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Nobody Wants To Work

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posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Justaposter

I am so sorry to hear of your health issues! So many people who were vaccinate and those who were not are suffering from the same symptoms, and reading the blogs it looks like the majority of them are being denied temporary dissability.

I hope you improve and your life returns to a more normal state.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: HODOSKE
I dont know anymore. YOu do not see any pride. When i was young I loved working and was so grateful to have a job. This generation seems to want to start at the top instead of working your way up. They feel things should be handed to them. I think all the parents spoiled them too much! Including my own child. Spoiled rotten. a reply to: JAGStorm

I don’t consider my kids spoiled BUT they know their worth.
Even as a teen a neighbor tried to get my daughter to babysit for her two toddlers and a Dog for 3 dollars an hour. She respectfully declined. She ended up painting rocks and all the neighbors paid her more for that than what she would have made babysitting…

Luckily my kids have amazing work ethic and are able to get jobs easily.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:51 PM
The sad fact is? "Capitalism" has become a "lazy" man's excuse not, "to earn a living". Based on what? How you'd "like" to live? Or what you "need" to live?... Just like "socialism/democracy/communism", killed itself.

"Gorbachev, takedown this wall"!

It is all entropy. Everything man creates, degrades.
Capitalism, just like socialism/communism, has become "a democracy". Like you actually have a say. Because the lazy, will always be a majority.

People "pay" mandatory, "workers party", (Commie) "union dues", for/some, ...lazy, domesticated Sh*t head, (that has never had one blister on a paw), ....To tell you what "work" is like, and how horrible it is.

The first thing America/The U S. Of A., needs to do?... Is to unF this laziness. Destroy this "public servant union" idea!

You become a "public servant" out of "personal duty". Not for a profit, or a "dental plan". ....This "Union", workers party", .... "I don't want to work", and I will blame capitalism, this Commie #. This is the most unAmerican thing, that ever landed on our shores, outside of Catholicism.

I say again, Entropy.

Not even "Science" can undo it! ... That's a "scientific" fact!
Everything degrades.

"Lazy", is a formidable force! ...It is a "democracy" unto itself! ... If only we had a "Republic" with "laws"? If only!

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 10:40 PM
I agree with you 100% and been saying the same thing. I worked the same factory job for 21 years. They paid #ty and treated people like #. The turn over rate was horrible and we was short on labor everyday in every department on all shifts for the entire 21 years I worked there. I think there's been a labor shortage for awhile now, just got worse in the past couple years. Companies/Corps have too much power...

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

it could work to the benefit of society.
just not under the current economic system, where the only value you have to contribute is your workforce.

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: JAGStorm

Part Two.

The other thing I'm sick of hearing. Those are "Teen" jobs.
No they aren't. Can teens work fast food during school hours?
Can teen work at resorts during the school year.

They can't, and now they don't even want to. So who should work those jobs?

100% this. Never like the excuse that those are kid jobs. Not everybody's going to be a mathematician, NASA scientist or accountant. My dad is a boomer, and he put himself through college by basically washing dishes and busting tables at a restaurant.

I remember a post you made about do we really need immigration? and somebody tried to say yes, primarily because nobody wants to do manual labor, and he admitted that they used immigrants basically paying them less. Rather than paying normal people a decent wage. I know tons of people that love doing manual labor, landscaping, construction and painting and even farm work but it just doesn't pay a lot when you're getting an illegal alien and paying them 7 dollars an hour. It's not that Americans don't wanna do those top jobs. It's because the pay isn't there, it's not increasing.

And I'm aware of the college expensive/inflation, but everybody uses that as an excuse to justify it. There's never any changes of try to lower college prices. It deprives the new generation the ability to go to college if they wanted to.

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: ChiefD
a reply to: JAGStorm

Thanks for posting about this, S&F. I don't understand the mentality of people when they complain about nobody wanting to work. I totally agree with you. If these places don't start paying better and treating their workers better, things will only get worse for them. It will be on the businesses. That is just a simple fact.

