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Minerva and the Illuminati.

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posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 07:41 PM

edit on 4-12-2021 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

The elixir of life, also known as elixir of immortality and sometimes equated with the name philosopher's stone, is a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth.

The first known instance in literature is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh where Gilgamesh fears his own declining years after the death of his beloved companion Enkidu. He seeks out Utnapishtim, a Noah like figure in Mesopotamian mythology in which he was a servant of the great Alchemist of the rain who later became immortal, to seek out the advice of the King of Herod of the Land of Fire. Gilgamesh is directed by him to find plant at the bottom of the sea which he does but seeks to test it on an old man before trying it himself. Unfortunately, it is eaten by a serpent before he could do so.

Nano gold has some possibilities as a treatment for cancer, the metal in plants is found in the form of nanoparticles and colloids. I've made a bit of colloidal silver, it's OK, but not quite the universal panacea it's made out to be.

How Doctors Are Harnessing the Power of Gold to Fight Cancer

Can the precious metal hold the key to killing cancerous cells?

Investigated external alchemy a few years back, most of the paths to finding the elixir of life involving metallurgy are secret society based, often Rosicrucian, and don't work, the proof being all the famous authors of the texts died. I figure this is the Hebrew part of the alchemical legacy.

Rosicrucians tie in with the founding of Freemasonry and the Illuminati.

Its members claimed that the leaders of the Rosicrucian Order had invented Freemasonry and only they knew the secret ...

...Yeah right.

The more modern iteration of plant based alchemy is known as Spagyrics, herbal medicine produced by alchemical procedures, a term made up by Paracelsus in the 1500's from ancient Greek spao “to draw out”, and ageiro, “to gather”. 

Again most of the texts are from western secret societies, but the tradition can be traced back to the much older Hermeticists, they are interesting and some work, being herbal remedies, likely parts come from Egyptian heritage, which in turn came from the Sumerian.

Father Enki answered Nincubura: "What has my daughter done? She has me worried. What has Inana done? She has me worried. What has the mistress of all the lands done? She has me worried. What has the hierodule of An done? She has me worried." (Thus father Enki helped her in this matter.) He removed some dirt from the tip of his fingernail and created the kur-jara. He removed some dirt from the tip of his other fingernail and created the gala-tura. To the kur-jara he gave the life-giving plant. To the gala-tura he gave the life-giving water.

Then father Enki spoke out to the gala-tura and the kur-jara: " (1 ms. has instead the line: One of you sprinkle the life-giving plant over her, and the other the life-giving water.)

Mercury, from cinnabar ore, and various other toxic metals like bismuth are the main ingredients in external alchemy. Many of the traditional practitioners ended up stark raving mad from Mercury poisoning, not much in the way of safety procedures in those days.

The effects are so evident that they have generated sayings and cultural references: the talkative hatter from Alice in Wonderland reflects the English tradition. Being ‘mad as a hat’ is a popular expression — these artisans used mercury to tan and treat hides. The famous Isaac Newton is also believed to have suffered from chronic mercury poisoning from his alchemical hobbies

Which could partially explain the otherwise incomprehensible actions of the renaissance and "enlightenment" Freemasons, Sabbateans, and Illuminati, who were often also alchemists. Add that to the drugs, alcohol, disassociative evil practices, and demonic archetypical channelling, paints a fairly clear picture of a very murky subject.

Even colloidal silver can be dangerous if the electrodes or the water aren't pure, produces silver nitrate, as evidenced by Papa Smurf, the much touted blue guy.
edit on 5-12-2021 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

You may just have solved the minor mystery of how Sarah Silverman was transformed into a blue elf, but in general the point is made that religion should never be simply about the spiritual but that in conjunction with the transformative energies, the sages who founded religion also being concerned with medicinal secrets

Salves (and) bandages: tested (and) checked, which are ready at hand,composed by the ancient apkallus from before the flood, which Enlil-muballit, apkallu of Nippur, bequeathed in Šuruppak

In this case the colophon credentials a human being as the possessor of antediluvian knowledge (i.e., medical recipes). Revealed by primeval apkallù, mediated to the human sage Enlil-muballit, and transmitted, presumably, by means of various copyists to the present possessor

Much of the tradition of Mystery schools involved re-discovering archaic secrets rather than discovering anything, which made it highly susceptivle to charlatans.

