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Posted US Election eve - A system of Hate & Solution

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posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 02:01 PM
November 2, 2020, Lee Carroll posted a video in which three prominent channelers delivered messages about the United States election, Tuesday, November 3, 2020. I listened to it some time ago but decided to replay it to see how it aged. Well, it’s sweet and tart with hints of mold, so I decided to take notes and present them, and the video, to the good people at ATS, because, well, you don’t get to see a prediction in action very often! In action because a Part 2 is predicted and it hasn’t happened yet.

US Election preview
Hosted by Lee Carroll - Kryon Channel
guests: Prageet channeling Alcazar and Marilyn Harper, channeling Adironda
Alcazar - in order for We the People to overcome corporate influence, we must raise our vibration
Adironda - Marilyn is, apparently, a liberal while Adironda is more conservative (This is the third instance I have seen of a channeler being liberal and the entity leaning conservative - they are not political but they are messengers, pro-human, pro-earth) so the best part of the message is wild and unexpected to say the least...
Kryon - the election apparatus uses hate to pit us against one another.

First up: Alcazar
Change is happening rapidly. This is about transforming consciousness. Your government is not interested in consciousness - the planet is being polluted, water poisoned but politicians, influenced by corporations, are not interested. Very few are truly interested, most give lip service.

If you wish to influence what is happening in America, raise your vibration.
COVID was no accident. (12:51) it creates separation and provides the opportunity to maintain the status quo.

Paraphrase: In 2012 our consciousness was raised dramatically. In unison, Americans said “NO.” No to billions spent on war, no to homelessness, starvation, and on and on. Those maintaining the status quo had to do something...He also makes it sound like voting is futile.

Second: Adironda

Change is coming. Whether you are on the red hair side or the white hair side, regardless. You must state your opinion and at this point, the only way to do that is by voting (I think this is Marilyn slipping through).

The one who is in office presently (Trump), it is part of his job to bring up everything that was not in integrity.

33:06 "What appears to be a country and a planet in turmoil, the story is not necessarily what it appears to be. The background, the foundation, for humanity, that is legally presented to humanity is not necessarily what you might expect it to be....There is a great deal that goes on, governmentally, that we ...understand as “wag the dog” ...

We believe this administration has made vast changes, some good. We also know that this administration is not abiding by the laws of the land...and some of which might be good and some of it might not be good.

Advice: We need to envision the most benevolent outcome for America, AND rest of the world because America leads the way.

39:46 It is extremely possible that the person who is elected in by the people will not be the one who takes the office

Key point: quit complaining and let your voice be heard
maybe it is time to move forward, plant new roots, pave the way for a new element in government, maybe a feminine element...a balance of masculine and feminine, a new government

They are human, mostly...(?!?)

Upon re-hearing, I pick up Adironda signaling pro-Kamala when she says, “there are four candidates, not just two.”

Third: Kryon
This will be a time we all will remember, not just the election but also the pandemic and everything surrounding it...

He says things are pushing us to go places we would not have gone otherwise. The last election was a wild card, Trump and the pandemic, both wild cards. There will be a part two to this election. It all depends on how you handle things.

We have free start and stop and move things anyway we wish...but sometimes, there is intervention to push us to resolve old issues that need resolution.

The planet is going through gyrations of change and this is starting to upset many.
There are those who are tired of an old paradigm where nothing gets solved. They want solutions.

Do you think either candidate would be the person to lead a team who would go for those solutions? In the field, it says, not necessarily. Both candidates represent old systems, come from old energy places and the tendency is to do things to get in office and once in, it is usually, same old, same old.

Something must take place (I read: dissolution of government structures) to push us to create solutions that weren’t available before (I read: because we were blocked by government). It’s not about who wins, it’s about what happens afterwards. (I read as: we might benefit from leveling the higherarchy.)

It doesn’t matter what side you are on, what is the picture that gets painted of the other side?

Carefully painted...carefully painted to fool you...both sides...
Carefully painted to make you think a certain way even though the facts may not be there...or correct...both sides...

What you have is a system that is about to break. It is a system of hatred. And I think you know that.

The child sex slavery, it’s coming out, and you won’t believe who’s funding it

It’s not about who wins, take a look at the apparatus, take a look at the system you’ve created...a congress more invested in stopping the other party then getting things done.

It won’t be our last old energy election.
This is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind.
I’m guessing we’re waiting for “part 2.”

Suggestion to help us move forward: Ask candidates to list qualities that would make the other person perfect for the job. Voters will still be disappointed over their lose but there wouldn’t be the hatred we are seeing now.

