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Have three basic conditions for rebellion been reached.?

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posted on May, 27 2022 @ 03:04 AM
In modern European society, there seem to be three basic pressures required for a rebellion. The first is living a meaningless life. The second is that you are nothing but a slave, and the third is a need for revenge. The cause is when the upper class decides that they can extract more effort from the underclass because they think quiet resentment is acquiescence. When the upper class realizes that they might have overdone things, they increase various security apparatuses. Then use any excuse for search and seizure for further acquiescence.
Society's signs of distress are subtle at first. increasing of all forms of crime. The first stage of any conflict is that the adversaries try to seize each other up for strengths and weaknesses. any form of organized resistance must be stamped out before it foments. Simply because they fear the underclass which is valid insomuch that their numbers are much smaller than the underclass. Retrieving the guns of the underclass will be the topmost in any effort to stop this rebellion. Even though the three conditions have been met. The overclass cannot find the organized resistance, it will be there biding its time the laws of probability seem fairly absolute on this score.
In Ireland, ever since the invasion of Cromwell, there were many things put in place to suppress resistance. Massacre Slavery and deportation. But in the end, the Republic still formed even though it took some time. The question is has the resistance formed in an organized manner that has essentially gone completely unnoticed by the Overlords. Will the rebel generals take such measures that will be any acts of resistance be acknowledged in a censored society? Because any potential rebel general will have done the homework and taken such precautions as necessary. and will have realized that any strike will have to be final and devastating to the opposition. Something like the one that blew the financial district in the heart of London, or the assassination of Mountbatten. This old song states the conditions aforementioned but also rallies on an emotional level.

edit on 27-5-2022 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: anonentity

You forgot the fourth: THE MIDDLECLASS!

There has never been a revolution orchestrated by the so called working class. Even Moses who freed the Hebrews was a Prince in Pharaoh's House. Only when the middleclass has had enough do we ever see political change beyond the usual status quo.

Where did you get this three idea from? Is it your idea or from something you read?

I think your pot may be boiling over, but most people are actually in a better position in many ways in the West than they ever have been. I am a vulnerable person in my society, but am presently in better circumstances than I ever have been, even better than the circumstance of the parental home I was brough up in. Progress has been made because of the digital age. I am evidence and proof of that.

I think we are very spoilt now and behave like brats. If we see how others are having to live we might appreciate that the West really is very spoilt, especially when they moan.

We have recessions all the time. We have to have them. It is impossible to have a continuing economic boom. Gravity is at work and what goes up must come down. We should be thankful that our economies are so resiliant and can cope with a crisis. Progression is one step forward and two back even economically. Human systems will never be perfect because the mind who invents them is compromised and flawed and still in a state of development and evolution.

Our biggest failure is mental health, wellbeing, health and perhaps losing the social cohesion that religion afforded us. I believe it was religion that made us great. Moses and Jesus as lawgivers made social iron out of us. Compare the structure of such societies agains animism where people were dancing around fires and practicing sympathetic magic for their survival. Who was the fittest of the fittest and who survived? Which best aided our collective survival and progress/development? That is the nature of this world. Our move from animis and polytheism to monotheism made the success we have today. We seem to be abandoning that. Will we become as weak as the animists because of that?

I think your real culprit for our misery is not economics or government. It is in our own souls. It is up to us to make our meaning of our lives. You must choose your own worth and live your life according to your own estimation of your life's quality. Projecting it all on to governments and looking to them to be your saviours never has worked and never will. Government, authority ane economy can't nurture us spiritually.

Do we think we would do any better with a revolution and people power? I don't think we would. I think we would end up with no protection and the nastiest and cruelest running things with no legislation to protect us from such devolved politics. We would end up with an even worse Napoleon Pig living the very opposite of the ideology he snorts from the trough. As it stands Russia and China are much more cruel and imprisoning states to have a life in. We are the best of a bad bunch and that can't change because we are humans. We have too much violence and prejudice. We are not yet evolved enough to bypass government and authority.

I find myself agreeing yet again with this comment to what Winston Churchill said about democracy being the worst kind of power expression except for all the others that have been tried.

