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Creation Of The Universe Within A Cell – Halcyone Visions Of Pleiades Seven Sisters/Layers

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posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:45 AM
Most of this actually falls under metaphysics. But because I gained the understanding through visions/dreams, it seemed like it should be posted in here

If admin disagrees, please move it to metaphysics, as I would actually prefer it posted under that heading

To start with, I was having a dream the other night where I was in the same room as a someone who was some type of molecular biologist. They were on their computer having a video conference with someone else who worked in the same field

It sounded as though they worked in bio-medicine, based on the things they were talking about

I did not know what, exactly, they were talking about

So I connected with another “part of myself” who I knew would understand these things, and let them listen to what the scientists were talking about

Thought I think I was only meant to be in the room making coffee, I interrupted them and corrected one of them on something they were saying

“It does not work like that”, I told them

They both went quite for a moment, whilst the one in the room on a computer turned and looked at me

I continued saying,

“There are three main parts inside of any cell”


One of them tried telling me that I was wrong, but I assured them I was not, and continued

“All three also have a secondary state, to their main state. But this is not important right now”

I then started telling them in great detail (which I cannot remember exactly), how the interaction between mineral and bacteria was responsible for the creation of enzymes and things such as alkalinity

I then told them that the way to control the function and production of the cell, lay within working out the resonant frequency of the protein, within both reception and exception

I then went into detail about how you could manipulate the resonance to grow and evolve the cell, or to make it tear itself apart

The most interesting part of this, and the reason I am writing this …

Is that I went on to explain how you could easily manipulate a cell in any way you wanted to, to make it do whatever you wanted. As long as you had it contained within an environment, where the internal resonant pressures and forces, were met by external resonant pressures and forces that equalised to not only the cell, but to the natural environment itself

An environment which allowed you to tune and equalise the forces and pressures, as you manipulated the resonance to change within the cell

To the point where you could actually create and evolve a microcosm world, within the cell

One of them asked if I was talking about some type of hyperbaric chamber

To which I answered, no, that it needed to be far more advanced than this

I then went on to detail something I have had visions about, many times throughout the years

A type of machine that is capable of creating an entire world, similar to the world we exist within

I told them that the pressure inside this chamber need be dense enough to crush the sun itself. And you need to be able to concentrate it into a point, smaller than the head of a needle

I told them that the chamber they created needed to be massive. To handle even the smallest cell

In other visions I have had relative to this, I saw a working version of this machine clearly. It glowed a brilliant luminous blue colour, within a hollow massive sphere, made up hexagons. The chamber inside the sphere stood at lest 30-40 stories high

Once you design a machine such as this, to create the type of pressure you need, you can manipulate any type of cell you want, in any way you want to

You can take a small cell, like the one they were looking at, and as long as it was a real biological cell containing protein, mineral and bacteria, you could begin to create an entire new world in/within/with the/that cell

Turn the cell into a miniature self-contained Universe, which would literally evolve a network of planets and stars within it

In other visions I have had relative to this, I was in a luminous type of dimension. Within which, light behaves differently to the light we know within our world. Different even to the light we know within our normal dreams

Though it could be said that the light within this world and dimension, behaves “similar” to how light behaves within our dream, the colours are richer and more vibrant. Almost like a hologram, made up of impossibly pure colour. Black that is a purer black than any you have ever seen or experienced. Reds which are purer and redder. Blues which are bluer. Here, it is as if light emanates from “within” the things which are being lit, rather than being a reflection of the light shining “upon” that which is being lit

When you first see this realm and the colour within it, it feels almost like seeing real colour for the first time

As if the colours we see in our waking world, are washed out, thin and laced with some type of mesh or “static” in comparison

So afterwards, your vision in the waking world, looks as though it is awash with the static fuzz of an old television set

“They” (those not of this world and its main dimensions) have referred to this as the Halcyone dimension

Something they explained to me within how our perception within this world is manifested through the Pleiades. As 1 of 7 layers of our physical perception

3 layers are the main tangible and intangible dimension of the waking world, which exist alongside Maia, which is “Mind”

