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Vaccinated people now make up a majority of covid deaths

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posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican
Anyone who is still "unvaccinated ' you did an amazing job of standing your ground in the face of psychological warfare and pressure from every side ... The media made us out to be monsters .. we were shunned and looked at as lepers....but we will inherit this world... It's a soul test an IQ test...and a test to see who you really are... I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees.... Never wore a muzzle.... Didn't QR code anywhere... Well as actually once but I signed in as Donald m duck ...... When it was time to rise up and protests were getting big .. out comes black lives matter to derail the public and focus attention elsewhere..... And then comes Ukraine ...masks were switched to Ukrainian flags...... Pure blood and free till my last breath

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: namehere
Boosters 😂.... Fauci is that you?
When the "pandemic " first hit and Mr gates of hell anounced plans for a vaccine ...that was the moment I decided if it came down to it I would take a bullet before I got one of these "jabs"... I made the right choice

Young and healthy people are in no need of these products in my view. They could just ignore their existence but many have been massively pressured and coerced into this. Otherwise and if all details were known most people under the age of 50 would have never chosen to get injected with them.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: network dude
My vaccine doesn't work because you didn't take yours! 😂

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 04:24 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: TrueAmerican
Anyone who is still "unvaccinated ' you did an amazing job of standing your ground in the face of psychological warfare and pressure from every side ... The media made us out to be monsters .. we were shunned and looked at as lepers....but we will inherit this world... It's a soul test an IQ test...and a test to see who you really are... I would rather die on my feet then live on my knees.... Never wore a muzzle.... Didn't QR code anywhere... Well as actually once but I signed in as Donald m duck ...... When it was time to rise up and protests were getting big .. out comes black lives matter to derail the public and focus attention elsewhere..... And then comes Ukraine ...masks were switched to Ukrainian flags...... Pure blood and free till my last breath

Not taking an experimental product that has been rebranded as a vaccine is just common sense. You don't need to engage in 'conspiracy' theories to apply common sense in your life. Especially if you are young, fit, and healthy. Just let the pharmaceuticals cry as much they can but you shouldn't help their sales and profits.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3
Yeah but how rare is common sense these days ....
Or the ability to connect dots or have an attention span longer then 5 seconds....
And it's not a conspiracy theory anymore it's become fact .....

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: network dude
My vaccine doesn't work because you didn't take yours! 😂

LOL! I can't believe they even tried to pull out that line of BS. I'm embarrassed for certain members of the scientific community.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 06:20 AM
I mean, hospitalization of the vaccinated has been greater than unvaccinated for awhile. Man they're getting the butt end of the stick,

So now they make up the majority of covid deaths
And also have a rapid increase in all cause mortality and disability over their unvaccinated counterparts.


posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 07:12 AM
As before I will comment on who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated as the statistics are badly skewed when those who have survived primary infection (the vast majority of the population) are then vaccinated with these products and are considered vaccinated in these bogus statistics, when in fact they have survived primary infection as unvaccinated
edit on 24-11-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: TrueAmerican

Given that the vax is being aimed at those most at risk from covid its unsurprising that they would make up the majority of the deaths.

Perfectly normal, perfectly expected.

You'd hardly expect the least vaxxed groups such as children to be greatly effected since covid isn't dangerous for most children.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
The vaxx (if you can call it that ) is aimed at everyone much like a gun in a hostage situation which is what it was ....forced lockdown... Threats and ridicule loss of livelihood .. there is nothing normal about any of this .. some of these mask wearing pin cushions have developed Stockholm syndrome ..... Only thing at risk from covid is the truth ......

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: Deetermined
They got paid well no doubt for their endorsement and silence

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 09:56 AM
I got 3 shots last year(1st does, 2nd, then booster in Dec.) of Pfizer and dont regret it one bit. I have not gotten any further boosters and not sure if I will or not. I guess its no different than my yearly flu shot. The vax was effective against the original strain, then with covid mutating, it was nowhere near as effective against delta or omnicron. All it does now is supposedly reduce symptoms if you do get it. I think most likely I will wait until they manage to come up with a actually effective vaccine that manages to prevent covid.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Hiram33
a reply to: AaarghZombies
The vaxx (if you can call it that ) is aimed at everyone much like a gun in a hostage situation which is what it was ....forced lockdown... Threats and ridicule loss of livelihood .. there is nothing normal about any of this .. some of these mask wearing pin cushions have developed Stockholm syndrome ..... Only thing at risk from covid is the truth ......

