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ATS is Back Online Time to Backup Your Posts

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posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I had backed up my posts just a few days before ATS went down. I was wondering where I might go if it remained down. I have not even looked for alternatives for what I get out of ATS as far as content and useful discussions.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

]My posts aren't worth the pixels they're print on.

Interesting to see that even masons can tell the truth sometimes.

Of course in the typical fashion, they can't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so they have to distort reality.. printed pixels?

When something is printed, it's no longer pixels.

If they're pixels, they're not 'print media', so talking about 'printed pixels' is an oxymoron, but you already knew that.

Also, are your posts printed ON pixels?

Usually the saying refers to the 'paper something is printed on', so it's accurate. But your posts are not printed at all (unless someone prints them separately, so at least by default), let alone ON pixels. Even if you were right about pixels and printing, pixels might be used TO print your posts ON something (like paper), but how the heck do you print something ON pixels? Are you using some kind of modified printer that's mounted against your monitor, and when it squirts your posts in ink form onto the monitor, you can technically claim your posts were printed on pixels?

The whole 'worth' thing doesn't really work with digital media, as pixels aren't 'worth' anything by themselves, posts don't REALLY consist on pixels, as you can use all kinds of different font and pixel systems, maybe even voxels and texels to DISPLAY them.

Yes, there are more errors/lies in that sentiment; you must know that pixels are not PRINTED, they are DISPLAYED.

It's amazing that you are able to pack so much disinformation in such a short post, while trying to signal that you are deprecating yourself (at least seemingly), but that's what masons are good at, aren't they? Putting a little bit of virtue signaling that passes off as 'truth' to them, then sprinkling all kinds of confusing, but seemingly correct stuff around it so no one can tell truth from lie anymore, at least at a glance.

Since paper is sold, but pixels aren't, the sentiment doesn't work anyway, so it's a very difficult conversion to make from 'the world of paper and ink' into the 'world of monitors and pixels', but maybe something like..

"My posts aren't worth the electricity used to display their pixels on the screen"

..could work?

It's still a little clumsy, though, so maybe it would've been better to re-think the whole thing.

However, this is just my opinion, don't send your black op squad to teach me a 'lesson'.

P.S. There's of course also the 'data' viewpoint to consider - when the post is NOT displayed, it still EXISTS as data or basically just 'bits', which are just zeroes and ones, on some hard drive or hard drives of some servers and such. Therefore, it's not always PIXELS, either! It's a very complicated thing to talk about a digital version of something that was so simple in the paper and ink-world. A post printed on paper is just paper and ink, and that's it. A post in the internet can be considered, processed, seen or viewed as data, bits, bytes, magnetic polarizations of a hard drive (in case of older tech) among all kinds of other things, so a digital post in the internet is not as CLEAR-CUT as printed ink on paper, and therefore can't really conform to the simplistic standard of a pseudo-humorous statement like that.

You can't simply take a 'real-world' concept or saying and convert it to the 'digital age-appropriate' version without thinking about all these complications it would create, if you want it to work on any level. You can't just change a word and be done with it.

There ARE things that can be converted, like 'It's nothing to type home about' (though I am not sure if the conversion is linguistically correct), but this 'pixels - printing - digital post - data - being worth something' just does NOT convert, and as a result, it DOES NOT COMPUTE.

edit on 22-3-2022 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

I don't get this 'time' business.

Are people really so trusting, they just think they can post something without the post being able to be edited, deleted, destroyed or disappear?

Anyone should always have been taking 'backups' on anything they deem to be of any value, so this kind of 'now it's time'-thing doesn't really make sense. If you weren't doing it before, there's no reason to do it now, and if you were doing it before, how is it suddenly 'time' to do it now?

You can't back up your life, you can't 'save' moments by taking videos, photos or selfies, you can't 'store memories' with any kind of method, but people keep thinking they can.

It's a hoarder-mentality to try to back up everything all the time, so nothing would ever be destroyed. You might as well wear a full-body condom and live in a bouncy castle so you can't get hurt by falling or hitting your head against the wall accidentally.