Trump and Hillary were asked to say something nice about each other and, truly, they did a good job of being civil, after all, the daughter’s are friends. We need far more of this; here is what it looked like:

edit on 1/23/2022 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/23/2022 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/23/2022 by BlissSeeker because: Solution

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

Many of us here had perfect 20/20 vision about 2020.

Mail In Ballot Fraud.

Now the Democrats want unaccountable mail in ballot fraud forever and I predict the 2022 mid-terms will involve massive mail in voter fraud (that you can't question or you are threating Democracy) or they will damn sure try to pass one of these bills or have an "emergency" to justify mail in voting fraud again.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

Prageet channeling Alcazar and Marilyn Harper, channeling Adironda
Alcazar -

No offense, but that's where I stopped reading. The ones who claim to "channel" anything, be it alien or some other entity, are either psychotic or a scammer.
I'm sure of them actually believe the voices in their head are real, but they never come up with anything beyond the intellectual capacity of the person who is "channeling" the entity. Beyond that, they're not saying anything the rest of us haven't been saying for years.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 03:32 PM
Yes...and we need to fix it...

a reply to: infolurker

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 03:41 PM

TextThere is a long history of creative geniuses claiming to be inspired by spiritual sources and/or altered states of consciousness: Keats, Blake, Coleridge, Huxley, Emerson, Thoreau and many more.
Integrated Intelligence is the deliberate employment in problem-solving of a wide range of human cognitive abilities spanning not only the scientifically accepted, neuro-physiological cognitive processes, but also including the non-local mind. It is my argument that integrated intelligence is processed through the brain, such that the cognitive functions are similar to those represented in scientifically accepted models of creativity and intuition and therefore incorporates mental functions which might be deemed “psychic” or “supernatural” by mainstream science, and thus typically derided or simply ignored.
The above is a really good read!

Carl Jung's theory is the collective unconscious. He believed that human beings are connected to each other and their ancestors through a shared set of experiences. It sounds like some sort of genetic memory to me. He also believed there was a 'universal consciousness' where all thoughts could be accessed and had influence on humanity as a whole. For example, the more people were collectively for or against something, the more likely to influence others into believing the same. The 'one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel' analogy comes to mind.

There does seem to be a history of tapping into information that defies explanation. Even Tesla believed he received information from aliens while in a state of meditation. Shamans, medicine men, gurus, seers and others have used various methods throughout the ages to gain access to knowledge of future events.

It doesn't matter if we call it witchcraft, meditation, magic, paranormal, remote viewing, etc. ;it's undeniable that 'something' exists and some people throughout time have been able to tap into it. 'Channeling' is just a new-age name for an ancient method of divination. What I've noticed with most channelers is there own beliefs strongly taint the information they receive. It doesn't mean some of the information isn't accurate, but that it's been unwittingly added to and/or corrupted by their personal beliefs.

There was/is a reason shamans et al go through rituals of fasting and cleansing ceremonies before each quest for knowledge; it's to keep 'self' or 'ego' from misinterpreting the information. It's easy to see the personalities and belief systems come through in today's channelers; most seem to omit the critical first step of purification.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Sure, I get it. A friend of mine tried to introduce me to Seth 30 years ago - I thought it was too weird. Then I was told that part of the Bible were channeled. Then I was told the Bhagavata Gita was channeled.
Yes, the name is odd, but, I hang out with folks from India, with names like Prageet...went to school w a guy named Fawazul from Thailand, never forgot’s only a name.

And, yes, these people, who act as messengers, are proposing ONE thing I have not heard from any one: they are offering a solution that we can execute to reduce the hate that the Media machine foments. And the sooner the better. There’s even a very, very, very simple and fool proof way to bring about world peace, by US...but nobody wants to see it.

What solution do you have for peace?

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Such wonderful things we are learning about humans, the mind, time, space, thanks for the add.

I would say that we all do it. We joke about it, for example, “oh, you’re channeling your mother,” or actors might talk about channeling a person they are playing in a role.

My understanding is that one must be well balanced and also be willing to give control over communication apparatus. That is why one should be paid to do this, they have surrendered. I was introduced to Kryon through a book first, then audio tapes. Watching someone channel is a little peculiar but no different in some ways from a preacher delivering a sermon. My sense is a really good preacher is channeling the spirit and you know when someone is channeling something real, you feel it in your gut.

As far as I can tell, this is a What Would Jesus Do moment and I feel He would want us to come together, as one and take responsibility for ourselves. - I know it was probably more then you expected...thanks again.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I read this in the Beta Reticuli Herald already...

