a reply to:
Yes sadly there ARE thousands like you.
But there are millions more that do not agree with scum bag statements like that.
I was never a fan of football and there are some rough areas in every city but have you even ever been to Liverpool or is it just a load of CRAP out
of your imaginary idea of what Liverpool people are really like.
At one time Liverpool was the unofficial second city so much of the nations wealth passed through it, it's Dock's served not only the mill's of
greater Manchester but beyond that and it was known as the gateway to the America's for good reason.
It has a longer history than it's City status and is the real re-incarnation of Chester whose port silted up century's ago.
Lost it's castle a long time ago and sadly has a bit of dark history in the form of Slave Pen's that were unearthed there a testament to some of the
darker side of our nations history though in truth it was OUR Nation that led the world in the fight against Slavery making it illegal even about a
decade before the Scot's eventually and reluctantly followed suit.
As Liverpool was such a main port many people in London and of course the OTHER port city's such as Southampton had link's to Liverpool even if they
have no idea about them today.
It was also something of a melting pot but no way near as much as London was though while London retained the title of the largest port Liverpool was
undoubtedly the real main port, during the war so much food, munitions and troops came through it and like today back then without imports of food our
nation could have starved in as little as a couple of week's.
Like many of our great metropolis it was once much more of a beautiful city than it is today, a wrought iron overhead railway once threaded through
the city but that has long since been lost, rich people once dwelt in style in the fashionable town houses of Kensington (Liverpool) but when the
city's fortunes failed with the collapse of empire and the focus on rebuilding the south leaving much of Liverpool derelict for decades following the
war (the scars of the bombing are still to be seen today) many of the formerly wealthy ship owners and company owners houses in the formerly upmarket
areas such as Kensington became SQUATS filled by migrants from Jamaica and Africa eventually causing it to go the same downward spiral of crime and
drugs as afflicted much of our inner city's during the post war period and resulting in the riots of the 1980's.
Margaret Thatcher's policy's did further irreparable harm to the nation, Assets that were equally owned by the entire nation under nationalization
were sold off and the money STOLEN to fund lavish investments in Tory controlled borough's mostly to the south of the nation, the British industrial
heartland which had once made us the greatest industrial power in the world was almost over night completely destroyed by her policy's and short term
yuppie boom's replaced it.
Liverpool faced grinding poverty throughout much of this period as did much of Manchester, our cousins in the North East such as Tyneside and of
course the Scot's and the Welsh, none of our regions received there fair and just share of the funds raised by the debatably illegal sell off of so
much of our public silverware.
Sadly in Liverpool genuine scum in the form of Militant rose to power stealing the Labour vote when in fact they were anything but Labour, a painting
of Liverpool on fire during the bombing painted by a famous artist from Anglesey looking at the red sky over the city was once hung in the public
gallery of our museum until Derek Hatton took charge of Liverpool city council and like the Tory's had been doing under his rule works like this
vanished though this one was seen hanging in the office of one of his cronies and later vanished when he went out of power.
This link to Militant (who were NEVER true Labour but a disgrace to everything labour stood for) has left a lasting legacy of disgrace upon our city
but well informed Liverpudlians do not like Hatton and his ilk of back street gangsters one tiny bit.
The fact is I have no hatred for any other city in my nation, oh there are some I do not fancy visiting such as a few in wales that have crime rates
that make a bad day on canning park look like a holiday and there are some far more gentile areas of our nation I would dearly love to live but over
all Liverpudlians are Brits and this is our nation.
So a few did not stand up to cheer the national anthem, it was not always like that I assure you and there will be plenty of street party's in
Liverpool for the queen's jubilee and plenty of those streets will be decked with there banners.
And what those FEW of the fan's forgot is that by not standing up they have insulted not so much themselves as there forefathers whom fought and died
for this nation.
So like I say we do not all agree with them and certainly they are NOT representative of the Liverpool fan base though there IS a distinct feeling of
betrayal over Hillsborough.
And as for those lies you spout and use reports to spout about Heysel - THATCHER officially accepted the blame onto the Liverpool fan's and wanted it
to give police more crowd control powers simple as that, she is the one who did not stand up for our nation and those Italian fans DID fire a starter
pistol into the crowd of ENGLISH family's.
Even the bad fan's, the hooligans (Who we ALL hate) were not as bad or anywhere near as bad as those that attended the likes of Millwall matches.
In fact Liverpool are not even in the top ten for BAD FAN's.
But I suspect your team probably is eh!.