During the time that follows this period, nothing new is invented, the original revelation is only transmitted and unfolded In the oral tradition of scholars, their role as mediators between gods and men is indicated by the Akkadian phrase ša pî um-mānī “from the oral tradition of the masters”

The entire corpus of crafts like exorcism, medicine, omen interpretation , ritual lamentation , and astrology consisted of “secrets of the scholars” (ni ṣirti ummānī ), and “secrets of the antediluvian sages” (ni ṣirti apkall ī ).

All texts of traditional Mesopotamian scholarly sciences, both practical and theoretical, were secret documents

Kings and Sages

It seems that humanity was set up on a long path of re-discovering what an earlier group had already known, which makes the Biblical position of identifying this group as the basis of all evil highly problematic, were it generally just seems they wish to aquire those secrets for themselves anyway proclaim this very clever and kill off everyone else, all their motiviations are of the worst sort and something of a treasure hunt, they need to factor in that the group that set this in motion would have been the exact opposite in terms of motivation and ideals and they're highly unlikely to get away with anything, when treasure is finally discovered that's normally when people start to kill off the competition.

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

Cool how this came around again, my favourite thread 😊

These were the seven antideluvian sages (Apkallu).

Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",
Uannedugga, "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",
Enmedugga, "who was allotted a good fate",
Enmegalamma, "who was born in a house",
Enmebulugga, "who grew up on pasture land",
An-Enlilda, "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",
Utuabzu, "who ascended to heaven".

Oannes (Uanna-Akkadian) was the first sage, well known from the Greek version of the story, where he gave all the knowledge of civilisation to humankind.

Instructors and advisors of kings, their vast wisdom passed down through time and turmoil to the post-deluvian Sumerian sages (Umannu).

The Apkallu came from, and returned to, the abyss. They were depicted as fish men, sources of fresh water were thought to draw their water from the abzu, like the spring of Sulis.

apkallu’s, who after the flood regained the Apsû, is contained in the Epic of Era, where Marduk says that he “made these wise men go down to the Apsû” (ummânī šunūti ana apsî ušēridma, I 147), together with the precious materials needed to fashion the divine statute

In Mesopotamian tradition the abyss was located within the Constellation Crux, the Southern Cross.

The star to its side, the Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti, within which one sees the Abyss (The western part of Centaurus)

The two stars that are behind him, Shullat and Hanish, Shamas and Adad (Two stars in Centaurus)

Modern astronomy came to the same conclusion and called it the Coalsack Nebula

This is reflected in popular culture, where
it is often associated with dark powers, as it always was.

In the Milky Way, near the Southern Cross, occurs a terrible circular abyss, the Coal Sack. So sharply defined is it, so suggestive of a void and bottomless cavern, that the contemplation of it afflicts the imaginative mind with vertigo. To the naked eye it is as black and dismal as death, but the smallest telescope reveals it beautiful and populous with stars. Lestrange's eyes travelled from this mystery to the burning cross, and …

Yet also with creation.

originally posted by: Madrusa

Aliens from the general direction of a dark Nebula isn't particularly specific, but the mythology connected with the associated pointer stars, Alpah and Proximi Centaurus being the closest to Earth is much more intriguing as these were associated with Bull/Bison man as the guardian of the Abzu, Lahmuin Sumerian tradition and Ditanu in Akkadian, the Assyrians, Ugaritic and Babylonians all claimed the Rephaim Ditanu as the legendary ancestor.

The bull man with Harrow then seen at Dendera is derived from Lahmu guardian of the Ab-zu, Ditanu the Bull man, and that connected to the greater cult of Enki and the emergence of life from the sea, including his daughter Nanse who arrived on the foam of the sea, this translated into Classical tradition as we shall see below.

