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Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 09:48 AM
Apologies for the sad violin but I have to get this off my chest. Every fiber of my being--every fiber--aches to fight the World Economic Forum and Government corruption which are shredding our human rights and national sovereignty for their Brave New World. But I can't do a damned thing about it. Here's the plain truth. I stopped working several months back for a variety of reasons--fed up with being treated like trash by incompetent managers for one--and now I am about to declare bankruptcy. I've owed 10 thousand dollars for 10 years and I was never able to make a dent in it. It was occurred through the lies of an employer who promised me more hours and a promotion when, in reality, he was losing contracts and he would eventually declare bankruptcy. This was in a small town during a recession and my options were few. I lived off my credit card for several months until I finally found out through some digging that our major Gov contract was cancelled due to his incompetence. I told him off and quit. A relative lent me the money I needed to move to a larger town where connections afforded me a full-time job. Not that the nonsense ended there.

Where I am right now financially, I can't pay my bank towards what I owe. This is my fault, my choice. It's not simply because I got fed up being screwed with by heartless and dishonest managers. My country has been under siege from within. The Trudeau Gov's actions have forever changed me, how I view my country, and how I view my options. So have the actions of my fellow citizens. The public's complete inaction over the mounting tyranny was making me continually depressed. Then the Truckers Convoy happened. It gave me hope. Then I watched while Canadian police bullied and beat down the peaceful protestors in front of the whole world. Most Ottawa police had refused, forcing Trudeau to bring in corrupt police from Quebec. It's commendable that the military refused to aid Trudeau in turning against their own people. But they didn't intervene to defend them from a criminal prime minister either. This proved me that, despite the good individuals within, these services are essentially devices of the Government. Period. It doesn't matter if most of them refuse to do something evil. There are always those who will do it. At the end of the day, the Government is not about representing the public. It's just a Command Center for the criminal elite. And the police and military are their devices.

The banks turned on us, illegally freezing legal assets of Convoy supporters. Not my funds, but I took notice. I'd been blacklisting a great many businesses which turned on us for tyranny and corruption. This now included my own bank. The Gov is evil. My bank is evil. They hate Canadians like me, and they hate or disrespect our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Economists are warning about a major collapse sometime between fall and winter of this year. Seems we will "own nothing, and be happy." Rather than work, I fought online endlessly trying to do my part in exposing the corruption. I wanted the truth to be known. And I wanted to reach those with the power to do something. By far, my biggest tool was LinkedIn. I'd accumulated a large following there who supported me, including some very influential people. I'd share the same posts on Facebook and Gettr, but hardly ever got a single like. But I said too much and am "temporarily" banned from LinkedIn until I apologize for speaking the truth, which I will never do. I do not have the resources to make a dent in the globalist agenda. LinkedIn was my only tool. And it's gone.

Bankruptcy will settle my debts, but not my future. My Unemployment Insurance won't last much longer. I need an income. I have to take care of myself. But this isn't as simple as it may sound. Every fiber of my being wants to fight the Globalist threat. It's like an obsession that never leaves my mind. I follow alt news sources religiously to know what is going on (as best as one can.) I have my shortcomings, but cowardice is not one of them. I am intelligent, skilled, self-educated, passionate, motivated, but I just don't have the means to fight. I was the only one in my city who refused to wear a mask at the time of the Convoy. Every store I went in at any time, it was only me refusing. Many people here still wear masks outside! I've tried reaching out to resistance groups on Facebook, but they never got back to me. With a little digging, I found evidence they'd been intimidated by local police. Everyone's scared. So what the hell can I do?

I managed to get a short story published in a fairly prominent magazine. My first one. But 60 bucks doesn't pay the rent. I haven't been writing much, or submitting my stories like I should either. It's hard to clear my mind from what is happening around me to be creative. I'm just too aware of it. My empathetic nature doesn't help either. I'm the kind of person who hates bullies. I fight back. And never before has my instinct for defense been called upon so powerfully as now. My country needs me. But how the hell can I fight without resources or even allies? And when my people are scared stiff?

From a logical perspective, it seems stupid to allow these emotions to cloud my self-interest. I should just suck it up and get a job I hate. Or a creative career doable online. But here's the rub. Far as I can tell, the economy is about to collapse. What then? It feels absurd to engage myself down the path of a new career just before an economic collapse. I'll predictably lose the job and be in a financial crisis anyway. It's like I'm pointing to the wall and ordering myself to walk face-first into it. Talk about dumb. But what choice do I have? Sometimes it seems the Universe makes clowns of us all.

