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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING--- -Part- --F0R7Y--

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posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 07:45 PM

Psychedelic Research for Mass Mental Health

The Pied Piper's WEF club promoted this New Yorker article. 👆

Flashback a few weeks: WEF House of psychedelics

It’s Been A Banner Year For MAPS Public Benefit Corporation And The Women Leading It

One of the hottest topics of 2021 was psychedelics, and while many start-ups emerged in hopes of securing their spot in the burgeoning industry, the work of one corporation in the sector stood out from the rest.

In May, a long-awaited randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase 3 clinical trial testing MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of PTSD was published in Nature Medicine. The trial was conducted by MAPS Public Benefit Corporation, a for-profit subsidiary launched by the registered non-profit in 2014, with the goal of conducting the necessary research to make MDMA a legally available medicine.

"You will own nothing and you WILL be happy!" Just take the damn soma, citizen!

In 2017, the World Government Summit (annual event held in Dubai) focused on four main themes: 1) climate change & food security, 2) citizen well-being & happiness, 3) government agility and geopolitics & humanitarian aid, with the goal of focusing on fundamental questions that aim to pave the way for that future across the globe.

World Government Summit 2017 Highlights🙂🙃 (5 min clip) Klaus was a speaker talking about the 4th Industrial Revolution.

World Happiness Report🙃

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 08:03 PM

Add another one to the list:
Crews battle fire at Castellini Company produce warehouse in Kentucky. The Castellini Company is a supply chain company specializing in produce sourcing and delivery and transportation services.

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

I wonder if Fauci is really under house arrest, or is he really in hiding and not his house?

posted on Jun, 15 2022 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are not going to get infected.” —Fauci

Test tube gain-of-function Covid wants its daddy back. Science!

St Fauci is at Apotheosis status; rule of law does not apply to him. All these officials still using this clown excuse its gotta be something along the lines of big pharma marketing tactics and/or convenient excuse to get out of attending a conference, meeting, or testifying on whatever.

Or as John Lennon famously said, "Instant karma gonna get you."

The karma variant "Sad Little Man" by Five Times August:

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:23 AM

edit on 16-6-2022 by FlyingFox because: Forgot one from yesterday...

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 03:55 AM
From: Yahoo News

The Environmental Protection Agency stunned scientists and local officials across the country on Wednesday by releasing new health advisories for toxic "forever chemicals" known to be in thousands of U.S. drinking water systems, impacting potentially millions of people.

The new advisories cut the safe level of chemical PFOA by more than 17,000 times what the agency had previously said was protective of public health, to now just four "parts per quadrillion." The safe level of a sister chemical, PFOS, was reduced by a factor of 3,500. The chemicals are part of a class of chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as forever chemicals due to their extreme resistance to disintegration. They have been linked to different types of cancer, low birthweights, thyroid disease and other health ailments.

Now I can't remember if it was "KU" or one of the others that talked about drinking water not being safe, but I for one think that Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (See Dr. Strangelove) was on to something with his Vodka thing.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 05:16 AM
Spacey is back in Court today, alleged to have sexually assaulted 3 men in the UK.

Naturally he's strenuously denying the allegations. Remember his weird Youtube Video, Let Me Be Frank, he says "if I didn't pay the price for the things we both know I did do, I'm certainly not gonna pay the price for things I didn't do"

Interesting times ahead

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 09:18 AM
Oh come on now!
From: Yahoo News

A Delaware man who flew the Confederate flag inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was found guilty along with his son of the felony charge of obstruction during the storming of the building, the Justice Department said on Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden also found the father, Kevin Seefried, and son Hunter Seefried guilty of four misdemeanor offenses including entering and remaining in a restricted building and disorderly conduct in a Capitol building.

"Their actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress convened to ascertain and count the electoral votes related to the presidential election," the Justice Department said in a statement.

McFadden acquitted Hunter Seefried of three other related charges.

The Seefrieds had pleaded not guilty to all charges.

Kevin Seefried's lawyer, Eugene Ohm, did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment. Edson Bostic, Hunter's lawyer, was not immediately reachable for comment.

Really a Delaware Man with a son named Hunter? Oh and the best part in that it appears that the picture of this guy just happens to match that of a certain tattooed Capital Police Officer. This is either the greatest case of coincidence ever, or the worst hidden messaging ever. I think it's the later, and that the Bidens better watch out.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

edit on 16-6-2022 by FlyingFox because: Forgot one from yesterday...

Rapid weight loss is a symptom of AIDS. (If you're not trying to lose weight, of course.)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:28 AM
China must have Tedros.
Why would Tedros suddenly decide to replace all of the members of SAGO [Scientific Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel Pathogens] who have been investigating the origins of Covid.
Granted they haven't made much progress but it seems the "conspiracy theories" of the lab origin are gaining traction.

