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Why do some seem to see it without having to be shown??

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posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

A very relevant topic considering what is unraveling in front of us now. Call it what you want.....1984, NWO, the Great Reset....I don't think we will see any elections in the way I like my bugs medium rare over charcoal only. I'm still trying to digest " Died Suddenly" and the info coming out from funeral businesses and insurance companies relating excessive and unusual death rate. Compared to conspiracy theories of the past ....we ain't seen nothing yet.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: conspiracytheoristIAM

a reply to: MaxxAction

A very relevant topic considering what is unraveling in front of us now. Call it what you want.....1984, NWO, the Great Reset....I don't think we will see any elections in the way I like my bugs medium rare over charcoal only. I'm still trying to digest " Died Suddenly" and the info coming out from funeral businesses and insurance companies relating excessive and unusual death rate. Compared to conspiracy theories of the past ....we ain't seen nothing yet.

Yes , a Mystery to be Solved.....At a Later Time as Always Usually After it is To Late to Stop the " Change " .

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 02:10 PM
Or maybe, just maybe, Dole was the dullest candidate since Calvin Coolidge. And Clinton was actually a guy who could play the saxophone and have a good time. It's not a conspiracy for the media to portray the personalities as they are. You are not seeing anything special and you are not "more woke" than anyone else. Don't fall in love with your own delusions.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: schuyler

..." Dole was the dullest candidate since Calvin Coolidge."

Yep , that Sounds About Right .

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Some of us have skills you couldn't even begin to understand.

Here in Nova Scotia, we love Frankie!❤ He's far more accurate at predicting weather than most meteorologists.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 02:54 PM
People trust the media and government less than ever. We don't respect authority like we used to. We understand propaganda better now. But, that doesn't mean we reject it. Not at all. Propaganda has been democratized instead and every man and woman becomes a propagandist in their own capacity (well not everyone but many). Trust and mistrust, belief and lack of belief become tools in a political struggle, except now many people used them consciously instead of just being manipulated. The passive audience of misinformation becomes an actor instead. And why not I guess, why should we expect the average person to act any differently from politicians, once they gain that awareness? So when people try to figure out what is true for them, they don't care about objectivity as much as utility.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: schuyler

I didn't imply that I was "woke" in any way...

Bad choice of words on your part.

Dole may have been dull, but he didn't have a bunch of women who claimed he raped them following in his wake, nor a stack of dead bodies stuffed in a closet somewhere. The suspicions about Clinton came to be known as facts as evidenced by the continual growth in their body count, and his willingness to bang interns in the oval office and then lie about it.

And yes, there was a constant effort to paint Clinton in a positive light, and Dole and some grouchy old codger.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: conspiracytheoristIAM

Thank you God that I have been able to retain my faith...

With all the # we're going to see over the next few years, I worry for the mental health of those who don't view the world through the lens of the eternal, and the understanding that we are seeing the climax of a battle that has been raging since Lucifer got tossed out of the council of the Almighty.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I will admit...

I was a lot more happy-go-lucky before coming to see the world as it is. I wonder sometimes if people stay stuck in their "Go along to get along" mode simply because it's easy.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction

I've always wondered this too, why some of us think differently. Agree with what Ketsuko said, it's about pattern recognition and an intuitive mind but I'm not sure if it's innate or developed.

For myself, I was taken out of class in grade eight or nine and taught, with a handful of other kids, about propaganda and advertising. Not sure if we were chosen because we had the pattern recognition or not but it seemed that way as a couple, like me, excelled in English and a few others it was math. Some failed at everything, likely bored. On the other hand, I could have become the way I am because I was shown it at that age.

I also had an uncle who worked for a big pharmaceutical company that quit because it went against his ethics so other lessons were there too and being an immigrant made me analyze what "normal" was early.

It might even be a genetic difference. I'd love to know. That's the big question to me... is a conspiracy theorist born or made?

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction
It's not like some see it without having been shown, it's more like others can not, or do not want to see the obvious. It's less a trait you excel at, but more a trait where the so called sheep suck.

I think it's that simple.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: MaxxAction
These are not theories as so many are being proven as truths..... Even the tinfoil hat is based on science😂 aluminium is a good frequency blocker😋... Copper is an amplifier (gold is better but costs more )😝

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 08:07 PM
I find myself pondering many things you have all collectively touched upon here.

Essentially, I know that there are many things we (pejoratively speaking) take for granted. I find humans to be much more than we are ever told. What's more, given the tremendous efforts to pound into our understanding that we are cattle who "herd," and sheep who "flock," - that we are simple organisms subject to simple manipulations of chemistry and physics.

I don't waste time denying that we are susceptible to baser manipulation, only that this does not represent the fullness of reality. Humans are not controllable... despite the feverish wrangling that "elites" and "leaders" have strained and labored against for millennia. The fact that they have employed the motivators of greed and vainglory and lust to wrest control of history, social and cultural order, shows the magnitude of their failures.

When you put a gun to someone's head and tell them to push a button, it doesn't mean you get to say "they" pushed the button. You did. That is the aspect of reality which will break them utterly in the end.

