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Line Of Probability Within Dreams/Visions And The Nature Of Prophecy - An Experiement

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posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:45 AM
OK, bare with me for a second. This is a long one

I am posting this thread as a type of experiment, relative to the lines of probability within this world. That many often view and refer to linearly as things like “prophecy”

I learned long ago, that dreams are most often reverse manifested, to things which happen in the real world

For instance, if you dream about “Royalty”, it will usually correlate to something in the real world like “The common people”

“Exact” opposites. Not just binary opposites, like up/down, left/right, etc

A dream you have where you feel free, travelling out into the open ocean in a submarine, can manifest within the real world, as you being cut off by a car whilst riding a motorcycle on a multi-lane roads

Over the years, I have become very competent in viewing and understanding the real life events which take place in my life, relative to how I see them in reverse within dreams

To the point where I can recognise things happening, as they happen in real time

I will be sitting talking to someone, and I can see exactly how the conversation and setting, is the reverse of a dream I had. As it happens, in great detail

It is similar to what people refer to as déjà vu, except that I am able to remember exactly where I saw it, and even often remember when the dream I saw it in happened

It goes far deeper than this though

Not only can I recognise (in the real life “effigian” realm), where and when I saw the things I am experiencing relative to dream/vision sync (in the non-effigian realm)

I can also (to varying degrees) recognise cycles of these events, recurring (to varying degrees), throughout my life

Something happens, that I not only know I have seen before in a particular dream which I remember. But I also recognise that it aligns with past events, which seem to happen in cycles/be happening in a cycle

The more I recognise these cycles, the more apparent things become, which I did recognise or acknowledge before

The more I become aware of these incidents, the more I start to realise “why” particular events took place at times in my life, relative to things which I did, or experienced

Something strange would happen, involving a particular person. Which is a direct reversal of something I did, involving completely different and seemingly unrelated people

Events that are joined by nothing but the manifestation of reverse sync, within the resonant frequency of our sphere

Events that happen both forwards, and in reverse

I've come to learn that it does not really matter whether certain events came to be before or after the things I did that they were/are inexplicably linked to

They were no less responsible for causing the things which happened to me, or I chose, then I am responsible for theirs

We simply aligned to each other within the manifestation of probability

These lines of probability seem to be subject to the same "interference patterns" that we see within things like the double-slit experiment. Where the visual resonance of an optical device which can interact with light, also interferes with the light being observed. To change the way it behaves

I learned many years ago, that if I shared dreams or visions I have of possible (probably) future events, then they do not happen

At least, not as I saw that they would

If I kept them to myself however, there was/is a good chance I would/will see it happen within the next few days. Exactly as I saw it would

But the second I told people about it, it would not happen. Even though something similar may/might happen

I angrily curse Queen Elizabeth II, as the source of unjust policies suspending drivers licenses for people who do not (or can not) pay fines (meaning people are charged as criminals, even when they have done nothing criminal by driving, other than being poor), when they forced upon me by the Police. Telling them that I curse her to die in the next 3 days, as the source/figurehead for such unjust policies. A few days later, “Prince” Philip is in a car accident. Where he claims he was dazzled by the sun

I am told by little birdies. That is was also highly likely that “Prince Philip” did not actually have a valid drivers license at the time of his accident

Something that they say was actively covered up, along with him not being criminally charged

This is where things like cause and effect become confusing

Because from this, it could be said, in certain circumstances, that the very reason why I saw it happening exactly as it was going to happen, is because it was highly probably that it was something I would not share

Or, had it been something, which it was highly probably I would come to share, then I would not have seen it to happen, as it come to end up happening

The alternative consideration to this, would be that the causality of/for these coming events, lays within my ability to think on such things. Which is a much bigger alternative can of worms to consider

If the action of sharing, or not sharing, determines the outcome, then this would also pose direct dire considerations as to the “realness” and legitimacy the rest of the population of this world, and even indeed, the world itself

It is far less likely that “Prince” Philip crashed because of my cursing “Queen” Elizabeth II for allowing unjust policies to be enforced as if they were laws …