The average age of the vaxxed and dead is 80+ most have at least one comorbidity. This is exactly what you'd expect. Same with the flu shot. Elderly with one or more comorbidity are most likely to die.

If young vaxxed people with no comorbidity were dying at a higher rate then I'd be worried, but they aren't.

None of this is new, Trump's covid briefings explained all of this back in 2021. Or are you calling trump a liar?

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:24 AM
here's a Brighteon interview... 57 minutes in length, dealing with a Medical TREATY being formalized and
soon-to-be signed by POTUS Biden.... thus circumventing 'Congress vote approval'

relevant to this it includes covid jab mandates likely provided by bill Gates vaccination machine-program

spoiler alert ---> waves of pandemics on-the-way.... more pathogens teased out of synthetic molecules is humanity getting Balkinized
edit on th30166930749524312022 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 10:27 AM
November 24, 2022

Rapper-Actor ICE CUBE told reporters this week he turned down a $9 million film offer, because the producers wanted him vaccinated against Covid-19 first.


I.C. wisely understands that due to Congress and top officials at the White House "carving themselves out" of vaccination requirements, there's (still) a significant short and long-term health danger associated with these (still) experimental vaccines.

That's using your brain and common-sense Ice Cube!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:17 AM
Covid staths mean nothing to me. I look at excess mortality. This excess mortality is dramatic. And the media looks the other way. Unbelievable. Where is the independant investigation of this genocide? I call it genocide by mrna vaccination. Our immune system lost part of it's strenght because of these so-called vaccines. I believe this untill proven untrue by independant investigators. Politicians of each country have to take responsibility and create an independant international investigation organism. This is a no brainer!.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: MatteBlak
I got 3 shots last year(1st does, 2nd, then booster in Dec.) of Pfizer and dont regret it one bit. I have not gotten any further boosters and not sure if I will or not. I guess its no different than my yearly flu shot. The vax was effective against the original strain, then with covid mutating, it was nowhere near as effective against delta or omnicron. All it does now is supposedly reduce symptoms if you do get it. I think most likely I will wait until they manage to come up with a actually effective vaccine that manages to prevent covid.

I never got any of the first strains and refused all jabs, and don't regret it either. So being "Unvaccinated" was very effective against the original strain and it's mutations using your logic. It isn't because of your jabs that you never caught the original strains, it is because you were NEVER EXPOSED.

Why would "they" come up with a jab that ACTUALLY works when they are still advertising the current unsafe and ineffective ones as "safe and effective"? Maybe they wanted to say "Our current safe and effective vaccines don't work, so we are developing a new one that will"...

I hope you realize you are simply parroting what many indoctrinated vax acceptors say in "I'm so glad I got the vaccine" , and "If I hadn't got the vaccine, my case of Covid would have been MUCH WORSE!" I have heard a lot of jabbed true believers say the same exact thing at work. (After the previous parroted lies failed to keep being "true".) Before that line one co-worker gleefully told me she could never get Covid because she was fully vaccinated. She got it. (And no, I never rubbed it in).

I am unvaxxed and very happily caught the Covid finally after a couple years of torment for refusing experimental cruds. It was a mild FLU. So it turns out my unvaxxed status was very effective and it especially had no side effects, (except for always feeling great).

Now the folks at my job who mostly drive Subaru's and are 98% all jabbed were not so fortunate. Their jabbed status didn't help them and certainly their Subaru's didn't either, some almost died after getting the same "Covid" I got. At GREAT expense to them personally I should add.

Moral of story? Stop believing in nothing but lies, you will be so glad you did.

And don't experiment with drugs like Mom and Dad used to say.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: MatteBlak
I got 3 shots last year(1st does, 2nd, then booster in Dec.) of Pfizer and dont regret it one bit. I have not gotten any further boosters and not sure if I will or not. I guess its no different than my yearly flu shot. The vax was effective against the original strain, then with covid mutating, it was nowhere near as effective against delta or omnicron. All it does now is supposedly reduce symptoms if you do get it. I think most likely I will wait until they manage to come up with a actually effective vaccine that manages to prevent covid.