The other 4 layers are an exchange relationship between how “light” energies manifest within the physical or unseen body. Or, the “flesh” if you prefer

Asterope = Astral Plane
Maia = Mind
Taygeta = Tangible Plane

Alcyone = Halcyone = Luminous Light Without Source
Celaeno = Flesh Without Mind
Merope = Metabolic = Drawing Function Of Flesh
Electa = Electrical = Discharge Of Path Or Network

Within visions I have had based on the “Halcyone” dimension, I often see myself as someone else. I look human, but not exactly like the humans of this world

My eyes are a light luminous blue and I am bald

A baldness I feel is something genetic. I do not feel as though any of my particular species grows hair

On occasions I have inadvertently “woken up” for a moment, in another body, in another dimension. As if my body in this world is some type of avatar

I have woken up, with an old, bald, cone-headed man standing over me, while I am laying in some type of technological chamber or tube

As I woke up, I saw his face and eyes clearly for a moment. Before he placed his left hand up in front of me and a brilliant blue and white light shone out from his palm, which put me back to sleep

A light, which seems to be technological, worn on the palm of the hand within some type of glove. A tool of some sort which appears to amplify the will of wearers body and mind

I'll write a little more about this later

On more than a few occasions, I have seen this big machine. Enough times to give me a basic understanding of how it works

Inside of a massive chamber, they take a sample of a physical cell, to turn it inside out

Outside of the chamber, they need to input a map, for the physical development of the cell, in order to create a type of atmosphere within it, that will turn it into not only a physical world, but an entire universe, able to create and sustain life

To do this, the mind of a living person needs to be integrated into the cell, as a type of key

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:45 AM
The person sits on a chair, which then reclines backwards so that they are laying down, similar to something like a dentists chair

Beams of light are then focused in on their body from the ceiling. Like lasers, covering their entire body. But most importantly, forming in a ring around the persons head

There is a secondary pressurised chamber which can be seen from this room, with a machine inside that looks like the engine of a jet aircraft

But instead of spitting out flame, it spits out a strange luminous blue light, which appears to accelerate, then fold backwards in on itself

Light which seems to rupture and fold back on itself, as if it is under incredible pressures which literally prevent the pure luminous light from being able to travel in a straight line

It keeps spitting more and more light out, seemingly increasing its power. Light which is also folded back upon itself. Until the process of the light being shot outwards and folded back into the machine appears to turn violent and becomes near blinding to look at

When it eventually finds a balance, the light looks strangely like the iris of an eye, pouring light, like a fountain in both directions inwards and outwards, at the same time. Light that appears to be so perfectly in sync, that even though it is pouring at an incredible rate in both directions, inwards and outwards, it appears to be standing still. Like an arched glimmering pool of luminous, pure, blue 'energy'

Except that there is a constant flow around the central hole in both directions, within a three dimensional arc

It is amazing to see

Considering it, it feels like looking at infinite possibility, contained within a stream of light

As far as I can tell, this it the mind of the person who is being integrated into the machine, as it is being polarised and “turned inside out”. So they can then be injected into the cell, to form a new world

Once they are injected into the cell. The “big bang” begins, for the world(s) which is/are to be created

This is where the pressure of the system becomes important

Because the cell is unable to physically expand under the pressure, it forces the propagation of inwards complexity within the cell, as it seeks to equalise with the complexity of the frequencies being injected into it

Within the cell, as complexity increases, centres of focus/gravity (worlds) appear to get bigger, at the same time as that contained within the world, appears to get smaller

Creatures the size of a Kangaroo today, will look the size of a dinosaur when they are dug up later, because of the way that the increase of complexity works, within the constricting pressures

The bones of people buried, after a particular length of perceivable “time” within the cell, would appear to be giants, when the reality was, that the world had simply passed another layer, or critical “mass” limit, of complexity in growth, since they were buried

Microcosm cells, promote microcosm cells, as the complexity within increases

One world, turns into many

An entire artificial neural network is created, between stars, mimicking the brain of the interfaced person, within the pressurised cell