Than it is, that I came to be in this situation, to establish the hypocrisy within guarded policies and laws, which were to be brought to bare, to both sides aligned with the type of things that both I, and “Prince” Philip, were going to experience

It merely appears as though I actively cursed her, to suffer under similar circumstances

The real purpose of the coincidence, is establishing justification to cause, within the policies and laws

In essence, to prove that they were unfit to rule, or carry the titles which they carry. By the way in which they treat themselves, compared to how they conduct themselves against others

So they could be judged guilty of dissent, by the choices they made about what consequences Prince Philip would face, as opposed to what they would allow a normal person to face under their system

This is where a principle of phased manifestation needs be adopted

There is neither control or “free will” over the situation, nor is there submission to being subject to a collective will

In all such things, there needs be both, and neither. Or such considerations and choices would not exist

It has to do with the transient state of a reality which phases between the physical (effigian) realm, and the non-physical (pre-effigian and post-effigian) realms

The reason that I refer to “pre” and “post” effigian (referring to the effigy. Ephesians), is because the cyclic nature of probability and its manifestation within a collective sync such as the population of this world, happens in both directions

When you learn to recognise the sync between your dreams and things you do in the living world, you will find that experiences are never a simple linear sync, in the same way that we experience waking linear cycles or manifestations, such as time

The things we dream usually happen before the events, which then come be in the waking world

But often, we will dream about a reverse sync of things which we have already done, or have already happened in the waking world

Within this, I believe, lays the degree of freedom afforded to us, within our choices, and ability to affect change
edit on 22 1 23 by Compendium because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:46 AM
Within such, the choices we have are never an illusion of free will, or a choice which was always made for us, before we ever had a choice to make it. Rather, they are more the ability or function we are offered, to steer our path to varying degrees, within the probability determined by, and afforded to us, by the collective pathways we exist within

A small degree of variation within these paths, can always lead to major variations, further along the paths

Though we are subject to the phase manifestation, within their propagation and/or aggregation, we are never completely controlled by them. Only limited, to various extends. Even if these limitations do sometimes appear as blockages

The illusion of being guided, is no different to the illusion of being fully in control

Neither is true. They are merely varying degrees of probability and our ability to recognise them within sync

It could be described similar to the experience of feeling free to get in your car and drive wherever you want to

You may be free to choose the path you take. But only to the degree that you are subject to the placement of roadways, cities, and any possible “destinations” that you could choose

And this is without all the other consideration as to your “freedom” to move. Such as your ability to afford the fuel, your responsibilities limiting time and travel choices. Your car and its reliability. And even considerations like Government restrictions upon you, for whatever reason they decide to impose them, such as believing they have the right to take your license away, when you have committed no other offense, other than having no money. Whether they be considered just, or unjust. They are pathways of probability. Determined as much by our actions, as they do determine our actions

All lines of probability work in the same way. Courses of least resistance, which are relative to not only the individual conscious mind, but the collective consciousness

Within this same type of “network” lays the secret to understanding what things like dreams and visions are, and how they work

You dream of the things which are probable, based upon the pathways available to you within your environment

If your plans are to go to work that day, and do particular tasks that you have planned. Then your dreams will often be a reverse sync “plan” of what you are to come to do in the days following

In other regards, your mind will often dream of a reverse sync of things which you have already done, or thing swhich have already taken place in this world, as a kind of “update” for your conscious mind, within its connection to the collective sync

Think of it like an electronic device receiving an update at night, while it is “sleeping”. Which allows it to continue to interact most effectively with other similar (common) software, or devices

It allows for the collective of the individuals and their actions within the sphere, to maintain a type of centralised sync

This is why, for the most part, dreams and visions are experienced as a reverse of things which actually come to be

Now …

The reason for this post and me explaining this …

Over the years, I have at times, come to experience sync within dreams/visions, that relates to types of short-count cycles within the waking world

Where I will experience a dream of things which have happened over the course of weeks or months prior

This also happens in reverse, where I experience events over the course of weeks, months (or even years) which I have already experienced in the one dream, on one night, a while before

Think of déjà vu, except that you “unlock” multiple levels or layers or realisation. The recognition of one sync, leading to another, correlating to various other things