True revolutionary spirit does not come from jealousy and rage. It comes from ideology that can develop on a theme of freedom. We can't just take Jeff's billions away from him. Her earned it all legally and did all the hard work. He keeps the law. He actually has helped me enormously, more than any of the others, when I think about it. He has been one of the world's biggest wealth creators, for others as well as himself. He is evolution's success.

I would say that the only way I would join any kind of revolution would be if who I was being led by was corrupt to the point it was killing us and most preferably that it was intellectual and bureacratic/legislative in ideology and implementation. Gone are the days of hacking off heads and hangings.

We have democracy. It is the best that the super apes could come up with to date. Best we don't throw it away and end up with a dictator because we get fed up like a vengeful assassin and destroy everything that is good in a blind rage.

edit on 27-5-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Tarantula777

I didn't forget the intellectual middle class as they are usually the ones causing and manipulating the revolt. They are not one of the three conditions needed as they are the officers.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: anonentity

They are always the cause. Marx himself was a middleclass Jewish German intellectual. Trotsky was middleclass. Che was middleclass.

Impoverished slaves and economically oppressed people hardly have a pitchfork or rusty Kalashnikov to rub between them. They certainly don't have the networking and communication assets the ones they want to overthrow will have. The middleclass have all that.

Would I want any modern people I hear of replacing Boris, Uncle Joe or Macron right now, other than voted MPs and Senators/Congress people? Do you reckon Russell Brand, Julian Assange, David Icke, Alex Jones, or any other mighty mouth would take away all the problems and make everyone feel high? They would not care about someone like me. Even my liberal parents don't. The only one who has helped me in a real long term way has been THE STATE. I would say if it wasn't the case. Without the state I would be entirely neglected and impoverished. The Daily Mail readers would have me begging with a bowl with no rights and being hated as a minority who does not fit with their atavistic Brexit nationalism.

We need a big and strong state now. We have seen how just a localized war can mash up our economies and cause food shortages. It is all very delicately balanced now, a house of cards. Our political extremes, right or left, will bring it down if we are not careful.

What would I recommend at this time seeing as you have recommended a revolution? I recommend balance and keeping things in the middle right now. A balancing act between moderate liberalism and moderate respect for our states (not racist prejudiced atavistic nationalism) will be the most beneficial to us all economically right now. We don't need the big mouth trouble makers stretching us to extremes.

National politics are duped entirely by international trade relations. We are now RELATING. Ourt economies depend on outward relationships with other states. If we are not fair in our dealings it will quickly be noticed. The avocados will go to the one who will pay a fair price and even the lawless corruption will come unstuck because it is invariably accompanied with threats and demands.

State to state business and mutually assured economic wellbeing comes from fair partnerships, fair trade deals, mutual respect. Corrupting politicians with backhanders is very shortlived. The true success and surviving the grinding millstone of evolution comes from lawful trade relations of mutually beneficial intent. The states that behave like this in our new global perception, communication and interactivity will be the successes of tomorrow in all ways.

edit on 27-5-2022 by Tarantula777 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 07:09 AM
Seems you forgot the Nine Missed Meals axiom. Hunger is an incredible motivator. Seeing your children hungry is even more so than just yourself. Hearing their sobs as you lay there awake steels your resolve that they will not go hungry again.

The line has been crossed, in the morning so too will the rubicon. A listless existence is one thing, you may be depressed but you will endure. The threat of losing even that to a problem easily solved is another.

You will make the rich pay their fair share, even if you have to beat it out of them. Or does that sound too familiar?

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: Tarantula777

Just keep in mind what a big strong state can and is doing.


Genociding groups of people who belong to a religion they fear (Islam).

Persecuting groups of people who belong to a religion they don't like (Christian).

Using political prisoners (those who don't agree with what the state is doing) as fodder for live organ transplants.

Put chain link fencing on upper stories of factories so the workers don't kill themselves.

Not just locking people in their homes during a pandemic but welding people into their homes, not allowing them to leave to get food and not bringing them enough to eat.

"Disappearing" prominent people who dare to say even the smallest most insignificant thing that reflects badly on the state.

