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Calling all righteous folk in the UK - how can we begin to reach the enlightened masses?

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posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:05 AM

I have been watching a documentary, nothing particularly exciting about it, but something struck me as I was watching: There are millions of well educated, intelligent & honourable people in the United Kingdom (the same is true for the USA, though there are other factors playing a significant role over there, such as much more widespread religion & a determined, libertarian outlook across all demographics/class groupings). The thought which struck me like lightning was that there are many, many people who are rational & reasonable in their day to day lives, people such as professors, barristers (NOT 'baristas' - for our American friends a Barrister is a type of lawyer - usually acting in high stakes cases involving the Crown Prosecution Service, either defending or prosecuting, but generally considered to be the elite legal support you can possibly get in the UK) - and many more (military officers, members of the House of Lords, civil servants, members of the intelligence services, engineers, architects, on & on it goes - in all corners of society).

These people are NOT stupid, and individually one can consider that it would be possible to convince them, with a very brief 'snapshot' of the evidence of the COVID & climate change conspiracies, detailing the deception, the money grubbing behaviour & the many examples of professionals being thrown under the bus. They need to be coached in understanding that the actions of the World Economic Forum amount to a declaration of war against civilisation itself, and now they are deliberately destablising & deconstructing our societal infrastructure, from top to bottom, affecting all classe of people in every part of the nation. They are deliberately fouling up the machinery which allows our national services to operate at proper levels of capacity & efficiency, introducing muddy waters scheming & policy changes which jam the gears of our national productivity. The economy is crashing because of these people, the cost of living 'crisis' is entirely engineered & very deliberate, the energy 'crisis' is entirely engineered & very deliberate, et cetera. These potential allies need to know that this is being done to all first world nations, by a scheming fifth column of political & corporate infiltrators who boast about penetrating cabinets & parliaments, messing up the work of civil servants, disintegrating the critical care facilities of our healthcare systems & disenfranchising anyone who wants to work in order to make it better, decrying & de-platforming/ firing/ suspending licenses for all those who seek to blow the whistle.

What is needed is a groundswell of popular support for a new approach to politics, after decades of 'business as usual' from every major political party in the UK. I created a thread yesterday in which I discussed the ascendancy of a new political party here in the UK, known as the 'Reform UK' party, and I swear to you the manifesto & emergency recovery plan for the NHS are both excellent pieces of political architecture. I stated yesterday that this party represents the antidote to the mainstream parties' dependence & interrelationships with World Economic Forum traitors & spies, as they will reject central bank digital currencies, they will cancel the nonsense climate change 'Net Zero' goals, they will instil a voucher scheme for the NHS whereby if you can't see the appropriate medical professional within a very short window of time on the NHS, then you receive a voucher to go and seek the appropriate healthcare response from a suitable medic in the private sector. Over a very short period of time this will reduce waiting lists to practically zero. Their emergency recovery plan for the NHS contains many more interlinked actions which all add up to salvation for the NHS within two years. In terms of funding they have some innovative strategies, and will adopt a libertarian approach to taxation & sponsoring growth of the economy, which we sorely need in this country.

It is my belief that we face a very specific need/threat which must be highlighted in the reference frame of the national conversation NOW. We are seeing huge opposition from the majority of what is unequivocally woke, utterly corrupt ultra-liberal mainstream media, but there have been signs of change brewing, after the deflation of the Twittersphere when Musk did a factory re-set on the giant social media site, causing all the bot accounts to suddenly drop off like dead fleas from a dog which has been taken to the vet. We're also seeing a chink in the armour of the mainstream media, with the massive popularity of the UK television news channel 'GB News', a channel which is 'conservative with a small c' in terms of their political outlook. They do offer balance by bringing a variety of guests into the studio for various panel shows, but overall they are truly libertarian & it is my belief that they are genuine in their aims to 'fight the good fight' on behalf of this nation at this time.

I believe that the arrival on the scene of the 'Reform UK' political party is another equally groundbreaking event, which will resonate with tens of millions of UK householders. Even the young people in society are starting to question the obsequious fervour with which the mainstream media venerates the liberal mindset, as they witness hundreds of four star hotels around the country being overtaken by 'asylum seekers' (predominantly military age males, economic migrants, barely any women & children). The riot in Merseyside outside an 'asylum hotel' a few days ago was caused by inappropriate overtures towards a fifteen year old girl by a 24 year old Muslim male who followed her & harassed her for her phone number. She filmed the incident & this did the rounds on Telegram, leading to the mass demonstration against the perverted 'huddled masses' in that asylum hotel.