What advice would I give someone in my situation? I'd say, get a job, pursue a career you will enjoy. Forget the impending collapse. Whatever happens will happen. It's outside your control. Take it one step at a time. The problem is, my brain isn't wired that way. Unlike the vast majority of people (apparently), I can't just switch off my brain from what I know is happening around me. Globalists who hate us have gotten control of the helm and are pre-emptively fighting off a 'mutiny' to retake the ship. This means vilifying would-be rebels, divide and conquer. I want to at least alert the crew that our ship has been commandeered by enemies. But I can't even do that anymore.

Damned emotions and instincts. Am I missing something? I've prayed for direction for months. I see no direction but a brick wall.

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Your thread title describes you perfectly. You may not realise how however.

You are a free spirit trapped by a obsessive compulsive brain......(Nutshell)

You need to learn to let go of the dissapointment and pain. Realise you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

The only thing you need to save is yourself- you have been blessed with a free spirit excercise and nurture it.

Declare bankruptcy shrug your shoulders and walk further towards the light.

Honestly you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes if not frequently.
They will rob you of your spirit if you let them.

You will loose yourself trying to DRAG others along.

I hope you are hearing me as I have nothing more to express, its way to much and to draining to articulate.

Good luck.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: CthruU

Thank you for your insightful advice. It articulates very well something which I have been grappling with.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

I liked CthruU's advice.

Here's the rub, you can only control your actions and reactions. The world will continue to hit us from all sides.

The best each of us can do, is live our life and stand tall in the face of adversity. Doing the right thing and helping those around us who are in need.

Actually, go out and volunteer your time to a cause that helps those in need. A cause you believe in. You might be surprised at how much your outlook on life, and your life in general, will improve.

This will not help you financially. And I do believe if we help those around us, we are fighting this evil in the WEF. They won't be able to push an agenda they want if the people are able to live for themselves. The can't break us if we stand by each other and help each other. They the masses won't need to rely on them.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Here is wisdom.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; taking this world as it is and not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen.

So, you know what is coming. Prepare the best you can as you cannot change it. The best you can do is enlighten others and have them prepare also.

Now, on the financial side.....

I am not sure what you do as a career but if you are not in a professional job and have computer skills then I would recommend "Project Management" & "Scrum Master.

Go to
Check out Scum Master, then Project Manager as the job title and tell me what you see.

Basic training is practically free (youtube, free introduction courses everywhere) and if you want a quick / easy certification do this:

If in the tech industry, go get a fast & easy Scrum Master certification for a few hundred bucks (Scrum Alliance most recognized)

Welcome to the white collar world that actually pays well for very little investment.

The potential to make 6 figures with a few days / weeks of training and a certification test or two. Best deal I know of right now.

edit on 5-9-2022 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 10:46 AM
Being empathic makes it hard to separate ones' emotions from ones' brain, but they can't work together. You either 'feel' the woes of the world with your heart (which brings a sense of total helplessness most of the time) or you use your brain to see the big picture and what your limitations are.

I was in middle school when JFK was eliminated and I've watched the trajectory of the world take ever-so-tiny steps to bring us into our current reality. It didn't happen without people sounding the alarm, or whistleblowers, but few are willing to step out of their comfort zone and use their brain to analyze the scene unfolding.

Personally, I think we're too far down the path to turn things around. An 'outsider' (like Trump) may be able to slow the progression for a bit, but the plan for the world is organized at a much higher level than one nation.

Belief in a Higher Power is the only saving grace, for me. The world is unfolding as it must, and the wheat is being separated from the chaff. I 'feel' the worlds' suffering, but must force myself to shift into using my brain to understand the bigger picture.

If I had the power to change what's coming, I surely would. I don't, so all I can contribute is locally - and maybe a few thoughts online. I try to stay away from certain issues where I'm not able to separate my emotional response from brain response, like the subject of abortion. I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind, nor should I try; it would just make people dig their heels in further in their chosen mindset.

