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Omicron & I

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posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 11:43 AM
Good day my ATS fam.

Over New Years I kept pretty quiet but it seems I have gotten the new variant (unconfirmed & pure speculation on my end). Last week monday I retired to bed and with it a half hour I had gotten a nasty fever, sore throat and headache. This lasted for two days. Upon realizing I was getting sick I took a massive dose of Vitamin D & C as well as a iodine wash.
I wasn’t terribly sick but I was definitely uncomfortable. The reason I suspect it was the variant was because of my symptoms. Of course it’s all speculation on my end but what really did it for me was last year when I had a confirmed case of rona for some reason I had TERRIBLE spine pain. It seemed to attack my spine and lower back. I’ve read about people getting acute transverse myelitis in rare cases.
This time getting sick again for about two days I could clearly tell my spine was inflamed again. Anyways, fast forward from Monday to today I’m feeling pretty good I self quarantined and stayed home from work of course. I haven’t gotten the jab and don’t plan to. I’m 30 and I’m pretty robust.
My daily regimen for being sick has been fire cider twice a day once in morning and once in evening. Large doses of vitamin D every two days as well as a iodine mouth wash every two days. Turmeric and ginger wellness shots in the afternoon and just trying to stay hydrated.
It seems here in Montana whatever this sickness is it hit FAST. I know so many people that have gotten sick since New Years. I did not go out and celebrate for New Years as it’s just another day for me so who knows where I picked it up from.
Anyways I’m wishing everyone a healthy New Years!


posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 12:34 PM
Hmmm. Too much vitamin c could cause some problems with muscle strength in the back, and excessive amounts of iodine in your system could bind up too much of the chloride channels causing muscles to become too lax. If a muscle doesn't have enough iodine, then the chloride channels are over abundant and the muscles won't relax, but the end result of too much or too little can cause some strong back pain. Things need to be balanced.

I do not know if you are getting too much of those things, I just know problems associated with deficiencies and overconsumption. I get burny but from even one larger vitamin C tablet which means my diet has enough vitamin C in it.

I did wind up deficient in Iodine and a single large iodine tablet took care of the back pain which I noticed was gone twenty minutes after the iodine supplement pill. So I studied both ways, and joint and muscle pain also occur from too much but the pain is different than what I had.

Iodine will be taken into the body from an iodine mouth wash, heck, it can be absorbed in the skin from putting tincture of iodine on it. I learned that when researching how to combat radioactive iodine if there is a nuclear accident. How fast the iodine is absorbed is relative to how much is in your body, if the yellow goes away fast, you could be deficient, if it stays iodine colored on your skin, it means you are not deficient, the longer it stays colored the more iodine in your body and cells.

This is mostly from studying research articles and conclusions reached by research groups, I am sure there are situations where it does not apply because researchers cannot test for every metabolic action, that would be OCD and it would burn up all funding before they got to write a paper on it.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

A large does of Vitamin C for me is 500 Mg and as far as povidone iodine I’m at 1% in a 25ml solution that I usually take every 2 -3 days. The reason I bring up spine issues is because when I first had covid it was much much worse and my back pain got to the point where I had to take Vicodin from it. I had a serious spinal injury when I was younger I had a pretty bad acute spinal cord injury that resulted in temporary paralysis and since I’ve been getting older it’s been giving me trouble.
I do take vitamins pretty often but I’m pretty cognizant as how much I’m taking. I get blood work taken every six months and I’m pretty well dialed in except my doc complains I eat too much dairy haha

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Thanks for letting us know of your experience getting sick in these days. I respect your vitamin & wellness shot protocol. Glad your feeling better.

Stay well and Happy New Year!


edit on 1 8 2022 by BelleEpoque because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Liquidiron
a reply to: rickymouse

A large does of Vitamin C for me is 500 Mg and as far as povidone iodine I’m at 1% in a 25ml solution that I usually take every 2 -3 days. The reason I bring up spine issues is because when I first had covid it was much much worse and my back pain got to the point where I had to take Vicodin from it. I had a serious spinal injury when I was younger I had a pretty bad acute spinal cord injury that resulted in temporary paralysis and since I’ve been getting older it’s been giving me trouble.
I do take vitamins pretty often but I’m pretty cognizant as how much I’m taking. I get blood work taken every six months and I’m pretty well dialed in except my doc complains I eat too much dairy haha

I have had spinal injuries three or four time that were pretty bad. None needed operations though, and I don't care for pain pills, I am constipated enough without them. Plus on the pain pills, I feel better and keep doing things I should not be doing which resulted in me being messed up longer.

