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The Anunnaki and the Matrix of Lies. The Missing Links.

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posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: vance

I think you’re missing my point that we cannot prove they exist because it’s not allowed by the church. If one was hit on a main highway, dead in the middle of rush hour, it would be dismissed as a bear on the news an hour later.
Out of all the stories you’ve listened to only one has to be true to make it a real phenomenon.
Just one. Are there that many fabricators in the world? How can we believe anyone about anything if so?
This isn’t Nessie, where a handful of sightings has lasted the test of time. There are thousands on thousands of Bigfoot encounters and yet people still have problems excepting the possibility.

posted on Feb, 12 2022 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Interesting hypothesis. Never heard of water being brought here, which also caused the great deluge. Actually makes a lot of sense.

I’ve always wondered what the ‘firmaments’ above earth were, that the Old Testament speaks of.

The major water dumps as I said started some 70 million years ago, separated by large amounts of time. At least 3 main events.

The global flood was different. The mechanism for the flood is different, but a short time later when it was seen that enough was not destroyed, localized dumps were done. The Ringed city of Atlantis is one such. There may have been others as well.

posted on Feb, 15 2022 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The true missing link was discovered a long time ago, but it isn't what you have been lead to believe. Big Foot, reptilians? no, I'm afraid those are red herrings meant to distract.

Like you I don't give a hoot what people think of my thoughts on subjects. I too think the Richat is most likely Atlantis, but I disagree that Bigfoot is a red herring. Actually I think the Sasquatch is the answer we are not suppose to know. I've been ridiculed for suggesting Bigfoot is our parent species, the animal that was taken from Earth to create the labor class you see today. They are the "clay vessel" humans are formed from in the "Lost Book of Enki", something from Earth itself, just made weaker and more vulnerable to certain climates (at first keeping humans in niche environments for control), but smart enough to accomplish tasks given to them.
Why is there no "evidence" they exist in the mainstream today? Well there is plenty of evidence, just no academic is allowed to take it serious. Who has the power, control and need to keep Sasquatch quite for thousands of years? In comes the Church, specifically the Roman Catholic Church.

You always hear the description of a Sasquatch as "it looked human", well I say we probably look like them instead.

Again I'm not inferring the big foot is not important to research. I am implying that the emphasis should include both life forms, but it isnt. They have tricked us into only looking at the one, not the other. They allow small bits of information about the "other" human species slip out to tantalize our imaginations in that direction. And in this way misdirect our efforts to research the other, never knowing, there is another intelligent species, that being the Homo Capensis. Nothing in the matrix of lies is under-thought by the "Adversaries".

Yes we are in agreement about the Richat. And that in itself is reason enough to push forward with a full blown investigation of our ancient past in a light other than, mythology. Besides, mythology was used to invalidate the past, and you can imagine it wasn't "Big Foot" responsible for that.

Thank you for your contribution.

posted on Feb, 15 2022 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: Harte
The "Lost Book of Enki" is fiction.
Even says so in the preface.


Hey Sitchin said it was novel...just like in the 1912 book A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs he claimed it to be based on a story given him by Captain John Carter......

posted on Feb, 21 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: vance

But before you go on to describing them, as one thing or the other, let's confirm they exist first.

You mean like they created the science of "Subduction", without first confirming it was happening?

I firmly agree with your point of evidence, or proof, before proclaiming to the world, but it does not happen in one step. All I have now are bits of evidence that when reassembled show the "foot prints" of a highly intelligent, advanced society that had a global impact. In more ways than one.

I have discovered, as in the movie "They Live", the secret of seeing this missing link, is not, to put the glasses on. But rather, take the "Institutional Glasses, off. Those rose colored classes that have misidentified, or lost, pertinent information about this lost history.

So, lets not discuss Subduction, until, someone confirms it, visually? After all, science begins with the observation, not the theory.

Now, my theory actually did start with "Observations". I have observed buried ruins in the Richat. I have observed extremely odd "Marks" on the ocean beds. I have observed very odd oxygen content fluctuations in the past with a odd timeline. And I observed dark circular patterns on the surface of the moon. And I have observed that the size of the marks on the ocean beds, just so happens to be approximately the same size as those dark circles. I have observed water being discovered on the moon. I have observed that NASA has stated that the moon rang like a bell when tested (inferring its hollow). There are many more observations I wont go into here. Again, the things you can observe, when you take the glasses off......

