than seeking enlightenment & salvation. Such souls would be subject to final testing here as a sort of purgatory, to cause them to repent of their lives/life of evil deeds & wrong heart motives.

The Book of the Revelation of St John speaks of the seven seal judgments at that time of tribulation, judgments from the scroll which the Lamb is worthy to open & read from, with each of the judgments a holy discipline, even a painful 'wake-up call' for those souls who have found themselves bound too strongly to the Earth despite opportunities to seek God & heed Heaven's call, either in one life, or in several. Those who find everlasting life through repentance & faith in Christ will lose their temporal lives & ascend into Heaven, but those who cling to the notion of retaining the same attitudes as before, will find that although the torment is severe, such that they will even long for death at times, they will not find it - not because God is being deliberately cruel, but in fact, because He is being merciful & compassionate, giving them more & more time to understand why they are in that predicament, thereby giving them more time to turn to the truth & find Heaven's rest.. ("they will seek death but it will be far from them..") So although it comes across as torturous, it is discipline & testing, a final opportunity to break away from the lower realm which this Earth can become to those whose lives are consumed with sin. The 144,000 sealed witnesses who remain on the Earth during that time will be protected from the tribulation, and they will, with the wisdom that God gives, attempt to explain this truth to the people who are going through that final testing, so that they can turn from their wrong living & come to know Jesus & answer the Heavenly call placed upon their lives, so they can avoid the otherwise unavoidable destruction which would follow if they refuse to answer that call despite many opportunities & much expended grace, through one life or several, even to the final tribulation.

I believe this is why we are seeing such terrible times in terms of personal moral conduct, because we are seeing more & more souls who are trapped here due to sinful conduct in this life or in previous lives, also with newer souls getting swept up in the immoral carnage that the Synagogue of Satan, the conspirators of the infamous 'Cabal', the supposed 13 royal illuminati bloodlines which worship Satan, are collectively creating through deliberately corrupting strategies to capture the youth in ever-increasing sin & debasement. Many who are older are horrified by what is happening with the younger generations at this time, and for good reason - Satan is presiding over the carnival of chaos that our modern age has become, and we are edging ever closer to that final tribulation, when God will bring the world's events to a close, in order to redeem the Creation & save those who are destined to be saved. I hope & pray that we can make headway with this mission, but I expect it will take some monumental events indeed to break the hypnotic fascination with sin & debasement which has transfixed such a huge number of souls in our present dark times.

We're likely to witness a Black Swan event for that very purpose.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is why I also believe that the final time of testing on the Earth, the tribulation, will be the testing of souls who "belong to this world" through repeated lives (or one single life of terrible sin) in which they have clung to the base aspects of their nature & sinned steadfastly rather than seeking enlightenment & salvation. Such souls would be subject to final testing here as a sort of purgatory, to cause them to repent of their lives/life of evil deeds & wrong heart motives.

In the last year or so I have really pondered this and what in this life I am meant to learn.
I believe for me it is unconditional love…and selflessness.
The trials I have gone through during the last three years I’m sure would have broken some people. (And actually did in a way).
I learned that not everyone has it in them to truly give unconditional love.

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: amicusbrief

I know this isn't in response to me, but just to be clear, I am not saying Christianity (Jesus teachings) show proof of reincarnation, rather there isn't really anything that is contradictory to its existence there. If we were to use the things Jesus didn't speak about as proof of nonexistence, I think you can see the flaw there. What other people said isn't from the same realm in any case. That said, it doesn't preclude anyone from practicing Christianity to its fullest.

Comically, many Christians believe in evolution, so go figure.

One case of past-life memory resulted in the child fingering his murderer in another town, confronting the murderer and even leading them to the body/grave. The murderer confessed. The boy even has a scar/birthmark where he was struck in the past.

Reincarnation Case of an Israeli Child who Recalled Being Killed with an Axe & Identifies his Past Life Murderer, Who Confesses

edit on 3-3-2023 by Halfswede because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 03:37 PM
The ego-mind does not reincarnate. It is made of dust and will dissolve back into the dust from which it was made. That dust existing in the lake of fire from which it can never escape (law of conservation applies).

Our soul of pure awareness however does experience rebirth. We will experience that rebirth as a second death. As the soul is again trapped into the confines of another ego-mind (birth is death and death is birth).

When the seven chakra have awakened. The soul will not be allowed to re-enter the lake of fire. Revelation 3.12 "Him that overcometh ... shall go no more out".

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 08:13 PM
I had a couple experiences today and it got me thinking about this topic.

This is a great topic btw.