Backing up is a sign of lack of faith; you don't trust that the Universe will give anything and everything you need, you don't trust that your Cosmic Father will take care of you and if you lose something, it was meant to be lost and discarded, and in the long run, even if you feel pain of 'loss' (which is a materialistic thing to feel anyway), it was meant to be and good for you karmically speaking and cultivates spiritual growth - or as some, more materialistic-minded people put it, "it builds character".

I have suffered horrible 'data crashes', lost a lot of my self-taken video I will never get back, I have lost all kinds of self-created art (multiple times, too), and a few times I have lost ALL the data I collected during many years.

Am I now doing backups?


That is not the style of a spiritual nomad, a traveler in the Cosmos - you can't be free while you CLING to anything, whether it's data or security, whether it's family or friends, whether it's money or other possessions. If you hoard and hoard things, and then feel immense pain when you lose some (or all) of it, it is a sign that something is (or was) wrong with you, and this is the opportunity to become whole again and learn valuable life lessons.

Backing up POSTS is the most ridiculous thing! I mean, posts are communication, they're just ideas and messages thrown into the Universe, someone might or might not receive them, they're like notes in bottles thrown into the ocean - you will never know who will read them, unless they respond, of course.

Why would anyone want to back up communications like that? That's like capturing every phone call and casual chat you have with your neighbour or backing up every single email you have ever sent or received. What's the point of that? It will all be gone anyway, and even if not, YOU will be gone soon enough and can't take ANY of that with you.

In 800 years, when you live in another planet, a better world, are you going to suddenly gasp and realize how much you miss that Hello Kitty doll someone stole from you in the year 2000 AD?

I don't think so. So why even try to cling to it? It's an act of desperation, materialism and selfishness. Just let go.

Whatever you need, you will get, so just let it all go, let your posts be deleted and disappear completely from existence. You are still whole, you don't need them. You can always write more, and besides, they were whispers into the wind anyway, they were written by a different you, as you have grown and changed and might write a completely different posts nowadays, with different perspective, different terminology, and even feel embarrassed by your old posts.

No one thought to try to capture every single conversation they ever had in real life just a few short decades ago. It didn't even enter into people's minds that they should 'back up' the moment of fun they were having when chatting with their friends in a cafeteria or walking in the forest engaged in a philosophical conversation.

All those words that were just soundwaves in the air, are gone. They weren't captured.

Why would anyone be so egotistical to think their silly internet posts are somehow more important than ALL that communication that has been lost into the wind in history, by people more sophisticated and intelligent than any of us? Why would our nasty, crappy, grammatically horrific posts be 'backed up', while the poignant and insightful words and thoughts of some bright and spiritual Zen master of ancient history are lost forever?

(I know about Akashic Records, though, but it would be beyond the scope of this post to try to explain why it's different)

Just .. let go. You will feel better. Take the pain, enjoy it, let it cultivate you and make you into a better human being.

As they say, 'letting go is the magic of the Gods / Divine'.

Don't cling.. just let go.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 09:18 PM
My posts will go down with this ship if that day should ever come to pass then my persona will go to rest with the site.

posted on Mar, 22 2022 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: vlawde

originally posted by: ats admin
Your information is safe and secure. There was an issue with the host and the card they had on file. This has been fixed and we will make sure this doesn't happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thanks for the info. But IMO there should have been some communication on social media as to what was going on....and the mods should have been in the loop so they could help with that


And sorry, but the excuse sounds, um, scripted. Robotic, if that makes sense
Just enough to pacify the crowd, yet vague enough to still have questions.

Such as, even tho the site went down, why were the staff kept in the dark when most forums have multiple ways to communicate with staff for just this reason. Such as email or telephone/texting....

As much as the Mods do here on a daily basis
And the content that the members contribute over the years

Those are what keeps sites like this going --- so hopefully, the mysterious owners will keep the "credit card" info up to date

Sorry, I just cannot type that with a straight face. ROFLMAO

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: ats admin
Your information is safe and secure. There was an issue with the host and the card they had on file. This has been fixed and we will make sure this doesn't happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

That happens when you do your banking in Russia. Convenient timing huh?

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Very interesting and not at all pedantic reply.

posted on Mar, 23 2022 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus


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