The thing about emotions that was the most freeing for me is we choose what we allow to upset us . My feelings belong to me and I have the ability to control them, should I choose to do the work in learning how. Nobody and no subject can 'make' me angry; I choose the things I allow to upset me. Learning this gem of truth has given me a whole toolbox full of power over the insanity I see in the world today.

You fight fire with fire, yet the worlds' citizens are going after the oligarchs from an emotional standpoint. World leaders don't have a single emotional thought for the people they rule over; we must appear like petulant little children when we protest or riot to them. I often wonder if things could be turned around if enough people switched from living through their emotions and put all their collective brains together. Maybe that's why the MSM is so full of polarizing, sensational, emotion-provoking stories every night?

I hope you find a new platform soon! Don't forget to protect your heart, and good luck to you!

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

What advice would I give someone in my situation? I'd say, get a job, pursue a career you will enjoy. Forget the impending collapse. Whatever happens will happen. It's outside your control. Take it one step at a time. The problem is, my brain isn't wired that way.

I’m going to be brutal here….
If you are requiring funds from relatives it’s time to grow up. You don’t think they have dreams and things they want to enjoy? If you are able bodied it’s time to do what it takes. If your brain isn’t wired that way, then it’s time to get help. Either psychological, spiritual, medical etc.

If you really want to fight the “system”, being broke won’t do it. The more money you have and higher up the rungs you are the more power/means you’ll have to actually make a difference. It will also afford you the ability to say F* it and truly live off grid if so desired.
If you are truly passionate, and do what it takes, that means you won’t give up.

Please take all the above as advice and not to come down on you. I say this as a person that had very similar feeling that you shared. I even had a couple of employers take advantage of my hard work ethic.
edit on 5-9-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

I've went through a similar thing after the protests, not knowing what to do next, not wanting to participate any longer in "their" system.

I haven't had any financial issues, but I've pre-planned for this situation for a long while now, so I was fairly prepared.

I quit working union jobs until they completely lifted all Covid requirements/policies. Just started working with the union again within the last 2 months.

It's a tough road to hoe, for sure.

I turned my woodworking hobby into a small business that pays the bills.

You need to keep writing and stick with it, that could be your solution financially, as well as emotionally, as it will enable you to get your thoughts and feelings off your chest, even if it's through fiction.

The political spectrum in Canada (and globally) isn't pretty right now and it doesn't look like anything is going to get better anytime soon, unfortunately.

We need to adapt and work around the system for now.

Easier said than done though, I know.

Stay Strong and Free!!!! Being on the right side of history will be a sacrifice I think.

We ain't done fighting yet, and there are MILLIONS more like us.

You are fed? You are sheltered? You are clothed? That's a blessing! You can fight! Don't lose the Faith!

Go back and read some of your old threads, I found them inspiring, I bet you will too!

You're a warrior, F🍁CK TRUDEAU and the rest of them...

Chin up.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Paragraphs are better then continuous walls of txt. Sorry...just can't. Peace

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

I feel you... There is no way around that brick wall anymore. A wall built trough the indoctrination of many generations.

I say onward, and let the bricks fall wherever they might.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 12:18 PM
If you made $60 selling a story you wrote, I'd pursue that even if you get a day job that just gets you by. I'm curious as to the subject of the story and how long it was (word number).

Get your thoughts on the situation in writing and share at places like ATS and store all the source material off line. There must be other places you can share as well (Parler, Gab, etc.) but I understand your desire to join a resistance movement that hasn't seemed to have formed yet.

If I could find the right groups to join in a resistance movement I would. The Order of the White Rose sounds pretty good, but I don't want to use a TOR browser to get to their active website.

The Order of the White Rose
Educate. Empower. Resist.
Resistance Matters.

The Order of the White Rose seeks to train individual citizens in areas that will help them engage in resistance activities against an out of control government. Patterned after the original White Rose Resistance that stood up to Nazi Germany, TOWR is a new generation of partisan—training stronger, better communities who want to live free.


If I thought I could generate enough interest locally to form a group with regular meetings I would, but the interest isn't here yet IMO. I'd like anyone's suggestions on this part of your issue as well.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2
I'm in NB and I feel the exact same, me and my entire family fight against this new agenda. They will fail in the end.

I know about how you feel about not being able to get into the things you enjoy because of whats going on, me and my GF talked about that a few days ago. Things we use to do but don't anymore. I no longer trust the health care system, doctors and treatments, I no longer trust the pharmaceutical industry either. you just don't know what they will lie to put into you these days.