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

I don't know Bliss. Of course we can say what we think Jesus would want, that's easy to do. Some can say as you have said that Jesus would want us to come together. Others though will say that Jesus would want us to come together but only after we have defeated all those damn heathens and false believers. So where does that leave us with that. Nowhere from how I see it. Me? I prefer to just leave Mr. Jesus out of it entirely. To many people are just going to make up what they want to make up and attribute it to which interpretation of Jesus they want to support their own perspectives. Bringing in Jesus is mostly a call to authority.

Ever notice how so often when people bring in Jesus to a conversation how a hush falls over the crowd? Say ''Jesus'' and people stop and think that what comes next could be some form of Holy Message.

To me, it's not Jesus. It's what is attributed to things that are said that he said. The Sermon on the Mount. The Beatitudes. How do words like those hold up with what we have learned about human psychology at this time. As you say, ''Such wonderful things we are learning about humans, the mind, time, space, ''. Are those words of value to existence as we are coming to know it now? And even then, how many will just call this type of thinking Satanic and dig in deeper with ''Jesus is the only way''...

For me, this whole idea of channeling is just the same, a call to authority. The authority of not only those who are from ''the other side'', other side of what exactly, but the authority of those who are held to be the channelers.''Ooooooh, what magical things they say, we should listen.''. Bosh. Listenning is one thing but believing what we hear is another.

To me, I think all that we really have along these lines is ''maybes''. ''Maybe's and If's'' . Maybe and if and then move along making a collection of maybe's and if's within ourselves individually. I think that ''believing we know or follow the truth'' traps us, hems in our ability to consider all the maybes and if's that surround us.

Once we have unfinished maybes and ifs within ourselves the ones that are realest, closest to being true can sift into our consciousness and guide us on.


posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

'one should be paid to do this' and 'What Would Jesus Do'

That's something I've dwelt on for years. Jesus sure seemed to find the churches of the day to be corrupt. His sermons weren't held in a church. He offered the gift eternal life, and never once charged a penny.

I look at organized religion and see all the beautiful buildings money can buy; all the mind control they hold over people. Resembles a cult, to me- as does the New Age movement, the Hippy movement- all the latest 'new' group think. Especially if it involves making a profit.

We all have the same gifts as a seer, psychic, shaman, etc. has. It's as much a part of who we are as any of our other senses, and each of us have the same abilities, should we choose to follow the inward path to avail ourselves to them.

We allow ourselves to be deceived; you can't follow two masters. That's the criteria I use. Jim Jones was a preacher, who many believed, and gave him their trust. Hitler was a preacher, just not in a church. He, too was believed and followed by many. It doesn't matter whether they preach from a pulpit or a political platform; if money is involved I take pause and consider the message may be corrupt. Just because it seems to be coming from the Devine doesn't mean it is.

Those who claim to have the ability to heal just by 'laying hands' on a sick person may, or may not truly possess such ability. If they do have that ability, it is a gift from the Creator, no? Jesus healed the sick- free of charge. I don't see how it could ever be justified to make a profit using a sacred gift without damage to ones' self; ones' own spirit. You can't serve two masters, and all.

Just my personal conclusions.

edit on 700000055America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:08 PM
That’s very well put and probably very true.

And I find myself getting closer to being comfortable w what is and will be.

All of this occult stuff was like a glimmering rope for me as a younger person. Searching for clues lead me to psychology classes but I found astrology and palm reading helped me see my faults and helped me did meditation. I became a reader and have read palms and charts and cups for many, however, most people don’t want you to tell them they have to correct a bad habit, they want a fast, yes, any kind of authority given to such must be done with reflection.

I have been listening and reading the info given by the Kryon for a looong time. My continued interest has to do with the pandemic and everything that has surrounded it. Having heard it from Kryon gave me instant confidence in what I felt...I didn’t share in the mom...omg president Trump has COVID, my family members not talking to me because I was going about life like nothing was happening...I feel this is a divine gift but I told my husband, a double edged one wants you to speak of being grateful, to speak of God.

In the past few years, I have read the Torah and the Old Testament and have gone on a couple of retreats at the Catholic center near family doesn’t want to hear a peep about it...I have found it all quite astonishing...

I have wondered if I did not come from a den of demons and am trying to climb my way back to God...

a reply to: TerryMcGuire

edit on 2/2/2022 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/2/2022 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 04:11 PM
I appreciate your message of caution and love your message...the true message, of inclusivity!


P.S. I did mention that there are at least three channels, one woman, a known, donation giving liberal channels an entity who loved Trump, said he had big b@lls
I never watched her but I caught this was great. Apparently, the channeler was horrified.

a reply to: nugget1

edit on 2/2/2022 by BlissSeeker because: (no reason given)

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