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Reflections on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. (With a couple of curious dreams too.)

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posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:34 AM
Hail, ATS brethren & sisters,

It is with genuine sadness that I compose this thread. Of course you all will have heard a great deal already on the death of Queen Elizabeth II, monarch of the United Kingdom & Commonwealth nations & protectorates around the world. Her commitment to her duty as reigning monarch of these nations & territories was unwavering, her huge workload put many senior politicians & public figures to shame, she was a tireless & passionate exemplar in this regard, even into her nineties - in fact even up to two days before her passing, as she met with our new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, of the Conservative Party. We have often sung: "God save the Queen", and I can testify that she surely was indeed saved - her Christian faith was deeply held & always on display, she provided an excellent role model for churchgoing folk (and anyone, really) by demonstrating her love & faith in all sorts of ways, particularly during her annual Christmas Day speeches to the people of the UK, the nations & territories of the Commonwealth.

Every year she sat before us & inspired hope & belief in the project of centuries which we know & love as the United Kingdom of England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland. This nation was forged dually between the outworking of Christian fervour & passionate bloodshed in pursuit of liberty, in roughly equal measure over the centuries. We had good monarchs, we had bad monarchs, but God's Providence saw fit to provide us with an especially good monarch as we entered the truly modern age in the mid-twentieth century. She reigned for 70 years, our longest serving monarch in all of our history, and she bore it extremely well.

Of course, she was not perfect, a fact that she readily admitted to in many of her public communications. She believed she was a sinner saved by the grace of God, and indeed that is the absolute truth of the matter. Regardless of how other members of the Royal Family here in the UK, and in the royal houses of Europe, behave & interact with their peoples, she was a shining light, a beacon, standing for the best format that could be expressed in terms of what a modern democracy is & should be - she clearly supported & stood by the proper checks & balances necessary to restrain the power of those who rule, including herself. In this way she was progressive, she believed in adapting to the future as it unfolded, yet retained so much history in her bearing, often expressed in the physical splendour of her luxurious surroundings at each season of each year. She would have been the first to confess the troubles of the burden of such luxury, as a Christian she must have felt conflicted at times, yet most of the time, she seemed to wear her nobility in the proper manner, expressing her humility in her every deed which she carried out for her people, living out the good works that faith demands of those who are able to express them.

Let me be amongst those who say, God bless Elizabeth II, and God bless the King, Charles III, even though I have trouble with contemplating the future that Charles will bring to the monarchy. He certainly will never be as beloved as Elizabeth was, and I have concerns regarding his problematic interjections into the politics & 'management' of the world, as with his support for the World Economic Forum's goals & objectives. I am sure that his advisors will make certain that he issues forth no gaffes in the political sphere - but I am worried that behind the scenes, he will establish relationships & enact purposeful schemes which undermine true democracy (so much as we have it in these times of WEF infiltration). I believe he is a eugenicist, I base this on his activism in the sphere of Green machinations which espouse the preservation of nature & the limiting of human growth & development into the land which is presently available in the UK, much of which is protected dually by environmental shenanigans & private ownership. I am deeply concerned that his reign will not be a pleasant one, he seems to be aligning with the technocracy/ net zero campaigns typified by WEF participants, racing to net zero, caring naught for the damage this will do to the lives of the working & middle classes - we are simply useless eaters in these days when technology can supplant so many of us, in terms of the industry & service economy which the country now possesses, a pared-down corporate environment of consolidation & hostile takeover, which sees the super rich becoming more wealthy by the minute, the poor becoming ever-more destitute as those same minutes tick by.

"God save the King?" Well yes, of course - but the greater cry should be "God save the peoples of the United Kingdom & Commonwealth" in these dark times of engineered food shortages, nurses having to use food banks, and churches having to provide their facilities as 'warm hubs' where the poor can come during the winter to prevent themselves from freezing to death due to (deliberately, planned to be) unaffordable energy bills. The world is in crisis, and we need a monarch who will stand against the globalists with firm conviction, rather than open his hands to allow them to take, take, take away from the least economically capable citizens of the nations which our new king represents.