Despite the comfortable image the mainstream media have cultivated over the past decade, in which they portray the UK as a liberal haven where conservative views are a relic of the past, there exists a groundswell of public support for a 'conservative with a small c' outlook, with the only problem being its present timidity, with people unable or unwilling to come out en masse & fully, publicly, totally reject the ultra-liberal propaganda from the government-supported MSM.

Our government figures, and our media editors, are literally taking orders from Davos, Switzerland, with the supposedly neutral nation now being nothing more than a rat-infested sewer of anti-human propaganda, issuing policy directives to UN member nations, having assumed total 'de facto' control of that organisation. We really are facing the complete & total end of democracy, it is being devoured from within by wealthy elites & their puppet/ amigo politicians who have been strategically inserted to do maximum damage as fifth column agents of the rogue extra-territorial fascists under the control of Klaus Schwab, and perhaps people even further up the chain than him. But at some point we have to ask if that chain of command is even human any more, given the sort of directives that filter down to our puppet politicos. We know that in reality there are occult shenanigans going on.

I want to discuss strategy.

How do we begin to put together brief 'explainers' & where do we seed them into the public consciousness to prompt a rejection of WEF policy directives?

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:12 AM
I gave up on the general public years ago and concentrated on Police, Military and Intelligence. Intelligence are like fish in a barrel. They're bound by the conditions of their contracts to listen to what you're saying. a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:15 AM
The British population has been living a high standard of life thanks to their global invasions, raping, murders, plundering, piracy, fomenting mercenaries, wars, weapon manufacturing, financial swindles, political interference, drug trafficking (opium), etc. etc. etc.

Before any "enlightment" can happen among the UK population, you have a lot of forgiveness to ask and MUCH to return to the people that your society literally abused for centuries. Once the British start realizing and fixing all the damage they've made, then you'll have a light at the end of the tunnel.

The same goes for the United States and some European countries.

You conservative British today are screaming against the NWO and Davos, but just because you are not getting the "good deal" that you were getting a few years ago. If you did, you would not be complaining, you would be waving your UK flag with pride, like you did all your life (and you miss doing today).

So, it's either you fix what you've done, or you burn, like you should.

edit on 14-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This is how the Reform UK party is described: (Is right-wing synonymous with being righteous?)

Reform UK is a British right-wing political party founded by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage as the ‘Brexit party’ in 2018.

The party slogan “Let’s Make Britain Great” harks back to the slogan of Republican president Donald Trump: “Make America Great Again”.

Only a year after its creation, in 2019, the party hit its first major scandal as party leader and co-founder Catherine Blaiklock was forced to resign for racist and anti-Islam tweets posted from her account. MudGo3bm9BOFFjWEZ3eC47X3lsdT1ZMjlzYndOaVpqRUVjRzl6QXpNRWRuUnBaQU1FYzJWakEzTnkvUlY9Mi9SRT0xNjc2NDIwMDQwL1JPPTEwL1JVPWh0dHBzJTNhJTJmJTJmdWsubmV3cy55YWhv by5jb20lMmZyZWZvcm0tdWstcG9sbC1zaG93cy10b3JpZXMtMTc1MjQzNDg5Lmh0bWwvUks9Mi9SUz16b1kuOWF3aUM3ZUI2RlhNclpuQ2VRY1VOOXct&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAABQ5dL1Y9m_ r6Q8e2Ckzv4fnSZg9R9upv6B2WS-CaLbXDJzj5dkFM8aWOTAxzOG_fx3wPQc8pm0sX0HkS1-x2qsCzxZbyQzBcgchPWlf34CcEwqjqdVjT02JULeqLXfgQ2yHlxdRTORcYRf9RBaOUXL49E_NUft-M 11spYhksTqH

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:28 AM
Link: An antidote to the New World Order... A new political party + innovation.. a UK exemplar?

Link: UK Government blocks denial of service & fines for users, levied due to political views (PayPal)

Both of the above threads offer support for my contention that there is an upcoming groundswell of popular support for an alternative political approach in the UK, and the second link in particular seems to indicate that the civil service/ parliament officials are in fact 'on our side', seeing the wood for the trees when it comes to the hypochondriac victim mentality where those who should be perfectly competent are in fact screaming about supposed weaknesses, trying to destabliise the nation in response to their supposed weakness. The politicians who answered in response to the demand for the acceptability of denial of service obstructions & arbitrary huge fines simply for expressing political views which the service provider doesn't like, basically flat-out stated that it wouldn't fly now, didn't fly then, and indeed it will NEVER fly here in the UK. Basically a sort of "...over my dead body" line in the sand.

