posted on Mar, 2 2023 @ 02:05 PM
I love this subject and have read so many case studies that, as you said, they can’t be debunked. Unfortunately, they can’t be verified either.
Unfortunatley, I don't have any stories about children. The only personal story I know about in our family has to do with my mother and a relative.
This happened in the late 70s when I was in my early youth, but it doesn’t regard me directly. Instead, it’s about a relative of my mum. I don’t
remember who exactly it was, but I know the person was very close to my mother. She always called him Uncle, even if he wasn’t. Unfortunately, this
uncle passed away in a rather unexpected and painful way due to some malady. She regretted not having had the chance to say goodbye.
Anyway, she recounted coming to pick me up from school only a few days after the funeral. As she waited outside the school grounds, she turned around
and there stood a dog. She hadn't seen him arrive, had never seen him before in the neighbourhood and he had no collar.
This dog just stared at her. As they transfixed their gazes, she immediately saw an eery resemblance to her uncle. She told me it was a combination of
the dog’s eyes and general expression; very melancholic. All this could just be normal grief making her want to see her uncle again in whatever
form. However, the best was yet to come. After a few minutes of just staring at each other, the dog turned around and just walked away very slowly…
with a heavy limp… exactly the same limp that her uncle had had for the best part of his life.
To this day, she is convinced it was him, coming back in that form to say goodbye. Whether it was a permanent reincarnation is anyone’s guess.
By the way, going back to my Great-great-grandmother on my mother’s side, they had all been theurgical (white magic) and very in-tune with nature
and spirits. Some of that sensitivity as been passed down to me, but I have yet to have any really life-changing experiences… just glimpses of what
is out there and all around us that is oblivious to most.
edit on 2/3/2023 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)