Turning our thoughts back to Elizabeth II again, we will remember her fondly, despite the seemingly ludicrous conspiracy theories which have cropped up over the years, which intend to cause people to despise her as a hidden evil force in the dealings of our home nations & beyond. It has been claimed that she is a 'reptilian', 'possessed by demonic forces', or a supporter of the torture & murder of tiny children, so that she can drink their adrenalised blood as a youth elixir & spiritual fortifier. Over the years I have seen small 'evidences' of shades of strangeness around the Royals as a whole, and I have feared that perhaps, just perhaps, some aspect of it is true, and she wasn't who she seemed to be on the surface. It is my sincere belief that if there were any bizarre spiritual manipulations going on, if she was trauma-programmed herself, for example, despite this, she intended to be a good person, a good ruler, a dutiful monarch serving her people all over the world. I believe her faith has saved her from whatever manipulations went on behind the scenes. Even if the weirdest theory was true, and she happened to be a lizard person, her faith will have saved her, that belief in the redeeming sacrifice of Christ - that is salvation for all peoples of the Earth, lizard people included. I suspect the only way this could be true is that a serpentine race was born under the aegis of the fallen Watchers of ancient times, the original fallen angels - their offspring became the lizard people who were able to camouflage themselves & offer a pretence at humanity. It's possible, but still, I believe her faith was genuine, and the offspring of fallen angels wouldn't necessarily inherit any special curse which prevents them from coming to a redeeming faith in Jesus Christ. So I stand by what I have written, and i wish her Godspeed in the Heavenly realms.


edit on SeptemberFriday2219CDT09America/Chicago-050051 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling/ clarification/ setting tone

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:34 AM
Finally, a couple of odd dreams which I experienced regarding the Queen & the Royal Family more generally - just because you all will know I'm a prolific dreamer of vivid, lucid & prophetic dreams....

1) I was standing at the foot of a castle wall, looking up at the battlements. There was the Queen, standing up there with her security & officiating personnel, looking down at me. As I wondered to myself what was going on, why I was here, she shouted down to me, ever so politely: “Do you think I'll be giving you any land?” 'Of course not' was the intended & implied meaning. I was a bit miffed, but accepted the situation as being perfectly normal (as we often do when weird things happen in non-lucid dreams)... Meaning of the dream was unclear at the time, but on having written it down I'm tending towards the belief that this was a dream about humility, and rejecting any self-entitlement which may have been dormant within my soul (because in the real world, I've never coveted the land of the Royals, or anyone else really, just some mild envy at times..) I think it also was a dream about loyalty, about rejecting the notion that I should be disloyal in any way just because my circumstances aren't working out that well in the real world. In that respect, it could be said that the relationship between the Queen & myself in that dream was analogous to my relationship with God, ensuring that I remain humble, loyal & non-covetous in the face of evidence that others are doing ever so well in the real world, despite their lack of concern for the things of God, as an example. I had this dream around 2017, I believe, though I don't keep a formal dream journal (I really should, in light of my myriad REM stage dream cycles each night, which provide me with extremely vivid & meaningful dreams, sometimes lucid, often directly prophetic also). I may take today as the first day of my journaling exploits. I think I've resisted keeping a journal in the past simply because I dream so much, that keeping a record would be time & effort-intensive. On balance, however, it's probably worth doing..

2) The second dream was astonishing.. I had this dream approximately three weeks ago, timely indeed. The dream started with finding myself on a quest to get past a guarded & narrow route through sheer cliff faces in Arctic seas, the wind was icy, whipping around as I & my accomplice stood looking over the narrow pass. He showed me a way to neutralise some of the defences, and I saw that British special forces soldiers had suddenly arrived, and were looking for me & the accomplice, we were caught, there was no way to get beyond the pass after all, despite apparently making good progress initially – they had known we were coming, and so ambushed us partway through the efforts we were intent upon.