Life, has been on this planet for hundreds of millions of years. But the oceans, are not that old. Water, yes, our major oceans, no.

I believe the primary reason "Big Foot" is not known publicly is twofold. 1. Big Foot is smart enough to stay the hell away, from us. And 2. The powers that be would prefer that any and all information from pre flood, do not see the light of day.
I suspect those other missing links do not wish to reveal themselves, at least in the roles they really played.

One day, maybe one of those "Missing Links" will wash up on a shore somewhere. Call me, when that happens, and I will "Observe"

Thanks for your input..

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 04:46 AM
The Annunaki were a bunch of minor Summerian deities - more akin to the Greek Fates than anything else.

Not to be confused with the Nibblers, who inhabit planet Nibiru and are generally regarded as even more stupid than modern humans (they couldn't even read a map ....... oh, wait, that makes them equally as stupid as modern humans then

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 09:23 AM
Anu the ol great god of Egypt and king of Mesopotamia that allowed marriage of the Sumerians and Hittites that people call the Anunnaki.

There's people that live in big to large cities that are still scared of those Batist country dwellers and use lobbies and grants in political codders to subdue them just the same as they did.

India and other parts of the world still arrange marriages with the "perfect" mate but off goes the wandering eye blind to the all seeing one for who knows how long?

Putting it off to the stars only prolongs the wait but tis how heroes are "made" as in earned "it".

Oh conspiracy!
An ode to the players and layers?
maskless and not.
For; A fool is a fool.
A role is a roll...
and away? Goes the
stones... chew! choo-ing!
As cattle; Also like to plow, as much as trains!
...Knowingly or not.

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Crowfoot
Anu the ol great god of Egypt and king of Mesopotamia that allowed marriage of the Sumerians and Hittites that people call the Anunnaki.

There's people that live in big to large cities that are still scared of those Batist country dwellers and use lobbies and grants in political codders to subdue them just the same as they did.

India and other parts of the world still arrange marriages with the "perfect" mate but off goes the wandering eye blind to the all seeing one for who knows how long?

Putting it off to the stars only prolongs the wait but tis how heroes are "made" as in earned "it".

Oh conspiracy!
An ode to the players and layers?
maskless and not.
For; A fool is a fool.
A role is a roll...
and away? Goes the
stones... chew! choo-ing!
As cattle; Also like to plow, as much as trains!
...Knowingly or not.

Very, very thought provoking post. Thank you.

Yes, it does seem to be a important point, purity of the bloodlines, or, dna. Keeping those covert attributes so they might be used to continue the "Show"? Or, continue the domination. After all, the homo sapiens does not need the homo capensis for survival, but, the reverse is true.

If I am correct about this most ancient "Blood Line" ,then it is entirely possible one of those ancient genetic attributes, is the ability, just like the octopus, shape shifting. Not technology based, but biologically based... Makes me wonder.......

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
The Annunaki were a bunch of minor Summerian deities - more akin to the Greek Fates than anything else.

Not to be confused with the Nibblers, who inhabit planet Nibiru and are generally regarded as even more stupid than modern humans (they couldn't even read a map ....... oh, wait, that makes them equally as stupid as modern humans then

One of the major differences between the homo sapiens and the homo capensis is the sapiens are comprised of a unified spirit. This seems to add to their intellectual abilities. Regardless of race, country of origin, color, the common spirit can inspire them to think further, see further, than their counterpart, capensis. The Capensis on the other hand is very self centered because they do not have this "Spiritual" connection.

To meet a Capensis you might find them, self centered, arrogant, dominating, and even Narcissistic. The world they build for themselves, is exactly that. For I believe they see themselves as a god unto themselves, so it would be natural for them to think this way. They have no internal inspiration and must harvest this from the Sapiens, one way or another. They believe they are granted ownership of the world due to their higher intellect, to do with as they please. If, there were a world of nothing but Capensis, it would naturally self destruct because of the selfish nature of the Capensis. On the other hand, a world of only Sapiens, would prosper to its fullest.

What was it you were saying about "Nibiru"/ (Tiamat/Ceres)? Lets not forget, the core, Pluto...