This is recognition of not only a particular 'linear' manifestation of the lines of probability. But some type of correlation of 'complex non-linear dynamics' within these lines

Similar to a remote viewing ability to see across dimensions into other peoples minds, bodies or lives. Except, you are viewing the collective consciousness, or the mind of the world itself

Manifestation that becomes even more confusing, when it relates to considerations of the very thing and probability you are viewing

The best I can think of to describe this confusion is …

Imagine having a very vivid dream of you doing something, that you later recognise in the real world, as being you physically considering the dream which you had

You literally dreamed, about the situation where you would come to consider yourself, considering the dream of itself, itself

This is only the tip of the ice-berg

It gets far more confusing, when other people begin to manifest the considerations of such things

Where they act as the fulfillment of things you have dreamed of, which come to take place in this world around you, seemingly for no other reason, than to point you to the dream itself, within consideration of the dream, or them fulfilling the dream

People begin to act as a type of probability/prophecy magnet, to your ability to recognise the cycles and correlate between dimensions/realms

The more you start to understand about what these alignments and sync are supposed to teach you, the more people actively inject considerations into your life, designed to bring you to these exact sorts/types of realisations

But in ways which have massive implications for your personal connection to the collective “reality” of this world

Entire massive world events, linked to simple things which you did, or saw. In ways that seem to be for the specific purpose of opening you to a particular understanding. Or validating considerations on certain things

Even people and other things dying around, begin to directly correlate to the depth of this sync

I experience a very specific type of strong pain. Which then relates exactly to how one of my animals dies later the next day. Which then in-turn relates directly to how someone I know dies the day following that

If it were not for the fact I already had understanding on how neither incident can be said to be “responsible” for the other, then I would almost feel guilty about some of the things which take place, as they are directly ingrained to alignment within the choices I make within my personal life

But I am no more doing it to them, or killing them, than they are causing me the pain within my decisions prior

I know this is true, because more often than not, these things happen unintentionally. Without any choice being apparent in my alignment to these things, that I could be blamed for

You are simply aligned within the probability

The alignments go much, much deeper. To degrees of phase, that are nearly impossible to explain, unless you experience them. As there is no direct linear context through which they can be explained in words

At least, not to any degree greater than I am trying to achieve in this post

I could write entire books on the experiences I have had in this correlation, and they still would not come close to explaining the understanding offered within the experiences

Things that can only be seen and understood, within your alignment to them

Movies or TV shows, where very particular things happen to people, which relate exactly to me in things which are happening, as if manifesting some type of artificially applied version of the dream/vision sync
edit on 22 1 23 by Compendium because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:46 AM
Movies, TV shows and events which can happen in both directions. New movies or TV shows, imitating (or reverse imitating) events which have already happened in my life. As if the entire script were written as a reverse-form, of events and experiences I have personally been through

Or old movies and TV shows from years ago, telling of events and experiences I am about to have

But it is within music, which I believe the best indication of the depth of this phenomena can be explained

I am an original “rock” musician, who has written hundreds of songs. And recorded some, to limited success

When I tried releasing music under a very particular name, another band with a style similar to mine (namely the Foo Fighters), releases a song called “The sky is a neighbourhood”, which is the EXACT OPPOSITE of my band name, which specifies a particular name “Owning the sky”

It is as if they are directly replying to my bands name, as a statement on who own the sky, saying “No you are wrong. The sky is a neighbourhood”

Further adding to the very direct personal reply within their reverse “opposition”, was the fact that the music video for the song, showed them standing on top of a building, stomping on the “roof”, whilst singing the lyrics “banging on the ceiling”. The “ceiling” being the exact opposite (side) to the “roof” that is shown

This may sound trivial, but it is just one particular blatant example of the implications of this type of sync within, and relative to, my music, which go far, far beyond this

I will hear a new song on the radio, and know that it is an exact “reversing” of my own song

I can hear it in the music. What I am hearing, sounds exactly like one of my songs, turned inside out

So I will go and look up the lyrics to the song

And if I reverse the meaning of those lyrics? They are my song. Word-for-word. Line-by-line