Cells develop atmospheres, which are relative to a phase relationship exchange across multiple cores, all fixed within sequence and “orbit” of larger macrocosm cells

As the complexity grows inwards, the external cell mediums, appear to expand and grow larger. Even though they, and the contents within it, have not actually grown in any way, since they were created

Within terms of the machine itself, outside of the cell, mere minutes have passed

But within the dilation and pressures of the machine, inside the parent cell, years turn into decades, which turn into centuries, which turn into millennia

The mass growing within the sphere, interfaced through the light turbine, begins to equalise. And in doing so, it literally draws the mind of the connected person out of the head, into the machine

Effectively turning their mind inside out, as to promote the source of all life into/within the machine and its cell

Something that seems to be an incredibly painful experience for the person connected

Like having their conscious mind torn from ever cell in their body and pulled across dimensional space, to be injected into another set of polarised, internal dimensions

Providing a centralised “key” for the complexity of the network created within the cell, to promote all the varying forms of life. Based upon this key

The centralised phase-conjugation of vortices from internal and external pressures, writes this key across and throughout the medium as various forms of the “Serpent”, which manifests within the evolving complexity of cells as D.N.A

Within the parent cell, the persons conscious mind is torn apart. Shattered into billions upon billions of pieces, to be reformed over the space of millions, then billions of years

Life evolves, in both directions. The persons keys to life are injected into the “roots” of the already developed network of world “bodies”, at the same time as they propagate outwards through the “tree” and its branches

The internal concentration of their “key” coding, promotes life across the aggregate medium. Binding within the fractal decay, and life forms along pathways of least resistance. Opening outwards upon itself, in perfect balance to developing inward cellular complexity, which mirrors the patterns of fractal decay

Biological life is shaped and developed along all branches of the tree, relative to the patterns of the fractal decay, within the various levels of of the centralised spheres or bodies

The internal-external exchange balances across a fluid medium, creating the water/fluid bridge, between internalised solid, and externalised gas

A central body or “world” turning inwards to promote life, must equalise to outward pathways from its surface, which create countless versions of outward microcosmic paths, within life is able to aggregate as an smaller “return” versions of the inwards-to-outwards exchange. All various forms of life, in all various forms of pathways, evolve to balance within their given environment and degrees of exchange

Propagating in integrated networks that not only mimic the network of “stars” and “planets” of the “universes” cell above them, but also the mind of the person who originally promoted the “key” into the cell, by which they are able to create all the stabilised, harmonic layers within the cell

The development of stars and planets, relative to the reflection of integrated smaller network patterns of “life” within it, promotes a type of neural network of electromagnetic/energetic discharge between the celestial bodies, capable of promoting a secondary “self-reflection” relative to thought. Seeding the collective “consciousness”

The “neural” network becomes so complex, that it is able to look back upon itself, within the reflection of life bodies contained within it, to give the individual their “conscious”. Whilst also giving that individual the ability to reflect upon their conscious, as “mind”

A network which develops as a near identical mirror to the neural network of the brain, of the person attached

Till eventually, worlds are born within worlds, which mimic that persons body. As well as the world from which they are connected

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:47 AM
Layers of pressure and frequencies, which are promoted from/by the fact they are being created, and exist within, near identical layers of pressure and frequencies

With a species of people, embodied in a way which nearly identically mimics that of the persons body attached as its key

Worlds which will evolve into becoming near identical copies, of the world from which that person came from

I am taught through these visions, and what I am told about them, that being torn across dimensions in this way to give birth to a new world, is one of the most painful things that someone can ever go through

The only difference I feel like there is between the world the person is injected from, and the world they create. Is the exchange relationship in physics, responsible for things like the heat and cold we experience in this world

There does not seem to be such concepts in the world the person is injected from

I think this is why they do not have hair

Because there is no need for their bodies to have a coating for electrical discharge, the way we do, because there appears to be no direct exchange relationship within their world that would cause heat and cold

Such an exchange, seems to be a side-effect of the way this world is created. And the manner in which we are able to reflect and exist within this world