Forced abortions, dragging screaming XX into abortion clinics at even the end stage of pregnancy.

Taking children who demonstrate a superior ability in anything away from parents to be raised by the state, often brutally "educated/trained" to the point of exhaustion, and then more. Because children don't belong to or with parents if they can be of greater use to the state. We see the beginnings of this with Biden and California in concert saying children belong to the public school system and parents have no right to know what is going on in schools, even when it affects the health of their children.

This is what a very strong state can and will do once it is worldwide.

Beware of what you wish for, remember China was founded to be communist, a state where "the people" were in charge and all was fair, equal and just. Look what has happened, it has become one of the most repressive and oppressive nations on the face of the earth. Why? Because once people taste power, as in being in the elite political class, power corrupts and corrupts completely - nearly 100% of the time.

And NO, no one can do it better, once they taste power and feel they deserve and NEED more (food, luxuries, cars, jets, mansions) because they are the rulers, nearly 100% of the time they become arrogant and often brutal leaders. They begin repressing everyone they think doesn't know as much as they do about how everyone else should live, down to the minutia of the lives of what they come to regard as the ignorant peon masses. History has proven this time and time again.

I challenge you to name one "strong state" with the characteristics you listed that has endured the test of time, is fair, just, and all citizens are equal, and the political class does not become the top 10-1%ers within 12 years of becoming a "federal level" politician. There have been plenty of states who tried, like the ancient Greek empire, it failed. Every large state throughout history has grown to immense power, turned corrupt, and died a slow or sometimes rapid and quite painful death. The best we can hope for is experiments like the USA, which is on the brink of collapse right now, or China which will inevitably erupt with a violent implosion due to massive repression/oppression - and restart afresh until that state reaches the point of collapse due to corruption and the elite political class destroying the state through greed/repression/oppression. Humans throughout time have been incapable of the utopia you hope for, which always turns into a mess and collapses - and no modern people can do better, because humans aren't capable of it as history has proven again and again.

edit on 5/27/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Seems you forgot the Nine Missed Meals axiom. Hunger is an incredible motivator. Seeing your children hungry is even more so than just yourself. Hearing their sobs as you lay there awake steels your resolve that they will not go hungry again. The line has been crossed, in the morning so too will the rubicon.

This has turned parents and grandparents of infants reliant on formula into hearts of steel against the Biden administration, probably forever. Blaming the FDA is blaming themselves because ultimately Biden and the Democrats in Congress are in charge of the FDA right now. :

Rising gas prices began nearly the very day Biden signed executive orders destroying energy Independence in the US. Followed by supply chain disruption during the Democratic Party reign, partly caused by truckers not being able to make a profit with rising fuel prices. Quickly followed by rapidly rising food prices, caused by supply chain disruption partly caused by rising fuel prices.

Even the middle class is starting to have to decide between gas to get to work - paying the rent/mortgage - buying food. It is getting bad out there, all while the Democratic Party is in control of the nation. People will not soon forget. :

Playing the blame game as they are doing only enrages people more as responsible leadership says "the buck stops here", and being transparent about what is being done to fix the problems. Many of the problems are directly related to executive orders signed on day one of the Democratic Party rule over the USA and overly repressive lockdowns in Democratic run states. :

The response of those in charge of the USA, the Democratic Party, "it's not our fault":
it is Trump's fault and the fault of everyone who voted for him;
it is due to massive widespread white supremacy permeating nearly every part of the US and infecting nearly every white person who didn't vote for a Democrat;
it is COVID's fault not our lockdowns that after studies have been done show they were useless;
it is the fault of Russia;
it is the fault of the FDA that we can't control;
we are the helpless good guys who have no control over anything, so vote for us.
This is setting themselves up for a massive rebellion in the voting booth,
unless they use "2000 mules" again

Rebellion may come in the form of elections first
then if the elections even have the slightest hint
of 2000 mules
I shudder to think what may happen and pray it doesn't at a time when families have to choose between gas to get to work and food.