I was at work today and I had a couple encounters with meeting people I've never met before, but yet seem supernaturally familiar. Not that they just look like someone you know. Sometimes that is included, but not always the case. But you meet these people and you can literally feel physically/emotionally/spiritually connected to them. And it's both ways. You don't just feel that way, they also keep having a strong sensation that they've met you before.
I do, apparently, have one of those faces that I get, "you look so familiar" all the time. This is different, but happens often with me.
My job is very social. People tend to come into my shop and we just end up in these deep conversations with each other. People also tend to be very open with me, and I had two different guys come in, and I swear that I had a deep personal connection with them (and I'm talking ride or die homies). Two times today I end up in deep conversation and I felt very strongly that I had supernaturally (I don't quite know how to even put that) strong bond with them. With both of these dudes we ended telling each other that "I don't know what it is but I swear we've hung out and were buds at one point."

Now, with that said, this wasn't that everyday ordinary friend connection you make with certain people that you just "vibe with." And it wasn't as much as a familiar face as a familiar connection but a unique enough connection that it would be strong like a best friend you haven't seen in years type.

The experiences I had today gave me chills all over my body both times. That's why it stood out more than the normal, "hey you look familiar."

Is it possible I've known these people in former lives...
It sure does feel like it.
Anyone else experience this?

ETA: I realize I'm a grown man talking on your thread about kids who've lived past lives....those kids grow up, and I wondered in the past if I might be one of them. If it's not actually all of us. Just that some have become in tune with it.
Kinda like when you've realized you're dreaming, and are still dreaming.
edit on 3-3-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-3-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2023 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: AOx6179

It is for sure a thing that generally people reincarnate in social groups. You will see people on the street and pass people that have no relationship to you whatsoever, and others that do. Often someone who was the child in one life may be the adult in the next and the debts and grievances are balanced. The same group of individuals may have come down together and arranged for those things with each other.

If someone owed a great debt of gratitude in one life and was unable to repay it, there will be strong ties the next time where it may seem the relationship is lopsided a bit in someone's favor. If someone had a very hard life before, it may be balanced with what seems like "unfair" blessings this time where everything just comes easy for them.

All kinds of things take place, but you are correct in thinking that you likely knew them somehow in the past.

Over time though, selfishness and degeneracy has gotten the best of many people and the hardships have become worse in kind to prevent total decline. Interactions have become very intense and the relationships have become less kind in many cases. People have squandered much of what they worked for before.

This time is different though. Do not squander the good fortune of those lifetimes of waiting.

Falun Dafa Hao!

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

Often someone who was the child in one life may be the adult in the next and the debts and grievances are balanced.

At the very end of both my parents life they BOTH called me MAMA. My mom held my hand just like a child and a mom, and I felt it…..really felt it, she called me Mama and I felt like her mom, not her child.

It was one of the most surreal things I’ve ever felt.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Halfswede

It is for sure a thing that generally people reincarnate in social groups.

Within the first five minutes of meeting my husband I knew I have known him besides this life.
We talked as if we knew each other for thousands of years.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: Halfswede
First of all you just blew my mind. Wow. I felt that. Almost as if I knew it.

And then this stood out like it was shining in my face.

If someone owed a great debt of gratitude in one life and was unable to repay it, there will be strong ties the next time where it may seem the relationship is lopsided a bit in someone's favor. If someone had a very hard life before, it may be balanced with what seems like "unfair" blessings this time where everything just comes easy for them.

So this is where I believe I am at (if this were all to be true). I'm in the hard "unfair" life stage (this one is a very humbled servants life), and so I'm guessing that would mean I have something I'm "balancing out" this round.

No what's a little freaky here?.....

I'm a libra.
edit on 4-3-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-3-2023 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 02:39 AM
I havnt read all the replies yet, so someone may have already mentioned the University of Virginia's research group on past life memories...

I have my own past life memories and have even discussed it with a psychiatrist, and he said its more common than people think.

My most prominent past life memory was me being raped and murdered, and its not a memory I like to share. Nor will I go into detail here about it.

If I ever come back again, I'm not going to be happy, and I hope I never do, I just dont want to deal with this # again.

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 10:53 AM
I've had a couple of personal experiences through the medium of extremely vivid dreams, which come with real physical pain at the point of death - they are only 'snapshots' of 'my' final moments in other lives, but it's very convincing to experience your death (in one case) my ascension into the heavens after death, making me flexible & open-minded regarding the possibility of reincarnation, even as a devout Christian of the charismatic evangelical type (though without remotely trying to sound big-headed, I've always been very open-minded & quietly reject some of the dogma which accompanies the central tenets of the faith. As in, I hold to the Nicene Creed, for example, I believe in the reality of spiritual gifts, I believe that miracles still happen on a daily basis around the world, I hold that the Bible is the unerring word of God - but I have my own thoughts regarding the Creation event/s, pre-Adamic mankind, the Nephilim & the ancient 'gods', etc - I believe that our interpretation of scripture must be in tandem with spiritual gifts, so that we are able to follow the Holy Spirit, who "..leads us into all truth", etc.