They can also be seen bringing forth Venus and her son Eros/Cupid from the shores of the sea, and like her could be understood as translated to the star Anunitum the Fish of Pisces, that derived from the Sumerian cult of Nanse.

The two pointers are called the two cockatoo's in Australia, they point at the southern cross, and give a vital clue as to where the Cabal is centered, both figuratively, literally, and traditionally (antideluvian). As we have seen, Sethians draw their stolen knowledge from the sages of old, and are the cult of the abyss, of darkness and destruction.

The association is not casual as also Cockatoos in Australian Aboriginal tradition can represent the pointer stars, and this is a cult based at Celestial South

Epstein's temple on Little Saint James Island.

In Oz some of us conspiracy researchers would say "It is known".

I have personal links, threads, evidence that places this land known as Australia as the hub of government sanction/ global child trafficking and genocidal practices

Australia's Illuminati Headquarters

What I can verify is that Australia is the centre of international Satanism and has been since I started researching back in the early 1990s

Here we find traces of the antideluvian cult of the abyss, Sethians come up again, as they do, until the problem is removed.

1886, a group of Jesuit missionaries journeyed to the Daly River region of northern Australia to bring Christian civilization to the aboriginal tribes living in the area.

One Austrian Jesuit, Father Kristen, developed his own theory that some of the frontier whites, especially in the government and police, were members of a global conspiracy that were seeking to corrupt the interior tribes and recruit them into Freemasonry.

He made bizarre comparisons between the aboriginal language and Hebrew, and also linked the name of one of the tribes, Malak Malak, with the ancient Canaanite practice of human sacrifice to the god Molloch. He eventually concluded that the Aboriginals had invented Freemasonry and must have exported it to Europe centuries earlier.

I found it very odd when looking at supposed discovery of esoteric books from Syria when the Australian flag was illustrated complete with Kangaroo and Emu, which can represent the Southern Milky Way with it's head as the Coalsack constellation, 3.03 mark this video.

And a pair of cockatoos as the pointer stars here at 0.29 mark.

edit on 6-12-2021 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2021 @ 07:50 AM
Post Removed By Staff
edit on 12/6/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2021 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Madrusa

Probably not the best place to add this, but i was watching a Disney Duck Tales Christmas special and while it was big on Santa and Christmas and giving, I did see a penatagram on top of the Christmas tree in one scene. Not a star, more like a pentagram. Santa was a polar bear which wasn't that in some weird NWO movie 20 years back? The Polar Bear King.

posted on Dec, 22 2021 @ 04:18 AM
edit on 12/22/2021 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2021 @ 09:34 AM

edit on Thu Dec 23 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2021 @ 09:24 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 15 2022 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Madrusa You're on the track but you didn't go back in history enough. Minerva is the Roman version of the Sumerian Queen of Heaven and Earth - Inanna who is also the Goddess of War, Love, Beauty, Sex, Justice and many other things. In fact, SHE is the original resurrection story that is from the oldest written story in human history. She beat "Death" (her older sister Eriskigal) after her sister killed her for her hubris of also wanting to be the Queen of the Underworld and then she was hung on a pole for three days until her Grand Uncle (creator of the Earth) had her resurrected. This story predates Christianity by over 6,000 years. When you follow history, her story was adapted by the Egyptians and later the Hebrews and then the Christians. And as usual having the oldest and ORIGINAL God and Goddesses every other civilization afterwards took the Sumerian Gods/Goddesses and made their own versions. So, you need to start there. Then you have to understand the Dragon's Bloodline (aka the Merovingian Bloodline). If you don't think such a thing exists you are wrong. In fact, much like the Vatican, the Dragon's Bloodline has it's own Nation State called "The Royal and Imperial Dragon Court of the Order of the Dragon Sovereignty". It is quite literally a Nation State of the Merovingian/Dragons Bloodline. When you say "Illuminati" you are referring to that Bloodline as it rules the world and nothing major would ever happen without them doing it themselves or allowing others to do things. If you truly want to get to the truth of your thesis, I suggest you read the book "The Dragon Legacy: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline. by Sovereign Grand Master Nicholas de Vere. He quite literally spilled MANY secrets of the order and pretty much gave a history of the world with the Merovingian/Illuminati/Magicians bloodline. His second book is a geneological history that goes back a to the time of Yeshua/Miriam and that branch of the Merovingian Bloodline as all of the Royal Kings and Queens of the world and Europe and Russia until modern times.