That amount is not really that high to create a problem. Face it, you are just sore...maybe you tightened up because you weren't moving enough. If I lay down without turning, my neck gets real sore, I reposition myself about five times a night. I have gotten used to it, if I don't shift position I get a headache in the neck area that lasts a whole day.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 02:25 PM
I've been reading about an aspirin/benedryl/whole milk combo along with some extra zinc, and vitamin D, plus the nasal spray Xlear.

That's my plan for when I get it, which I will eventually even triple vaxed. It looks inevitable from what I am seeing on the TV and in the news. Not a single nation has stopped the spread with lockdowns, vaccines, or masks. The governments of the world lied, nothing works, not vaccines, not lockdowns, not masks. A simple peruse of TV news and internet news shows this to be true worldwide. Looks like we will all eventually get it. All I can do is plan for it.

Lost all trust in the "science" of our government over all of this.

edit on 1/8/22 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

I have it now, finally feeling better on day 4 and also took D! It helps!

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

I believe I had it last couple days and a bit today…… My wife and sister also experienced it the same as me…. Terrible fever for a day and awful muscle aches and extreme fatigue….. but nothing in the head, no sinuses or congestion..

That was yesterday for me 101.2-102.8 for like 6-8 hours straight and could barley stay awake.
Woke up this morning with a low fever and congestion but didn’t “feel sick” anymore..

So from all of these anecdotal accounts from my family, and yours as well as everyone else I’ve talked to, it seems Mother Nature has allowed it to run its course and like always, it has mutated to a less severe (24 hourish) kinda bout..

But my doctor recommended getting vaccinated still…. I replied with this is the sickest I’ve been in as long as I can remember; and it lasted no time at all…. Flu vaccine was never needed, and neither is this one…. Lol 🍻

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

My son has covid right now and his back hurts really bad, this is the first time I’ve heard if that symptom. May I ask how long your spine pain lasted?

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

The first time I had covid it last about a week or so. This time around it was for about three days. I’m not sure if my previous spinal injury had something to do with it or not but it’s something that I experienced. It was almost like a flashing like pain and it felt as if my discs were inflamed. Standing up was the worst having vertical pressure on it

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:27 PM
Hi! Just to add my unvaxxed Covid experience(s) to the thread...

I had COVID in Feb 2021 with no or mild symptoms. (Didn't know I had it at the time; found out later in an antibody test when I developed "post Covid rash.") I remain unvaxxed. A big reason is because I had GBS from a past flu vaxx so the vaxx is contraindicated for me.

12/22 Everyone at work on my side of the building comes down with Covid (confirmed positive tests). I was not at work that week so I was "safe." But I sent them all my "vitamin protocol" I had saved from the Fldoa site. And by "sent them" I mean I took them packages of Vitamin D (10,000 IU), Quercetin Complex (Quercetin, Elderberry, C, and Zinc), and Melatonin to their homes. There were 5 who got COVID overall; 3 were vaxxed and 2 were unvaxxed. All had the same symptoms and all were down for about 5-7 days. The oldest was 60 and was one of the unvaxxed. All were almost 100% better on Day 7.

12/31 My 20 year old unvaxxed son wakes up not feeling good. We test him - he's positive. Start him on the same protocol as above (Vitamin D, Quecetin complex, Melatonin plus 1 low-dose aspirin). Today, he feels 100%. His only symptoms were tiredness, body aches, and general feeling of being unwell the first 3-4 days. No coughing ever. No fever ever. Some nausea along the way.

1/1 My 23 year old unvaxxed complains of bad body aches. He is a coach so we test him to be safe. He tests positive. Start him on the protocol. Has not had any symptoms other than body aches the first night.

1/2 My 55 year old unvaxxed husband tests positive. Start him on the protocol. Exact same symptoms as my youngest son. Feels 95% fine today.

