posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 12:44 AM
originally posted by: lux666
Did you know that someones said that their found the Mount of Moses in Saudi Arabia?
based on archaeological discoveries and cultural traditions,
Actually in the Moses story, there is only 1 place that qualifies as the Red Sea in the past that Moses could have crossed.
The majority of the Red Sea is thousands of meters deep, uncrossable even if the water suddenly vanished.
Except one spot. Imagine a world with a different coastline. During the last glacial maximum, the coastline was 112-117 meters below present sea
During the time of Moses, the world coastline was minus -40 to -27 meters below present sea level. There was no Gulf of Suez at this time. The Suez
was a salty - brackish lake used for fishing. Past this lake south of Ras Gharib, Egypt and El Tor of Sinai, there was a dam. So you have Suez lake
and the river going to the Red Sea and at the end, there was a dam/dyke system.
They were trying to stop the Red Sea from flowing backwards into the Suez lake (minus -27 meters to minus -40 meters below present sea level).
But remember, there was a drought during the 10 plagues of Egypt. So that region was passable on foot directly from Egypt to Sinai. And all it would
take is a rainstorm and the Red Sea would have backflooded into the Suez, turning the Suez lake into the Suez Gulf.
Moses and the Israelites crossed at the dam/dyke area south of Ras Gharib and El Tor, which is the point where the Red Sea would have flowed into Suez
lake, flooding the lake with sea water.
No archeology underwater allowed in that region. Oil companies won't allow it. Because the region was once land, it is rich with oil.