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FDA Finally Admits Pfizer Covid "Vaccine" Causes Blood Clots

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posted on Dec, 20 2022 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

And what would you expect them to say??

Every paper that has concluded that there are serious issues with the "vaxxines" will start off in the abstract spouting some bull# about how many lives it has saved to pay homage to the pharma overlords, which in many cases is paying most of the salaries of the people doing or compiling the research. Then in the conclusion say the vaxxine is causing myocarditis, or pericarditis, or strokes, or clotting, or neuropathy, or death, or whatever the # other horrible # they cause. It is absolutely schizophrenic, and would be comical if it weren't such a tragedy.

There are a vanishingly small number of adverse reactions. Yet people keep making a big thing out of hardly any risk at all. Making it seem that a few possible adverse reactions are in fact the causer of diseases that we have had in the same numbers for decades previous.

Dinner table condiments are more dangerous.

In fact, deaths due to heart conditions as a ratio of population have reduced significantly over the last few years.

Heart attack deaths in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022

Cardiovascular disease death rate by age, World, 1990 to 2019

Heart Disease Deaths

Deaths by heart diseases in the U.S. from 1950 to 2019

Death rate for major cardiovascular diseases in Canada from 2000 to 2020

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 12:00 AM

I got the fizer. Both shots. Like 2 years ago.

Am I still susceptible to getting blood clots?

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 04:50 AM
Im guessing you haven't read Mr Swaubes book about useless eaters and population reduction. These are facts not fiction. Let's be level headed here. You only have to look around and see that "things" ain't right atm. These jabs have not only harmed but killed thousands of people, including people I loved.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

And what would you expect them to say??

Every paper that has concluded that there are serious issues with the "vaxxines" will start off in the abstract spouting some bull# about how many lives it has saved to pay homage to the pharma overlords, which in many cases is paying most of the salaries of the people doing or compiling the research. Then in the conclusion say the vaxxine is causing myocarditis, or pericarditis, or strokes, or clotting, or neuropathy, or death, or whatever the # other horrible # they cause. It is absolutely schizophrenic, and would be comical if it weren't such a tragedy.

We know for a fact researchers misrepresent their research in this manner because it has been exposed on more than one occasion.

One recent example I can think of is a study from a few years back where the researchers set out to prove that fear and anxiety drive conservative politics. Of course setting out with a preconceived conclusion always leads to faulty science, but these guys took it to the nth degree.

The results of their study actually showed the exact opposite of what they set out to prove. But since they weren't doing serious research, but were just trying to push an agenda, they actually published their study with that incorrect, disproven conclusion intact even though the body of the study showed the opposite.

Their study PASSED PEER REVIEW and was published and apparently NO ONE IN THAT FIELD who read it recognized or reported that the conclusions were wrong.

It took almost 5 years for it to be corrected, not just because of the study authors lying but because of systemic corruption in the entire community, including the peer review process.

Unfortunately many scientists and doctors are progressive activists first and foremost. That is their absolute highest priority, with no exceptions. Science, professionalism, ethics, everything else takes a back seat to that.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: FingerMan

I got the fizer. Both shots. Like 2 years ago.

Am I still susceptible to getting blood clots?

No, no clot has ever been identified after the 2 month mark. Most occur in under 1 month.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: WideAwakeNow
Im guessing you haven't read Mr Swaubes book about useless eaters and population reduction. These are facts not fiction. Let's be level headed here. You only have to look around and see that "things" ain't right atm. These jabs have not only harmed but killed thousands of people, including people I loved.

Hundreds, out of over a billion. Not thousands.

The vax has killed fewer people globally in 2 years than die in the US in a single year due to accidental gunshots.

More under 18s in the US are killed by other under 18s by accident per year than in the world by the vax in 2 years.

If you want depopulation it would be more effective to give kids free guns

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: WideAwakeNow
Im guessing you haven't read Mr Swaubes book about useless eaters

I'm guessing that you haven't read Schwab's book, which does not include the term "useless eaters" anywhere. It is doubtful that he has ever used the term.