Though this does feel like a blockage, which disheartens me, I do not feel as though this is some type of direct attack on me, more than it is the fact we both exist within the same realms of internal pressures and probability

I have at times, realised that songs I have written, are a type of reverse-form manifestation of older songs by other people. Without me doing it intentionally

In fact, I wrote and recorded a song, which won a couple of songwriting awards, which has elements in it that are very much directly related to the music of particular members of the Beatles. And at the time I wrote this song, I had just met a girl by the name of “Georgia Harris” (a type of feminine reverse of masculine George Harri-son)

So I appreciate how art can unintentionally propagate across probability

I know that certain people, align very directly with certain other people

Most of the songs I have written, I believe, are in fact a type of “key” that I was able to decipher, from the resonant frequency of people I knew at the particular times I wrote these songs

Like I am literally writing the song of their individual frequencies. At least, as they relate to me

I also understand that these things are linked to cycles. Such as me being born in almost perfect sync with John Lennon being shot and dying (with 3 people having the name “John” as one of their names, in just my immediate family. Not including my Dads Dad). To later write songs, which have unintentional links to the Beatles, at the time I am first meeting people, with nearly identical names to their band members

It is all alignment and sync

I understand that this is where the “inspiration” for/of certain songs comes from

This particular song that I seemed to pull out of nowhere, was almost definitely somehow linked to the Beatles, John Lennon or George Harrison, within our cycles

As much as it was linked with me meeting someone with a near identical name to one of them

So these reverse “copies” of my songs on the radio, can be no more accused of being existentially stolen somehow, than I could be accused of stealing the inspiration for my own

It all has to do with our alignment, and ability to understand the alignment

As with me being able to intentionally listen to a particular band, and copy their songwriting, if I wish to. Which is why I generally, do not own, or listen to anybody elses music. It inadvertently influences the style of my own original songwriting, to sound like whatever I am listening to. So I don't listen to any music but my own. Generally

And so, here is the experiment part

Over the last few days, I have read very particular posts within this forum, relating to dreams people have had within their own personal alignments

I have also had a particular dream, relating to a cycle taking place over the last few weeks

So I am correlating them here, as aligned elements of the past, to the future with/within/in a public post, along with the dream

In order to see what becomes of these/this particular “cycle(s)” within probability. When I have directly linked my dream of past events, to the reverse-manifestation of two people other than myself, as well as all the things I have just described within this thread

A dream thread someone else posted a few days ago, talked about them seeing things in threes, and contained things I believe very specific to me

Even to the point where the dreams themselves, may have links to their posting of the thread itself and the replies they receive

Not the first time this has happened, as I explained earlier

So this time, I am linking my own dream, to that particular thread, as well as another thread about “The Future Russian Tzar” which I am almost certain is an example of reverse-form manifestation, to events happening in the Ukraine

I will then wait and see what types of things take place in my own personal life, and the world around me. So that I can correlate them to what I wrote

As I stated earlier, I have learned that it usually proves pointless to share dreams with the intention of others reading or analysing them, because the action of doing such seems to create an interference pattern

This post will be an exception, to test the integration of other variables

Again, I do not pretend to know, or be able to cause things that will come to happen in the future …

This is merely an experiment in my inexplicable link to these lines of probability and the manifestation of relative phenomena like prophecy

In this dream:

I am talking to my older sister, who I do not get along with. We are in the heritage listed house that we grew up in, on the Air Force base in Darwin. One of the oldest houses in Darwin, which was built 50 meters from a point of convergence in Darwin, where the only highway into town, the national train line, the post office, and the airport gates, all meet

A very specific and powerful point of convergence. In a very particular place

I ask her if she can give me a lift to the beach, because I need to pick up some sand

She starts picking up dirt from the garden, telling me there is plenty of dirt here and I should just use it instead

I tell her that I need sand. Not dirt. And tell her that our Mum asked her to take me

She argues that there is no difference between the dirt and sand, and I should just use dirt from the garden

This conversation turns into the exact reason I do not like spending too much time seeing or speaking to my sister. Everything is a fight and struggle, where she can not/will not, see others point of view, if it complicates her own life in any way
edit on 22 1 23 by Compendium because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:47 AM
To the point where she will refuse to acknowledge their needs, or their need to live their own life, if it inconveniences her own life in any way