One of the most potent dream experiences I had was that of being an officer in the Great War some time between 1914 & 1918, I was walking through an underground bunker while artillery shells were blasting above us. I was reassuring the men, patting them on the shoulder, giving an encouraging word here & there. Suddenly, there was a vicious explosion which totally consumed the area I had been standing, the explosion ripped through the bunker & destroyed it completely in an instant. I hears, saw & felt the flash of the explosion, felt severe burning pain on every part of my body for perhaps a second, until my body was atomised by the explosion - as that occurred, there was a tremendous rushing sensation, in which my spirit/sould was whooshed upwards into the heavenly realms. The shock of this event caused me to wake from sleep before actually arriving in the Heavens, but I know without a doubt that's where I was headed. It was a remarkable experience, very, very lifelike, the pain was real, though momentary, and the sensation of being drawn upwards like that was incredible, as though magnetised to be drawn upwards so rapidly.

Another of my experiences was less exhilarating - I was a young lad of 15/16 or thereabouts, living as a member of an Irish travelling community in England, perhaps it was in the sixties or seventies, it felt quite recent. I was being pursued through the fields behind a couple of buildings which made up a large country pub (public house for drinking alcohol, a 'bar' of sorts to our American friends). There was a farmer chasing after me because I had been attempting to steal something from his land, and just as I was approaching the pub I was shot with a shotgun. I was severely wounded & tried to hide in the area behind the pub where the large bins were stored, in a locked yard with a high brick wall. I clambered over the wall, fell down the other side into the yard, and curled up in the corner, wondering whether the farmer would jump over to finish me off. I felt my life fading, and just as my vision began to blur & become darkened, I woke up from the shock of what was happening. So although I was at the point of death, in this experience I woke up moments before my actual death occurred, though it certainly would have been only moments I believe.

In a third experience, somewhat more mystical, I was standing in the shallow tropical waters of a l arge island which had those high mountainous small islands covered with dense forest, many of them in a small area, popping up out of the turquoise waters & white sands below, I believe it may have been somewhere like Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, or perhaps somewhere similar. I was about to commit to a journey, a monumental journey through different spiritual dimensions, basically sacrificing myself from the heavenly place in which I dwelt, deliberately choosing to incarnate in a lower dimension, on the Earth in fact. I had a ritual dagger which was bejewelled, curved, around seven or eight inches long, and after a moment's prayer & contemplation, I plunged the blade into my stomach, the blade reaching upwards & piercing my heart, it seemed. I died almost instantly, and thus began a rapid descending odyssey through various astral realms, like a rollercoaster, exhilarating & somewhat frightening, though I was steeled for the prospect of that difficult descent, and ultimately, just before I got to the point at which I would incarnate, I woke from the dream, shocked by what I'd experienced. Again, when I plunged the dagger into my abdomen I felt the very real & sickening pain which would accompany the real action of doing so, and the rapidity of the descent through 'challenging' realms was something quite remarkable in its intensity. I'm not sure if this dream was a representation of a real experience, but the realism was very high & it certainly seemed spontaneous generated reality rather than something I had imagined in my own mind. Fascinating experience, but as I say, seems to have been a bit more 'mystical' than the other two.

There have been others, including a very prominent dream in which I died, went to Sheol, then ascended into Heaven, where I was counselled by an angel before being left to encounter the Heaven which had been prepared for me. I won't go into that one here as it's a very long story & involves additional context from waking reality, I will probably do a thread on it at some point.


posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Your last experience of coming "down" intentionally is almost certainly the original time before come here -- followed by more mundane reincarnation(s) whereby relationships were formed for this [last] round. In some cases, the goal was just to form that thread of "wake me up when the time comes" as there is an order to things.

The vast majority here currently came from the heavens to take part in this rectification -- almost everyone. It is just they have gotten muddled in this dimension of delusion and have forgotten their own homes in favor of worldly fame and gain. It is time to wake up and make good on those things.

I am sometimes brought to tears of joy when I see someone's true spirit wake up. I am not speaking about you, just in general. I have no worries about you.

--Falun Dafa Hao!

Again, just for anyone interested who might care to read more. This is a no-specific religion description of the state of things that I would say is quite accurate. --
Why There is Mankind

posted on Mar, 4 2023 @ 12:49 PM
Great discourse!
My parting words would be that I would not base my entire belief structure on the reported stories you alluded to and consider them as accurate.
There are deceptive ( and some malevolent) spirits roaming the earth just waiting for an opportunity to play the trickster on mankind.
To be entirely certain I maintain the scripture:
1 John 4:2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.
Test the spirits!!!!

a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

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