a reply to:
NB - note to OP, thanks for the thread, like you, this is amongst my favourite subjects to think upon..
Like you, I'm a Christian, and so it wouldn't ordinarily be considered 'typical' for you & I to believe in reincarnation. However, based on the
evidence of sworn testimony from thousands of people across different cultures & times, and my interpretation of certain portions of scripture (& some
personal experiences which I believe point to myself having had at least one or two former lives), I believe that although not guaranteed to occur,
reincarnation is at least possible, and in accordance with divine will it does indeed happen to a percentage of the people born into this world, and
there may in fact be a general spiritual rule/dynamic by which we all participate in some manner with this idea of coing back for more than one
attempt at the life which God gives to us, with which we are to do our best to live according to His will for our soul's journey to our ultimate
salvation through Christ.
I've seen particularly interesting testimony from a lady who experienced life as the child of a Christian mother, a daughter who lived alone with her
in a house situated along the shoreline of a Scottish island in the mid 20th century. She recalled her mother reading to her from the Bible, with
herself loving the stories & developing a childlike faith in God as a result, though she died before she had come of age & therefore never developed
her faith as an adult. Due to the incredible amount of detail which she was able to recall about the house, which was located on the shore, next to a
beach which was used as a landing strip for supply planes bringing goods over from the Scottish mainland, the researcher was able to locate the
property, and checked back through details of the owners of that property to locate a mother & daughter who lived there at the approximate time which
the lady recalled living there, with records showing that the child had indeed died young. The details of the case, and the interesting facts
regarding her Christian faith, made this a very memorable case study, though I don't have the source link to hand as I read it in a book quite some
years ago now & can't recall the title of that volume.
Of course there are a multitude of stories such as this, some with more or less detail, but often very convincing, and it has caused me to pontificate
at length on the theological rhyme & reason behind the possibility of reincarnation, seeing our lives here on Earth as stages in a long journey from
the creation of the soul up until final ascension into Heaven, or the final 'great white throne' day of judgment. I agree that it is quite possible
that there is a finite limit on the number of souls born, and I believe that indeed there are some very old souls here as a result, though also many
younger (I am reminded of the parable of the vineyard owner who hires day labourers at different times during the day, ultimately paying them all the
same wage despite different lengths of time that they had each worked).
I am of the mind that God's creativity & compassion have no conceivable limits, He is able to cast our sins as far as the East is from the West, and
so I see the possibility that if there is a spark of the hope of redemption for a soul who has lived out a life here on Earth, yet has not found faith
in Christ, then God very well could decide in His sovereignty, to permit the soul to return to Earth in another family, in other circumstances, to
seek again for that final redemption which we all crave (for "God has sowed eternity in the heart of Man"). I'm of the mind that the last & best
possibility of our living here on Earth, is to find that grace & form a bond with God through the Lord Jesus, after the gospel has been preached
throughout the whole Earth, which will provide that ultimate salvation.
This is why I also believe that the final time of testing on the Earth, the tribulation, will be the testing of souls who "belong to this world"
through repeated lives (or one single life of terrible sin) in which they have clung to the base aspects of their nature & sinned steadfastly rather
than seeking enlightenment & salvation. Such souls would be subject to final testing here as a sort of purgatory, to cause them to repent of their
lives/life of evil deeds & wrong heart motives.
The Book of the Revelation of St John speaks of the seven seal judgments at that time of tribulation, judgments from the scroll which the Lamb is
worthy to open & read from, with each of the judgments a holy discipline, even a painful 'wake-up call' for those souls who have found themselves
bound too strongly to the Earth despite opportunities to seek God & heed Heaven's call, either in one life, or in several. Those who find everlasting
life through repentance & faith in Christ will lose their temporal lives & ascend into Heaven, but those who cling to the notion of retaining the same
attitudes as before, will find that although the torment is severe, such that they will even long for death at times, they will not find it - not
because God is being deliberately cruel, but in fact, because He is being merciful & compassionate, giving them more & more time to understand why
they are in that predicament, thereby giving them more time to turn to the truth & find Heaven's rest.. ("they will seek death but it will be far from
them..") So although it comes across as torturous, it is discipline & testing, a final opportunity to break away from the lower realm which this Earth
can become to those whose lives are consumed with sin. The 144,000 sealed witnesses who remain on the Earth during that time will be protected from
the tribulation, and they will, with the wisdom that God gives, attempt to explain this truth to the people who are going through that final testing,
so that they can turn from their wrong living & come to know Jesus & answer the Heavenly call placed upon their lives, so they can avoid the otherwise
unavoidable destruction which would follow if they refuse to answer that call despite many opportunities & much expended grace, through one life or
several, even to the final tribulation.
I believe this is why we are seeing such terrible times in terms of personal moral conduct, because we are seeing more & more souls who are trapped
here due to sinful conduct in this life or in previous lives, also with newer souls getting swept up in the immoral carnage that the Synagogue of
Satan, the conspirators of the infamous 'Cabal', the supposed 13 royal illuminati bloodlines which worship Satan, are collectively creating through
deliberately corrupting strategies to capture the youth in ever-increasing sin & debasement. Many who are older are horrified by what is happening
with the younger generations at this time, and for good reason - Satan is presiding over the carnival of chaos that our modern age has become, and we
are edging ever closer to that final tribulation, when God will bring the world's events to a close, in order to redeem the Creation & save those who
are destined to be saved. I hope & pray that we can make headway with this mission, but I expect it will take some monumental events indeed to break
the hypnotic fascination with sin & debasement which has transfixed such a huge number of souls in our present dark times.
We're likely to witness a Black Swan event for that very purpose.