BTW, the owl you mention? It quite literally is from Inanna as well. In fact one of of the oldest carvings in human history of Inanna is her with her lions and owls. My Profile Picture is that carving from Iran that also has some coloring on it called "The Milk of the Stone" and you can clearly see her owls there from about 8,000 B.C. - well before the Roman Empire. Like I said, you are on the right track. Dig deeper on your own if you choose to take this amazing journey for yourself while you discover truth or youc an simply read the books I mentioned and it will not only show you your own thesis but will show you the TRUE history of the world and those who run it. I tell you this from my own knowledge. You see, I am a Merovingian - the 366th one born and living in the U.S. and can gladly show you my proof from "The Order of the Merovingian" and The Royal and Imperial Dragon Court of the Order of the Dragon Sovereignty. Secret Societies running the world aren't a conspiracy theory. People have no idea what really happens. Cheers!

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 06:38 AM

a reply to: PurpleSun

posted on Jan, 16 2022 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: PurpleSun

There are problems with what you wrote, what you suggest for Inanna may be more appropriate for later cults of Ishtar were a great many other Feminine Deities had been assimilated into her cult, but more important than that Eresh/Urash (Kigal/Queen) was the Deity of Planet Earth dwelling within the interior and not Death, she was complimentary to Inanna in terms of Heaven and Earth and of course it was up to her if people got regenerated from it, the Earth.

The actual nemesis of Inanna in terms of opposites was Dimme/Lamashtu were both were considered the daughters of Anu and Lamashtu was the crazy one that ate babies for breakfast and a causer of death, the evil bloodlines you seem fond of i would consider derivative of Lamashtu's cult and nothing to do with Inanna, in later Semitic tradition Lamastu was associated with Lilitu

The Merovingians did inter-marry with wealthy Jewish families and i suppose they all claimed to be related to Jesus and King David i just don't see that as a good thing.

Lamastu daughter of Anu

edit on 16-1-2022 by Madrusa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2022 @ 11:26 AM

edit on 1/20/2022 by Blaine91555 because: spam

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: primalfractal
a reply to: Madrusa

Cool how this came around again, my favourite thread 😊

These were the seven antideluvian sages (Apkallu).

Uanna, "who finished the plans for heaven and earth",
Uannedugga, "who was endowed with comprehensive intelligence",
Enmedugga, "who was allotted a good fate",
Enmegalamma, "who was born in a house",
Enmebulugga, "who grew up on pasture land",
An-Enlilda, "the conjurer of the city of Eridu",
Utuabzu, "who ascended to heaven".

Oannes (Uanna-Akkadian) was the first sage, well known from the Greek version of the story, where he gave all the knowledge of civilisation to humankind.

Instructors and advisors of kings, their vast wisdom passed down through time and turmoil to the post-deluvian Sumerian sages (Umannu).

The Apkallu came from, and returned to, the abyss. They were depicted as fish men, sources of fresh water were thought to draw their water from the abzu, like the spring of Sulis.

apkallu’s, who after the flood regained the Apsû, is contained in the Epic of Era, where Marduk says that he “made these wise men go down to the Apsû” (ummânī šunūti ana apsî ušēridma, I 147), together with the precious materials needed to fashion the divine statute

In Mesopotamian tradition the abyss was located within the Constellation Crux, the Southern Cross.