Meanwhile. the President says that high gas prices are an "incredible transition" to green energy, i.e. buying EV's and abandoning their gas cars. How can they buy an EV when they have trouble feeding their families. Remember, Joy Behar a diehard Democratic Party champion said the people are way to focused on feeding their families at a time when they need to focus on the bigger picture like environmentalism. :

edit on 5/27/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: anonentity

We are getting close.

There are different interpretations of the pillars of society.
It doesn’t matter which you look at, but they have all been attacked in some way recently.

Those pillars of society is what keep us from anarchy and chaos.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 11:11 AM
the problem over here?
most of my friends love mtv-cnn-msnbc-fox-therock-u2-ladygaga-lebronjames-madonna-juddapatow-chrisevans-etc,etc,etc. and all of those commmies are telling them how great the world is, how gl0balism is the key, and how anyone who disagrees with them is raccist.

ive had several friends 'get rid of me' for being a libertarrian, they told me, 'thats not good enough...'

so if mtv tells mini0ns to just listen to their iphones, mini0ns will just listen to their iphones and 0bey.

i know guys who got into battles college age, partied, never took shtt from anyone, now they are as fem as lebr0n james.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 11:49 AM

"Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms" 1775. Are we there yet?

. . . Four basic reasons given for taking arms against the King of England.

1. The Legislature must show "an inordinate passion" for unjustifiable power that is rejected by the constitution.

2. The people are not successful in legal contests against the Government in regards to truth and laws.

3. Our politicians and leaders, can't be chosen by the people (ie. no vote or fixed voting), are exempt from the laws and are not subject to the people's control.

4. The people have to have tried peaceful means of changing the government for at least ten years without results.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 12:55 PM
#1. EBT goes out for 15 minutes. Does it sound like something controversial and edgy to say? I have heard the breaking glass from my house... 30yrs ago.

When there's a brownout, you could just go outside, and take your dog for a walk. There will be a bad talkshow happening in every fourth or fifth yard in the shabby parts of town.

The basic conditions for rebellion have been reached, countless times, every year since the civil rights era -- particularly, when the weather is warm.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Ahabstar

Other peoples hungry children don't mean # to anyone. Not in the usa.

If they did then we would all be happy to use our tax money to feed every child in the usa.
And we could easily do that. But we don't. Why? Because we don't care about other peoples children unless we can use them to get other things that we do care about.

Only time I ever truly starved was when I was a child. Over half the homeless population are children. I used to be one of them so I speak from experience. No one was trying to help or feed any of us back then.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I'm not having trouble feeding my family. And will definitely be buying an ev next time I buy a car.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 01:45 PM

Other peoples hungry children

Under the institution of timocracy, political power was measured in bushels of grain.

Gerrymanderers were not allowed to collect constituents like a cat hoarder.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

No, but your hungry children do mean something to you. You will rise up on your own, join a group or start a group. Look at the CHAZ thing that happened with just angry mob level of people. The hippie communes based on ideology.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep
a reply to: The2Billies

I'm not having trouble feeding my family. And will definitely be buying an ev next time I buy a car.

I am so happy for you!

Do you care about the multitudes of people who are having trouble feeding their families and can not afford a new car? Joy Behar, premier Democrat, says we shouldn't care about those issues at all because those people are focused on the wrong things and need to change their focus to the bigger picture of environmentalism. I assume that is the stance of many Democrats regarding people having to choose between driving to work and feeding their families, as Joy was not challenged or chided by any Democratic Party politician.

edit on 5/27/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Ahabstar

Yeah I saw how ridiculous and weak the chad thing was.

Their hearts were not in it. It was all done half ass by people that didn't really care. It kinda proves my point.

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

I don't care enough to go help feed them. Do you?

How many other peoples kids do you feed on a regular bases?

And I don't give a damn about what joy has to say.

edit on 27-5-2022 by scraedtosleep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: MisterBeef


Wtf? lol

posted on May, 27 2022 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: scraedtosleep

Inflation has made it difficult enough to keep our own families fed. I'm not going to concern myself with being the babysitter of another family, and if that's what's required of me then I should have a say in what they can and can't buy with the money my taxes pay them.

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