These things some people claim not to see will be the very things they will applaud "after" the damage is done. That's not normal. We coddle the "narratives" because the traditional media convinces us that they are our allies - a fact that hasn't been true for well over half a century. We used to think that the "free press" was a thing... it never was more than an idea. Nearly from the moment it was established that mass media could be part of a great "performance" - molding opinion and support with imagery and prose - it was hijacked by people who only see the world as something to be controlled.

Our parents were never told that half of their history was crafted as a subset of the "proscribed" positions of the ruling order. They never faced the reality of the many coups and movements which were the whims of untouchable 'players' with a game agenda of their own. I consider them fortunate to have escaped the realization that the people you trusted to do the right thing, the people you 'vote for' based upon fair and honest facts, they would never "do" that right thing - either they couldn't or wouldn't. Many complain of the politicians and their ilk. But they are only there as a placeholder for your pointless recriminations and impotent rage.

You want change? BAN all existing political parties. BAN corporate personhood. BAN fractional reserve banking. Regulate legal and medical "social" entities. FORCE full accounting of every political body. Open ALL actuarial tables.

There will be change... after the dust clears.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Hiram33

Tinfoil does only keep stuff inside the fridge fresh, but also the brain.

edit on 26.11.2022 by TDDAgain because: typo

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: schuyler

No, it's a press technique.

Personal bias at work. The people doing the editing select the images and your personal bias guides your choice. If you don't like a person, you tend to pick unflattering images. It's very simple. Most of the press likes progressive candidates; this is a fact. So they tend to pick flattering images of more progressive candidates and less flattering ones of their less progressive challengers.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: MaxxAction

That is the crazy part there are those who will fight for the lie knowing full well it is a lie.

yep. I am living with one of those.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: Maxmars

Boy you said a mouthful there...

A few points/counter points.

Humans are not controllable... despite the feverish wrangling that "elites" and "leaders" have strained and labored against for millennia. The fact that they have employed the motivators of greed and vainglory and lust to wrest control of history, social and cultural order, shows the magnitude of their failures.

There is a subset, and always has been I suspect that will "rage against the machine" regardless of what the machine puts out. Natural rebels who would fight over any imposition on freedom, whether real or perceived.

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”
— Heraclitus

At no time in history has this ever been more true, however, as to your point about humans being uncontrollable, I disagree. These days it seems that humans, at least a large percentage, are easily controllable. The constant parade of shiny objects, the non stop circus that is life on earth, has turned so many into selfish #s who just live for the next high, or the next #, or buying the next most shiny thing, and never consider much beyond that.

Our parents were never told that half of their history was crafted as a subset of the "proscribed" positions of the ruling order. They never faced the reality of the many coups and movements which were the whims of untouchable 'players' with a game agenda of their own. I consider them fortunate to have escaped the realization that the people you trusted to do the right thing, the people you 'vote for' based upon fair and honest facts, they would never "do" that right thing - either they couldn't or wouldn't.

My parents are both in their 80s, and they have come to understand, much of it with help from me, what the world has been about for the last hundred years. Now my mom reads sites like this, watches those commentators who are considered fringe, and trusts nothing that the media puts out as truth. I have shown her how to be discerning, and to not just run with what she finds before digging deeper, a lesson my dad has yet to learn.

My business is mostly catering to the elderly, and by and large your assertion is correct. People from that generation grew up taking the word of Walter Cronkite as gospel, and many cannot imagine a world where the government is against it's own citizens.

I had a patient in his late 70s come in to the office last year all sniffling and coughing. I asked him why he was out when he was sick. "He responded something to the effect of:" Well, it can't be covid because I have had my vaccine and booster." I started explaining that the vaccine didn't protect against transmission, and I quoted the study that found that the vaccinated were actually carrying higher loads of virus in the naso-pharynx if they had been infected, and that it is entirely possible that he did have Covid.

I stood there and watched this guy go through the realization that he could have been spreading covid everywhere he had been that day, and he looked almost like he was going to be sick. He was one of those you mentioned who had obviously believed Fauci, and the rest of the Demons in the CDC, NIH, WHO etc who had been telling everyone that you wouldn't get sick, and couldn't spread covid if you had been vaccinated because if the news said it, it must be true. Interestingly, I have never seen him since.

You want change? BAN all existing political parties. BAN corporate personhood. BAN fractional reserve banking. Regulate legal and medical "social" entities. FORCE full accounting of every political body. Open ALL actuarial tables.

And all the cognizant people said a hearty: "AMEN and AMEN!!" This is the only answer. Lay it bare for all to see, punish those who have so perverted the system for their own gain in a very public and brutal way, and this # would stop. That would require the 10 of the 100 who are willing to fight to convince the rest that it is a battle worth dying in. We have drifted so far from our moorings that death is the ultimate fear for many, and having no "Rock" of reassurance to cling to, death is too terrifying for most, so they would choose to live a meager existence in servitude over dying so that future generations might have a taste of what it was supposed to be like.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: TruthJava

Makes for great (uncomfortable and adversarial) conversations over dinner I bet...

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

You are probably right...

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: igloo

You said you're an immigrant...

Do you mind sharing where you came from?

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