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There are now Many CONFIRMED Nov 2020 Election Illegalities and Irregularities.

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posted on Jul, 20 2022 @ 11:34 PM
From the "Feelz Good" file...

Jeffrey Toobin, the disgraced public Masturbator at CNN, is amazed Donald Trump has the audacity to continue contacting state officials, asking them to decertify Biden. As pointed out in another post, Trump called the head of Wisconsin's legislature earlier this month, after it was revealed far more than 20,000 votes (Biden's margin of victory) were illegal.

Toobin goes nuts:

As I always say, if it makes a liberal angry, you're on the right track!

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:24 AM

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

These guys?

posted on Jul, 28 2022 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: carewemust
So what is coming down for midterm, more of the same, where does it stop. Does it?

posted on Aug, 2 2022 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
a reply to: carewemust
So what is coming down for midterm, more of the same, where does it stop. Does it?


August 2, 2022 Update

After fiercely fighting to keep evidence of fraud hidden from the public, CORRUPT Arizona officials (aka "criminals"), finally lose a legal round to the GOOD GUYS/GALS in Arizona.

Forcefully declassified Video shows election data being INTENTIONALLY DELETED by 2 Arizona Co-Conspirators.



posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Since elections began, EVERY election has had irregularities of one kind or another. In most elections after all is done those irregularities are corrected at the state level and done quietly, so as not to destroy confidence in the election process. Remember the 'hanging chads' during Bush/Gore? Did we see those happen this election" No, that irregularity was fixed, as most are.

In this election, Trump, long before the first ballot was ever cast, declared that 'The only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election" and he repeated this lie at every rally until it became the mantra that erupted into a juggernaut of rage on January 6, 2021. The question one must ask is why Trump did this? No prior candidate in history ever accused the opposition of rigging the election before the first ballot was cast, not that I can recall, and my memory goes back to Nixon/JFK election.

What Trump did was hype those irregularities, knowing that his base is gullible as hell, to say 'see, I told you so' without any evidence. His base with then take these irregularities, the kind of which are common to all elections, as 'proof' that Democrats stole the election. Yes, folks, this is the big lie and he is still telling in and many of you are still believing it.

He and his surrogates sought redress in over 60 court cases, and in all but one, he lost. Many of those judges were conservative judges and a number of them were appointed by Trump. Every time Trump hollers that the judges are democrats, you'd think that if being a party member affected how one judges, that some of those republican chosen judges would rule along the party line, as well. Apparently all judges, liberals and conservatives alike, don't give a damn about politics, and just go by the evidence, but don't tell that to Donald Trump.

Now, if any one had evidence, including Mike Lindell, you'd think they would produce it.

But, alas, no evidence has ever been produced.

Only allegations, and allegations are not evidence. Evidence occurs when it survives cross examination in a court of law and a competent attorney persuades a Jury of the facts.

This has never happened. And there is only one reason, no evidence exists that proves Trump's allegation that 'Democrats Stole The Election".

None. Allegations are not evidence. Affidavits are not evidence.

Mike Lindell never produced one iota of evidence (but he did sell a lot of stuff during his 'symposiums' ).

Trump never produced one iota of evidence.

Raffensperger said there was no evidence.

Barr said there was no evidence.

Former Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said there was no evidence.

Ivanka Trump said there was no evidence.

Former acting deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue said there was no evidence

Trump campaign data expert Matt Oczkowski said there was no evidence.

Trump campaign lawyer Alex Cannon said there was no evidence.

Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway said there was no evidence ( a staunch Trump defendere, if there ever were one)

There is no evidence supporting the charges against Dominion, and they are suing for defamation.

No one on this forum or any forum has dever produced evidence. If so, let's see it.

Oh they might think they have, but when it is subject to forensic scrutiny, in a court of law, it never survives.

As to the argument, 'the courts never allowed evidence, they shot it down on standing'. Some courts tossed the suit on standing, some looked at the evidence and tossed it out for not actually being evidence. You'd think that if Trump has something strong, out of 60 or so lawsuits he'd have won more than one, and he just didn't, and the one he won on was a minor thing. As tor the lack of standing , why is Trump hiring incompetent lawyers who don't know how to file a case in the proper court?

Writ large, apparently many on the right do not have a clue what actually constitutes evidence. That's what it seems like, to me.

I'm not talking about irregularities, there are plenty of those and none of them changed the outcome of the election and none of them prove that 'Democrats stole the election" almost all of them are innocent mistakes of one kind or another. yes there have been a few cases of fraud, only a handful, and a number of them were by republicans.

So, if you have evidence, let's see it.

You might think it is evidence, but I doubt it will survive forensic scrutiny by experts.

And, if you really think you have evidence, the time to do something about it is right after the election, not two years later.

Oh, there will be accountability, a Grand Jury is asking key Trump personnel some tough questions, Cipollone, et al, are soon to testify.

Oh, and Trump was instructed to not communicate with Meadows. Hmmm, is Meadows about to flip? Ya think?

The plot thickens.

edit on 6-8-2022 by Patricio because: grammar, spelling, etc.

posted on Aug, 6 2022 @ 11:42 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The video doesn't prove what you think it proves. "Archived files" are files not related to the current election, such as files from prior elections and/or those that are not pertinent to the election under scrutiny. If you want to impugn the integrity of the official being questioned, you'll have to do better than this.

edit on 6-8-2022 by Patricio because: grammar

posted on Aug, 7 2022 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Ugh give it up. LMAO. You're like the election has

21 confirmed illegalities or irregularities

and to prove it, here is a shady website that confirms everyone of our beliefs.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: OOOOOO
a reply to: carewemust
So what is coming down for midterm, more of the same, where does it stop. Does it?

October 2, 2022

TRYING TO STOP IT IN WISCONSIN. In addition to "drop boxes" for ballots now being illegal, we have this new development.

It has now been discovered that the (crooked) Wisconsin Election Commission allowed NON-legal/Illegal changes of mailed-in ballots, during the Nov 2020 election cycle.

Major Lawsuit Unveiled:

As the article points out, an emergency request has been made to NOT ALLOW these same ballot "adjustments" to be made by election personnel this month and early next month.

posted on Oct, 2 2022 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: Patricio

The MAJORITY of Americans now believe STRATEGIC CHEATING put Joe Biden in the White House.

THE MAJORITY of those who voted for Joe Biden are ashamed to admit it.

These are the things devout Biden supporters feared.

The Reverend AL SHARPTON said in 2021 (on MSNBC), the worst thing that could happen, is for most people to BELIEVE Joe Biden won by cheating. That would lead to a steady lessening of Biden's power to get things accomplished, and worst of all, Democrats removed from Congressional majorities.

Rev AL is turning out to be one of the few liberals who truly understands human nature.

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 09:53 AM
You are quite invested in this narrative.
Your due diligence on something you claim is nothing tells me we got something.
My take on this post is...
QFS for the win.
We have been waiting for October 1 for the show to begin.
Those 3:00 a.m. talking points are loaded this time.
Your due diligence on this is impressive.
You spent a lot of time on "the big lie".
From now till the election and from there to January 1 is going to be the wildest ride for all of us but for the narrative assimilators it is going to be exhausting and fruitless as the juggernaught of declas cannot be stopped or put back in the bottle.

Forgive me for finding so much pleasure at your expense at this moment.
The counterstrike has begun

a reply to: Patricio

posted on Oct, 3 2022 @ 11:56 AM
A federal judge just told Stacey Abrams she's full of crap, for her conspiracy theories on election fraud.

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