So I give up and leave …

Then I am at my current house, as a large earthquake hits

Similar to the 7.6 – 7.8 (depending on who you ask) earthquake that hit my home in Darwin, Australia, on the 10th of January, 2023

Except this earthquake was bigger

In my dream, I walked out and leaned my weight against my fish tank, to prevent the shaking and waves, from shifting it on its stand. Just as I did with the earthquake January 10th

I heard someone speak, telling me that this earthquake was much more powerful

They said it was a 12 on the Richter scale. Which is unheard of

Afterwards, I thought about going outside, to see if any cracks or sinkholes had opened up in the ground

Thought I don't think there were any

Then, I am in a small town in Italy

I am talking to an unknown male friend of mine, who is the one and only police officer in the whole town

(I think this may/might be directly related to the Pope, as often happen in my dreams/visions. I often see him, while I am playing the role of some type of spiritual council to him. Or saving him from something/someone who is attacking him)

I tell the police officer I am there to help, but he tells me that he is the only cop in town for a reason. He tells me that not much ever happens there, that would require my help

But then, as he is showing me around the town, telling me this, he is called to a crime at a shop on the foreshore of the ocean

We arrive and see someone arguing with employees of a store, which has been robbed

The owner is asking for the employee who stole from the store, to own up and admit what they have done

But none of them do/would

Until the police officer I am with, points out that there are surveillance cameras recording everywhere around the shop, so they could just go and watch the footage to know exactly who stole

After he pointed this out, three of the employees, all dressed in white, removed their white caps and all three of them, threw the hats to the ground

All throwing them to the ground in exactly the same way, at exactly the same time

Three white “beret-style” hats, cast down from the left hand, in the same motion at the ground, at exactly the same time

Something which seemed choreographed and synchronised, like some strange type of reverse-salute

Three round white hats, thrown perfectly on the ground next to each other. As the three employees in white, all walked off together in the same direction

I was confused for a moment as to what it meant for them to throw their beret-style hats on the ground in this manner

I was informed that this was some type of cultural gesture, that the police officer understood well

It meant that they were admitting to what they did

Throwing their hats, apparently, was a way of saying they give in

Then, separate events and occurrences (possibly “time” related differences in the waking world), blend in phase here, crossing over each other

I am talking to the daughter, of the younger sister of one of my good female friends

She is telling me how much she loves pizza. I am eating pizza with her momentarily in Italy. Which I comment is actually terrible, compared to pizza in Australia

She and her family are Greek

It seems strange to me for a moment, that they are living in Italy

The male cop I was talking to, has morphed into my female friend

She suddenly seems busy, so I am hanging out with her little sister (the mother of the girl I was eating pizza with)

I ask how her daughter is handling going to school in Italy, when she does not speak Italian. I do not know if she even knows how to speak proper Greek, like her Mum and Aunt

She tells me that she is getting by OK

So I tease her, asking how she is going learning Italian. When I already know full well that she cannot speak a word of Italian

She lies and says she is doing fine

So I say something to her in another language that sounds like Italian

She looks at me smirking, as if she has been caught out

I laugh and tell her not to worry, because what I said, was not actually Italian

We pull up outside some type of holiday resort, and I realise, that she is dropping me off somewhere which I do not want to be

Even though it looks like a holiday resort full of fun activities, I have been there before, and it feels like being dropped off at a prison

I did not come all the way to their world, just to be palmed off into the same prison they put me in last time I was there

I say “NO!” Immediately recognising where she is taking me

She asks me why, seemingly oblivious to why I would not like a place, which to most other people, would look like a great place to stay

I tell her I know what the place is, and I will not go in there

I leave her at the gates and walk off into the field next to the resort. Determined to get as far away from it as possible

In the fields I find the broken remnants of an old theme park. Almost as if I am peaking under the veil of “fun” they use to disguise the prison. To see the real nature of what lays underneath

A broken sling-shot ride, surrounded by overgrown grass, with faded paint and pathways

I ring my friend, to ask why she would send me off to this place again with her sister