The dream morphed, and I found myself in a Royal estate/ park in the London area, standing under a pagoda where an antique gun was displayed, from the era of the Second World War. In an instant I was transported back in time, and I saw the gun being used by a daring & loyal officer, who was desperately trying to prevent German planes from dropping their payloads on the Royal estate & parkland nearby. He persevered through grim attacks, and lost an eye due to shrapnel when a bomb landed nearby, an attempt to neutralise his position. The dream morphed again, and now I saw him receiving royal honours & a medal for his bravery during the horrendous assault, it was a miracle that he had survived, and he had protected the realm under his aegis without loss of life to any other person.

Next, I found myself being shown scenes representative of my life, particularly the time when I came to faith in Christ, joining a community church - I saw the spiritual dynamics of what had occurred with that church, how it had been infiltrated by servants of Hell who were trying to bring it down into ruination. Ultimately, sadly, that basically sums up what happened – there were allegations that church leaders had covered up abuse which had occurred, or at least had not properly appraised the authorities when it came to their attention. The rumour mill & gossip, and horrid slander which sprang up in the wake of this tragedy basically destroyed the church, and it was formally disbanded a couple of years after the incidents at the heart of the matter.

Then, I found myself in one of the Royal palaces, being shown around by a very cordial gentleman who introduced me one by one, to around ten senior members of the Royal Family, and indeed I passed by many more of those family members to whom I wasn't personally introduced. This was done whilst I was being shown around the gloriously luxurious palace, decorated with sublime attention to detail by the highest of master craftsmen. I remember thinking that it was, in a sense, right & proper that the most senior family in the land should occupy homes which could be turned into facilities for important diplomatic events, which showed off the excellence of British workmanship, with people in attendance whose manners & loyalty were beyond a doubt stellar in their outworking.

At the final stage of the tour, I was shown into a room at the top of the palace, which, I was told, had been the nursery for the princes & princesses who had lived there. I was then told that for a short time, a couple of years, I was personally resident here also, as an infant, from 0 to 2 years of age, before being sent to live with a 'normal' family in the North West of England. I was told that this had been highly necessary, and that it was all being done for hidden, occulted reasons, though not nefarious in the slightest. Indeed, the whole matter was treated as being something vital to the future well-being of the nation, for reasons that even now I would not fully understand. The final scene in the dream involved stepping into one particular room adjoining the nursery, which featured the most beautiful flooring I had ever seen. The entire night sky was represented with jewels for stars, lustrous metallic deep blue paint which was laquered to provide a mirror polish, with inlaid ceramic tiles, also laquered over, which featured autumn leaves on a tree which ascended into the night sky. The whole thing was created from the perspective of someone lying on the ground & looking directly upwards, past the leaves of the tree on one side, at the twinkling stars of various sizes, with perspective which made for absolute realism. It was simply superb, and I remember asking if I had crawled on this floor as an infant, I was told that I had. I asked about the nursemaid who had looked after me, but she had passed away it seemed, and was no longer able to speak with me in this dream.


edit on SeptemberFriday2219CDT09America/Chicago-050037 by FlyInTheOintment because: spelling

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 09:34 AM
The most interesting thing about this dream is that the realism was absolutely perfect. There was none of the weird morphing of scenes as I moved from place to place – everything was intact as one environment, a literal palace which I could navigate properly, just as I would in waking reality. Everyone I spoke with – all the Royals & the staff – were completely at ease, normal, natural in their mannerisms & speech, again, entirely congruent with what waking reality would purvey. The people who sat in the rooms I walked through, those whom I did not speak with, also were entirely normal in their appearance, mannerisms & actions, not a hair was out of place, not a twitch or expression seemed odd, everything was totally & perfectly normal.

The dream became lucid towards the last moments, and I remember thinking that these people must have received expert training in the occult skills required for perfect dream control, I likened it to the movie 'Inception', where powerful people are taught to control their dreams at will, to ensure that high level state or corporate secrets are not betrayed or stolen by accident when non-lucid in a dream. I was hugely impressed with how perfect the experience had been, and I was overcome with emotion as I awoke, because I woke feeling convinced that in some way, I had been connected to the Royal Family at an extremely young age – in fact this fits neatly into the way that I have come to view my earliest recollections of life.