The star to its side, the Harrow, the weapon of Mar-biti, within which one sees the Abyss (The western part of Centaurus)

The two stars that are behind him, Shullat and Hanish, Shamas and Adad (Two stars in Centaurus)

Modern astronomy came to the same conclusion and called it the Coalsack Nebula

This is reflected in popular culture, where
it is often associated with dark powers, as it always was.

In the Milky Way, near the Southern Cross, occurs a terrible circular abyss, the Coal Sack. So sharply defined is it, so suggestive of a void and bottomless cavern, that the contemplation of it afflicts the imaginative mind with vertigo. To the naked eye it is as black and dismal as death, but the smallest telescope reveals it beautiful and populous with stars. Lestrange's eyes travelled from this mystery to the burning cross, and …

Yet also with creation.

originally posted by: Madrusa

Aliens from the general direction of a dark Nebula isn't particularly specific, but the mythology connected with the associated pointer stars, Alpah and Proximi Centaurus being the closest to Earth is much more intriguing as these were associated with Bull/Bison man as the guardian of the Abzu, Lahmuin Sumerian tradition and Ditanu in Akkadian, the Assyrians, Ugaritic and Babylonians all claimed the Rephaim Ditanu as the legendary ancestor.

The bull man with Harrow then seen at Dendera is derived from Lahmu guardian of the Ab-zu, Ditanu the Bull man, and that connected to the greater cult of Enki and the emergence of life from the sea, including his daughter Nanse who arrived on the foam of the sea, this translated into Classical tradition as we shall see below.

They can also be seen bringing forth Venus and her son Eros/Cupid from the shores of the sea, and like her could be understood as translated to the star Anunitum the Fish of Pisces, that derived from the Sumerian cult of Nanse.

The two pointers are called the two cockatoo's in Australia, they point at the southern cross, and give a vital clue as to where the Cabal is centered, both figuratively, literally, and traditionally (antideluvian). As we have seen, Sethians draw their stolen knowledge from the sages of old, and are the cult of the abyss, of darkness and destruction.

The association is not casual as also Cockatoos in Australian Aboriginal tradition can represent the pointer stars, and this is a cult based at Celestial South

Epstein's temple on Little Saint James Island.

In Oz some of us conspiracy researchers would say "It is known".

I have personal links, threads, evidence that places this land known as Australia as the hub of government sanction/ global child trafficking and genocidal practices

Australia's Illuminati Headquarters

What I can verify is that Australia is the centre of international Satanism and has been since I started researching back in the early 1990s

Here we find traces of the antideluvian cult of the abyss, Sethians come up again, as they do, until the problem is removed.

1886, a group of Jesuit missionaries journeyed to the Daly River region of northern Australia to bring Christian civilization to the aboriginal tribes living in the area.

One Austrian Jesuit, Father Kristen, developed his own theory that some of the frontier whites, especially in the government and police, were members of a global conspiracy that were seeking to corrupt the interior tribes and recruit them into Freemasonry.

He made bizarre comparisons between the aboriginal language and Hebrew, and also linked the name of one of the tribes, Malak Malak, with the ancient Canaanite practice of human sacrifice to the god Molloch. He eventually concluded that the Aboriginals had invented Freemasonry and must have exported it to Europe centuries earlier.

I found it very odd when looking at supposed discovery of esoteric books from Syria when the Australian flag was illustrated complete with Kangaroo and Emu, which can represent the Southern Milky Way with it's head as the Coalsack constellation, 3.03 mark this video.

And a pair of cockatoos as the pointer stars here at 0.29 mark.

Hi Primalfractal,

I understand your reasons for posting this about aliens however i don't comment, however many secret societies align the stars and astrology to Sirius and Alnilam for important events in history, we need to look at Canberra as well as the Federation of Australia, but firstly i have to explain the method:-

This is achieved by the most ancient astrology being Parans or Paranatellonta, aligning by visual means as in astronomy.
There are four auspicious directions, Due East or Due West at location, which is the horizon. Due South is the highest point that a star can culminate, as they rise in the East and set in the West, however in the Southern Hemisphere, stars culminate at Due North. In our Northern Hemisphere,(Britain, Canada etc.), Due North is the Nadir.
There are 3 ways that a day can be divided, modern midnight, Egyptian day marker, being Sunrise, Greek day marker being Sun set of previous day.