I am hurt by the fact that she would do this to me, when she knows full well what the place was, that she was sending me to

I woke up here, feeling more depressed, sad and lonely than I have in a long time

A feeling of being betrayed to a point which is irreconcilable

Like someone I loved, had thrown me away for no good reason

For most of the day, I felt so miserable, that I would wake up, and simply shut my eyes to go back to sleep, almost hoping I would not wake up

Not even waking to feed the hundreds of animals that wait for me to feed them each morning, made me happy, like it normally does

Normally I would go out and see the wild birds waiting to be fed, chirping happily, and it would make me smile, every time

This morning, after this particular dream, I felt nothing

Feeding them was little more than a chore. Pointless. Nothing like it normally felt

It felt like something had aligned, or taken place in this world, that was the end of all my hopes and dreams

Making feeding animals a pointless exercise

Something which made this world itself, seem pointless

So, worried, I instantly went for a walk, to check on the babies of native wildlife in the area that I keep an eye on, and occasionally feed. Thinking that the dream and feelings, could be related to one of them becoming trapped, sick or injured

I thought, that even possibly, something must have happened to the love of my life. Who I have not seen or been in contact with for many years. I hope she is alright

The clouds, which also form in very clear definitive states, relative to the things I see and experience, were an almost bloody colour of pink this morning, when I woke feeling miserable

One part appeared to be some type of worm, snake or strand, possibly even a virus, or D.N.A strand, which appeared to be wiggling along a tract in the sky

And under it, was a very clearly defined image of rat

Though I love all animals, including rats. This one seemed somehow, to tell of something negative

But everything seemed alright

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 03:48 AM
Later in the day, things seemed to align in reverse-form to the dream I saw, and the empty feeling started to fade

So now, I will post this thread and wait to see what happens

See if the manifestation is direct, or reverse-form. And whether it is directly related to me, or to the world around me

Recently, I was told, that the Roman Catholic Church was given a dead-line that corresponded with midnight of December 31st 2022, and the start of the new year

Which they ignored

Something which correlates directly to the passing of Pope Benedict. As a type of “1st strike”

After this, to humour someone on this forum in another thread, I directly contacted a well-known “Exorcist” in the Catholic Church that they spoke of in their posts. I detailed my personal experiences of initiation to them, and asked for the Church to try “exorcise” me, as the person on this forum suggested I may/might need

As an apostate, who was confirmed into the Roman Catholic Church. I saw this as a challenge

But, I am told by my “teacher” friends, that this was actually a challenge for them. Rather than myself

Like the priest of “Ba'al” (Bible), being offered an opportunity to prove themselves against Elijah (Entity)

He turned down my asking for an exorcism, saying he did not believe I needed one

So I made it clear to him, that I was no requesting one. I was telling them that I wanted one carried out. In order to definitively prove the nature of the things I experience, when held against the nature of their claimed “God”

Less than a day after he ignored my second email demanding the exorcism, Australian Cardinal George Pell died

Something I am told, was “Strike 2” against them

I am curious to see, if the Church is going to get a 3rd strike

Perhaps this is what the 3 white hats being thrown down mean. And what the 3 white spiders were that someone else wrote about in their own dream thread a few days ago

It does link directly to experiences I had a while ago, where I spoke to the Darwin Diocese directly in person, and had them mock and discount my experiences

With the Vicar General even laughing at me

When he last mocked me, I felt a type of rage I very rarely feel, and gave him a warning, that the Church needs be handed back to “The Mother”

To which he said “What Mother”, pretending like he did not know exactly who or what I was speaking about. Even though the Church very intentionally built their offices, right on the edge of the botanical gardens

I have never felt disgust or anger, quite like what I felt speaking with him

Someone who would place himself to live right on top of her, then pretend he does not know her

Acting for the Church, as a type of Judas, by/under their own virtues and teachings

When this happened, I gave him a warning, speaking fluently in an unknown language (which happens to me often, with extreme emotions like joy and anger. I fluently speak some type of ancient language)