The term "useless eaters" was coined by the Nazi's in their core ideology to describe people who are disabled or otherwise not able to work.

Left-wingers nominally support socialist goals, of the fairly even distribution of resources to all members of society and therefore they do not differentiate people by such classifiers.

and population reduction. These are facts not fiction.

These aren't facts. They are fictions - doom porn - invented by propagandists.

Let's be level headed here. You only have to look around and see that "things" ain't right atm. These jabs have not only harmed but killed thousands of people, including people I loved.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: WideAwakeNow
Im guessing you haven't read Mr Swaubes book about useless eaters

I'm guessing that you haven't read Schwab's book, which does not include the term "useless eaters" anywhere. It is doubtful that he has ever used the term.

The term "useless eaters" was coined by the Nazi's in their core ideology to describe people who are disabled or otherwise not able to work.

Left-wingers nominally support socialist goals, of the fairly even distribution of resources to all members of society and therefore they do not differentiate people by such classifiers.

and population reduction. These are facts not fiction.

These aren't facts. They are fictions - doom porn - invented by propagandists.

Let's be level headed here. You only have to look around and see that "things" ain't right atm. These jabs have not only harmed but killed thousands of people, including people I loved.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.

Off topic but, which book? He's "written" more than one. You don't have to use an exact phrase to convey its meaning. What does Klaus' top advisor say?

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: WideAwakeNow
Im guessing you haven't read Mr Swaubes book about useless eaters

I'm guessing that you haven't read Schwab's book, which does not include the term "useless eaters" anywhere. It is doubtful that he has ever used the term.

The term "useless eaters" was coined by the Nazi's in their core ideology to describe people who are disabled or otherwise not able to work.

Left-wingers nominally support socialist goals, of the fairly even distribution of resources to all members of society and therefore they do not differentiate people by such classifiers.

and population reduction. These are facts not fiction.

These aren't facts. They are fictions - doom porn - invented by propagandists.

Let's be level headed here. You only have to look around and see that "things" ain't right atm. These jabs have not only harmed but killed thousands of people, including people I loved.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.
Off topic but, which book? He's "written" more than one. You don't have to use an exact phrase to convey its meaning. What does Klaus' top advisor say?

The book I was referring to was "COVID-19: The Great Reset", which is the one that was alleged to have included the idea of there being "useless eaters" in it, but it doesn't.

WEF spokesperson Alem Tedeneke has said, “Mr. Klaus Schwab has never made such a statement” in reference to the alleged mention of "useless eaters".

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Again, doom porn

Constant scrolling covid death toll on tv screens is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that someone can be walking around feeling great and infecting others is fear mongering doom porn.
Falsely claiming that hospitals were constantly overrun is doom porn.
Telling people to expect a dark winter of death is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that Covid could live on surfaces for 72 hours is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that covid could hang in the air for minutes like a hang glider was doom porn.
Falsely claiming that covid could live on the soles of your shoes was doom porn.
Falsely instructing people to wash their #ing groceries was doom porn.
Falsely claiming that if you don't get vaccinated you will be infected was doom porn.

Sending people home from the ER and telling them to come back when their lips turn blue was nothing but inducing and amplifying fear in those who got to watch their family members suffocate sitting in their recliner.

Inserting infected individuals into nursing homes and LTCFs was inducing and amplifying fear.

Mandating those stupid masks was inducing and amplifying not only fear, but distrust of everyone, including friends and family.

Threatening people's jobs, businesses, and livelihoods if they wouldn't get vaxxed was inducing and amplifying fear.

And every bit of it was done to fool, or force people into taking the thing you now scream loudly in defense of, and deny has injured a great many of those who took it.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.

Anyone who made even a cursory examination of injury reporting data, cancer rates, excess mortality etc. from any vaccinated country in the world would see immediately that it is exactly the opposite of what you re saying.