"I'm worried about delays and of course it is a bit strange...We're losing valuable time" stated Marion Koopman a current member of the group.
Not only time but also relationships that have been cultivated with Chinese collegues. The big question is who is going to replace these people.
Round and round we go, where we stop only Tedros knows.>content>article>who-chief-sh... New team of scientists to replace those looking into the origin of covid

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
From: Yahoo News

The Environmental Protection Agency stunned scientists and local officials across the country on Wednesday by releasing new health advisories for toxic "forever chemicals" known to be in thousands of U.S. drinking water systems, impacting potentially millions of people.

The new advisories cut the safe level of chemical PFOA by more than 17,000 times what the agency had previously said was protective of public health, to now just four "parts per quadrillion." The safe level of a sister chemical, PFOS, was reduced by a factor of 3,500. The chemicals are part of a class of chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), also known as forever chemicals due to their extreme resistance to disintegration. They have been linked to different types of cancer, low birthweights, thyroid disease and other health ailments.

Now I can't remember if it was "KU" or one of the others that talked about drinking water not being safe, but I for one think that Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper (See Dr. Strangelove) was on to something with his Vodka thing.

I learned that the hard way after spending time in the Philippines.

"Dark Waters"

The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) 2021 Tap Water Database, available to the public, revealed contamination from toxins like arsenic, lead and “forever chemicals” — perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) — in the drinking water of tens of millions of households across all 50 states, as well as Washington, D.C.

Results for my water source:

However, it goes on to say compliance with legally mandated federal standards: From April 2019 to March 2021, complied with health-based drinking water standards. Right, sure, thanks.

What's the #6 goal of UN/WEF Agenda 2030?

Clean water for all.🙃

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 11:18 AM
Yeah, the source. But it seems to report the 'story' at some level.

They claimed: "One of the female inmates in Ms Maxwell's housing unit told at least three other inmates that she had been offered money to murder Ms Maxwell and that she planned to strangle her in her sleep."

Be very careful, Ghislaine. Ms Clinton would prefer you to be dead.


posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Adding some HOT sauce...

Jeffrey Roth, archivist for the New York Times, who oversees the paper's vast clipping and photo archive, wrote a letter to judge Nathan in support of Ghislaine Maxwell's bid for a lighter sentence. Turns out, he's also her cousin.🤡🤪

Source: USA -against- Ghislaine Maxwell [PDF] doc 663, page 68, filed June 15, 2022.

So the idea that Ghislaine Maxwell, the head of the world's most notorious blackmail skunkworks operation, has a supportive cousin who singlehandedly controls a labyrinth of private collections of photographs reaching back 150 years is rather noteworthy. The archivist, keeper of secrets.

Photos Inside the “Morgue” of the New York Times
I'd say Roth exemplifies how valuable this NYT archive is: Roth located photos of a young Michael Bloomberg at Salomon Brothers, "the King of Wall Street" company he worked at only briefly. Imagine what far more inconvenient items may exist in the morgue.🧐 And of course her sisters, the twins Christine and Isabel, between them were responsible for creating the content indexing services such as Research on Demand, Magellan, Chiliad, to name a few of their projects. Foxes guarding the chicken house of history.

The investigation, based on documents from the island of Jersey, a U.K. Crown tax haven located in the English Channel, shows evidence of highly irregular trading activities in publicly listed U.S. companies, secret stock deals, and possible securities violations, while millions of dollars in payments moved through offshore companies to members of the Maxwell family. These transactions, some of which may have hurt public investors, have never before been reported.

The documents are part of a much larger trove of files from a now-defunct trust called La Hougue that was based on the island of Jersey. The massive find — 350,000 pages in all — was unearthed in 2012 in a locked, indoor squash court at St. John’s Manor, a sprawling 58-acre estate, by Tanya Dick-Stock and her husband, Darrin Stock. Tanya’s father, John Dick, a Canadian lawyer who was listed in a document found in the trust’s files as La Hougue’s beneficial owner, lived in the Jersey manor where La Hougue was headquartered.
Many of the La Hougue files have yet to be fully decoded and analyzed, as its top clients are rarely named and listed only as numbers to avoid exposing them. Ghislaine and Robert Maxwell are not directly named in the files, nor is Jeffrey Epstein, although it seems he may have had associates on the island.
While the extent of the Maxwell family’s byzantine financial world may never be fully exposed, when viewed alongside Ghislaine’s Maxwell’s finances in her sex-trafficking trial, the Maxwell papers show a decades-long modus operandi of financial deception.
Offshore leak exposes financial secrets of Ghislaine Maxwell’s family (paywall bypass)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I thought Russia election hacking made trusting the machines a bad choice.

Democrats need to make up their mind.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 04:12 PM
Crimes against children unite all of humanity.

The Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee has approved the Moderna and Pfizer Covid jabs for the 6 month to under 6 age group unanimously. This in spite of all of the testimony and their own knowledge of adverse events like myocarditis. Now it heads over to the FDA for the final stamp of approval.