In the culmination of this warning, I pointed to 3 distinct levels within the Church. Beginning with the secretary of the Diocese to the right, then to him as the Vicar General in the middle, then finally to a picture of Pope Francis on the wall to the left behind him

I finished by telling him, to tell “Charles” he had till the end of the week to leave Darwin, or this world will kill him

At the very moment, I said kill him, I felt instinctively drawn to touch my finger to the glass door of the Diocese Offices, next to where I was standing

At the exact moment I touched my finger to the door and said “kill”, a massive wasp landed on the glass on the other side of the door, exactly on my finger tip

As if it had been called to land there, at the exact moment I gave the warning, to emphasise who, or where, the warning was coming from

In the moment it landed, I felt a pure type of beauty and joy. Like a direct connection to the Earth

As if I was taken for a moment, by just how beautiful the little creature was

As if “the Mother” I was referring to herself stepped forward to show her support and love for me, within what I was telling him

The perfection of the timing was undeniable

I thought at the time, that the “Charles” I referred to, was the newly appointed Bishop of Darwin, Charles Gauci

But I have since come to believe, that this could very well have been a warning to “Prince” Charles, about giving Australia its freedom, before his false coronation as King. If he wishes to go ahead with it

There are other incidents which correlate to this, including a mass-shooting involving people I know, in places I recently attended in Darwin

Where one of the people was shot within 50 meters of where Diocese offices. By a man who was trying to “locate” someone in particular

Locations, which also correlate to people to caused me to lose very important things in this world, through “unseen forces”. As well as other particular prominent groups and orders of people in my city

It all relates directly to the Churches, the Monarchy, and groups who align with them, within this city, as well as other countries

Alignments which appear to be running in direct opposition to mine, and the things I know to be right and good, which I will not compromise on

Which is why I thought they were worth mentioning here

Just in case the Pope, or someone like “Prince” Charles, is killed, being stung by something like a massive wasp or bee

Or perhaps similar reverse-form incidents come to be

With this thread, I have planted the seeds on my ends, relative to my own alignment

Now the experiment, is to wait and see what affect this has, if any, on anyone or anything, elsewhere in this world

Hopefully, for the good of this world and its future

Who knows, maybe I am the problem. And all of this is nothing more than the elaboration of the process of my own self-destruction

Either way, I'm putting this online, to find out

- Compendium -

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Compendium

learned long ago, that dreams are most often reverse manifested, to things which happen in the real world

For instance, if you dream about “Royalty”, it will usually correlate to something in the real world like “The common people”

I don't know where you learned this but what I recently learned is that dreams are simply the mind trying to make sense of one's waking life.

Your 'royalty' dreams are probably just that - about royalty and you did mention the Queen made you angry - were you perhaps one of her common people? If so that would not be a reversal it would be the mind trying to making sense of that dynamic.
edit on q00000010131America/Chicago5050America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Hi quintessentone

Dreams are much, much more integrated than simple self-consideration. They are manifest alignment, linking us to reality

The Sumerian "Enlil", which is the collective "consciousness"

Today we confuse our individual ability to reflect upon selves as being "Consciousness", without realising that we are referring to the world and the collective of people within it, as that which makes it possible to "reflect" upon self

Rather than help us, this actually detaches us from elements of understanding within our primary truth (self)

There would be no self-reflection, without the mirror we reflect upon and within

They (others and the world around us) ARE our consciousness

We are merely seeing a phased level of our individual conscious, which exists outside of our body

You are talking linear perspective of self. I am talking complex non-linear dynamics

This is well beyond consideration of self within ego. It is self-actualisation, within the concept medium

Also, I did not say I have "Royalty dreams"

They are the dreams of the person who wrote "The Future Russian Tzar" thread I mentioned

I merely used their dreams, aligning this thread, as an example

But your conflation means my experiment is working, to some extent

So thank you for the reply

edit on 22 1 23 by Compendium because: Fixed incorrect word, made edits and added something

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: Compendium

Hi Compendium,

I take into consideration the psychology of how the mind works during the dream state, however during states of consciousness in the awoke state is where I think self-actualization is happening, because one has control to some extent, whereas in the dream state there is little to no control. Just my two cents.
edit on q00000025131America/Chicago1818America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

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