VAERS Data through 12/08/2022

Adverse Reactions: 1,481,226 All other vaccines since 1990: 912,419

Deaths: 32,828 All other vaccines since 1990: 10,046

Permanent Disabilities: 61,065 All other vaccines since 1990: 21,626

Birth Defects: 1194 All other vaccines since 1990: 208

In two years, this "vaccine" has caused 500k more adverse reactions, 3.2x the deaths, 2.9x the permanent disabilities, and 5.5x the number of birth defects than all other vaccines combined in the last 3 decades, but according to you, almost no one has been injured.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

Again, doom porn

Constant scrolling covid death toll on tv screens is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that someone can be walking around feeling great and infecting others is fear mongering doom porn.

Falsely? Mary Mallon From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Apparently, there are asymptomatic carriers of disease. It's a 'thing'.

Falsely claiming that hospitals were constantly overrun is doom porn.

I personally had my surgery postponed twice, for over a year, due to hospital congestion because of COVID-19 cases. It was a condition which caused some degree of discomfort and i am so glad it is resolved now.

There are multiple instances of hospitals pushed to the max across the planet, not just locally.

And where do all those severe COVID cases go, if not to hospitals?

And when people are in isolation within a hospital, the administrators aren't likely to run tours through those wards, are they? And what with privacy laws being how they are, they are likely to be disinclined to advertise who is in isolation, and how many. So, you'll have to take their word for it, and do a little reasoning.

Face it, the people telling you there are no cases, and it is just a mild cold, and people aren't dying in higher than normal numbers, are the liars.

Even when these liars quote numbers to make their case, they use the official numbers, and just choose to disbelieve particular sets of the official data but believe others. They cannot supply any realistic alternate numbers of their own. That's how you can tell that they are making things up.

Telling people to expect a dark winter of death is doom porn.

If there is an epidemic that is sometimes fatal, and there are known mitigations against the spread and severity of that epidemic, and yet still some people are encouraging everyone to do nothing against it, what do you think the outcome will be?

Falsely claiming that Covid could live on surfaces for 72 hours is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that covid could hang in the air for minutes like a hang glider was doom porn.

Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1

Falsely claiming that covid could live on the soles of your shoes was doom porn.

I agree with you there.

Falsely instructing people to wash their #ing groceries was doom porn.

You should wash anything you consume that is uncooked. Simple hygiene. You should also wash your hands, too.

Falsely claiming that if you don't get vaccinated you will be infected was doom porn.

Vaccines promote an immune response to a pathogen. They aren't a barrier.

Sending people home from the ER and telling them to come back when their lips turn blue was nothing but inducing and amplifying fear in those who got to watch their family members suffocate sitting in their recliner.

So, the disease is deadly sometimes?

Surely it makes sense to do something about it if one can?

And obviously, these people should be admitted to hospital. And if they were admitted to hospital, would they put someone who infectious in a general ward? So, they would have to be isolated and the hospital would fill up with these people who consume resources and space and care, and the hospital might possibly then be overloaded, but not appear so to the outside observer?

Inserting infected individuals into nursing homes and LTCFs was inducing and amplifying fear.

See the issues mentioned previously about hospitals being overrun.

Many nursing homes and LTCF's are, in fact, hospital facilities, and are used to take up the overflow when main hospitals are overloaded. The fact that people are being moved into such facilities is an outward indicator of hospital loading levels.

Mandating those stupid masks was inducing and amplifying not only fear, but distrust of everyone, including friends and family.

Surgeons use masks to prevent transmission of airborne disease. They have done so for more than a hundred years after it was realized that patients of the time were being infected by the surgeons.

Masks were provably effective then. They still are.

Threatening people's jobs, businesses, and livelihoods if they wouldn't get vaxxed was inducing and amplifying fear.

And every bit of it was done to fool, or force people into taking the thing you now scream loudly in defense of, and deny has injured a great many of those who took it.

I and all my family and nearly everyone I know have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We are all in good health, except for one friend who currently is hospitalized with COVID, and which has is suspected by her medical support to have caused her to have a heart attack.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.

Anyone who made even a cursory examination of injury reporting data, cancer rates, excess mortality etc. from any vaccinated country in the world would see immediately that it is exactly the opposite of what you re saying.

Anti-vaxxers have been saying that for decades. But, it isn't true.