I believe we need to start brainstorming ways to escalate the popularity of the political party I've linked, which stands for common sense values & libertarian governance - basically because those sorts of views bring about a beautiful society where everyone does their part & loves life to the maximum, being thankful for what they have, and respecting the rights of others in an automatic 'love thy neighbour' sort of way. The sort of society that woke, ultra-liberal snowflake politics brings about is utterly corrupt, and ends up looking something like Oregon on a 'bring your own molotov cocktail' happy hour on a Friday night (coming to a suburb near you soon..) It is naturally perverse, with toddlers being instructed to put dollar bills into the thongs of trans 'women' strippers'. It is when a semi-trans 'woman' plays the piano with 'her' penis on a Friday night primetime show on Channel 4 in the UK, before stripping off full nude to screaming applause from the carefully selected audience. The world these people are creating is perverse, fractured, weak & degradingz, with nonsense policies & total failure of imagination when it comes to management of societal trends.

Too many people? We'll just find a way to murder them all by stealth, and have them be happy about it throughout. Never mind that there are myriad innovative ways to meet the energy & food requirements of a growing population.

N'ah, we'll just kill 'em.

People, it is time for a change.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:41 AM
Discuss strategy? Online? That's so #illuminaughty.
The evil ones expose themselves nowadays.
The good ones will always act accordingly.

May the best meme win.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:43 AM
The British Population call BS on that. a reply to: ltrz2025

"Nearly a year ago there was an accident and most of us were burned. I was carried home by a man. It hurt very much because the skin was burnt off my face. I couldn't work for six months."

Phillip Phillips, aged 9, Plymouth Mines, Merthyr

"I got my head crushed a short time since by a piece of roof falling..."

William Skidmore, aged 8, Buttery Hatch Colliery, Mynydd Islwyn

" my legs crushed some time since, which threw me off work some weeks."

John Reece, aged 14, Hengoed Colliery

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:47 AM
If looking into politics, consider attending some of the events by the major parties. Mix with some of the people there and let them know what you think. Try and help them out if they do have questions about stuff. Even if some of these parties are resistant in you moving up the ranks, if some of your ideas do manage to work their way up that is a good thing.

Setting up a new independent party is a lot of hard work, going to need a good team in an electorate open to your parties direction. Community engagement and awareness is the tough one to get. Lot of people are already fixed in their politics and don't want to know.

If you can find some way to better capture and define the public will, it will help as long as there still some hope for democracy.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Calling all righteous folk in the UK - how can we begin to reach the enlightened masses?

The ONLY way you can reach the "enlightened" masses is to reach all the "ignorant" masses first to make them pay serious attention.

Otherwise, anything done is another wase of time and money.

And we are talking about The British.....who love playing victim while being a bully at the same time.

Island mentality eh?

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Consider the source. When you Google the Reform party you end up with a bunch of hatchet job articles & a Wikipedia hatchet job, and no link to the acatual website of the political party itself. Isn't that a bit suspicious to you? Do you think that maybe the internet giant websearch company is using clever (& blatant) algorithms to massage its results to show a massive left wing bias so that the actually useful policies of Reform UK will never show up on the radar of most sheeple. Because they don't even realise that Gooogle is one of the most corrupt organisations on the surface of the Earth, and is essentially in league with the World Economic Forum, their fifth column traitors & the network of spies who try to crush properly representative democracy in first world nations. You'd have to be something of an idiot to believe what Google tells you about a non-mainstream libertarian political party.

And if you were to bother reading the manifesto of the Reform Party, you just might realise that they are indeed righteous people, and they intend only positive change for this once grat nation of mine. So take your simple professionally psychologically programmed opinions & go play in the corner while the grown ups talk.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Was Catherine Blaiklock righteous? If so, why would she delete the tweets that caused such an uproar?

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: nerbot

I think you're talking about the LEADERS of Britain, not the PEOPLE of Britain.

The spirit of this nation's common people is absolutely a generally righteous one, we believe in 'fair play' above all else. Ever heard the expression "It's just not cricket"..? That comes from our love of an ordered, peaceful game which takes a pleasant day or two to complete, which offers enjoyment & relaxation in equal measure, which is absolutely obsessed with being fair & accurate in its judging of the game itself.

We are the PEOPLE of the UK, not the leadership - the leadership are corrupt beyond measure at the present time.