Something inherent to the technology which injects them into, and creates, this world

Though I am not sure exactly how this part works, I feel, from what I can tell; that the person who is injected will be born into this world, and live a life, many times over throughout its evolving history of the universe within

They will live from generation to generation. Born in a way that the “key” (D.N.A) passing into their physical body, evolves to become closer and closer to their original code, as the Universal cell is able to “decode” it over time. Or possibly just translate it into something equivalent within this world

This means they would be born, like us in every way. Without any clue as to exactly who they are. Though they would grow to develop some sense of their importance to this world, it would be without ever likely completely “waking up” within our realms

Each time they come, they would awaken more and more. And become more and more powerful, in comparison to the other people within their world

Each time, likely bringing more and more understanding for evolving, as well as inspiration for things like technology

As to each time, accelerate their passing from this world, back into their original bodies

I have seen something very particular in a vision, which I believe tells me exactly what the “purpose” is for them doing this. But I will detail this towards the end of the post

From what I can tell from my various visions on this technology over the years …

In the beginning, when the technology was first developed, only certain people went through this process, as it had the potential to fail, and the results for the connected mind trying to create the failed world, could be disastrous

In fact, they did not know exactly what happened to the mind of the person connected, if their world failed. Only that they would die inside the interface along with the failed world

A death which they theorised, would have been a very slow and painful process, given the contraction/dilation of time, to billions of years within the cell

It was quite possible that what took the person moments to die while connected to the machine, equated to a slow and painful death over hundreds or thousands of years within the cell. Possibly even millions, to billions of years of what is believed would be pure pain

Though they have no way of knowing for certain. As none live to tell the tale from an inside perspective

Not a nice way to go regardless. Which meant, that people were not exactly lining up to test it

And of the people who were, only a small percentage were deemed suitable

From what I can tell from my visions over the years, the technology was originally created as a means by which they could interface two people, for the purposes of correcting mental issues within the person

It was used to correct “sickness” within the mind, such as compulsions for violent. As well as a way to forcefully exorcise trauma and repressed emotion

The first clinical use of the technology was in prisons. I have had visions of this, where people convicted of crimes such as murder, were interfaced with stable-minded adepts in the technology, to correct pathways within their brain. To match pathways in the brain of another person, who did not have such “issues”

Later this would be adapted as a way to target certain genetic disorders, coupled with hypotherapy. Treatment by way of manipulating the red blood cells, which would become the future of medicine as we knew it

And I am told, will become the future of medicine in this world, once we understand how it works

Early versions of the technology had electrodes inserted under the skin of the persons head. Like a very literal “crown of thorns”, which allowed them to be interfaced with the technology

At this stage, they did not have the pressurised chambers to inject a person into a cell and create a world entirely from their own mind

The technology merely allowed for the neural network of one brain, to be programmed off of another

They still required targeted resonant technology to physically manipulate the cells they wanted to make the changes to

They would resonantly target certain “malfunctioning” parts of one persons brain, to “bleed and heal”. Reforming pathways and neural links, using the brain of a second interfaced person as a type of road-map to copy

Later, parties carrying out some “not so legal” research into the technology, discovered that if you used a computer to actively “cross” the minds of two people, it induced a hallucinogenic type state in both parties

Hallucinations which had the potential to fell as real as the physical waking world. Where you had access to all the senses, and could experience things like emotion, love and pain

Or more specifically within the intention of these early experiments … Pleasure

But this state had the potential to be either beautiful, or horrific, depending on which two minds were “blended”

Within the hallucinogenic state, people had little control (if any) over the things they experienced. So the pleasure and heaven people went looking for by blending their minds together, often resulted in a hell of pain

Until a method was developed which allowed the integration of a third mind. To act as a medium or balance for the other two being interfaced

A third party, who was essentially “sleeping without dreaming”, whilst being used as a type of bridge “key” between the two other people interfaced. A person who was neither active, nor usually, aware, within the interactions between the other two peoples minds

This allowed both parties a certain degree of control and freedom within their actions