The Annunaki were a bunch of minor Summerian deities
I doubt that...

posted on Feb, 22 2022 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The octopoid the more one looks at it the more surreal it can become; Have you ever noticed they can turn clear? To match any surrounding? It's almost like a fishing net somehow came alive.

Such adaptations means it's had to overcome a lot of adversities.

The more cave dwelling we've become the less ape like we've appeared

Many say "siminians" is a more enlightened view than the various "Homo" theorems of sapien, erectus etc.

Dog breeding shows the height of such a thing; I wouldn't exactly call it an easy life for them to be made into something more desirable than just how dog was but shaping into a tool instead of killing it as a predator to our species? It I suppose somehow has made up for it as some weird ecological balance... however they'd have no problem reverting to that wild dog business once they got their pecking orders straight in the wild since they are sort of dumb dominate that way treating each other like what gets called the wolf not really intelligent to their individual strengths as one...

Perhaps sort of the same thing you say about what you see as two branches of sapiens working against each others weaknesses instead of supporting each others strengths... nothing really advantageous about the conflict, like a bag of snakes would bite each other to death when agitated by some unknown outside the bag ...but pretty happy to be in it as one without that.

edit on 22-2-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Such adaptations means it's had to overcome a lot of adversities.

The more cave dwelling we've become the less ape like we've appeared

Many say "siminians" is a more enlightened view than the various "Homo" theorems of sapien, erectus etc.

I agree, flexibility in terms is required.

I suppose it boils down to genetic attributes and the vast amount of variables involved. The term " Junk DNA" now takes on a whole new meaning. One mans junk, is another mans gold, depending on if he can access it.

Perhaps sort of the same thing you say about what you see as two branches of sapiens working against each others weaknesses instead of supporting each others strengths... nothing really advantageous about the conflict, like a bag of snakes would bite each other to death when agitated by some unknown outside the bag ...but pretty happy to be in it as one without that.

More like predators praying, on the pray rather than a bag of snakes. But, your analogy is close enough. The predators doing what comes natural, and the pray, doing what they need to to defend themselves. The same results, will be the same. Self destruction.

Are all of the Capensis evil? No. Are all of the Sapiens, Saints? No. The only way to overcome the conflict, is for the good to bind together, united, against the evil. And this is the reason the world is divided as it is. The evil is counting on the Spirit to remain divided. Because regardless of the Genetic Package the Spirit resides within, it, will always, overcome... its just a matter of time.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Brain structuring is the main difference like how methamphetamines destroy people's frontal limbic system in a chemical restructuring where there is no emotional empathetic response; even though it may "appear" like there is through actively learning to act in order to get more money for the drug most of them sound like a small child begging mommy or daddy on the toy aisle in that acting however in the crocodile tears sort of way.

Unfortunately family buys the sob story and might even find them asking like a small child cute not knowing what they are really doing with the money until the zombie makes an appearance. That stuff is very toxic and many times houses have been sold that used to process it unbeknownst to the buyers and they go out of their minds from the chemical residue left behind... if they find out what that was then soon they are just as addicted as anyone else and had no intentions or prior urge want or desire to even go near the drug.

The show/series Dexter often used the term "lizard brain" as in acting only out of the medulla and stem not really any cortex firing at all going on other than the plotting and planning used to get their "fix" whatever that may be.

I've also noticed studying bsdm culture that people role as if they are one parent or the other sometimes both to try to get someone to go through what they did as a willing victim so that the person can somehow know them through that abuse and don't really see it as abuse of another individual but sort of a mentally deranged form of cloning... what bothers the person that allowed that? Is they typically are not interested in sharing theirs in return and become sort of helpless and lost like stockholm syndrome when they want to go onto the next person and make more clones.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Crowfoot

Your analogy is of "Drug Induced" behavior can account for a percentage of, behavior abnormalities, but most definitely, not all. Situations such as Hunter Biden would fall into your analogy, but most definitely, not all.

Consider the following to be "Genetically" induced. The real "Born Bad". te-prison/

Genetic disposition, or drug induced??? Some folks are just born to be "People Eating" monsters, in more ways than one.