I have a friend that became disabled at the age of 21. His life was just starting. Went in a coma one day at work , woke up three days later completely deaf. He couldn't walk for 6 to 7 months because he had permanent in balance. It took a year to recuperate, and I took two years to be able to ride a bicycle again. He became unilateral. Hears through one ear, and lost his hearing fully on the other. The left ear that he hears from is damaged, not full capacity. 80% hearing loss. I remember specifically, his life was completely flipped upside down. I visited him a couple times a week just to say hi. He couldn't understand people well or direction of sound. He's gotten better, but still the same. Hearing aids don't work on him because it amplifies the existing sound he hears internally in his head higher, so it mixes with the normal sounds outside causing confusion. Everybody assumes you'll just get a hearing aid and it works, but it doesn't work for everybody. The doctor did not want to give him a type of surgery where they stick a metal bar directly into your inner eardrum and you have like a metal plate outside your head for the rest of your life, because it would destroy whatever here and he had left making sound robotic. That was not a cure. That mostly works for people who can't hear at birth since they have nothing to compare it to. Long story short, it took him about two years to recuperate slightly and get his confidence back up for working.

He worked nothing but menial jobs trying to make ends meet. I specifically remember him complaining to me that he would try to work in construction or some form of landscaping like manual labor, and they would always deny him because they don't pay a lot and would literally say to him that he needs to find a job somewhere else because they don't really pay a lot here and what a coincidence all the people did not speak english or barely any. A lot of his time was trying to make ends meet, and pay bill and food on the table for himself. He's not poor, his family is middle, to upper middle class so they helped him out. His life was completely turned upside down, so it always annoys me when I hear people say stuff like those are menial jobs or meant for kids to justify the low pay because you never know what could happen tomorrow.

Something big could happen where you have to get a basic job and then they don't even pay enough to where you lose your home.
edit on 29-9-2022 by RetsuUnohana because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 06:15 PM
Isnt it healthier to keep mind and body busy?

Falling into a stint of doing absolutely nothing turns into a month into, 3 months , into a year...its unhealthy.

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 08:09 PM
I'm trying to further education into IT so I can get an actual career off the ground, but I still have to make money in the meantime. Every job I've applied to in the last two months has shot me down. Most of them wont even give me the courtesy of an interview.

I worked from the beginning of the pandemic until a couple months ago in hospitality in the worst of worker shortages and now I can't even find someone that'll let me get my foot in the door.

I can't help but think we're living in the end times. Everything is on the brink of collapse.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 09:54 AM
Here's another personal anecdote to add to the thread:

I was working at a gas station in the county while I was studying through the CPC medical coding school, which cost about $2,400. Gas station has a tyrannical manager and the night shift that I worked has only one employee present on premises. After about 3 months of working there doing two people's jobs every night, with nothing but cameras watching my back while swastika face tatoos and fake $100 bills come and go, I talked to my wife about quitting since my final exam was just a week away, and she agreed, confident that I would land a job quickly since there was a shortage of medical coders.

I passed the exam and for months all I could do was apply for all the hundreds of medical coder job listings, but all the positions required work experience, and the few interviews I was offered were for ED screening. So I am a CPC with no prospect of employment without moving to a new city, which I can not do.

Fast forward one year later and I am the homeschooling champion. The boys are now 1st and 4th graders. My first grader went from not being able to read, to reading at 2nd grade level at least and 2nd grade math, and my 4th grader is halfway through his school work with 2 months left in the semester. And we began school only one week before actual schools began.

Money is tight as a single income household, but we are HAPPY. This family transformed their attitude now that the parents don't have to force the kids to wake up and run to the car to get through traffic to drop off at school and then to work. The parents don't have to teach the children what they should have learned earlier that day for homework. The boys can choose between playing outside or coming inside to do school work. They come in and do about 2 hours worth per day most days, and are already ahead of every other kid in the city schools. Their video game time has been slashed down to 1% of what it use to be, and no one is burnt out.

Now, I hate working for "the man," which sucks because I love working and being a part of something bigger than myself and cooperating with others while making money. It turns out I just love working with other people when I know in my heart that the work itself is worthwhile. I do need to find a way to make money, but I've never had experience in a self employed capacity and don't know where to begin.

posted on Oct, 5 2022 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: JAGStorm

I like food.

I like having a house and stuff in it.


And the other team prefers to bitch and moan.

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