VAERS Data through 12/08/2022

Adverse Reactions: 1,481,226 All other vaccines since 1990: 912,419

Deaths: 32,828 All other vaccines since 1990: 10,046

Permanent Disabilities: 61,065 All other vaccines since 1990: 21,626

Birth Defects: 1194 All other vaccines since 1990: 208

In two years, this "vaccine" has caused 500k more adverse reactions, 3.2x the deaths, 2.9x the permanent disabilities, and 5.5x the number of birth defects than all other vaccines combined in the last 3 decades, but according to you, almost no one has been injured.

You are assuming that they are caused by the vaccine. You need to have high numbers of potential adverse reactions to establish that.

Before these vaccines existed, the same conditions and diseases existed. And since the other vaccines were in their heyday, populations who could potentially have the diseases and conditions (regardless of vaccination status) have risen.

If the vaccines caused an illness, then with the 13 billion doses administered, I would expect at least hundreds of millions of specific adverse reactions. We aren't seeing those sorts of numbers anywhere.

Ask yourself, what are you doing against a disease that is highly infectious, and occasionally kills? You have little to fear - unless you are doing nothing.

edit on 21/12/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Wikipedia?? Really?? GTFO man.

Using wikipedia as a source is all I need to see of your willful blindness for today. If you ever find your way back to reality and want to actually talk about it, hit me up.

posted on Dec, 21 2022 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

Wikipedia?? Really?? GTFO man.

Using wikipedia as a source is all I need to see of your willful blindness for today. If you ever find your way back to reality and want to actually talk about it, hit me up.

It's part of US history.

Doesn't matter where you go, they will say roughly the same thing.

Typhoid Mary historical figure - Brittannica

Biography of Typhoid Mary, Who Spread Typhoid in Early 1900s

Typhoid Mary's tragic tale exposed the health impacts of 'super-spreaders'

Typhoid Mary: ‘The Most Dangerous Woman in America’

Typhoid Mary Was a Real, Asymptomatic Carrier Who Caused Multiple Outbreaks

edit on 21/12/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: chr0naut

Again, doom porn

Constant scrolling covid death toll on tv screens is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that someone can be walking around feeling great and infecting others is fear mongering doom porn.
Falsely claiming that hospitals were constantly overrun is doom porn.
Telling people to expect a dark winter of death is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that Covid could live on surfaces for 72 hours is doom porn.
Falsely claiming that covid could hang in the air for minutes like a hang glider was doom porn.
Falsely claiming that covid could live on the soles of your shoes was doom porn.
Falsely instructing people to wash their #ing groceries was doom porn.
Falsely claiming that if you don't get vaccinated you will be infected was doom porn.

Sending people home from the ER and telling them to come back when their lips turn blue was nothing but inducing and amplifying fear in those who got to watch their family members suffocate sitting in their recliner.

Inserting infected individuals into nursing homes and LTCFs was inducing and amplifying fear.

Mandating those stupid masks was inducing and amplifying not only fear, but distrust of everyone, including friends and family.

Threatening people's jobs, businesses, and livelihoods if they wouldn't get vaxxed was inducing and amplifying fear.

And every bit of it was done to fool, or force people into taking the thing you now scream loudly in defense of, and deny has injured a great many of those who took it.

Again, doom porn.

Very few people have had any adverse reactions at all to the vaccines, especially compared to the 13 billions of doses administered to date.

Anyone who made even a cursory examination of injury reporting data, cancer rates, excess mortality etc. from any vaccinated country in the world would see immediately that it is exactly the opposite of what you re saying.

VAERS Data through 12/08/2022

Adverse Reactions: 1,481,226 All other vaccines since 1990: 912,419

Deaths: 32,828 All other vaccines since 1990: 10,046

Permanent Disabilities: 61,065 All other vaccines since 1990: 21,626

Birth Defects: 1194 All other vaccines since 1990: 208

In two years, this "vaccine" has caused 500k more adverse reactions, 3.2x the deaths, 2.9x the permanent disabilities, and 5.5x the number of birth defects than all other vaccines combined in the last 3 decades, but according to you, almost no one has been injured.