PM me here and we should exchange ideas and emails, your not alone and I have resources I can connect you with.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: theatreboy

Thanks for the advice.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Wow, thanks a lot! I've done a ton of different jobs but have done mostly cleaning jobs in recent years. I only ever looked for a simple job to pay bills so I could do my creative work on the side. But I have become tired of being undervalued and treated badly. You've given me much to look into.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Thanks for sharing. JFK was before my time but I too see that as a turning point for the modern world. A vast conspiracy, which JFK himself warned about, assassinated him and covered it up. Several decades later, still no revelations or justice. 9-11 is when I first witnessed the corporate media united in a fear campaign to smear anyone questioning the official story as "conspiracy nuts". The FBI ignored/protected the Epstein circle for 20 years, and some may have profited off it. The names of those involved are still protected by the "justice" system. They've done everything possible to character assassinate Trump, and to have him locked up.

So many judges, doctors, corporate leaders and elected officials have let us down in a variety of ways. Some if it from evil intent, some of it from stupidity or cowardice. But the betrayal of the Public Trust has been astonishingly broad. The latest 'shocker' is FISA Judge Dabney Friedrich ruling against Carter Page. She has set a dangerous (and unconstitutional) precedent whereby no one may legally fight back against the Deep State. The 4th Amendment magically no longer applies to FISA, she's ruled. All they have to do is mark something "National Security" and they can do whatever they want.

After so much corruption in recent years, this was the one story which finally hit me that we've lost. They control the media--thus the cultural attitudes--and the information people get. They control the courts. Constitutional rights are out the window. Our modern republican/parliamentary democracies have fallen from within. Most of us never had a say in it.

Guess we're in a time of change. I hope we manage to build a better world. Looking at history, it's happened before. Major societies and religions have collapsed, but humanity never dies. We move on, we build something new. Guess that's the silver lining..

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Thanks for the tough love. What issues I have I've had to live with. Never had the privilege of healing because I had to keep working to survive. What psychologists I saw were incompetent and one was downright unprofessional. I'm an odd duck in a backwards world but I cope. In my defense, I've worked through extremely tough situations very few people could handle. I even worked as a cleaner through the pandemic. I held the fort when everyone else was leaving or just didn't care to do what needed doing. I made up for their incompetence by working harder--for which I got no appreciation from my bosses. I've been loyal, hard working and self-sacrificing through many jobs. Some of them appreciate you for it, most don't. I will find something soon and let what happens to the world around me happen. I will take responsibility for myself alone. And when management lets me down, I will take my business elsewhere.

Well, I will push back how I can against tyranny. I just need to except the limitations.

Oh and needing to borrow money to move was a necessity. I could not find a full-time job in that town. I did car pool to one in another town but I developed an allergic reaction to the product. I also had black mold in my apartment walls. Which the landlord would not take care of because he was going out of business. Basically, the whole town was dying, becoming a ghost town because the corrupt council wanted to turn it into a quiet 'retirement town' and kept businesses out. Everyone was unhappy and many were moving away. I tested the water with running for office but although some said they'd vote for me I generally didn't feel the people cared enough to go out and vote. Defeatism big time.
edit on 5-9-2022 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: MykeNukem

Good to see you, Myke.
Glad you prepared and are doing well. My writing will continue for sure. I'm a creative person through and through. Hope to find a creative field to pay the bills. Meanwhile, if ever I see an opportunity to push back against tyranny in a meaningful way, I'll do it for sure. I might be able to help more if I can get myself into a better position in life.

You hang in there too. There is always hope that things can work out better.
edit on 5-9-2022 by LoneCloudHopper2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

lol Sorry, guess I could have broken it up more.

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Always loved that song. As a spiritual and artistic kid, school was nightmarish to me. Every fiber of my being rejected it and wanted out. Like George Carlin said, it's the "public indoctrination center".

posted on Sep, 5 2022 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I will pursue it for sure. Just have to get all the chaos of the world out of my head. Hope to manage that real soon. I've been writing for a very long time but was self-publishing--which hasn't worked well for me. Other writers tell me I'm really good, but despite all my hard work it seems I suck at marketing. Only recently decided to start publishing short stories for cash and I do enjoy it.

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