But unfortunately, though they found themselves able to function freely within the world that they created, they also usually found themselves without the ability to remember exactly who they were, or why they were there

Making it mostly pointless, for all but a particular “lucid” type of person, who had the ability to retain memories within this state

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:47 AM
The results of the using this technology were found to often be more destructive to the people interfaced, then anything else

But it did provide one unexpected piece of understanding, vital to future versions of the technology. And that was the fact that time dilated within these experiences

An hour worth of integration in real-time, often accounted to days, or months, within the blending of their minds

Something which could even be focused out to years, depending on the strength of the frequencies that were used to interface those within

In years to come, they would develop a small-scale biological cellular “processor”. In which cells from the person connected, could be used to create a type of opposing force to their interface, that allowed the person to have mild hallucinations, based within their own mind, and in a world of their own creating

This technology was very limited at first, as it was hard to use, and required practice and massive amounts of computing power to sync with the pressurised cell “processor”

But it did teach, that the greater the pressure applied to the cell, the easier it was to interface the person

Opening up this technology, took many years and incarnations

Until eventually, they were able to create the version which I have often seen in my visions

One created in a spherical chamber, with pressures great enough to collapse the sun. As is needed to fully reverse a persons mind and inject it into the cell “processor”

So they are not only “injected” into another world. They give birth to it, and are then born into it

Now, to the reason I can see, for why this technology is used

In particular visions I have had …

I saw myself as a person “completing” a cycle within this technology and waking up

I got up, naked, from the recliner and opened a small piece of fabric which looked like a hand-towel

I slung this hand-towel around my waist and it instantly wrapped around my body and caught on itself. Before it grew, expanding outwards to cover my entire body, like a one piece suit

Some type of intelligent fabric, which is able to expand, morph and shape to your body

I walk out of the room which I am in, into another room

*Note: I have had very strange visions relative to extremely advanced technology within this realm. Where constraints like physical dimension, do not apply

Which happened when I walked out of this doorway

There is a type of doorway, that you walk into, which opens into a short type of dimensional hallway. As you walk forwards a few steps, it looks as though the walls contract inwards on you, to then expand back outwards in another few steps, and within doing so, you have been transported to another room, far from the one you came from. Within the matter of just a few steps through your doorway, you can emerge out of any similar doorway you want, anywhere in the world

You do not even have to speak where you want to go. You need only think about your destination, and you are there **

As I walk through the doorway, I am transported to a room, with large pill shaped chambers within them

I approach one of them and look into the shell at what is happening within

They appear to be something similar to a sarcophagus. Except there are discharges of light and energies within it, coursing through fluid, which are taking the form of a human body

It is some type of machine for creating the physical body of a person. Like a biological printer

I look upwards at a line of similar pill-shaped sarcophagus in the room, all of which seem to be busy printing the bodies of different individuals

From what I can feel looking at the machines, they are printing bodies for the conscious minds of people who I met, and were created within my journey into the microcosmic cellular world, created from my own mind

I had returned here, after my countless lifetimes away in that world, and brought back a list of “people” who existed within that world, who were now have bodies built for each of their individual conscious, in this world. So they could be born into this world with me

I watched as one of them, a woman I had loved within the machine, during one of my lifetimes, wakes up from the machine in her new body. As conscious and real as she had been, before her death. In a body which looks exactly like the one she had known

She is confused momentarily, but then recognises me and smiles. As if she suddenly knew everything she needed to know, about who she was and how she was there/got there

I feel a moment of perfect happiness and love, as I looked her in the eyes and smiled back at her

It appears as if, the reason for journeying inside this technology, is the creation of other “versions” of people, based upon yourself

A type of technological evolution. Where your creations, can then go on to create a better and more refined world, where they can bring forth suitable created versions of themselves, when they in-turn, return from their own world. If such suitable creations are found

Some worlds will have better elements. Some will have worse

These “improvements” can then be programmed into future versions of the universal cell experiments

But within the path of these experiments and creation of new individual “souls” based on your own. There seem to be a much larger intended purpose to what is being done