This means Sirius can align at location 12 days out of a year within one degree= 3x4=12 days
This means the same for Alnilam which can also align 12 days a year at any location= 24 days out of 365 days of a year.
Stars double up so 22 days!
edit on AM3131Sat, 22 Jan 2022 07:36:31 -06002022nd31amSat, 22 Jan 2022 07:36:31 -0600 by AstroStar because: Adding info

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 08:47 AM
It looks like the illuminati do align to these stars link to first page below when i was Astronomer62:-
However so do a lot of other secret societies, so i can not be sure the Illuminati was involved with Canberra and the Federation of Australia with establishment dates.

The Federation of Australia happened in Sydney on 1st January 1901 in Sydney, Australia, we don't have to worry about Summer Time as that didn't come in until W.W.1.
Sirius was culminating at Due North at midnight day marker so auspicious, link to graph below:-
It was also marked at sunrise day marker when Alnilam, Belt of Orion was setting along the Horizon in the West, graph below:-

As shown on program below, the day started with prayers at noon, therefore if Sirius was culminating at midnight at the location of Sydney on 1st January 1901, then Sirius would be on the Nadir, Due South at Noon so they appear to be praying to Sirius and Isis and didn't know it, so was a bit naughty!

Please note i did read your link about the Illuminati and Canberra:-
I'll look at Canberra on next thread section.

edit on AM5831Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:55:58 -06002022nd31amSat, 22 Jan 2022 08:55:58 -0600 by AstroStar because: Adding link.

posted on Jan, 22 2022 @ 10:25 AM
If you look to the right of link, you will find quote below:-
"Coordinates 35°17′35″S 149°07′37″ECoordinates: 35°17′35″S 149°07′37″E
Population 431,380 (June 2020)[1] (8th)
• Density 503.932/km2 (1,305.18/sq mi)
Established 12 March 1913

So Canberra was established as Capital in waiting on 12 March 1913, ancient Greek daymarker is previous sunset being 11th March 1913, when the Belt of Orion was culminating at Due North:-

I could show a lot more but will leave it with a Legend of Australia, HMS Sirius, link below:-
If you read a report about the ship below you find it was originally named the Berwick, but was renamed Sirius on 12th October 1786:-
I think the location of HMS Sirius during the time of renaming would be Deptford near estuary of River Thames, where shipbuilders were during that time, perhaps the ship was having a refit, anyhow we know ableseaman John Conway joined the crew on 28th October 1786 at Deptford, link below:-
Please find two links below that show ancient Greek daymarker being previous sunset being 11th October 1786, as Sirius was on the Nadir or Due North, i would be astonished to find that this was not by deliberate human involvement:-

posted on Jan, 23 2022 @ 01:41 AM
Almost all Governor-Generals that act for the Queen in Canada and Australia are Knight Hospitallers of the Order of Saint John, which is as near as you can get to the disbanded Knight's Templar, i have no idea if they have a secret role.
"OTTAWA—His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, was invested today as a Knight of Justice in the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem and was installed as Prior of the Priory of Canada, in the presence of the Lord Prior of the Order, Professor Anthony Mellows. The ceremony took place in the Senate Chamber, in Ottawa."

posted on Feb, 2 2022 @ 03:15 AM

edit on 2/2/2022 by TheRedneck because: Removed for Spam

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 05:13 AM
Canada Day or Dominion Day was aligned to Sirius on the Nadir at midnight day marker, read about it below under my old name Astronomer62:-

posted on Feb, 3 2022 @ 05:19 AM
Perhaps "In god we trust" gives us a clue why secret societies align to Sirius and the Belt of Orion:-

edit on AM5028Thu, 03 Feb 2022 05:29:50 -06002022rd28amThu, 03 Feb 2022 05:29:50 -0600 by AstroStar because: Edit

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