If constant reports on covid are doom porn, then surely people consistently posting about vaccine deaths and population reduction conspiracies must be the equivalent of hard core kiddie doom porn.

You're literally telling us that every is doomed. The TV is just saying 1.3 percent is doomed, or 0.75 percent if vaxxed. Your talking guide stone level doom.

And the VAERS numbers aren't actual cases of vaccine injury, they're suspected cases. Many of which will turn out to be completely unrelated to the vax.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
What is it about the 'vaccine process' that causes anaphylaxis, in your opinion?
edit on 22-12-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AaarghZombies
What is it about the 'vaccine process' that causes anaphylaxis, in your opinion?

Normally when someone is vaccinated, they make them wait around for 10-15 minutes to ensure that if there are any signs of a rare case of anaphylaxis. In a clinic an anaphylaxis reaction can be safely resolved.

In other instances where the skin is punctured there is often no clinical preparation for adverse reactions.

Anaphylactic reaction to permanent tattoo ink

Tattoos Can Cause Serious Adverse Reactions

What about other triggers of anaphaylaxis?

7 Surprising Triggers of Anaphylaxis

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: chr0naut
Is it the process of waiting that causes anaphylaxis then? Lol.

anaphylaxis, which happens in minutes and is usually related to the vaccine process rather than the particular vaccine.

ArrrghZombies wrote the above........
Maybe I misunderstood but I read it as it's not the vaccine that causes the reaction...... it's the 'process'.

After reading again.....I think he means that getting vaccinated (with any vaccine) can cause anaphylaxis.......

It's not the 'process'...... it's what is put into the peanuts, shellfish or a medical substance that can cause the reaction.

edit on 22-12-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:20 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: chr0naut
Is it the process of waiting that causes anaphylaxis then? Lol.

anaphylaxis, which happens in minutes and is usually related to the vaccine process rather than the particular vaccine.

ArrrghZombies wrote the above........
Maybe I misunderstood but I read it as it's not the vaccine that causes the reaction...... it's the 'process'.

After reading again.....I think he means that getting vaccinated (with any vaccine) can cause anaphylaxis.......

It's not the 'process'...... it's what is put into the peanuts, shellfish or a medical substance that can cause the reaction.

Or eggs, or milk.

It is believed that anaphylaxis is caused by an over-responsive immune system and due to the rapidity of onset, is hormonally triggered as a result of a 'shock' reaction.

posted on Dec, 26 2022 @ 04:45 PM
You are arguing about data provided by ' experts ' who were also pro-mandate and intent on building concentration camps while participating on a massive 'side effect' coverup. These same scientists can no longer define what a woman is and have substituted political science for logic and reason. You were not allowed, last year, to post evidence of the contrary without being labelled a conspirator and being ejected from your job or threatened by law enforcement. What sorts of official data are you using that prove your point that weren't thoroughly scrubbed by the cult ?

Arguing for the efficacy of a politically motivated medicine against a bioweapon that has yet to be officially acknowledged as such by the same people issuing the medicine shows incredible ignorance.
edit on 26-12-2022 by easyV because: cultist

posted on Dec, 27 2022 @ 08:08 AM
I was in great shape at 37 then I got Covid in 2019.
I've yet to recover as Covid itself causes permanently damage to my lungs & caused blood clots.
A couple months after covid I had 3 strokes, lost most my strength. Lose my ability to breath several times daily since. My lungs just dont allow air in/out several minutes & I get really weak .
Inhalers given for it are useless so I just sit. (Sit on ground before I fall).
Just months after getting Covid my lung scans showed left lung is severely damaged.
We never got vacs cause we already had Covid by time shots came out. We figured we were immune that yr anyway? We later learned they dont really work against it so we never got any.
Now I just learned all my heart arteries have problems & I have an aneurysm in my aorta to boot.
Now I had no signs of this just 14 months ago because several months after I got Covid in 2019 I still had extreme shortness of breath so I had the exact same heart/lung scans & all they found then was the left lung damage. Its remained the same but now my heart arteries are just toast.

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