For with this particular version of technology, I get the feeling, that the person I am experiencing is one of a kind

That the technology and “realm” he exists in, is limited for use amongst the people of his original world, to him, and him alone. Or those who have been created from him, to refine improvements from and through them

There does not seem to be any other equivalent version of the technology, which can be used by anyone else outside of him, and his own body

Not because it is not possible. But because of the way his species has developed, and the particular understanding

Something to do with their own version of “genetics”, making him the most directly relatable “source” bloodline amongst their people

The person with the clearest definable and most “ancient” root connection to their world

For this reason, it is seen as a waste of time, for anyone with a lower “sub-set”, or less direct connection to do what he is doing

It is deemed a waste of time for what they are trying to achieve, for anyone, but the purest direct link to go through

As the greater purpose seems to be, to evolve each incarnation of their species

With improvements that can be learned through his experiments

But most interestingly to those carrying out these experiments, is that with most journies inwards, they encounter certain anomalies, which cannot be explained within what is created

Variations and events, which fall outside of the equilibrium of what is created, and what the system should be able to do

Something which is seen as evidence to be collected and studied, on the nature of their own source of creation. Or what some in this world today would call “God”

Things which cannot be explained. Even amidst their incredible degree of understanding and control over such things

People created within the worlds of their experiments, with qualities that exceed what they should be able to know, or should be capable of

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:48 AM
Some are destructive and dangerous to the point where entire worlds need be destroyed to “close” off their connections, without bringing anything back from within

Others are beautiful beyond words. And frustratingly impossible to explain within the limited time-span of the persons life within the experiments

Even versions which are brought back, seem to never quite recapture the indefinable characteristics that are often seen within them, whilst they are being manifested within the experiments

Though the world in which they come from is different to ours in terms of physics, the relationship between the inner world being created directly from the physics of the outer world, promotes anomalies within, which seem to be some type of mirrored difference between the source of their own creation and “God”, similar to the differences they seem to encounter within the internal world

It is believed, that these anomalies may hold the key to them understanding the nature of their own creation, and possibly even lead to them being able to step outside of their own world, in an external sense

Even still. The nature of these anomalies seems to elude and be as in undefinable as the true nature of their creation within their own world

People inside with incredibly detailed knowledge of things they should not be able to know or see, also seem to give a glimpse into things beyond even those who created them. That are sometimes as impossible to decipher for them, as the nature of their reality is, to those created inside their experiments

The closer they, themselves, seem to get to knowing the source of their creation, the further away those giving them such comprehension seems to take them from that understanding

Whenever they feel they seem to have something perfectly understood, they are presented with another layer, which indicates that they may actually know nothing of what they think they do

As if peering into the void, only allowed them to see another level of chaos, beyond their own understanding of things like balance and equilibrium

And so these experiments are carried out as process of refined evolution. But also as a search for the source of creation within their own world, or “God”

A theory within which, it is speculated, that they may eventually refine and bring back someone from within their microcosm worlds, who could echo the very “creator” or “source” of their own world

Though the implications of what the effect of this would be, are wide and varied

In other visions, I have seen more details about the blue-light device that is worn around the palm of the hand, like a glove. A device that allows you to amplify your bodies energies to do incredible things

It not only allows you to manipulate a persons biological energies. To, for instance, dazzle someone and put them to sleep. But it also allows some type of energetic sync between conscious minds, and bodies (if you are wearing a full body suit to go with it)

Almost like a later, hand-held version, of the early versions of technology for creating universes

There is also a version which attaches to the hand, looking something like a disk-shaped clear set of knuckle dusters. This version acts as not only a way to communicate and manipulate/control the biorhythms of living creatures around you, but it can also be used as a powerful and effective weapon

One which has the potential to discharge a type of electrical shock-wave out from the body in all directions. To disable, or even kill, anything living within a reasonably larger area surrounding the user. A shock-wave which can be directed, in one particular direction across the ground. Or spread out to a full 360 degrees

I have also seen it used as a way to target the wearer, for physically transporting the matter of their body across some type of focused light. Like some type of teleporter, except it works through the contraction and expansion of dimensional space, around a focus point

