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Montana Bill 235. Scientific Fact Bill

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posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: frogs453

WHEREAS, a scientific fact is observable and repeatable...

Math is a scientific fact that is observable and repeatable.
Biology is a scientific fact that is observable and repeatable.
Many/most scientific theories are observable and repeatable.

Fake science like "men can get pregnant" is neither an observable or a repeatable scientific fact.
Fake science like "I don't know what a woman is, and men can be women" is neither observable fact, nor is it a repeatable scientific fact.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

You should probably talk to the scientists then to change the name from theory to fact then.

Because items such as the Theory of Relativity, the Big Bang Theory, etc are still considered Theory. You with your superior scientific knowledge may have to explain to Nobel prize winners that these are still observable and repeatable and therefore scientific fact and not theory.

And again, there are no reports of anyone teaching "fake science". You can continue to screech about this for 10 more posts, but I'll no longer engage. Theory will not be allowed. Children will lag behind their peers in knowledge and critical thinking. That's the bottom line.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: frogs453

ROFLMAO. It is not I who has a problem, it is you and those like you who don't understand that although gravity is still a theory, as far as we know it is the right educated guess. Which is why they are still theories because they are still educated guesses. But again, you don't seem to understand to take context in consideration.

That bill doesn't just say, if it is a theory we won't allow it...

The bill says, if it is a theory but it is an observable fact that can be replicated it should be taught. As it is an educated guess.

If you were right the bill wouldn't state, and I quote...AGAIN...:

WHEREAS, a scientific fact is observable and repeatable...

Context is everything, and people like you most often ignore context in every single topic you decide to comment on.

This is why people like you take comments completely out of context EVERY SINGLE TIME.

The concept of context seems to be foreign to you, or for some reason you can't understand what context within an argument, or a sentence, is.

edit on 12-2-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

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