So yes, I'm suggesting that there is a core character trait in the average British person, which is dedicated to fair play, which would never want to follow along with what the WEF is doing to first world nations, if they could see past the programming/conditioning of the modern Mainstream Media. This is why I'm saying that support for change must come from a groundswell, bottom to top, not top down, that what we need is to provide information in short sharp bursts so that intelligent, enlightened members of British society can realise what's going on, and so they can see a snapshot of the party that is able to help us climb out of the pit that players like Rishi Sunak & Jeremy Hunt have dug for us on behalf of the WEF.

Seriously, I have no idea how you people do this incredible act of blinkering yourselves to the real objective of a thread like this.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

I'll be perfectly honest, I don't know who she is, and quite possibly she was an idiot or an unpleasant person.

You do realise that unpleasant people sometimes attach themselves to public facing organisations & make a mess of things. What about the agitators, the fifth column, the agent provocateur...?

You don't think that certain groups might have a vested interest in making a mess of a party which has an excellent manifesto & a great roadmap to recovery of the NHS?


posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: Kester

Well, the thing is sometimes the English ran out of human beings to rape, abuse and kill overseas, so they had to look inland. Ask the Welsh and the Scottish, and everyone north of London...

Don't try to cover the sun with one finger....

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
We are the PEOPLE of the UK, not the leadership - the leadership are corrupt beyond measure at the present time.

You PEOPLE still throw parades to your KINGS and QUEENS... Sorry, that's not the definition of PEOPLE. That's the definition of an obeying mindless slave.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Thank you for the sole rational & decent response to the premise of the thread.

As for me personally, I couldn't do public facing work as a politician, I have a disability which would impede my efforts to an extensive degree, so much so that there is no way I could manage the workload.

However, I'd certainly be interested in speech writing, stuff like that. Perhaps I will sign up & see what they think.



edit on FebruaryTuesday2302CST11America/Chicago-060005 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

It seems it was not just her. These are the roots of that party.

Anti-racist group HOPE not hate responded to his comments saying it plans to closely monitor the new party. Chief executive Nick Lowles said: “HOPE not hate’s campaign focus in this election will be on Stephen Lennon [‘Tommy Robinson’], and on stopping UKIP, a party that is now unambiguously on the far right, from winning seats.

“But given Farage’s track record of inflammatory and divisive comments, we’ll be watching him very, very closely.”

He said the group will take action if “Farage or other candidates engage in the sort of racist dog whistle politics we’ve seen in the past.”

Time will tell.

Oh Wait, one day ago...bribery?
edit on q00000011228America/Chicago1212America/Chicago2 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: ltrz2025

"You PEOPLE still throw parades to your KINGS and QUEENS... Sorry, that's not the definition of PEOPLE. That's the definition of an obeying mindless slave."

Thanks for insulting the British people.

Our late Queen's death and funeral led to a genuine outpouring of grief and mourning and, more to the point, brought us all together.

Your "definition" has no basis in reality and is grossly insulting.

I don't think Farage has much to offer us, apart from yet more sleaze.

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: ltrz2025
Our late Queen's death and funeral led to a genuine outpouring of grief and mourning and, more to the point, brought us all together.

I don't have to say much, after you said this, it's all said. Spoken like a proper BRITISH. That BBC brainwashing propaganda is strong, no doubt about it...

You UK people are bound of a huge whooping.... and you can't see you deserve it all, and probably even more. That Queen "you cry for", with ALL her family, are probably some of the most psychopatic genocidal murderers in the entire human history. But yeah, your national anthem is entitled "God save the Queen"... whatchagonnado?.... Seems like God had other plans.

edit on 14-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2023 @ 11:58 AM
This is a spiritual war in my belief. Personal conviction is what is required for genuine spiritual growth and I think the same applies here. When people have seen enough evil they will believe it to be a real force at work and if combined with the prophetic scriptures their accuracy becomes quite explicit. Though I had a predilection for religious orientation since studying the book of Revelation as a youth it has been the outright brazen behavior of evil that has affirmed it for me.

A total commitment to a cause is generally the result of cumulative experiences, dreams and information that gives one an overwhelming sense of proof. I don't believe there is any grand sweeping vision of how to influence society but small avenues we can explore that help convict others on a personal level. Grand ideas are important but a long life has shown me the even greater power of one on one experience. What we need is for those with a positive orientation to remain active in the world, inspired to do all they can to make conditions improve for us all. It is indeed the small acts that count. The covid terror has isolated many of us and that stumbling block must addressed. Meet people in person, bring cheer and joy to others. I had a Drs appt last week and was very pleasantly surprised that simply by being open and friendly how everyone seemed happier for the interaction. I left the Dr with the distinct feeling all was well. For me all I can do is try to spread that as much as I can.

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