I thought I was going to escape it because of my past asymptomatic illness. Not so lucky.

1/5 I get the worst back pain I've had in a long time during night. Test negative in the AM. But during the day start feeling worse and worse. Just didn't "feel good." Of course, I was already doing the protocol when everyone else started getting sick. However, I added Prozac***. The severe back pain lasted for Wednesday and Thursday. Friday I started feeling mild cold like symptoms. Today, I woke with the worst sore throat I've had in years. But I don't feel bad really - my throat just hurts like a ------- -----.

(Prozac is part of the fldoa protocol and there is a ton of research on it preventing the cytokine storm. This official medical research dates all the way back to April 2020 and includes sources such as the NiH and Harvard Medical. Google it. You'll be shocked at how much info there is and always has been on Prozac preventing severe Covid illness, hospitalization, and death. Yet, it's just now being discussed as as therapeutic.)

Just adding my experience and observation to the others. From what I saw and experienced, I definitely think Omicron is mild for most. But I did have that crazy bad, weird, back pain too. It reminded me of back labor actually. And then there is this freaking SORRRREEEE throat. Other than that, I haven't felt too, too, bad at all. And I DO think the fldoa protocol listed above did help with everyone who used it.

Take care and stay well! XOXO

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:29 PM
My back pain was about 1 day intense and another half day of soreness. A heating pad helped a lot.

a reply to: KTemplar

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: nicevillegrl

That’s a really good protocol. I took a big double 10,000 IU vitamin D dose immediately upon getting sick and 1,000 mg of vitamin C. I took MSM when my back started to hurt because like you said it was bad! It happened before that’s why I was pretty sure it was omicron. It hit fast here where I live.
Vitamins definitely worked for me and help lessen the duration and harshness of the sickness. I’m kinda glad I got it. It can only help me out in the long run. I suspect things aren’t going to get any better in the future from here on out.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: rickymouse
Yeah I hear you there when it comes to pain pills it’s only a last resort for me. I know my body pretty well and it’s limits, especially being a ironworker. This spinal pain is different from being sore. It almost felt like something was attacking it. It was a flashing sort of pain that really jacked me up. Anyways I haven’t heard of too many reports on it and wanted to make a observation on it since last time I had covid the same thing happened to my spine. I go to the docs in a few weeks for some blood work and I’ll run it by him see what he thinks!
Hope all is well!

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: SeektoUnderstand
Oh the sleep I’ve been getting since getting sick wow! I’ve been better since Thursday but I’ll just be sitting in the couch and next thing I know I’m sleeping! Can’t even stop it. I take Modafinil for shift work sleep disorder i haven’t taken it since I got sick but we will see Monday if it helps get me back on my feet.

posted on Jan, 8 2022 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Liquidiron
a reply to: rickymouse
Yeah I hear you there when it comes to pain pills it’s only a last resort for me. I know my body pretty well and it’s limits, especially being a ironworker. This spinal pain is different from being sore. It almost felt like something was attacking it. It was a flashing sort of pain that really jacked me up. Anyways I haven’t heard of too many reports on it and wanted to make a observation on it since last time I had covid the same thing happened to my spine. I go to the docs in a few weeks for some blood work and I’ll run it by him see what he thinks!
Hope all is well!

I read a while back that the virus could in some cases attack nerve tissues. But I have not read any follow ups on that anymore. They probably are not funding research like that which might dissuade people from taking the vaccine.

posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: [post=26294357]nicevillegrl[/

Thank you liquidiron and nicevillegrl, I’ve been pushing the elderberry zinc and manuka honey as manuka honey had anti inflammatory benefits.

Heating pad, good idea.

edit on 9-1-2022 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2022 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

Day 4 since covid test confirmation, although I truly believe I started on last Tuesday night, that was when the chills and coldness started, but there were no tests available so my official date is: Jan 14, though I believe it was Jan 11.

It’s still hanging on, and I’m glad I got the. J&J previously, and discovered Eyptian licorice tea. I feel like if you are run down to begin with if it affects the outcome and how long it can last.

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 05:03 AM
Thanks for letting us know of your experience getting sick in these days. Glad you feeling better.

Take care

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