I never got any of the first strains and refused all jabs, and don't regret it either. So being "Unvaccinated" was very effective against the original strain and it's mutations using your logic. It isn't because of your jabs that you never caught the original strains, it is because you were NEVER EXPOSED.

Why would "they" come up with a jab that ACTUALLY works when they are still advertising the current unsafe and ineffective ones as "safe and effective"? Maybe they wanted to say "Our current safe and effective vaccines don't work, so we are developing a new one that will"...

I hope you realize you are simply parroting what many indoctrinated vax acceptors say in "I'm so glad I got the vaccine" , and "If I hadn't got the vaccine, my case of Covid would have been MUCH WORSE!" I have heard a lot of jabbed true believers say the same exact thing at work. (After the previous parroted lies failed to keep being "true".) Before that line one co-worker gleefully told me she could never get Covid because she was fully vaccinated. She got it. (And no, I never rubbed it in).

I am unvaxxed and very happily caught the Covid finally after a couple years of torment for refusing experimental cruds. It was a mild FLU. So it turns out my unvaxxed status was very effective and it especially had no side effects, (except for always feeling great).

Now the folks at my job who mostly drive Subaru's and are 98% all jabbed were not so fortunate. Their jabbed status didn't help them and certainly their Subaru's didn't either, some almost died after getting the same "Covid" I got. At GREAT expense to them personally I should add.

Moral of story? Stop believing in nothing but lies, you will be so glad you did.

And don't experiment with drugs like Mom and Dad used to say.

Not sure what the Subaru has to do with this conversation but I get the rest.

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: MatteBlak
I got 3 shots last year(1st does, 2nd, then booster in Dec.) of Pfizer and dont regret it one bit. I have not gotten any further boosters and not sure if I will or not. I guess its no different than my yearly flu shot. The vax was effective against the original strain, then with covid mutating, it was nowhere near as effective against delta or omnicron. All it does now is supposedly reduce symptoms if you do get it. I think most likely I will wait until they manage to come up with a actually effective vaccine that manages to prevent covid.

I never got any of the first strains and refused all jabs, and don't regret it either. So being "Unvaccinated" was very effective against the original strain and it's mutations using your logic. It isn't because of your jabs that you never caught the original strains, it is because you were NEVER EXPOSED.

Why would "they" come up with a jab that ACTUALLY works when they are still advertising the current unsafe and ineffective ones as "safe and effective"? Maybe they wanted to say "Our current safe and effective vaccines don't work, so we are developing a new one that will"...

I hope you realize you are simply parroting what many indoctrinated vax acceptors say in "I'm so glad I got the vaccine" , and "If I hadn't got the vaccine, my case of Covid would have been MUCH WORSE!" I have heard a lot of jabbed true believers say the same exact thing at work. (After the previous parroted lies failed to keep being "true".) Before that line one co-worker gleefully told me she could never get Covid because she was fully vaccinated. She got it. (And no, I never rubbed it in).

I am unvaxxed and very happily caught the Covid finally after a couple years of torment for refusing experimental cruds. It was a mild FLU. So it turns out my unvaxxed status was very effective and it especially had no side effects, (except for always feeling great).

Now the folks at my job who mostly drive Subaru's and are 98% all jabbed were not so fortunate. Their jabbed status didn't help them and certainly their Subaru's didn't either, some almost died after getting the same "Covid" I got. At GREAT expense to them personally I should add.

Moral of story? Stop believing in nothing but lies, you will be so glad you did.

And don't experiment with drugs like Mom and Dad used to say.

As far as I know, I haven't caught it(I don't test for it) and have had more than a few exposures to it. I also don't wear a mask unless I go somewhere it's required. I am past caring about someone's vax status or covid for the most part. Just find it curious that so many are still so vocal about it either way

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:16 PM
I am sorry that you took the vaccine under threat of losing your livelihood. I understand that it is a tough choice especially if you have a family to take care of. That was the true tell of how vile and corrupt these people are who pushed this onto every citizen. What disgusts me more than anything, are all of the people demanding the unvaccinated get their shots. There are supplements that will rid you of the spike proteins and the metals from the vaccine. EDTA and CYTOKINE Suppress are two supplements you can get off of Amazon. There are others as well. Please stay healthy my friend. a reply to: TrueAmerican

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