I saw a vision of myself, as one their species, injected into a type of unevolved primordial world. A world mostly covered in fog and swamp

In this vision, I am wearing a suit for breathing, whilst taking core samples of soil

I watched as this persons, as they had a beautiful interaction with early forms of life who were as curious about them, as they were about those life-forms

I could sense their emotion and amazement, as a fairly large type of semi-evolved humanoid life-form (which looked like a cross between a human, a sloth, and a monkey) actively protected them from something which looked like an early evolved type of “big cat”

I/they were aware of the cat stalking them and could have easily shocked it at any time, to scare it off …

But the other creature, who saw us being stalked, stepped in to challenge the cat. Causing it to think twice and run away

I/they were quite pleased at the protective instincts of the creature, because it showed the seeds of an evolved intelligence within such curiousity and instinct

An instinct to protect something, which may not be able to protect itself

I could feel them look upon it like a proud parent. Like it was something truly beautiful

I watched them interface with some type of A.I within their suit

A type of artificial technological neural network of glowing pathway covered their body

Using the device in their hand, they promoted a feeling of love and safety to the creature who had protected them, who seemed enamoured by them as it stared wide-eyed in wonder

The reached forward and offered their hand to the creature, who in turn, slowly and cautiously walked in towards them, to stretch out its hand and touch theirs

As their hands touched, the suit discharged a type of illuminated energy across to the body of the creature

Something, I feel, was enabled within the creature, by this touch

As if something was activated within their D.N.A

The man in the suit had given them some of type of gift. To thank them for being beautiful, and essentially, being exactly what they were looking for in this world

The creature looked at its hand momentarily, as if shocked at what had coursed into its body through the touch

But it then continued to look at its own hand in wonder, as if were contemplating the nature of of its own physical body and being, and ability to feel such things for the first time

The man in the suit verbally thanked them for being beautiful, in a strangely sweet and melodic sounding language, then stepped back from them with their samples into the fog

I saw the curved bottom of a craft appear, piercing the fog above them, silently

A ring of lights around the bottom of the craft swung inwards and down upon the man, to focus a beam of light from within the craft, that targeted the device the man was holding

And pulled him into the ship

In a way which did not seem so much as if it was “teleporting” him exactly, as it did, that it was somehow compressing the nature of time and space in phase. So that the physical space of two separate place was focused into one. So that the person could then be pulled from one place to the other, as the two were expanded from each other

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:49 AM
Similar to technology I have seen where phased space is concentrated within a bucky-ball, to allow instantaneous travel from one place in the universe to another

Space is essentially shrunk down. To then be made big again. So you do not need travel anywhere to travel across the entire universe. Only focus yourself into a different location

Exactly like using pinch on your phone, to zoom out, then zoom back in on somewhere else

I'll post another thread in a moment, with another experience within the same type of luminous realm. Where I travel through the eye of Sagittarius, to some form of in-between world which feels like a type of laboratory, or launching pad to this world

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 04:14 AM
Something interesting I have just realised ...

Is that this mans search for souls he can take back with him into his own world ...

Is nearly identical to the story of Orions search for the seven sisters of the Pleiades

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I find myself wanting to watch this in a movie format!

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I did read your opening posts, but I wonder if somehow you tapped into the universal consciousness, perhaps the Pleiadians themselves through your dream state, why oh why would you not ask them to explain to you why they thought you were wrong?

One of them tried telling me that I was wrong, but I assured them I was not, and continued

edit on q00000006131America/Chicago5151America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Hi quintessentone

The first people I mentioned were just normal every day humans in a Skpye of Zoom call

The ones later were luminous blue, bald beings

I probably should have clarified, that the ones I mentioned in the start were not relevant in/to the rest of the post

It was just that what I "connected" with to speak to them in that dream the other night, described the same technology to them that I had seen in other dreams/visions, which I went on to describe in the post

That dream with them inspired me to write about the technology I had seen, which is why I mentioned it as the start

From where I start describing the Pleiades, is completely separate

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