It's a story for another thread, but I have a perfectly-defined gap in memory between the ages of 0 to 2 years old, and then at 2 years old I recall I was suddenly 'given' a mother, an event which I remember so well, my first memory in fact - which occurred on a Royal Air Force base in Staffordshire. In those early memories, I remember being excited to see what my mother would look like, finding out whether she would be a kind person, if she would love me, and so on. I didn't feel neglected or unloved at the time, but having my own defined family was a mystery to me which I looked forward to discovering. However, as noted, that's a thread for another time, one which I'm already working on, in fact.

Anyway, so there you go – a couple of interesting Queen Elizabeth II/ Royal Family dreams which have illuminated my dreaming mind. Thanks for reading.

And Elizabeth, Ma'am, thank you for your life of service, Godspeed on your journeys throughout the heavenly realms, may you find peace & eternal solace in the knowledge of God the Father & in relationship with Jesus, the Son, through the power & comfort of His Holy Spirit. May your family be at peace with your passing, and may your son be up to the important task of ruling well throughout what are, for many, dark & difficult times. The world seems at war with itself, the rich are assaulting the poor, the corporations are assaulting the validity of the State & the culture which each nation possesses - may King Charles III have the courage & tenacity to stand against the powers of darkness during his reign.

'Long Live the King!'



posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 10:32 AM
You mean the man who at the beginning of Covid said it's a unique window of opportunity..

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: wlee48868
You mean the man who at the beginning of Covid said it's a unique window of opportunity..

There was a thread on ATS about once the queen passed and Charles took power the One World Government would be rolled out. Charles does seem to be awfully 'woke' and progressive.

Have the chants of 'not my king' and 'not my queen' started yet?

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

She was a 96 year old woman who had traveled the world several times over , ate the finest foods , lived in Palaces all her life and got to meet the great and the good of society , most importantly she got to pursue her passion for horse racing.

In all I think she had a long and happy life but was ready to go following the passing of her husband , we should be grateful for her service and happy she is where she wanted to be , back with Philip.

Tonight I will raise a glass the the Queen , and I'm a republican.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: wlee48868

Fair enough - to be honest, I didn't know he said that. Cancel my 'long live..' bit.

But as I stated, I have serious reservations about what we can expect from Charles, and I've felt that way for years, couldn't stand him in fact. It doesn't surprise me one bit that he's in on the whole WEF type 'COVID-as-an-opportunity' bandwagon, I was pretty sure he was into eugenics even just from an analysis of his environmental stance.

There are a number of Royals/ high society courtiers who are on board with the whole depopulation agenda, perhaps most of them - but I don't think they all feel that way, just like not all the Rothschilds are soul-sucking banksters.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the originator of the Bilderberg society/meetings, and if we look at what's being done to Holland, to 'his very own' people at the present time, it can only be said that he & his cohorts are blood-drinking fiends, and those poor people who are de facto propping him & his contemporaries up on their lofty, smug & self-satisfied perches, need to storm the castles with pitchforks & flaming torches (if it can be proven, regarding who is involved in these anti-human WEF type conspiracies..)

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I'll just add that when I wrote the OP, I really felt stirred to patriotism, and I wanted to give Charles the benefit of the doubt, despite the fact that he really annoys me & has done for a long time.

Knowing now some of the things he's said publicly which express support for the whole Net Zero, 'environment-as-supreme-people-as-leeches', Carbon Neutral, WEF depopulation agenda, 'COVID-as-an-opportunity' situation, I feel damn well deflated, and I hope that the people of the UK will come to prevail DESPITE the new king, rather than because of him.



posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

He also has spoken of a standing world army to enforce the will of the UN or some other unelected globalist organization. I forget the amount he said was needed, but I suggest if he wants one then he liquidate the crown's holdings rather than assume the citizens of the world fund it.