It has been demonstrated and acknowledged that the effectiveness of these jabs diminishes over time so what does that mean for these babies? How many shots are parents going to permit their babies to have on top of all the other ones.
Meanwhile the Moderna jab is only 37% effective. This does not even meet the minimum standard of 50% for approval. So is this EUA just a cover so that this can be brought to market?

"Vaccinating babies that have already had Covid makes them hyperimmune which can lead to serious adverse reactions and possible death". Babies may not even show symptoms of Covid so how would they know not to jab? Do they care?
Meanwhile the Biden administration has made millions of doses available for this age group and that was before the panel voted and it has not even received FDA approval yet. Hopefully this has nothing to do with votes along party lines. #4908
How compromised can they all possibly be that they would approve this just for $$$ and votes. I wonder if they recall a certain oath they took "DO NO HARM!
Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth, you must show them. How much more before people figure this out? Covid section

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Guyfriday

I thought Russia election hacking made trusting the machines a bad choice.

Democrats need to make up their mind.

They are not working with their mind, at least how we define it. That would imply some kind of commitment to reflecting truth or reality. They simply say whatever benefits them.

When we look at their behavior we have to understand, they are fundamentally not playing the same game we are. We are playing the “what is true” game. They are playing the “what serves my interests” game. The games have completely different rules. This explains everything they say or do.

We have to stop being surprised that they don’t play their game according to the rules of our game. And we can’t beat them on their game-board with our rules because our rules simply don’t apply to their game. We cannot truthfully win a debate where lies are allowed.

I think this is one of the core lessons of the great awakening.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 04:52 PM
The Paxlovid flop.

So Paxlovid isn't effective at treating standard risk patients or as a post exposure prophylaxis, and is really only effective at treating high risk patients. It also has some very serious adverse drug interactions but then who cares. Then there's that rebound effect. shhh.

"Not every trial needs to work to be successful."

Pfizer knows the score so despite this they are expanding their Kalamazoo manufacturing facility to start mass production and everyone is excited because it will provide some jobs.
Bourla isn't worried "With up to 40-50% of people around the world estimated to be at high risk, we believe there remains a significant unmet need for treatment options."

This is a stretch that 50% of the world population is at serious risk of hospitalization and death from a mutated Covid virus. Of course Pfizer says that Paxlovid reduces Hosp/death by 89%.

The Biden administration ordered 20 million doses at $5.3 billion for a drug that has weak demand and now doesn't cover the majority of people. One would think that in the contract between Pfizer and the government there would be a provision that Pfizer would have to take back the drug and provide a refund if the drug does not work as expected.
I know. I am expecting too much but really...>2022/06/14>pfizers-paxl... Paxlovid study fails to answer questions over benefit...>news>press-release-detail>p...>manufacturing>>press-announcements>coronav...

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
We have just received our ballots and what a quandry. I can fill it out but it seems rather pointless when I have so much doubt over the whole system. I wonder what would happen if no one returned the ballots.

That would be something. "We are sorry to inform the public but no one could be selected because no one voted." Maybe sometimes no action is the best action. No doubt people will vote but just imagine what would happen.
They might actually be forced to fix the system. I dream big. Lol.

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 05:41 PM
Here is the question; does Pfizer get paid up front, regardless of the number of doses actually ordered? If so, then they don't have to manufacture hardly anything. Free money!

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
The Paxlovid flop.

So Paxlovid isn't effective at treating standard risk patients or as a post exposure prophylaxis, and is really only effective at treating high risk patients. It also has some very serious adverse drug interactions but then who cares. Then there's that rebound effect. shhh.

"Not every trial needs to work to be successful."

Pfizer knows the score so despite this they are expanding their Kalamazoo manufacturing facility to start mass production and everyone is excited because it will provide some jobs.
Bourla isn't worried "With up to 40-50% of people around the world estimated to be at high risk, we believe there remains a significant unmet need for treatment options."

This is a stretch that 50% of the world population is at serious risk of hospitalization and death from a mutated Covid virus. Of course Pfizer says that Paxlovid reduces Hosp/death by 89%.

The Biden administration ordered 20 million doses at $5.3 billion for a drug that has weak demand and now doesn't cover the majority of people. One would think that in the contract between Pfizer and the government there would be a provision that Pfizer would have to take back the drug and provide a refund if the drug does not work as expected.
I know. I am expecting too much but really...>2022/06/14>pfizers-paxl... Paxlovid study fails to answer questions over benefit...>news>press-release-detail>p...>manufacturing>>press-announcements>coronav...

edit on 6/16/2022 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: MetalThunder

Monkeypox = 98% gay men.

Maybe I'm just a pervert, but...

Certainly I'm not the only person wondering how at least 2 sexually-transmitted diseases (HIV and Monkeypox) managed to jump from monkey to humans, and seemingly infect mostly gay men initially.

I would bet money it was vaccines and not Gay guys banging chimps!

Who believes there are enough freaks able to hold one done. Primates can crush us puny humans. Now a Male might attack a human female. More like sure would but they didn't Jane Goodall. Either way I suspect another vector than sex with Primates.

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