No follow up as to what drugs he might have been on. But, it is a convenient explanation.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

You are kinda on the right track. We aren’t shape shifters. The anunnaki lives in a mitochondrial DNA strand that has been passed down from our ancestors and contains all the memories of the Anunnaki pre-Adam. It is not fully functional and requires a frequency change on the planet to restore the mitochondria to its orginally designed state.
The Annunaki mitochondria is present in less than 1% of the world population and is found in Rh negative AB blood type. These are the pure bloods.
They aren’t from a water planet, the natives called them the water people because their eyes are blue/green. They also were called the people of Adam because their skin tone was reddish. Adam in Hebrew means red earth or red layer.
And it wasn’t millions of years ago they arrived, it’s more recent at about 12,500 years ago. It wasn’t a planned arrival. Their space-ship, Atlantis, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, the impact caused the Great Flood. Most of Anunnaki died in the crash, around 30,000 were killed. Their bodies were retrieved and buried in the Hal Saflieni temple in Malta.
The survivors numbering less than a hundred regrouped and began a plan to send a SOS message back to their home. Being so few tho they required help in this task and enlisted the help of natives by whatever means necessary. Small groups of the Anunnaki were sent in all four directions to build giant temples and other structures that could be a conduit for the signal they were going to send across space. All were the exact distance apart from one another with the central point being at the 3 pyramids in Egypt. They used obelisk crystals at all of these points to produce a laser that would send their signal back home.
It took around 9000 years to accomplish it.
They received an answer or message( in Hebrew it’s called Yahshua) in the form of a starseed. The Anunnaki will be rescued soon. As the ship gets closer their mitochondria starts becoming more active or awakening because of their telekinetic connection.
When it is in range it will remove all the pure bloods with a ray of transference light. And then Yahweh will decide what is to be done with remaining native people of this planet. We have no say in what the One decides.

“Behold, the Lord lays the earth waste, devastates it, distorts its surface and scatters its inhabitants.” Isaiah 24:1

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

The planet doesn’t work that way. It spins thus causing a centripetal force against the gravitational pull, which is why the planet bulges at the center. There are waves in the ocean, it’s not a calm and at ease body of water which means causes weight dispersal. If the glaciers all melted and the earth was slowed down or even stopped then 99% of the planet would be covered by the water. The Anunnaki didn’t bring the water, this was a water planet. They made it so that 25% more land would appear by applying certain forces to the planet.

posted on Feb, 23 2022 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: mcsnacks77
Thank you, for your creative post. By any chance, are you a member of any "Secret Societies"? They too, are quite creative

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I am a sworn enemy of secret societies, governments, and all social media. People are afraid of what they don’t understand.

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Some people use such a thing as coping instead of recreation of just rest and relaxation.

There is a strange parallel phenomenon of males being raped by other males that want to "dominate" them and think that; that does the same goes for a group of males or male that thinks a woman is too "strong" and want to dominate her as some sort of deranged way of coping with feelings of inferiority.

Unfortunately who get seen as "leaders" of countries are goaded into the inferiority complex for useless display of armaments against each other on a larger scale based on rumor gossip and speculation through all the populaces or people of the world not the perceived leaders/rulers of it... as a leader knowing thy enemy is already closest working for them is the best plan or option to cease being their enemy.

edit on 24-2-2022 by Crowfoot because: editing

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Crowfoot

as a leader knowing thy enemy is already closest working for them is the best plan or option to cease being their enemy.
It is called "Controlled Opposition", where one controls his enemies via covert control of its counter movements. Trumps controlled opposition, was ,Pence..... Etc...

This covert control has been used against mankind since its inception and the primary agents have been the Capensis, the perfect Chameleon..

posted on Feb, 24 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: mcsnacks77
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I am a sworn enemy of secret societies, governments, and all social media. People are afraid of what they don’t understand.

Now, that is true, people are fearful of the unknown. But rather than educating themselves about the unknown, they settle for someone else to educate them, and trust them, not knowing, they are being mislead.

Take yourself for instance. Sworn enemy of, exactly what? Secret Societies? Governments? Social Media? These things can be great tools for the benefit of mankind, they can unite people like no other instrument. Your targeting intangible targets, not, the enemy. Your true enemy are the ones that infiltrated those organizations/ institutions and rotted them from within.

Follow the bloodlines, the money, to find the true enemy, from within.

That would be my suggestion to you.
edit on AMThursdayThursday thAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago30211 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

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