There's little hope he won't be a total WEF stooge.

posted on Sep, 9 2022 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

She was a 96 year old woman who had traveled the world several times over , ate the finest foods , lived in Palaces all her life and got to meet the great and the good of society , most importantly she got to pursue her passion for horse racing.

In all I think she had a long and happy life but was ready to go following the passing of her husband , we should be grateful for her service and happy she is where she wanted to be , back with Philip.

Tonight I will raise a glass the the Queen , and I'm a republican.

But she was never truly free no matter how gilded her cage she lived for her duty as much as anything else and felt a sense of duty to fulfil her role as best she could and she also believed in God very strongly and was a devout Christian, now I am not a Monarchist or a republican but upon weighing the pros and cons of both systems I believe our current system for all of it's failings is superior to the republican system as shown in such nations as the US were presidents are often only in it for there own ends and in which longer term head of state leadership is often lacking so the stabilizing factor which for us the Queen actually was is actually not really there.

Now the Soviets tried to get around this with many of there presidents serving life term's but once again they were men that were power hungry and seeking the job for there own ends (not that the soviet system was any good at all it was utterly crap we all know that but the comparison is fair as is the comparison to the shorter and less stable presidential model of most western democracy's that have adopted the republican idea), this leads to corruption in government.

Now we already have that with the cash under the table model and cash for honours etc in which both our houses have fallen to corruption but through this the Queen has been untouchable by that corruption and yet though she never wielded her power had always the ability should it have been called for to dismiss a corrupt government and order a new election to clean house though of course she never did, it was still there though the ability.

Part of what corrupted the house of Lords was the removal of the hereditary lords over time, now yes non of us liked the hooray harry's but not all of them were bad and many of our great reformers over the century's have actually been members of the house of Lords' but what has happened was that corruption of which BOTH the main political party's are guilty the cash for honours and the constant corrupt appointing of new lords by both party's to push there own agenda's as of course in reality while it is really the common's that runs the country the house of Lords is almost as powerful and CAN block any motion passed by the Commons should they so choose to do so and among themselves vote against it.

I actually think our system while broken is still the best in the world.

While there are times when we have crap governments like our current one and we can rile against the whole system with ample justification there are also times when we have had great governments.

One that gave us the NHS and other institutions for example though the current one is destroying the legacy of far better governments of the past and mostly on behalf of external greed that does not benefit our people at all.

Under our system Moderate Socialism actually worked and it worked very well indeed, so too did Moderate Capitalism, get rid of our system and open the door to the extreme of either side and from what we can see in the rest of the world either side of that divide when not moderated is a recipe for a divided nation and disaster for the opposite side of which ever of those two ideology's comes to completely control the system.

Don't get me wrong there have been some absolute disgraces among the so called Royals, Mountbatten if the claims he was into little boy's are true is or rather was one of them, Andrew should have had more decorum and known better sweaty man.

But I liked Elizabeth and as for Charles I believe we NEED him, he will try to follow in his mothers footsteps and act the part so maintaining stability at least in form of our system.

The problem I have is the lower house, how corruption in both party's is not dealt with and how they get away with murder, the Tory's for instance have KILLED at least 125000 people through there sanctions and Theresa Coffee refused to release the report into those death's and now that horrid woman is second in command of our nation after the unelected lunatic Truss (who among other things is seeking to TIE the unions down thus living up to her name).

edit on 9-9-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

I go back on what I said, here is a great youtube video of why?.

And lest we forget and this all be brushed under the carpet in order to keep a corrupt status quo in there positions of power.

This is not to suggest he is guilty of any of that but I am absolutely certain that someone in the intelligence community and probably the police knew all about these men and probably informed the royals, if they did not then that would have been a severe lapse in security.

So just maybe now IS the time to re-establish the British Republic.

But once again I am NOT anti Monarchy but my philosophy as a Christian believer is this.
I pray to MY god for his kingdom to Come so how can I be subject to an earthy monarch.
My King is ALIVE for evermore so how can I have another king especially when my Lord himself said this.
No one can serve two masters (have two kings?). Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.

edit on 13-9-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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